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About The Looks of the Humanised Girls

Mushy Giant Friend

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Okay, so I'm guessing that about 90% of people on here hate the appearances of the human six, right? Well they could just be the stock images for the show. I'm guessing I don't make much sense here so I'll add some more words and pictures so I can (Sort of) make more sense.



Okay. I'll admit that RD and AJ look a bit... Urgh, but the others look kinda cute.

We all know the mane 6 to be diabetes inducingly cute, right? But some of their stock images are quite weird.

150px-Rarity.jpg  150px-Canterlot_Castle_Rarity_1.png



I mean, what's up with rarities' eyes in these? Slightly creepy.


Again with the eyes... And just about everything here. AJ, you're not Derpy, stop trying.

Okay, back to the point. My Little Pony itself has some pretty terrible stock images (I would find more if I could be bothered), and if I saw them before I was a Brony I would have thought the sow would be awful, which is what I think the situation is with Equestria Girls. Maybe they're just some bad stock photos too?

DISCUSS. NOW. tongue.png

Edited by Sapphire
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Honestly, I don't think they look bad. Like you said, AJ and Dashie look a bit off, but on the whole I think they're pretty decent visual interpretations. By the way, they're anthropomorphized, not humanized.

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Honestly, I don't think they look bad. Like you said, AJ and Dashie look a bit off, but on the whole I think they're pretty decent visual interpretations. By the way, they're anthropomorphized, not humanized.

But... But that word is too big for my brain to comprehend! I mean, I knew that they were anthro, but I really didn't know that big word.

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But... But that word is too big for my brain to comprehend! I mean, I knew that they were anthro, but I really didn't know that big word.

Heh, fair enough. I'm just sort of a stickler for that, as it always annoys me when people confuse those two words. I just end up sitting and stewing as people around me call anthros humanized and humans anthro.

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The main problem is that the designs are WAY too busy and complicated.


The proportions aren't cute, they're skinny and look weird. The skin colour is obnoxious and distracting. The boots look both incredibly dumb and ugly. The clothing is too complex for their skinny size. The cutie marks on their cheeks are distracting. They have wings but not horns. Their hair looks like it's made of plastic. RD is either wearing shorts under her skirt, which is dumb, or her underwear is showing, which is creepy. The designers clearly put no thought into this, creating cookie-cutter figures with no thought as to how the characters would actually dress.


In short, the original characters were created with several principles in mind: to show a wide variety of personality, to have non-stereotypical female characters, and to highlight each one's unique differences from each other. With one picture Hasbro has taken a steaming crap over that vision.


Now, I don't hate Hasbro for this, they're entitled to make money off their IPs and much better franchises have had far worse cash grabs. However, we, as the consumers, have to draw a line. Therefore, if any one of you spends any money towards this shit I will personally drive to your house and punch you in the face. Just FYI.

  • Brohoof 13
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The main problem is that the designs are WAY too busy and complicated.


The proportions aren't cute, they're skinny and look weird. The skin colour is obnoxious and distracting. The boots look both incredibly dumb and ugly. The clothing is too complex for their skinny size. The cutie marks on their cheeks are distracting. They have wings but not horns. Their hair looks like it's made of plastic. RD is either wearing shorts under her skirt, which is dumb, or her underwear is showing, which is creepy. The designers clearly put no thought into this, creating cookie-cutter figures with no thought as to how the characters would actually dress.


In short, the original characters were created with several principles in mind: to show a wide variety of personality, to have non-stereotypical female characters, and to highlight each one's unique differences from each other. With one picture Hasbro has taken a steaming crap over that vision.


Now, I don't hate Hasbro for this, they're entitled to make money off their IPs and much better franchises have had far worse cash grabs. However, we, as the consumers, have to draw a line. Therefore, if any one of you spends any money towards this shit I will personally drive to your house and punch you in the face. Just FYI.




I mean you have a point with the fact that they are way too skinny etc, but I'm personally willing to give it a shot. If it's crap it's crap!

Also wearing shorts under your skirt is pretty normal around here and it's not dumb... I'm just saying.

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... Wow. The only problem that I really see is that their shoes come up to their knees... looks kinda awkward, I think. I don't really see an issue with their hair, though... I've seen much more plastic-looking hair in other pictures, this hair actually looks pretty natural to me. And I've also seen lots of people wearing shorts under skirts... It's generally done to avoid showing underwear if the person might do something active, like running, or say, flying. The action Dash is known for. So, yeah, I would think she would almost definitely wear shorts under her skirt, if she were to wear a skirt.


Beyond all that, the fact that the new character designs aren't amazing doesn't mean it'll be crap. I'm still gonna give it a shot. 

Edited by Nilkad_Naquada
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My guess is that these are promotional images for how the toys will look and not exactly how they'll look in the show. The franchise is mechandise-driven and it seems likely that they'd design the toys, which would ideally make them the most money, first. Needless to say I don't think I'll be buying any of those.


Likely the show-runners will have better sense than the toy designers and use better looking designs that portray the characters better (and are a bit easier on the eyes). These designs don't really fit with the ones from the original series and won't make for a very smooth transition.


EDIT: As of recent events, it would appear I was right.

Edited by Solar-Karma
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I am not sure why they would retain their coat colors however.  If this takes place on our own world, I am quizzical as to how anyone else will even question why they look like so, complete with wings.  Maybe I am missing on a lot here however.

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Ah, the Equestria Girls. They look so anorexic, and yes, wings do look odd in the human world, and yet, they all have these.


Unfortunately they look more like anthro than human. It's just, strange in my tastes.

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I still take these designs with a pinch of salt.  I find those designs very hard to believe. 


Ah, the Equestria Girls. They look so anorexic, and yes, wings do look odd in the human world, and yet, they all have these.

Maybe they've been drinking Red Bull!

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The main problems I have with the humanized characters is this:


1. Their skin should not be the same color as their coats were when they were ponies, in pony form it is their COAT that is a certain color, not their actual skin, we don't know what color any pony's skin is because they haven't shown a bald pony in the show yet, but even if it happens that their skin is actually the same color as their coat, humans still do not have colored skin, there is only one factor that determines a human's skin color and that is how much melanin is present in the skin. I think they should have gone a different rout, like taking the base luminosity of their coats color and translating it into a human skin color, like what the maker of this video did, I think it works out very well:



2. Why did they keep their wings? Humans don't have wings. And regardless even if they did get to keep their wings then why did they not keep their horns as well? It just doesn't make sense.


I acknowledge that I may be putting too harsh of standards on this seeing that it is a little girls show, but I wouldn't like it anyways if it didn't meet these standards whether it is a kids show or not. MLP: FiM meets these standards surprisingly well and that is one of the reasons I like it so much.

Edited by Crimzo
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It does alarm me that they have wings, but yes it's a kids show, and the fact that they have colored bodies shouldn't be surprising considering that hair colors in anime are also pretty unnatural too.


I just hope they don't overload little kids or the subculture of bronies with the "girly stereotype" and the negative traits that go with it.

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The main problems I have with the humanized characters is this:


1. Their skin should not be the same color as their coats were when they were ponies, in pony form it is their COAT that is a certain color, not their actual skin, we don't know what color any pony's skin is because they haven't shown a bald pony in the show yet, but even if it happens that their skin is actually the same color as their coat, humans still do not have colored skin, there is only one factor that determines a human's skin color and that is how much melanin is present in the skin. I think they should have gone a different rout, like taking the base luminosity of their coats color and translating it into a human skin color, like what the maker of this video did, I think it works out very well:


They are actually not suppose to be 'humanized'. They are anthro. In simple words anthro means 'an animal with humanized shape'. (not humanized features, a humanized SHAPE)





2. Why did they keep their wings? Humans don't have wings. And regardless even if they did get to keep their wings then why did they not keep their horns as well? It just doesn't make sense.


Basically what I said above...they are anthro, not humanized. And I'm not sure why they didn't give them horns.





I acknowledge that I may be putting too harsh of standards on this seeing that it is a little girls show, but I wouldn't like it anyways if it didn't meet these standards whether it is a kids show or not. MLP: FiM meets these standards surprisingly well and that is one of the reasons I like it so much.


If you don't like the show then don't watch it. 

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Now back on topic to the looks of humanized ponies, shall we? True, a lot of people aren't going to like the spinoff, but I'll wait and see if this is worth anything or not.

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Unfortunately, they do have the stereotypical short girl skirts seen in many japanese anime. And well, what's with RD having the shortest skirt? Not to mention; PINK. Oh dear. . .

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I don't mind the designs as anthropomorphized, but that's the thing: they're supposed to be human. They're cute, but it doesn't seem to make sense to me with what I know of the plot. I think they should look more human.

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If you don't like the show then don't watch it. 


I didn't say I don't like the show, just that I don't like the character concept art, OP wanted peoples thoughts on the characters and I gave mine. And anyways if I didn't like the show then that's exactly what I would do, why would I watch a show I don't like? Your comment seemed very hostile seeing that you used both bold and underline, and I really don't appreciate that.

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I didn't say I don't like the show, just that I don't like the character concept art, OP wanted peoples thoughts on it and I gave mine. And anyways if I didn't like the show then that's exactly what I would do, why would I watch a show I don't like? Your comment seemed very hostile seeing that you used both bold and underline, and I really don't appreciate that.


Sorry, I misread your post. When I first read it, it seemed you were simply giving out hate towards the show.


I'm getting quite sick of people going around saying that they won't give the show a chance and throw insults at it.

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Sorry, I misread your post. When I first read it, it seemed you were simply giving out hate towards the show.


I'm getting quite sick of people going around saying that they won't give the show a chance and throw insults at it.


It's alright. I know what you mean about when people go out of their way to bash something they don't like, why don't they just not watch it and not bother everyone else? but I'd like to point out that there is a difference between voicing your opinion out on your own, and voicing it when you are asked for it. For me I don't like the character art and I'm not going to go around bothering everyone about it, but in this case I was asked for my opinion and so I gave it. Even if I was giving out hate towards the show there would be no problem because the whole point of the thread is to say what you think, if I hate the show then that's what I think. But to be clear I don't hate the show, it hasn't even aired yet so I don't know what it will be like.

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The only thing I really don't like about their designs is the whole wings/no horn issue. Either have both or have none at all...The inconsistency is confusing o.O


But otherwise, I really like the look of these :) But I'm more looking forward to the dolls than the movie. The clothes and bad fashion choices don't bother me - I'm hoping that the dolls will be able to fit other fashion dolls' clothing, so that if I don't like the stuff they come with I can just swap it out for Monster High or Barbie fashions :D And the characters themselves look really adorable, but heck I've already sold my soul to MH so I guess that crazily super-cute, anorexic style is perfect for me. If the dolls look like these (which they very well may not...companies are usually pretty dang off with the artwork) then I'll be happy.


I dunno, I'm optimistic for this :D

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It doesn't make the character designs any less hideous. The colors are still ridiculous. The wings are still ridiculous. They still don't look remotely human. Humanoid aliens from the Tau Ceti system, maybe, but humans? No bucking way. Stock images or not, the designs are still crap. 

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I've always felt there was something off about the anthropomorphised mane 6, I put my finger on it early yesterday. They are quite reminiscent to the Bratz Dolls, which I never liked the aesthetics of. Admittedly they haven't got the over sized heads and features, but it's the body shape. There are a number of other things I dislike and design inconsistencies the I feel make no sense but I won't go into them.


When it comes to the film I'm willing to give it a shot, but I won't see it in the cinema. Partially because I live in a small town and the cinema won't be showing it, and partially because I'd rather view it at home first before I commit money to it.

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