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I figured I shouldn't just sit around for days and not post anything...I'm just a tad hesitant to post since I'm so incredibly new to MLP.


As for who I am, I'm (at the time of writing) 23, but will soon be 24 (OH DEAR GOD! I'M OLD!) I'm female, unsure of my major, and a bit of a singer. For over a year, I swore that I would never be a Brony. When watching the first episode this past winter, I remember feeling as if I would "vomit rainbows". Granted, in the long run, that's not exactly what happened! :P I waited for months, assuming that MLP Friendship is Magic was just ridiculous, girly, and very childish (not that I'm exactly "mature", so none of the logic really added up). Recently, however, a friend decided it was time to "infect" me, and turn me into a Brony. Well, it literally took them all of two days, and really it's not so bad! The show is exactly as Bronies say...it's does get better. In fact, the whole show seems to now be a glimpse into my brain. After all, I've been told I'm silly and random enough to write children's shows. :P


Anyway, when I was first introduced, before I had truly watched many episodes (of course I'm still on the first season, but I digress), I asked my friend which pony I would be. He responded, "You would be 100% Pinkie Pie". I tend to agree now. If cartoon characters could incarnate, I'd probably be the incarnation of Pinkie Pie...I'm always singing, always writing songs, extremely talkative, random, and in person beyond hyper and bouncy. I'm told I have boundless energy, not to mention as a child, I made friends with inanimate objects when lonely, as I hear Pinkie did in one episode. :P I do get "feelings" about things as well, and have a pretty accurate "third eye", so that adds up too. Of course, also like Pinkie Pie, I tend to get overwhelmingly weird for some. For this reason, my username is self-explanitory.


So anyway...Hi!

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Yeah with all the descriptions you told in your post you do sound to be an awful lot like Pinkie Pie. Not that it is a problem though since she is mostly happy and always trying to brighten up people's days. Anyway welcome to the forum! I am really happy you decided to post so that we can finally meet you! Feel free to look around and find different topics of discussion here. I hope you find lots of great people to talk to and I hope you have a wonderful day!



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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Thank you! <3


Out of curiosity, is Brony a term for only males? A friend just told me that...


Also since I'm a "Blank Flank", I should totally join the CutieMark Crusade! Haha...bad joke!

Edited by PinkiePieClone
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Brony is most commonly referred to as Bro+Pony=Brony. However this meaning as changed from a gender name to just a name to classify a fan of the show. Female fans are called Pegasisters but you can call yourself a Brony if you would like. Doesn't really matter in the long run. XD



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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Thank you, Winter!


Yeah, "Pegasister" doesn't have as much ring to it as "Brony". tongue.png

Yeah I agree. Many of the fans that I know are girls and they prefer the term Brony aswell so your not alone. lol



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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Hey there glad you finally decided to join the da.. I mean the brony side, we have pastel colored ponies ;).


I think mlp after you get into its really great, it not only is a good show, but something about I makes you a Better happier and even nicer person to. Plus the community here is just awesome :).


I can remember being hesitant to post here myself to when I first joined, I was still taking in he fact I was getting into mlp a kids show, this was a month after I started watching. I kept saying I wasnt going to get involved in this, and we turns out I ended up doing so! Now I have like 3000+ posts and I love ponies and the show even more! Not to mention this place :D


I also like to sing, I sing in my room and sometimes elsewhere, but I don't know if I'm all that good honestly, I wish I was better because I don't think that highly of myself, I really don't even know how good I am. Although I do play trumpet so I have some musical knowledge.


I suppose I'm ok, I thought about singing a cover of an mlp song and posting it, but I've been trying to improve my singing first. Maybe you have some cool tips on singing idk? :)




Anyways i hope you come to love this place as I have! And hope to see you around!

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Yes, Nygen. I do agree. MLP is very comforting. I am kinder, I think, since I started watching it. I'm more loving.


At the moment, though, I'm having a pretty rough night. We (my family and I) will be moving soon, not really our choice, and I just found out my nose piercing got infected, despite taking good care of it. I'm really not my bouncy self at the moment...


*Goes to watch more MLP*

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Edited by ____
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Nygen is just everywhere...

Welcome, PPC. I'm sure you'll be a great member of the community.



Thank you! I'll do my best to be active in this community! I sometimes wander away from places for short periods of time, though. :P

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