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private A New Life: Manehattan Story


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Winterglade coughed, the blood was still leaving her face. The quick kiss was nice, but it was rather unwelcome. She was trying to be upset after all. She gave Fender a playful punch just to keep the stallion away for a while. Then her mother asked a question. She could feel the blood quickly drained from her face. What if her mother wouldn't appreciate her relationship when she found out that Fender was a street singer? She gulped.


Autumn Glow still busied herself with her iced tea, but her eyes wouldn't leave Fender. While the stallion spoke, Morning Mist herself stayed still, her expression unreadable. The look of her face was that of neutrality... Or acceptance, depended on how one would interpret it. She chuckled a bit when Fender facehoofed. "I'm glad to hear that you're both managing yourselves quite well. But... I do hope that you would get something better in the future," she said blankly.


Winterglade almost sunk to her seat, her meal left untouched. Fender was a nice stallion, and his singing voice was almost heavenly, it would be only a matter of time before somepony would take him to the stage, or something. "It's okay, mom," she said to her mother."Fender everyday brought home enough bits to feed us both for two days. I also worked in a rather nice place. It might not be the best, but we never had any problem. Also, with the current jobs both of us earn enough to save some bits for us in the future to buy... something that we might need." Her mind trailed. In truth she had been thinking about buying a patch of skyline somewhere to be her cloud house. The dream seemed to be very distant, but now she really wanted to do it.


Morning Mist sighed. She could see from the glimmer in her daughter eyes that, yes, she was strong in her commitment to live with the stallion. She briefly smiled before taking a moment to take a drink. Autumn Glow suddenly blurted out, "So, when's the big day? I'm certainly sure that you guys would have to make it official after some while."

Edited by Starshine
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  On 2013-06-26 at 8:59 AM, Starshine said:
"I'm glad to hear that you're both managing yourselves quite well. But... I do hope that you would get something better in the future,"


Fender was relieved that she was at least somewhat approving of the current.




  On 2013-06-26 at 8:59 AM, Starshine said:
Also, with the current jobs both of us earn enough to save some bits for us in the future to buy... something that we might need."


Fender seemed to trail with her...though not with the same dream in mind...he had had this on his mind for some time, but he thought that-



  On 2013-06-26 at 8:59 AM, Starshine said:
"So, when's the big day? I'm certainly sure that you guys would have to make it official after some while."


Fender's hair stood up and he turned more red than he ever had in his life. It's like Autumn knew! A moment passed with his embarrassment, and he took a deep breath, returning his color, heart rate, and body heat to normal. Another deep breath. He was making sure his breathing wasn't as obvious as the embarrassment, he made sure his breaths were subtle. Now, he made sure he was sitting up straight and breathing normally.


"Uhm...well, to be completely honest...we haven't talked about it." He paused shortly, "We've been busy working." After their previous conversation, he would imagine how dumb that sounded from him, "...and we also had to pack up and come here in a bit of a rush...and it's only been a month...and- I'm just babbling away now aren't I?" He hung his head for about 3 seconds, and lifted it once again, smiling sincerely. "Though, it might be a good idea to start talking about it..." He turned to Winterglade, "...but I think we've got some time."


Fender wouldn't admit it, but now with the subject of marriage on his mind, he wanted nothing more than to bow in front of Winterglade right now and propose. He wanted to surprise her with it though. He knew he was probably looking somewhat idiotic sitting there with the grin he had on, but he didn't much care.

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Autumn Glow grew a wicked smile as Fender started to lose his cool. It seemed that the stallion hadn't put much thought into such thing. She shrugged, the sooner it solved the better it would be for her little sister. The mare in question herself nearly shrunk back into a filly. Morning Mist silently scolded Autumn Glow with her gaze, to which the mare could only shrug in defense.




  On 2013-06-26 at 10:11 AM, Becker (Fender) said:
"Uhm...well, to be completely honest...we haven't talked about it." He paused shortly, "We've been busy working." After their previous conversation, he would imagine how dumb that sounded from him, "...and we also had to pack up and come here in a bit of a rush...and it's only been a month...and- I'm just babbling away now aren't I?" He hung his head for about 3 seconds, and lifted it once again, smiling sincerely. "Though, it might be a good idea to start talking about it..." He turned to Winterglade, "...but I think we've got some time."


Morning Mist smiled. "If you're not ready yet, then we won't push the agenda on both of you," she said curtly. Winterglade slowly peeked from under the table. "But you should always put it in mind. I don't want to die without knowing whether my daughter would have a husband or not."


"Mom!" Winterglade nearly yelled. "Don't talk like that! You will live for another decade, I'm sure of it! You are stronger than that."


Autumn Glow laughed nervously. "Well... about that. We checked to the doctor yesterday. He said that at best, mother would only have another three years before the Leukemia fully settled in and finally kill her from the inside" Her eyes drooped. "I'm sorry. I should have came back home sooner to treat her before it grew this far." Winterglade squeaked, but she didn't say anything. It was partially her fault, she left her home too early, her mother was left with nopony but her father for a few months. She sighed and planted her face on the table, utterly dejected.

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  On 2013-06-27 at 4:41 AM, Starshine said:
only have another three years


The words rung in Fender's ears. He may not have known Winterglade's Mother for more than the last few minutes, but he did want to continue to know her, he wanted his foals to have grandparents (whenever the time came) and to actually know them. He also didn't want Winterglade to lose a parent, Fender may not have had much trauma at his young age, but life without parents to be there when you *did* need them, was never quite so well. Three years.


"M-Morning Mist." His face now whiter than Winterglade's, "I have some bits saved, and I can keep saving more...if there's anything I can do to- to help with this. I will." He looked straight into her eyes, with a concerned frown he didn't think he'd ever worn on his face before. "Please. Let me." his voice nearly cracked as he made the plea. He knew it wasn't the appropriate place to cry, it would spark unnecessary attention in the diner.

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  On 2013-06-27 at 8:28 AM, Becker (Fender) said:
"M-Morning Mist." His face now whiter than Winterglade's, "I have some bits saved, and I can keep saving more...if there's anything I can do to- to help with this. I will." He looked straight into her eyes, with a concerned frown he didn't think he'd ever worn on his face before. "Please. Let me."


Morning Mist shook her head. "The offer is very appreciated, dear, but I'm afraid it's a bit too late for me," she said. The elder mare tried to act nonchalant about the entire thing, but her eyes betrayed her. "As long as I get to see all of my daughters happy and taken care off, I'm already satisfied." She faked a giggle. "Now, let us finish our meal, it has been quite a while since the last time I have meals together with both of my fillies."


For a moment, there was a certain gleam in Fender's eyes when he spoke. It was that same gleam that she once seen in her husband's eyes, the one that convinced her to settle down and start a life together with the stallion. Morning Mist sighed inwardly. Now she was certainly sure that Fender would be the right one for her daughter. She started eating her breakfast, and Autumn Glow hesitantly followed suit.


Winterglade raised her head and spoke, her voice languid, "Mum, do you still have that doll you once made me?"


Morning Mist's shoulders grew a bit lighter, she smiled. "Well, I'm sure that we still have it and others in..."


The small chat between mother and long lost daughter continued. In a few short moment their words gre in intensity and emotions, soon it seemed that they had forgotten all that that was wrong in the world. Autumn Glow took this chance and called out to . "So, Winterglade mentioned earlier that you're a decent singer. Is your cutie mark related to theater by any chance? I know somepony who could use a tenor singer if you're interested."

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  On 2013-06-27 at 11:17 AM, Starshine said:
"So, Winterglade mentioned earlier that you're a decent singer. Is your cutie mark related to theater by any chance? I know somepony who could use a tenor singer if you're interested."


Even though Fender was still concerned and feeling rather sad about Winterglade's mother, he had to put it aside and answer the question.


"Uhm, no, not theater. Just...singing, it's just what I do." He said plainly, trying to deny any praise for his talent. In truth, he was too worried about the elder mare to care about himself right now. Thoughts kept racing through his mind, "I told Winterglade I'd help in any way I could to make this better." he wasn't showing his distress on the outside, but it was most definitely there. "Am I letting her down? Am I letting her family down?" Again, he continued to appear calm, as anxious as he felt. He could not describe the amount of self-doubt he felt at the moment. "Sing. Use words. It is all you do."

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  On 2013-06-27 at 11:27 AM, Becker (Fender) said:
"Uhm, no, not theater. Just...singing, it's just what I do."


"Singing is just what you do everyday? Pah, then you can definitely take the job!" replied Autumn Glow, paying no mind to a conversation that was happening next to her. "In my line of profession I meet a lot of ponies, and by chance one of them owns a small theater in Fillydelphia. I don't really know the exact details, but if you are interested, I can get you to talk with him. He said that he could always use stallion singers. Nowadays it's kinda hard to find a stallion that can sing nicely. If you need some time to think, you can give me your answer tomorrow."


Autumn Glow was a bit more excited than usual, and Winterglade couldn't help but to notice. What was she talking about? A theater? Her line of thoughts were suddenly interrupted by her mother. "Ah, yes! Nothing bad had happened to me. When Discord appeared I was elsewhere at that moment, so..." She resumed her conversation with her mother, they had years to catch up.

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  On 2013-06-29 at 7:16 AM, Starshine said:
"In my line of profession I meet a lot of ponies, and by chance one of them owns a small theater in Fillydelphia. I don't really know the exact details, but if you are interested, I can get you to talk with him. He said that he could always use stallion singers. Nowadays it's kinda hard to find a stallion that can sing nicely. If you need some time to think, you can give me your answer tomorrow."


"Sure, sure. I'll take some time." Fender still felt really confused inside, he knew he had to shake these feelings...




  On 2013-06-29 at 7:16 AM, Starshine said:
"Ah, yes! Nothing bad had happened to me. When Discord appeared I was elsewhere at that moment, so..." She resumed her conversation with her mother, they had years to catch up.


Fender couldn't help but smile at the fact that Winterglade was having a seemingly good time catching up with her mother. His smile was nothing much more than a small grin, but a sincere one. He enjoyed seeing Winterglade enjoy herself and her mother's company. At last...stress wasn't exploding around them.

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  On 2013-07-02 at 12:23 AM, Becker (Fender) said:

"Sure, sure. I'll take some time." Fender still felt really confused inside, he knew he had to shake these feelings...


Autumn Glow smiled, seemingly satisfied. "Take your time. Nopony wants to rush on decisions that might change one's life like this." She looked toward her sister and her mother. The two mare seemed to be fully immersed in their own little, happy world. Her mother looked so beautiful when she shared an uncharacteristic giggle with her daughter. Autumn wanted this moment to last for days, but alas the circumstances were so much different. The clock at the wall showed that it was almost noon. With quick movements she gobbled up what left of her food and drank her tee and said, "Sorry everypony, but I believe it's time for mother to take her visit to the doctor!" Winterglade whined, but ultimately let go of her mother's hoof. Morning Mist herself only chuckled and hugged her daughter tightly for a few moments.


"We still have tomorrow, and the day after that," the elder mare said. "You're going to stay a bit longer in this town, right?" To which Winterglade replied her confirmation while looking at Fender expectantly.


"Well then, time for us to excuse ourselves!" Autumn Glow shuffled out of her chair, followed shortly by her mother. After a quick kiss to Winterglade's cheeks and paying the tab to a nearby waitress, the two trotted out of the restaurant and flew off. Winterglade stared at the door in silence.


Winterglade sighed. Her shoulders sagged down, but a smile lingered on her face. "At least I get to talk with her, "she said as she rubbed her head with a hoof. "So, Fender, what did my sister said to you? I only heard something about a theater."

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  On 2013-07-03 at 1:35 AM, Starshine said:
"So, Fender, what did my sister said to you? I only heard something about a theater."


Fender sighed in a way that almost sounded frustrated, "A job offer." He frowned, "I'm not sure I can handle that right now."


Three Years.


The words continued to ring in his mind, and he felt himself getting angry, "Why won't she let us help?!" He rasped,


He quickly turned to the side and nearly threw himself out of his seat, his wing knocking over some seasoning on the table. He made sure the meal was payed for and walked out of the store angrily, his head down, calling back to Winterglade, "I need some air."

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  On 2013-07-03 at 1:58 AM, Becker (Fender) said:

Fender sighed in a way that almost sounded frustrated, "A job offer." He frowned, "I'm not sure I can handle that right now."

A job offer? Winterglade had no idea that her sister could offer anything like that. A work on theater sounded nice, but why was he looked so upset? She yelped in surprise when Fender suddenly jumped out from his seat, knocking over a few things on the table. After apologizing to the waitress Winterglade followed the stallion out of the restaurant.


"Fender?" she called to the stallion. The stallion's earlier words echoed in her ind. Was he upset that her mother refused his offer of assistance? She gulped. "If it's about my mother... It's not your fault. You shouldn't burden yourself over her. Um, I mean-" She nearly choked on her next words, it came out as a squeak. "It's a bit too late."

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  On 2013-07-03 at 4:15 AM, Starshine said:
"Fender?" she called to the stallion. The stallion's earlier words echoed in her ind. Was he upset that her mother refused his offer of assistance? She gulped. "If it's about my mother... It's not your fault. You shouldn't burden yourself over her. Um, I mean-" She nearly choked on her next words, it came out as a squeak. "It's a bit too late."


Fender lead them around a corner into an alley, where he leaned against a wall of a building.


"I know she's your mother, and that I barely know her and I-" He felt his body heat starting to rise and his throat feel like it was tighter and tighter, "It will sound selfish...but I want a mother...mother-in-law, whatever..." He felt his eyes begin to well up, "I can't remember anything about my mother. Not one thing, other than that bloody lullaby!" He was on the verge of exploding with frustration now, "No father, no mother, no younger sister!" He realized how loud he was now, and he let all of the anger go...as it left him, he sunk to the ground and started bawling. "I...I don't want to see her just give up on her own life..." another sob, "Having a mother, having family..." a short sob, "...is such a precious thing...and just when I will finally get to know what it's like...some horrible disease just goes to take it all away." a painful sob, "And I...I am told that there is nothing I can do...no, nothing I should to help prevent it, when I know I can and should!"


Fender continued to sob violently at the ground in realization of how much emotional pain he had stored up for his entire life...of all the times and places it had to hit him, now might be one of the worst. By now, it felt like almost every ounce of energy he had to speak, stand, or stop crying was gone...

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As Fender poured his heart, Winterglade listened. The knot in her stomach tightened to a solid ball, smashing back and forth inside her. She knew that her mother's demise was imminent, and... she had given up. She was her mother's daughter, and yet she was quick to gave up all hope. Last night when her father blamed the disease on her, she had accepted the futility of it all. Seeing Fender breaking down like this... It felt like somepony had smashed a sledgehammer to into her guts for giving up too soon. She tried to swallow a rising bile down her throat, but failed miserably.


Winterglade slowly walked closer to the now sobbing Fender. She knew she had to say something to calm him down, but what should she say? She had no clue, the perpetual mist in her eyes didn't help the matter either. She stroke Fender's mane lovingly. A small part of her was glad, that at least another pony shared the same sadness that was slowly eating her from the inside. It felt so wrong. "Fender?" she whispered. "I'm sorry, I have no idea. I should've returned home years ago. It didn't have to end like this."


The mare sat down next to the stallion and hugged him from the side. She buried her face in his neck, eyes already trickling. "I'm so sorry."

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  On 2013-07-03 at 6:26 AM, Starshine said:

As Fender poured his heart, Winterglade listened. The knot in her stomach tightened to a solid ball, smashing back and forth inside her. She knew that her mother's demise was imminent, and... she had given up. She was her mother's daughter, and yet she was quick to gave up all hope. Last night when her father blamed the disease on her, she had accepted the futility of it all. Seeing Fender breaking down like this... It felt like somepony had smashed a sledgehammer to into her guts for giving up too soon. She tried to swallow a rising bile down her throat, but failed miserably.


Winterglade slowly walked closer to the now sobbing Fender. She knew she had to say something to calm him down, but what should she say? She had no clue, the perpetual mist in her eyes didn't help the matter either. She stroke Fender's mane lovingly. A small part of her was glad, that at least another pony shared the same sadness that was slowly eating her from the inside. It felt so wrong. "Fender?" she whispered. "I'm sorry, I have no idea. I should've returned home years ago. It didn't have to end like this."


The mare sat down next to the stallion and hugged him from the side. She buried her face in his neck, eyes already trickling. "I'm so sorry."


The two sat there in a strange alley in Manehattan, and cried for around the next 10 minutes or so until Fender had to interrupt...


"Don't...say sorry...it's no one's fault, and it can't be helped..." he was nearly out of breath around this time. "We have to count our blessings..."


He was portraying an attitude saying that they should just be grateful for the fact that they would have those three years...but on the inside, he had every intention of trying to convince Winterglade's mother not to just give up...or at least find out if there is more to it...


Fender started picking them both up, "Let's get back to the inn. I'm sure we need showers now." he said, trying to brush away all that had just happened.

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  On 2013-07-03 at 2:26 PM, Becker (Fender) said:
"Don't...say sorry...it's no one's fault, and it can't be helped..." he was nearly out of breath around this time. "We have to count our blessings..."


Winterglade nodded somberly. Fender was right. What done is done, and now what can they do is to make the most out of these three years, mourning wouldn't help anypony. She hiccuped. "Yeah..."




  On 2013-07-03 at 2:26 PM, Becker (Fender) said:
Fender started picking them both up, "Let's get back to the inn. I'm sure we need showers now." he said, trying to brush away all that had just happened.


The mare almost yelped when Fender nudged her. "Shower sounds... good," she said while wiping the last of dried tears from her eyes. "Let's go." With that Winterglade took off to the air. She waited for Fender to take the lead to the inn before following him closely. Her wings felt much weaker than they should be. The sun was still high in the sky, but she was tired beyond measure. After the shower she would need to go to the park, or maybe some sleep is in order.

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Fender flew right at Winterglade's side...tears still running down his face, but he wasn't making a sound...

Once they got back to the inn, they quickly headed straight into their small room. Fender finally wiped his eyes, and stopped the flow of tears. Fender quickly washed his face in the sink and offered the shower to Winterglade. "Would you mind if I stepped out for awhile? I need to fly- and think. Just for a bit. I promise I will be back."


The truth being, he had already thought about his coming actions...but he wasn't sure Winterglade approved...but Fender was determined.

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The flight to the inn was rather uneventful, none of the two said anything. When they arrived, Winterglade quickly took off her cape and flapped her wings a few times to dry herself a little bit.




  On 2013-07-04 at 2:40 AM, Becker (Fender) said:
Fender quickly washed his face in the sink and offered the shower to Winterglade. "Would you mind if I stepped out for awhile? I need to fly- and think. Just for a bit. I promise I will be back."


"Um... sure. I'll wait here until you return," Winterglade said, doubt on her face. She wanted to go along with him, but she decided against it. She understood that Fender might need some time alone with his own thoughts. "Are you going to be all right by yourself? Don't do anything risky."

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  On 2013-07-04 at 3:56 AM, Starshine said:
"Are you going to be all right by yourself? Don't do anything risky."


He forced a smile, "I'll be fine, and I'll be back in time for us to grab some dinner." He kissed her on the cheek, and went outside.


He immediately started flying to where Winterglade's family's residence was. It took him some time, but he got there and knocked on the door, hoping that Hot Wing might answer... "Maybe it'll be her father..." Fender didn't care, he was having this discussion with whichever one of them might answer, whether they liked it or not.

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  On 2013-07-04 at 4:10 AM, Becker (Fender) said:
He forced a smile, "I'll be fine, and I'll be back in time for us to grab some dinner." He kissed her on the cheek, and went outside.


Winterglade smiled weakly as Fender kissed her. She waved a hoof when he went out. "Be careful! Don't go to far, I don't want you to get lost!" She yawned. With limp gaits she locked the door and trotted into the bathroom. Without any delay she filled the tub with lukewarm water and dived. She sighed, maybe she could sleep in here...




Hot Wing was having the hardest time of his life. His sister had insisted him to stay at home, play some chess with his dad. That part was easy, the hardest part was to keep the old stallion occupied enough to not want to leave house. Autumn had been very persuasive, Hot Wing had no choice but to oblige. At least his mother seemed to be very delighted when she left the house to her weekly doctor visit. Mares...




Hot Wing shook himself from the stupor. "Excuse me?"


"I said, check. My rook is behind your king," his father explained.


"Ah yes..." Hot Wing nervously moved his knight to block the rook. "Father, you've been getting better at this-"


"Checkmate." The older stallion lazily nudged a bishop to lock the opposing king piece to submission. Hot Wing could only stared blankly at the chess board, unable to believe what just happened. "That would make us fifteen to one. Are you sure you still want to continue?"


"I'm tired- I mean, yes!" Hot Wing answered with faked excitement. His father didn't seemed to be buying his bluff. Just before he cleaned the chess boards somepony knocked the door. "I'll get that. Hold on a moment!" He quickly trotted to the door and opened it. What he saw at the other side of the door was not what he expected. "Oh, it's you, Fender..." Hot Wing hesitated for a moment, but eventually he stepped aside to Let Fender in. His father on the sofa didn't seem to make any attempt to acknowledge the new presence, instead he busied himself with setting up the chess pieces.


"Do you want to talk about something?" the elder stallion asked without taking his eyes away from the chess board.



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  On 2013-07-04 at 6:55 AM, Starshine said:
"Oh, it's you, Fender..." Hot Wing hesitated for a moment, but eventually he stepped aside to Let Fender in. His father on the sofa didn't seem to make any attempt to acknowledge the new presence, instead he busied himself with setting up the chess pieces.  


"Do you want to talk about something?" the elder stallion asked without taking his eyes away from the chess board.



Fender walked in, finally unsure of his actions...he had to shake away the previous emotion he was feeling...make it seem a bit more casual, he silently took a deep breath. He didn't want this to turn into a mess...even though he knew it probably would anyway.


"Just visiting." He grinned slightly,

He thought it might seem strange that he was 'visiting' alone, but he wasn't sure he wanted to directly mention Winterglade in front of her father...he couldn't help but chance it though.

"I just thought I'd get around the city a bit, maybe come see what was going on around here." He said to Hot Wing, then as if he had to say it from the side of his mouth, to make sure the older stallion heard him, he said "And uh...Winterglade is just resting up a bit right now."


Fender, at this point, realized that it was a mistake coming here at all...he knew he shouldn't have acted on emotion...he should've been looking for Morning Mist...but it was too late to turn back now, he'd just have to play it out...thinking now, that maybe, he could get to know her father a bit.

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Hot Wing took a seat at the far side so not to obstruct any conversation that might happen. He had to admit that he was rather curious on what occasion Winter's coltfriend would visit here, especially without the mare along with him. Hot Wing started to get an idea on why the sudden visit.




  On 2013-07-04 at 7:08 AM, Becker (Fender) said:
"Just visiting." He grinned slightly, He thought it might seem strange that he was 'visiting' alone, but he wasn't sure he wanted to directly mention Winterglade in front of her father...he couldn't help but chance it though. "I just thought I'd get around the city a bit, maybe come see what was going on around here." He said to Hot Wing, then as if he had to say it from the side of his mouth, to make sure the older stallion heard him, he said "And uh...Winterglade is just resting up a bit right now."


You're visiting the wrong side of the town, pal, Hot Wing thought to himself. His father might look like a collected pony, but inside the old stallion was quite harsh-


"Then please, take a seat," The elder stallion suddenly spoke. His son nearly balked to the unexpected politeness, but he paid no mind of it. The chess board is ready, but pushed aside to gave room to Fender. The old stallion was clearly past his prime, his red fur nearly greyed entirely, but his stature still firm and strong. His eyes followed Fender as he trotted into the room. "I can see that you have quite a lot in your mind right now. Talk, I'm all ears," he continued.


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  On 2013-07-04 at 7:40 AM, Starshine said:
"I can see that you have quite a lot in your mind right now. Talk, I'm all ears,"



Fender took his seat, "Well, sir...I suppose I grew rather impatient...but I thought it was time we should meet. My name is Fender." Fender extended a hoof.


"That's right, just play this off politely...as much as you hate his guts for his venting at his daughter." Fender, regardless of his emotion, was still able to play off a normal look.

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  On 2013-07-04 at 7:48 AM, Becker (Fender) said:
Fender took his seat, "Well, sir...I suppose I grew rather impatient...but I thought it was time we should meet. My name is Fender." Fender extended a hoof.


The red stallion looked at the extended hoof for a couple of second before finally accepting it. "Yes... You can call me Chyper, pleased to meet you," he replied. He rubbed his chin. "Impatient? Are you in such a rush that you feel a need to ask me for a permission to propose my youngest daughter? Usually I would ask you to wait for at least five years, but judging from current circumstances, a year should do."


Somewhere in a bathtub, a mare forgot to breathe and was now gasping for air.


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  On 2013-07-04 at 9:51 AM, Starshine said:
a year should do."



"Well...not quite yet," Fender wanted to keep playing it safe, "Why only a year? I'm told Winterglade's mother is sick." He said this with proper concern in his voice, it's as if he still didn't want to believe it...or he just didn't. "Is everything okay?" He frowned sincerely.


(OOC: Also, don't go dyin' on me. @-@)

Edited by Becker (Fender)
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  On 2013-07-04 at 3:01 PM, Becker (Fender) said:
"Well...not quite yet," Fender wanted to keep playing it safe, "Why only a year? I'm told Winterglade's mother is sick." He said this with proper concern in his voice, it's as if he still didn't want to believe it...or he just didn't. "Is everything okay?" He frowned sincerely.


Cypher sighed. It seemed that Fender had came across his wife when she was on her way to her doctor. He wasn't exactly keen on the idea of telling this to a stranger, but this one was different. Fender was his daughter's coltfriend, sooner or later he would know everything. Better told him the truth before anypony could muck the situation, he cleared his throat. "No, I'm afraid nothing is okay. As you may have heard, my wife only have few years left in her. It shouldn't have gone like this. I was absent when the disease started to take hold in her, the throne demanded my service elsewhere. It was supposed to be your marefriend to keep her mother company during that time."


Cypher's gaze hardened. "For six months, my wife was forced to fend for herself. Everypony in this house knew how she was, she would never try to inform others that she didn't feel well, and as the result she kept the growing pain inside her for herself." He shook his head. "I tried to call for my other daughter and son, but they were also teetering on brink of life and death. It was supposed to be Winter to take care of her mother, but you see, only after three years that she had enough guts to show her snout in this house."

Edited by Starshine
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