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The Breakdown of a Relationship


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Everything that lives must die. 


Has any important relationship you've been in (friendship, partnership, romance, family bond, etc.) ever deteriorated away for a reason that you believe you could've prevented? What caused the relationship to crumble? Are you still on talking terms? What do you think causes the breakdown of any sort of relationship, offline or online? 

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Ive had this happen a few times to me. For some reason I cant fathom why things just go haywire, but its really weird. Its weird because it wasnt bad terms or anything. My friend stopped talking to me for no reason and I feel like I did something wrong and I did not. He just ignores me for no reason. *Sigh* I dont know what the problem is..

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A few years ago, my lifelong buds and I used to regularly play Magic The Gathering every Friday night. We had a core group of four, as well as two of my own friends from my high school days that would regularly join us. One of those friends was Ethan, a relatively shy one but loyal nonetheless. One week, he texted us that he was running late. We thought nothing of it at first, but Ethan never showed up. After that day, he cut off all forms of communication with us, and we never heard or saw from him again. I do not understand how or why this happened, and suspect I never will.

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I have a friend that I just don't talk to anymore. It isn't a big deal to me since I try to stay away from most relationships anyway.

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Relationships that died because of something I could have prevented? Boy there is a lot of that.


I have dozens of friends I no longer talk to, most of it because I just didn't try hard enough to keep up and stay in contact with them. Thanks to a certain incident in the past, I also can no longer be on a good term with some parts of my parent's families. I also has a bad experience breaking up with someone I used to hold dear with all of my waking moments.


It's kind of hard to point your finger on an exact reason on why a relationship could crumble to dust like that. From my experience, most of the time it started as something miniscule, like an argument over trivial matter or disagreement on something, and then the lack of any action to make up for it allowed it to snowball from there. Or not, I'm not the expert in the relationship problems.

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