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The romance of babs and frost


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"Great just my luck" Frost said as he followed behind Babs onto the float. "Diamond Tiara what the buck are you doing on this float....that isn't yours in the first place" Frost said as he glared at Diamond. "Get off the float and we wont have a problem like last time...or do you want to get hurt like last time" Frost said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"YOU!" Diamond said as she threw frost out of the float.


"Now, it's just you and me, Bad Seed!" Diamond mocked babs.


"NOPONY CALLS ME BAD SEED!" Babs said. She threw a punch at diamond. Diamond threw a punch at babs. They kept on fighting. The wheel flipped as the float was about to go sink in the river.

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"Frost caught him sefl and saw where the float was going. "I got to stop the float..." Frost thought as went to the float and got babs off just in time before the float sunk into the river with Diamond Tiara still on it. "She better hope she can swim" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Ugh. T-thanks frosty." Babs said to frosty. She hugged him.


"I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, FROST! NEXT TIME!" Diamond tiara said, floating in the river.





Prancing pony inn, Canterlot.


The CMCs, babs, frost, and Sliver Spoon were eating at the prancing pony inn.


"And then frost got me off just in time for the float to sink. Diamond survived, though." Babs said.


"Well, at least you didn't commit murder." Silver Spoon said.


"So, frost, tell us a little about yourself." Scootaloo said.

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"Um sure" Frost said answering Scootaloo's question. ""As you know my name is Frost and i was born in ponyville and raised in a orphanage i was adopted wen i was five and the parents I got weren't really the caring types. They would always leave to head somewhere and leave me with a babysitter...but everything turned out fine...well besides Diamond Tiara trying to hurt us but besides that everything is fine" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I HAVE AN IDEA!" Apple bloom said.


"What? What is it?" Babs said.


"Lets have a sleepover!" Apple bloom said. A long pause filled the cutie mark crusaders table.


"You do know we have a boy here, right?" Silver whispered to Apple Bloom.


"That's fine!" Apple bloom said. "It'll be a gender free sleepover."


"I've never had a sleepover before." Babs said. "Well, if you don't count me sleeping with Frosty at the same bed." Babs blushed.

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"Um a sleepover" Frost said. "I had never been to a sleepover before...or had one" Frost said as he thought. "It's going to be weird being the only boy....i need to not worry besides not like anyone gonna tease me for being the only boy there" Frost thought to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Um a sleepover" Frost said. "I had never been to a sleepover before...or had one" Frost said as he thought. "It's going to be weird being the only boy....i need to not worry besides not like anyone gonna tease me for being the only boy there" Frost thought to himself

"Well, this is going to be a first for both of us!" Babs said. "I guess me and frosty will be there! Will this be at the barn, since frost can't go to the boutique, and I don't want to be hosting it."


"Of course, babs! It's going to be at the barn! Applejack and WindWaker will set it up! This is going to be the best sleepover ever!" Apple bloom put her arms around everypony on the table and put them really close to her.


"Yeah." Babs said, sarcastically.


Sweet apple acres, 8:00.


Everypony's sleeping bags, 5 small bags, were put In a corner. The CMCs, sIlver spoon, babs and frost were huddled around.


"First game, babs. You choose!" Silver said.


"Um, truth or dare?" Babs said.


"Good. I pick first question." Sweetie belle said. "Frost, truth or dare?"

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


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"Uh dare" Frost said knowing he would have to do something crazy as it always turns out in truth or dare if some one chose dare. "So what is it you dare me to do" Frost said knowing he could take anything they throw at him just as long as its not too embarrassing

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(I will pick the most daring thing a filly can do. Not even the great button masher can handle this braveness level of epic proportion. I thinly of know what this means, frost. Everypony does.)


"I know what dare I want you and babs to do." Sweetie Belle said.


"KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS!" Everypony chanted Except babs and frost.


"Okay. Here it goes." Babs said. She leaned in and pressed her lips against Frost. Babs blushed.

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((You never met me then i can handle anything thrown at me...except a boulder))

Frost blushed as Babs kissed him and closed his eyes. "Best sleepover ever" Frost thought to himself as he pulled away from the kiss. "Ok your turn Apple Bloom truth or dare" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Apple bloom thought about it for a moment. She could just answer a simple easy question, that would probably embarrass herself, but she wouldn't feel guilty, or she would pick a dare. Probably kiss Sweetie Belle or something. Apple bloom sighed.


"Give me your best dare!" Apple bloom said.

<p>My blog about doctor whooves and derpy: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/And my other Doctor whooves and Derpy related thing: http://mlpforums.com...oves-and-derpy/I am Bearsie, THE RP MASTER! And a Babs Seed lover...


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((Time to pull out my book of the most interesting dares thought it cant be too interesting ))


Frost thought for a bit and smiled "I dare you to Go outside and run around. While running, scream "My husband/wife has run away, please help" Frost said wondering what Applebloom will do will she chicken out or will she actually do it

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Um, ok! That sounds weird and it might be embarrassing, with ponies thinking I got married early which the age of marriage is 14, but I guess I'll do it!" Apple bloom shrugged. She went outside and and ran around yelling, "My husband has run away, please help!" The CMCs, and Silver Spoon was laughing. Babs wasn't. She was just looking confused.


"Um, this isn't that interesting for me, but you got the other fillies to start laughing their flanks off." Babs said to Frosty. Apple bllom went inside.


"Now, Frost, again! Truth or dare?" Apple bloom said to Frost

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Frost stopped laughing. "Oh um truth this time" Frost said waiting for the question so he can answer it knowing if he chose dare he might have to do something embarrassing after what he made Apple bloom do. "So whats the question" Frost asked waiting to answer.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(This has got to be a question that has to do with both babs and Frost.)


"Hold on, I need to go to the bathroom." Babs said. She left the room.


"Anyway, who did you share you first kiss with? It's babs, isn't it?" Apple bloom.


"No, duh! He spends his entire life with her now!" Silver spoon said.

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"My first kiss was with Babs so Silver Spoons answered that for me" Frost said answering the question. "Anyways whose turn is it next" Frost asked thinking who should be next. "I say it Silver Spoons turn so truth or Dare Silver Spoons" Frost asked Silver Spoon.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Silver spoon thought about it for a moment. She could just answer a simple easy question, that would probably embarrass herself, but she wouldn't feel guilty, or she would pick a dare. Probably kiss Sweetie Belle or something. Silver spoon finally decided.


"Truth. I hope this ones good!" Silver said.

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"Why do you hang out with Diamond Tiara" Frost asked wondering why she would hangout with someone so...annoying, snotty, and bossy. "Simple question just answer it" Frost said waiting for an answer from Silver Spoons about his question. "Better be a reason why she hangs out with her" Frost thought to himself.

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Silvers spoon eyes widened. She didnt expect to hear those words again. Silver spoon sighed. She couldn't just not answer it. She had to tell.



"Me and Diamond were good friends. She was nice to everypony. But her parents had a divorce. She turned rotton, like one bad apple. And the saying goes, one bad apple spoils the bunch. She got her cutie mark by being mean to others. I got it by the exact opposite. But Diamond forced me to bully others for power. Then, the fight happened. I finally came to my senses and did the only thing I could do. Ditch her as fast as I could. You all are so nice to me. Thank you." A long pause plagued the room. "Anyways, lets stop playing this and ask a very important question! Who is the cutest in the group!"


"I'll pass." Scootaloo said.


"Me too." Babs said.

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"wow...i didnt know about Diamond Tiara...you think there is some way to change her back to the way she was" Frost asked everypony. "I dont want people to be like hat forever...they should be happy and not bully everyone" Frost said thinking of a way to change Diamond Tiara back.

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"I guess I'll pass to. I'm not technically CUTE, but I am pretty adorable. Just my opinion though!" Silver spoon said.


"We'll, it's just you and me, Sweetie Belle." Apple bloom said.


"I WIN!" Sweetie belle said with enthusiasm in her voice.


"Lets just go to sleep. There's a meteor shower at 2:00, so we need our rest!" Babs said as she got in her sleeping bag and slept


"Who's going to turn off the light?" Sweetie belle asked.


"I guess I'll do it." Apple bloom said. She got up, turned off the lights, and went to sleep.





"Wake up, frosty! It's a meteor shower!" Babs whispered to Frost, shaking him to wake him up.

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Frost woke up and saw the meteor shower. "Whoa...its beautiful" Frost said since this is his first time seeing a meteor shower. "I have never seen a meteor shower before...I'm glad i got to see one" Frost said smiling. "Seed do you ever wonder if you can change people back to who they were...like try to change Diamond Tiara back to being some who is nice and not mean all the time" Frost said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Meh. It worked for me, I guess."


Babs hugged frost. A tear went down her eye. She was sad and happy at the same time.


"I love you so much, Frosty. I will never leave you in a million years!" Babs said. Everypony awed. Babs kissed Frosty.


"This has been the best sleepover yet!" Babs said to Frosty.

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"I will never leave you either Seed" Frost said. "Tomorrow...im going to try to change her...cant have someone always trying ruin our lives can we" Frost said looking at the sky. "If people can change then I know its possible" Frost said. "Its always possible" Frost said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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