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The romance of babs and frost


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"Come on, frost!" Babs said to frost. "I want to show you something." Babs walked out of the tardis. She had things planned for the both of them today. Things that were so great, actions spoke louder than the titles of the activities! She was so excited to hang out with her boyfriend today!

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"Ok hold on ill be right there" Frost said as he exited the Tardis. "So where are we heading today" Frost asked happy to finally spend time with Babs with what has been going on lately he is just glad nothing will interrupt their time together. "Im so happy to finally spend time with you Seed" Frost said.

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Babs blushed, like my signature.


"Well, I used to make a little fort in the everfree forest by myself when I was younger. I didn't have that many friends. In fact I didn't have any friends at all. I made the fort out of old clubhouse parts and a abandoned house. I decorated it a little. But I haven't seen it in a long time! Do you want to come see it, Frosty?" Babs asked frost.

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"Sure I would like to see it" Frost said wanting to see the fort Babs made in the Everfree forest. "Everfree forest...I haven't been there in forever since I was sent here and got lost" Frost said as both Frost and Babs arrived at Everfree forest. "So where is the fort at in the forest"

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It's near Zecoras hut. Babs said as they walked inside the spooky forest. "I don't know why the everfree forest is is scary. I like to hang out her a little bit. The forest isn't as scary as the long lost Time temple though. Here we are! The fort actually looks like the Cutie Marl Crusaders clubhouse." Babs and frost walked inside to see a wooden room with 2 beds and a drawer. The room was filled with blue, babs favorite color.

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"Wow its pretty nice here" Frost said seeing what its like and seeing all the blue. "How long did it take you to do all of this cause this is better then what I can do" Frost said. "I dont see why this forest is scary either well there's the Manticor but he's pretty nice" Frost said as he remembered going here and meeting the Manticor.

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(Skip to 20 then stop at 25)




Babs said. "I've never really met the manticore before. Come on! Lets watch the sundown!" Babs said as she left the clubhouse to a hill that overlooked the sun. She sat down, watching the giant orange ball come down. It slowly came down under the hill.

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Frost sat next to Babs and watched the sundown with her on the hill. "I never seen the sun go down before...never thought it would be this beautiful" Frost said as the sun disappeared and saw the moon rising. "We should head back home now dont you think Seed" Frost asked

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"Wind gave us permission to stay the night at the clubhouse. Wind has a dinner party, so he said its ok." Babs said. "Listen, thanks for sticking around, Frosty. I love you." Babs caressed frosts face as she kissed frost under the warm sun rising down slowly.


It was a good day to be a filly.

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"I love you too Seed" Frost said as he embraced the kissed he never wanted to leave Babs...he never wanted her to leave him he wouldn't know what to do if Babs left him. "I will never leave you Seed...not even if the world is ending" Frost said hugging Babs tightly.

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"I would never leave you too, Frosty. You're the love of my life." Babs said to frost. "Lets go to the fort." Babs walked to the fort and layed down next to frost in a comfy bed.


"You don't mind if I sleep with you in the same bed, right?" Babs said to frost, blushing. She felt happy

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"uh no i dont mind" Frost said blushing. "I dont mind at all" Frost said as he shivered a bit. "Forgot how cold the forest can be at times when it's night time" Frost said as he shivered more. "I wonder what we will do tomorrow...hopefully nothing bad happens tomorrow either" Frost thought to himself

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Babs curled up with frost.


"I have things planned for both of us. And thanks for saying about you not leaving me. That was so sweet." Babs said. They made out for like a long time. Babs didn't want it to end. They eventually slept at 2.






The next day



Babs got out of bed. She went to the little kitchen, and got some eggs that were bought a week ago. It wasn't expired. She made eggs and put it on plates. She went next to frost and kissed him.


"G'morning Frosty." Babs said.

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"Morning Seed" Frost said as he smiled and kissed Babs. "So what are we gonna do today...besides stay in a forest all day" Frost joked as he got out of the bed with a messy mane and yawned. "Anyways how are you this fine morning Seed" Frost asked trying to keep a conversation

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"Good. Good." Babs said to frost. "Breakfast is ready. I made some eggs. Do you like eggs? Or do you just want pancakes?" Babs was nervous that she made the wrong food for frost and he won't eat it and he will starve and he will DIE! Or that's what she thought, anyways.

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"I like eggs and pancakes so cool" Frost said while smiling. "Anyways what are we planning on doing today" Frost said as he was half asleep still until he tripped and landed face flat on the floor. "ow" Frost said as he got up. "that hurt" Frost said as he got up from the floor

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(This song will fit the story.)



"Well the summer harvest festival is here, so we could see the cutie mark crusaders, so we might be able to go there and see the floats! And then we can go to the crystal empire! How does that sound to you, Frosty." Babs said as she gave frost pancakes on the table in the little kitchen. And eggs, too!

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"That would be cool...i wonder what kind of floats will be there" Frost said wondering about the Festival. "The Crystal Empire...sure that sound great also then that means our day is pretty much gonna be alot of fun" Frost said while he ate his food and smiled.

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"Well, my friends are going to be there, so that will be great! We get to see a bunch of floats, and maybe even Celestia herself! This is going to be awesome! Hold on, I need to check something." Babs kissed frost and left. She opened her mailbox and found some mail. She went inside to eat breakfast with Frost.

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"The only thing that could ruin this is if someone try to take you away form me...but that will never happen right" Frost said as he finished eating his food and got up. "This day will just be perfect" Frost said as he left the tree house then he heard a roar. "Huh?.....that sound familiar....where have i heard that roar before" Frost said staring at the direction of where the roar came from.

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"Manticore, right. They are everywhere in this forest. I remember I went back in time with Wind to see the return of the Elements of harmony. I saw the origins of Twilight, Applejack, and the rest of the Mane 6. It was actually pretty fun. Also, I saw my first manticore there. But there was no Wind in the past. Why is that? I thought he was part of the Elements as well. Why leave him out?" Babs said to Frost

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"Ye-" Frost was interrupted by a baby Manticore jumping on him. "Heh hey buddy how have you been" Frost said talking to the baby Manticore. "We should take you back to your mommy so she doesnt get angry at you or us and try to kill us" Frost said as he walked further into the forest. "Ill be right back Seed just taking the baby here back to his mother" Frost said as he took the baby Manticore to its mother

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Babs said nothing.




They walked to ponyville to see all the floats being made.


"Why do I have to wear a pear? I don't like pears!" The doctor said to somepony.


They found the cutie mark crusaders building the float, the golden apple, the same from last year. They saw Babs and Frost and quickly hugged her.


"BABS!" They all said.


"Who's this?" Scootaloo said, looking at Frost.


"Oh, that's frost, my boyfriend." Babs said. The CMCs all gasped.


"You have a boyfriend?" Sweetie belle said.


"Lucky!" Apple bloom said. "C'mon! Lets take you to the mane 6!"

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"Nice to meet all of you finally" Frost said. "Um can we not see Rarity I think she might still be mad at me for a little incident that happen a week or 2 ago" Frost said knowing he cause trouble with Rarity a while ago. "So anyways who are we going to see first"

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"Everypony." Sweetie belle said.


"Hey, ponies." A voice said. A filly with a gray coat and pink glasses came by.


"Aren't you supposed to be mean to us, Silver?" Apple bloom said,


"Nah. I'm not a jerk like diamond. I ditched her after that fight. So ho-" Silver spoon didnt finish her sentence. She saw the most horrifying thing.


"Diamond is driving your float." Silver spoon finally said. Everypony turned around to see that face.


"Well, Frosty, Diamond came back, and it's our job to fight." Babs said. She jumped in the float and went inside

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