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open September (Based on The Living Tombstone)


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Hey guys!


In case you don't know I loveThe Living Tombstone and I love his work. I look up to him like He's Rainbow and I'm Scootaloo. Anyway My Favourite song of his is September and its probably his most popular! This songs story is about Him waking up to something 'big' that defeated the ponies. As he strolls through all the dead ponies he gains some of his memories back and finds out that some crazy pony set off an explosion. Just listen to the rest of the song and you'll find out.


Let's get some ground rules first


1) You may use OCs or Background ponies. No mane 6 though.

2) No Alicorns or overpowered ponies.

3) No taking over other characters. You may make them say small talk like "hey" or "pretty good" but no plot changing choices.

4) Use brackets or parentheses to talk OOC

5) Only one pony may play as the Villain. This pony must have lots of experience with roleplaying and must message me if they want the part.

6) As the host I have the ability to give ponies flashbacks every once in while. If these ponies accept the must have the message -flashback- before showing their small yet informative flashback. If they decline the will show the message. (No thank you) and I will edit my message to another character.

7) A maximum of 6 ponies (including the villain) can be in the Roleplay. That means that five spots remain. I will update the names accordingly.


I will be using my OC Neon Lights. You should include your OC that you may be using in your signature.


Let's begin!


( I forgot to mention that when using these 'example' is for First person thoughts. and "example" is obviously for speaking. Also you can only have one character per user)


'What the hell is going on? What....what happened? Who.....Holy Crap...I can't remember a thing. Something big happened. Did Nightmare moon come back and destroy ponyville? I hope every pony is ok.'


Neon had been holding hands with a white pony with a blue mane and Purple Glasses. When he got up he felt a sharp pain on his leg. It must of hit a tree or something. He straightened his tie and suit and picked up his glasses. "These are obviously mine" he said to himself. He put them on and looked around. The trees were all black and the leaves had came off of it. He looked at the destroyed homes and landmarks of ponyville. He limped along the fallen city and saw plenty of horrifying ponies that were laying dead and heartless.


'This is not good. I'm not very good at surviving by myself. I hope there are other ponies around that I can help. I really need some help with my leg. Maybe I should call put to somepony.'


"Hello? Any pony out there?"


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Golden Dreams felt lost. She knew she had just escaped the lab, but she had no clue what this place was. What is that? Why does it look like that? Why do those things move? How am I moving? Questions stormed through Goldre's mind. She knew that she was different, but by how much? She had two large things stuck to her back, but what were they and what did they do? She wandered aimlessly til she heard somepony calling.

"I am here, I think? Am I here? Or am I there?" Goldre asked.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"I am here, I think?". This pony seemed confused as he was. He coughed and walked to where he heard the other pony through the blackish mist that had suddenly formed. Eventually he came to a pony with a yellow coat and golden hair (I'm not really sure what Goldre looks like. So I'm just going off of the G2 Princess. I can change it if you want!) "Hi." Goldre stared at the stallion. Somehow she remembered him. But where? "I'm. Um......I don't really know." Goldre seemed stumped as well. "You can't remember anything too?" Neon asked. She shook her head. "Should we look for others to come with us?" He asked. "Sure." She replied. They Started walking together in search for other ponies. "So what should I call you for now?" He asked. The mare tried as hard as she could to remember but nothing came out "My name started with G." Neon thought. "How about Gem?" Golden seemed to like the name. "That'll do for now. What about you?"


'My name? Ugh.....I have no idea. I mean My cutie mark is 3 lights so what would that mean my name is 3 Lights? That sounds stupid.'


"Really....I don't remember anything at all. At least...no I don't" Neon sighed. He had no Memories or anything. He was just. Here.


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"I'll tell you all I know: I was asleep and I haven't ever been awake except when...I can't remember his name...well, some dude put me out for a while. He'd take me running and write something down. Then I'd go back to the tranquility of my Suspension Tube, where I floated around in a gelatin with no need to breath, eat, or anything. Ponies would watch me, but I was too calm to pay attention. They all had white lab coats. But today, some weird guy broke my Suspension Tube! I was spilled into the world, unprepared, with these three winds on my butt and these big...thingies stuck to my back. Do you know what they are? Oh, by the way, I found this sticker on my back. I can't get it off or read it. What does it say?" Goldre blabbed.

                       GOLDEN DREAMS


                  TEST SUBJECT 12

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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(Sorry I haven't been posting on role plays recently. Too busy studing CSTs!)


Neon just met this pony and didn't want to hurt her feelings but...she hadn't been too sensitive to anything. She pretty much explained her story. Some sort of experiment or something.


"Golden dreams huh? Nice to meet you Golden Dreams." He shook hooves with the pony even though they had sorta been introduced to each other. "So what now?" Golden Dreams asked. "No idea! I guess we should find some others. What ever has happened was big. Very big. I'm not sure what caused all this destruction." Neon walked off towards what looked like an apartment complex. Goldre looked at him curiously. "Coming?" Asked the pony. Golden swiftly caught up to the stallion.


*I can't remember what happened in September*


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Wick wandered about aimlessly through the shattered fragments of a reality that simply vanished from his mind. He did not know what happened. He did not know why he was there. 'I do have wings, though,' he commented assuredly to himself as he glanced over his grey coat. That was about the only piece of comfort now. Lifeless ponies lay scattered about like the discarded rag dolls of bratty, disgruntled foals, and the weight of dread that towered in his mind was almost unbearable. "Anypony out there?" he called to the emptiness, wondering if another soul had been lucky enough ... or unlucky enough ... to survive whatever it was that had happened. 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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As Neon and Goldre walked and talked they tried to remember their lives but of course couldn't. It would have to come back to them separately. Just as they said that the found the remains of an abandoned looking building. They came to a decision to look around a bit. To gather information.


"Hey come over here for a second" The golden yellow mare called. As Neon came over he noticed the poster she was looking at. 'No...this couldn't be......'




"I don't wanna be in a 'fight'with my best friend just to make some money". Neon complained. "Don't worry about it. It's only gonna be for like 2 days." Vinyl said whilst chewing a chocolate bar. "So are we going to the record store or what?" The white unicorn asked. He hurriedly caught up to her while blushing.



*end of flashback*


Neon stood silently staring at the poster. "She was my best friend." Neon said to himself. "Then why were you guys enemy's here?" Goldre asked. "To make some extra money I guess. In the end it was better if we Worked together." A single tear fell from his eye. He was sad. His best friend in the whole world.




"Hello? Anypony out there?" A voice came from outside. Neon and Goldre turned to the noise and nodded their heads together. The ran towards where the voice had come from.


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Wick swore he heard rustling, but what did he know. His head ached and the landscape wasn't one to remove a dreary disposition. He moved slowly towards where the sound had came from and heard the distinctive pattern of galloping. 'Now, is this something I want to find or not?' he thought to himself, bracing himself for whatever fate had in store. 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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[sorry, I was up in KY @ a Taylor Swift concert]


A thought tugged at the back of Goldre's mind. She tried to ignore it, but it seized her.


Scientist: Good, good. Now try flapping your wings.

Goldre: Wings?

Scientist: Ya know, those things on your back.

Goldre: How?

Scientist: Don't you have muscles there?

Goldre: Muscles?

Scientist: (sigh) You really need a knowledge implant.

<flashback ends>

Goldre looked at the feathery appendages on her back. Did they move? She tried them. They shuddered but obeyed. She almost tried to run from them in fright. At that point, she noticed the other pony's tears.

"Hey," she asked softly. "What's wrong?"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fire Horn awoke from some unknown sleep, his vision was blurry, he could barely see a thing.

"Fire! Wait, where am i?" Fire Horn thought to himself. He was in the wreck of a building, it

was about to collapse, it was also on fire, Fire Horn got to his hooves. He jumped from the top of the building, lucky him, something exploded behind him. He landed not too far from some ponies, he could hear them talking.


((Fire Horn has been semi-blinded by something unknown.))

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"The pony I was with.....she was my best friend.... Somepony is out there. We should get them." Neon started to walk out the building. Goldre walked by his side. "So what was it like being in a lab thingy?" Neon asked Goldre. "It's nice and comfy in there and the tests aren't for very long but...I feel like something's missing." Neons ear twitched. "I heard something....." He looked to his left. An explosion at a burning building happened. "Hello?" He heard a voice behind him. "Over here!" Neon yelled out. He could barely make out the outline of a Pegasus walking towards him.


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Goldre scratched her head, puzzled.

"Why is it that I feel as if... I lived before those tests?" she asked herself.



A yellow pegasus pranced happily in the sky. Goldre watched in sorrow.

"Don't worry, sis," the stallion yelled down. "You'll fly one day too!"

"No, I won't," Goldre sniffed. "Doc says that my wings ain't gonna get any better."

"Sure they will! Just you wait!" came his gleeful reply.


(Much later)

"You the new volunteer?" a gruff griffon at the Rebellion Labs' from desk asked.

"I is," Goldre replied.

"Bring your luggage this way," the griffon replied monotonously.

Goldre glanced around.

"I ain't got nothin but mah puny little wings that don't even work!" Goldre yelled.

"Right this way, then," the griffon gestured with a claw.

Goldre took a deep breath and surged through the entrance.

"You miss Golden Dreams?" a scientist asked immediately.

"I am," Goldre replied.

"Come with me," he led her into a room. "Sit here, please."

Goldre clambered into the recliner chair and lay face-up.

"Face down, please," the scientist commanded.

Goldre turned over. The scientist strapped her hooves down with tight lashings.

"Miss Golden Dreams?" a mare entered the room.

"What?" Goldre asked.

"We will begin now," she said.

"I'ma ready," Goldre whispered.

<flashback ends>

Goldre recoiled at the recollection.

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Fire Horn  was dazed and confused from falling out of a building, he couldn't see very much, all he could see was two blurry outlines in the distance, he assumed these were ponies. So he started walking slowly towards them.

"Hello? Are you ponies? What happened?" Fire Horn asked.

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Wick meandered out of the dust. He had grown tired of waiting in anticipation and opted for action instead. He definitely heard another pony's voice, and the thrill that he was not alone perked his spirits. "Hello," he answered loudly, approaching through the chaos and disaster to find the pair. "Are you alright?" he asked them. For whatever reason, he felt as though he had to. He already knew the answer; no pony seemed alright now. Something bad had obviously happened, and he couldn't even remember who he was. What he did know was that in the depths of his mind, he kept hearing a voice that told him to fly -- and fly fast. 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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Goldre felt weird. She spread her wings and flapped. Both worked. She hadn't moved them enough to fly, but they worked.

The sun set.

Goldre felt strangely tingly. She looked at her legs. Claws had begun to appear.

"Um, sir?" she called to Neon. "What's this?"

Claws sprouted from her hooves. Her legs began to turn blue.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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The ponies must not have heard him so he spoke up again as he walked ever slowly towards them.

"Hello? Who's there i can't see you but i can hear you?" Fire Horn called out.

He heard the flapping of wings and the sound of hooves on dirt but that could just be his own.

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"Hello? Is there somepony else out there?" Goldre called. She left Neon and followed the voice. "Hello?"

She began to run. She ran until she ran straight into poor Fire Horn. She tumbled head over hooves over him and into a bush.

"Oh....crab apples...." she muttered. "What was that?"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Fire Horn tumbled over because of somepony who knocked him over, his hooves were flailing in the air,he got up onto his four hooves but was a bit wobbly.

"Hello? Who was that?" Fire horn asked very scared as he couldn't see what had "attacked" him, who knows what kind of creatures are out and about here?

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"Hello? Hello?" Goldre asked. She dragged herself out of the bush. She spotted Fire Horn.

"I am SO sorry!" Goldre said. "I should've been watching where I was going! I heard somepony calling and I followed the voice...wait, was that you who was calling? You sound just like the voice..."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Hello? Are you a pony?" Fire Horn walked towards the sound of the pony's voice, revealing his damaged eyes. "Why can't i see you? I just assumed it was dark." Fire Horn was confused, he had no idea what happened, no idea who this weird pony was. His eyes were really sore.

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"I'm right in front of you!" Goldre exclaimed. "Can't you see me? I'm waving my hooves...nothing? Yes, I am a pony. My name is supposed to be Golden Dreams, but that's a mouthful, so I'm shortening it to...Goldre. Who are you?"

Goldre examined the newcomer. He was brick red with a brown-chestnut mane and tail.

"What's that on your forehead?" Goldre squinted. "It looks pointy..."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Fire Horn looked blankly in front of him, confused at the pony's question.
"I'm a Unicorn, this is my horn." Fire Horn said, pointing at what he thought was his horn. "Anyways, i can't see anything so i think i am now blind. My name is Fire Horn by the way, i was born in Ponyville."

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"Fire Horn? Oh, now I know what you're talking about. I was born in a laboratory. The scientists were all unicorns. It seemed a bit racist...are you lost?" Golded asked.



Scientist 1: She's good. Her wings have been blown up to normal size. Initiating electrodes. She should wake up.

S2: Oh, Celestia! Turn it off! Off!

S1: Dead...

-much later-

S1: Test number 17. Wings are blown up 4% larger than originally. Initiating electrodes...

S2: Crap, dead...again...

-much much later-

S1: Test number 69. Wings blown up three times larger than a normal pegasus'. Initiating electrodes...

S3: Will she ever stay alive?

-much much much later-

S1: Test number *sigh* 309. Wings are larger than Celestia's, for crying out loud. I don't feel like measuring them...initiating electrodes...

(collective gasp)

S2,3,4 and 7: Well, what do ya know? It worked for once!

<end of flashback>

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School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Well, i'm blind so i'm always lost i guess." Fire Horn attempted a smile, but something was stopping him, it was either the situation they were in or the fact that he didn't feel like it at all. "You'd think there would be a spell for this kind of thing. Is there?"

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"I can lead you around if you want," Goldre offered. "They might, but I don't know for sure because I'm not magical. Does magic consist of spells? I thought that it just did what you wanted it to. Have you always been blind? Am I being too nosy? The scientists told me I am..."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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