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private A New Life: Manehattan Story


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Two pegasi landed near Morning Mist and Winterglade, who was quick to recognize them. "Shimmer Flow! Ocean Crust! How you girls have been!?" She released her mother and jumped to join her old friends. The three mare bounced and laughed together, two repeatedly congratulated and commented how lucky Winterglade was to find such a fine stallion. After mere seconds it was nearly impossible to discern what they were talking about due to their raucous laughter.


Autumn Glow sensed that something was bothering Fender, but decided against asking what was wrong. She merely laughed as hard as it was allowed in this situation when Fender replied to her. "Oh yes, you must. I insists, and I'm sure everypony in the family would like to see you in the penguin suit." She grinned.




"Well, it doesn't have to be a big celebration or anything...but perhaps we could all do something together? The day is still in its early stages."


"That would be a fine idea," commented Morning Mist. The elder mare walked closer to give Fender a quick peck to his chin. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter."


Behind her, Autumn Glow chuckled heartily. "Okay then. How about the pancake restaurant from yesterday, sounds good?" Morning Mist nodded. "All right! Hot Wing, let's-" The dark stallion was nowhere to be seen. Autumn Glow facehoofed. "Seems like there would be only four of us. I'll be buying."

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The elder mare walked closer to give Fender a quick peck to his chin. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter."


Fender couldn't help but hug her in return, "For the rest of my life, ma'am." He said ma'am, but he honestly wanted to say mom, given the current atmosphere and what was happening...but he thought that that would've probably been inappropriate. He had to stay his tongue, and again had to shake away his thoughts.




"Okay then. How about the pancake restaurant from yesterday, sounds good?" Morning Mist nodded. "All right! Hot Wing, let's-" The dark stallion was nowhere to be seen. Autumn Glow facehoofed. "Seems like there would be only four of us. I'll be buying."


He wondered where Hot Wing was, and would've suggested trying to find him, but it was too late when Autumn decided that they should just move on. "Righto then."

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"Righto then."


"Then it's settled!" said Autumn Glow. "Winty! Come on, we all gonna have lunch together!"


Winterglade pouted. She didn't want to go just yet, she still had a lot of stories to share with the girls, and they also have their own too. "Um, sorry girls. I'll have to go now, sis is calling." There was a chorus of disappointment from the rest of the Snow Division. "Don't worry about it. I'll definitely invite you guys at the ceremony. See you later!" A reluctant farewell later, the three snow mares flew away back to their workplace. Winterglade galloped a bit to catch up with her family. "Sorry about that! Uh... Where's father and brother?"


Autumn Glow rolled her eyes. "Gone. When things stopped being exciting, they will always disappear like morning fog. I guess it's in the genetics." She poked Fender. "When you got yourself a colt, always keep an eye on him." Morning Mist only chuckled on the remark, while Winterglade groaned, unsure how to feel about it. She trotted close to Fender's side and followed as Autumn Glow led the group to the restaurant.


It was, thankfully, a short walk. Autumn Glow couldn't stop herself from breaking from the group and dashed to the nearest waitress to make her order. Morning Mist took the table near the window and sighed in content. "Have you decided on the date yet?" she asked to Fender. "If you need some assistance, I'm sure Autumn would be more than excited to help you to plan the wedding."

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"Have you decided on the date yet?" she asked to Fender. "If you need some assistance, I'm sure Autumn would be more than excited to help you to plan the wedding."


"Well, I started talking to a planner earlier this morning, but I'd gladly accept Autumn's help as well." He said as he sat down, "I'll be honest, this is kind of a rush...I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, but I wanted Winterglade to have some say in it." He said, looking to Winterglade, then back to Morning Mist. "I was supposed to go back to the planner later today, but there's time for that in a bit."


He nuzzled Winterglade, "Maybe we can get married in the snow too?" He grinned,

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"Well, I started talking to a planner earlier this morning, but I'd gladly accept Autumn's help as well."


Winterglade took the seat right next to Fender. So that what he did in the morning, she thought, and he also contacted my sister it seemed. He put a lot of effort to this.




"I'll be honest, this is kind of a rush...I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, but I wanted Winterglade to have some say in it." He said, looking to Winterglade, then back to Morning Mist. "I was supposed to go back to the planner later today, but there's time for that in a bit."


Morning Mist smiled. She liked stallion who take the initiative. "There is nothing wrong to be in a rush, as long as nopony is being reckless. If you already have a planner of your own choosing, then that's good to hear."


He nuzzled Winterglade, "Maybe we can get married in the snow too?" He grinned,


Winterglade returned the nuzzle, she leaned on Fender. "I don't know... I rather doubt my friends can handle that much snow to cover the entirety of the ceremony."


"Then we can simply wait for the winter season!" Autumn Glow trotted to the table and took a seat beside her mother, a waitress with a trolley of food followed close behind her. "Don't you think it's fitting? Winterglade, marrying in the winter. Personally I think it's perfect! We can go with the snow theme and everything. All mares will wear white, and the stallions will wear blue and black something," she chattered excitedly as the waitress set down the food plates on the table. Pancakes, sandwiches, glasses of iced tea, and what seemed to be a kebab filled with seaweed. Morning Mist's face brightened considerably when the kebab was put down in front of her.


"Winter season then?" Winterglade looked at the window. There was not a single white fluffy cloud in the sky. "It won't until at least a week before we can see any snow. I mean snow that's fully allowed by the Cloudsdale Weather planner, not made by the girls. Or..." Winterglade bit her lips. She stomped one forehoof to the table and nudged her glass of iced tea, which content promptly froze. A mist of condensed air vapors seemed to ebb away from the hoof. Across the table, Morning Mist looked downhearted at the display, didn't make any attempt to say anything. Winterglade quickly shook the frost away. "Yeah, it still works. I can make the snow myself, but I'm not sure."

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Or..." Winterglade bit her lips. She stomped one forehoof to the table and nudged her glass of iced tea, which content promptly froze. A mist of condensed air vapors seemed to ebb away from the hoof. Across the table, Morning Mist looked downhearted at the display, didn't make any attempt to say anything. Winterglade quickly shook the frost away. "Yeah, it still works. I can make the snow myself, but I'm not sure."


Fender was actually quite amazed. "Wow..." his jaw almost dropped. "Y'know, I'm realizing now, the only thing that makes me a pegasus is my wings. As far as I know...I can't manufacture any sort of weather, and the only times I've seen it done in front of me was with you, Winterglade." Fender couldn't help but smile at her, "Care to trade cutie marks and talents?" he said jokingly.

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"Wow..." his jaw almost dropped. "Y'know, I'm realizing now, the only thing that makes me a pegasus is my wings. As far as I know...I can't manufacture any sort of weather, and the only times I've seen it done in front of me was with you, Winterglade." Fender couldn't help but smile at her, "Care to trade cutie marks and talents?" he said jokingly.


"Hah!" Winterglade chortled. "I would love to trade it! It would be wonderful if I can sing nicely. Fluttering along with the morning birds, singing their summer songs," she giggled. The daydream looked very enticing, but alas she was stuck with this cold hoof.


"You know, if you want to learn weather manipulation, you can join in on the crash course," Autumn Glow chimed in. "I'm sure, with two months of training, you would be able to make your own rain and snowfall. All pegasus can control the weather to a certain extent, even though some ponies like Winty here can do much more, but they are rather rare and too specialized in a single field. Winterglade can't fly fast and long enough to condense a cloud." On this Winterglade stick out her tongue at Autumn Glow, who in return blew a raspberry. Morning Mist was about to say something to pacify her daughters, but her mouth was full of seaweed. "Anyway, Fender, have you decided yet about my theater offer from before?" inquired Autumn Glow

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On this Winterglade stick out her tongue at Autumn Glow, who in return blew a raspberry.


Fender couldn't help but grin at the two.




"Anyway, Fender, have you decided yet about my theater offer from before?"


This caught him a bit by surprise. "Oh uh, no actually...with the proposal in mind, I never really took the time to think about it." "That and you went and poured your soul out in an alley way..." It was immature, but the thought that he cried in front of Winterglade made him slightly embarrassed, and he only really thought about it now. A slight blush appeared on his cheeks, he was hoping that it came off as if it was because he forgot about the theater offer. "Could I get all the details?"

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"Could I get all the details?"


Autumn Glow chuckled. It was understandable that he had forgotten about her offer in the middle of all the proposal business. "Hm, this theater I told you is located in Fillydephia. It's quite small, only about two years old and somewhere between five to ten singers and a dozen of actors, which only two of them are stallions, but it's already thriving on the market. I met the owner when I was sent to control a forest fire in the Hollow Shades." Autumn Glow paused to take a sip from her iced tea. "The owner, Aqua Scribes his name, is a very talented writer and it was his dream to build a huge theater, but he was currently lacking in good male singers. He had asked me to contact him whenever I met any stallion that could sing. On the work itself, I don't know much. All I know is that they perform twice a week, with choirs of songs inbetween performances. And, um... Oh come on Winty, if you want another glass of tea just ask the waitress." Autumn Glow held back a laughter.


On the other side of the table, Winterglade was still trying to thaw her tea with little success. She had tried drinking it directly, but the frozen tea stubbornly refused to go up the straw. She groaned. "Never again."

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He took a moment to think about what Autumn offered, once more. 


She groaned. "Never again."
He chuckled at Winterglade's situation, "Might as well just order a new one, love."


He turned back to Autumn, "I dunno yet, it's definitely a thought...but I'm gonna have to take some time to consider it." he smiled politely once more, "More importantly...I'm not sure I've thanked you yet for your help with the proposal; Thank you. Very much." he chuckled heartily, "Maybe whenever it is you have a stallion or mare proposing to you, Winterglade and I will have to help."

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He chuckled at Winterglade's situation, "Might as well just order a new one, love."


Winterglade pouted, but eventually asked a nearby waitress for another glass of iced tea. The waitress was a bit weirded out by the frozen glass. After a few while a new iced tea was in front of her. She looked at her mother, who was now enjoying her second seaweed kebab. She snickered, "Mom, you really do like it that much?"




He turned back to Autumn, "I dunno yet, it's definitely a thought...but I'm gonna have to take some time to consider it." he smiled politely once more, "More importantly...I'm not sure I've thanked you yet for your help with the proposal; Thank you. Very much." he chuckled heartily, "Maybe whenever it is you have a stallion or mare proposing to you, Winterglade and I will have to help."


Autumn Glow nearly snorted and laughed at the same time, almost knocking herself out by all the air her lungs expelled. She coughed, a blush on her cheeks. "A mare? I'm sorry, but I don't swing my barn door that way. A stallion, hm, still very unlikely. More than a few times I tried, all ended with failure on my end," she chuckled. Her eyes wandered over the room before turning back to Fender. "Anyhow, just take your time. When you're ready, just tell Winter to pass the news to me."


While Autumn started to dig in her meal, Morning Mist chimed in. "Do you have any unicorn relatives, by any chance?"

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"A mare? I'm sorry, but I don't swing my barn door that way. A stallion, hm, still very unlikely. More than a few times I tried, all ended with failure on my end,"


"Well, now I know." He smiled. "I'm sure you'll find somepony, you've just gotta keep looking."




"Do you have any unicorn relatives, by any chance?"


He gulped, which was quite visible on it's own, he looked down for a moment, took a deep breath, and raised his head again. "I...I had my father and my sister." he frowned, "There just happened to be pegasus genes in my family. I was born of a Unicorn and Earth Pony."

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He gulped, which was quite visible on it's own, he looked down for a moment, took a deep breath, and raised his head again. "I...I had my father and my sister." he frowned, "There just happened to be pegasus genes in my family. I was born of a Unicorn and Earth Pony."


Morning Mist looked apologetic, looked like it was a sore subject for Fender. "I'm sorry for asking, but as Winterglade might have told you, one of her relatives is an earth pony. Hm, there might be a chance that your foals would be each of the pony races." The premise swirled in her head. It should be nice to see her daughter cradling her own in her hooves.


Autumn Glow rolled her eyes. "You just won't stop talking about grandfoals. Be patient, don't rush Fender any further. At this rate, I won't be surprised if by the end of the year Winty would have an entire herd of it." She was rewarded with a sudden tickle with her mother. "Ahah- stop!"


Winterglade herself slowly sank to her seat. Having a foal or two would be nice, but an entire herd might be a bit wee too much. Morning Mist sighed. "Fender, if it is okay with you, can you sing for me?"

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"Fender, if it is okay with you, can you sing for me?"


He was a bit flattered, he couldn't deny that. They were in public...he might create a bit of an audience. "Why not? Hmmm..." He had to take a moment to think of a song he had sung before.


"You never know when you're gonna meet someone
And your whole wide world in a moment comes undone
You're just trotting around and suddenly
Everything that you thought that you knew about love is gone
You find out it's all been wrong
And all my scars don't seem to matter anymore
Cause they led me here to you
I know that its gonna take some time
I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
And I'm gonna say what I need to say
And hope a lot that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that this could be the start of something good"
At this point, about everypony in the restaurant was watching him, in silence. It made him slightly uncomfortable, but he would still fulfill Morning Mist's wish.
"Everyone knows life has its Ups and downs
One day you're on top of the world and one day you're the clown
Well I've been both enough to know
That you don't wanna get in the way when its working out
The way that it is right now
You see my heart i wear it on my sleeve
Cause I just can't hide it anymore
I know that it's gonna take some time
I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
And I'm gonna say what I need to say
And hope a lot that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe that this could be the start
Cause I don't know where it's going
There's a part of me that loves not knowing
Just don't let it end before we begin
You never know when you're gonna meet someone
And your whole wide world in a moment comes undone
I know that its gonna take some time
I've got to admit that the thought has crossed my mind
This might end up like it should
And I'm gonna say what I need to say
And hope a lot that it don't scare you away
Don't wanna be misunderstood
But I'm starting to believe
Oh I'm starting to believe that this could be the start of something good"
He stopped, nearly out of breath, because he could almost feel the eyes of all the ponies watching. They were silent a moment longer, he wasn't sure what any of them were thinking. He looked back to Morning Mist, "There." He grinned defensively.
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Autumn Glow hummed softly along Fender's lines. She had never heard of this song, but Fender did a great job at singing it. Morning Mist slowly rocked her head left and right to the tune. Winterglade was simply content with singing along in her mind, or at least she tried to. The stares from everypony in the restaurant had made her nervous.




He stopped, nearly out of breath, because he could almost feel the eyes of all the ponies watching. They were silent a moment longer, he wasn't sure what any of them were thinking. He looked back to Morning Mist, "There." He grinned defensively.


A couple of mares from other table clapped their hooves, a stallion from another table voiced his appraisal before being shushed by his marefriend. There was a murmur of approval, only two elder ponies from a corner table looked a bit upset at the public display, yet all of it were drowned by Autumn Glow's squee. She clapped her hooves. "That's fantastic! I've never heard any stallion sings that good! I'm sure you would give the singing mares a good run for their money. Oh, now I wish that I found you sooner before Winty could claim you."


Winterglade hurriedly grabbed Fender and whispered, "Mine." Autumn Glow only laughed heartily, even Morning Mist followed with a small chuckle.


"That was wonderful, Fender," said Morning Mist, a nostalgic smile on her face. "It's been a while..."

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A couple of mares from other table clapped their hooves, a stallion from another table voiced his appraisal before being shushed by his marefriend. There was a murmur of approval, only two elder ponies from a corner table looked a bit upset at the public display, yet all of it were drowned by Autumn Glow's squee.


He had to admit that the approval from the audience made him feel a bit better about singing in somewhere where it just felt so out of place.




"That's fantastic! I've never heard any stallion sings that good! I'm sure you would give the singing mares a good run for their money. Oh, now I wish that I found you sooner before Winty could claim you."   Winterglade hurriedly grabbed Fender and whispered, "Mine." Autumn Glow only laughed heartily, even Morning Mist followed with a small chuckle.


Fender laughed at the behavior they displayed, and kissed Winterglade on the cheek.




"That was wonderful, Fender," said Morning Mist, a nostalgic smile on her face. "It's been a while..."


"Thank you, m- ma'am." "Almost said 'mom' again..." He still didn't know if it was appropriate to say. He leaned in a bit, "A while since?" he asked in an innocent tone.

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Winterglade returned the kiss lovingly, while muttering "Mine," under her breath. She briefly considered to nibble on his ear, but that might be a bit too much. Chuckling to herself, she pulled back and returned to her meal.




He leaned in a bit, "A while since?" he asked in an innocent tone.


"Stallions in my house were used to sing, but they haven't done anything like that in these few years," explained Morning Mist, a tired smile on her face. "To hear songs again in the house would be nice."


Autumn Glow quickly chimed in, "Hold it up everypony. I have something special for us here!" A waitress was standing nearby, carrying a bottle of chilled red wine in her telekinesis. She unlatched the top and poured it to four tall glasses, which Autumn Glow had prepared on the table. She ushered everypony to take a glass each, which Winterglade and Morning Mist do so hesitantly. They had never try anything like this before. "All right, ponies. Let us have a big toast, for Fender!"

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A waitress was standing nearby, carrying a bottle of chilled red wine in her telekinesis. She unlatched the top and poured it to four tall glasses, which Autumn Glow had prepared on the table. She ushered everypony to take a glass each, which Winterglade and Morning Mist do so hesitantly. They had never try anything like this before. "All right, ponies. Let us have a big toast, for Fender!"


Fender wasn't one for drinking alcohol, but with Wine, he figured he could make an exception; it wasn't heavy. He raised his glass, "Only one for me." he chuckled, and turned back to Morning Mist.




"To hear songs again in the house would be nice."


"Also, anytime you need a slightly uplifting song, just send a message and I'll come sing a bit." he smiled politely, "It'd be nice to have a new crowd, I'm sure Ponyville was getting tired of me anyway."

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"Toast!" Winterglade clanked her glass to others. Autumn Glow snickered as she quickly took a big gulp, Winterglade followed suit. The red wine almost looked like a watered blood, it tasted weird, too. Almost like a very sour grape mixed with the after taste she once had from drinking the cough syrup. She didn't know much about drinking.


Outside the restaurant, the sun had started its slow descent toward the horizon, bringing along with it a gust of cool air over the city.




"Also, anytime you need a slightly uplifting song, just send a message and I'll come sing a bit." he smiled politely, "It'd be nice to have a new crowd, I'm sure Ponyville was getting tired of me anyway."


Morning Mist smiled. "Thank you Fender, it is most kind of you." She paused to take a sip from her glass. "Don't say that Ponyville was getting tired of you, I'm sure your presence there is just as appreciated as you are here. I should visit you sometime in Ponyville later."


On the side, Winterglade had started to giggle to herself nonstop, as if somepony was whispering continuous joke into her ears. Her cheeks flared. Autumn Glow looked at her sister with concern, hooves still cradling the wine bottle as if it was her foal. "Don't tell me that one single glass was enough to get her hammered."

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"Don't say that Ponyville was getting tired of you, I'm sure your presence there is just as appreciated as you are here. I should visit you sometime in Ponyville later."


He smiled back, "Well thank you, I'd love to see you there with us at some point...it's a lot quieter than city life, generally-" He was interrupted by a quite amusing giggle next to him...




On the side, Winterglade had started to giggle to herself nonstop, as if somepony was whispering continuous joke into her ears. Her cheeks flared. Autumn Glow looked at her sister with concern, hooves still cradling the wine bottle as if it was her foal. "Don't tell me that one single glass was enough to get her hammered."


 Fender tried to cover his smile with a hoof...but couldn't hold back a snicker, then laughter. "Oh my...well, I have to be sure never to allow her near alcohol..." he continued to laugh, "I'd honestly hate to cut this short...but if her alcohol tolerance is this bad...I should probably take her home while there is still a bit of light left. I don't want us stumbling around in the dark-" He made sure his glass was empty, and looked back to Winterglade, "-no more Wine for you, love." He grinned, "Alright then...it's been a pleasure, we can try to visit again tomorrow." he got up, pulling Winterglade along with him, "Good night mom-" he cut himself short, he felt embarrassed, but there was no way to take it back, he gave a nervous chuckle, "-and good night Autumn, I cannot thank you enough for setting up today."


He pulled Winterglade along with him, "I'm gonna have to carry you all the way home, aren't I?" He said to the giggling mare, it honestly looked like the Wine and her system just didn't agree at all. He rolled his eyes, "We can't make this a habit for you." He chuckled, taking her in his forelegs and flying back to the inn. On the way in, the front desk mare, who was about to get back on her shift, confronted Fender. "That proposal was beautiful!" she let out a squee. "Thanks." he smiled politely, and she looked at Winterglade, laying in Fender's forelegs still. "Well, someone partied hard." she grinned, he laughed, "Yeah, one glass too hard. I gotta lay her down, glad you enjoyed the show earlier. "Good night!" "Good night!" he called back to her, as he flew to their room. 


Fender layed the somehow drunk mare on the bed, "You're full of surprises, aren't you? I guess now would be an inconvenient time for round two of our tickle fight." he chuckled once more.

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Autumn Glow and Morning Mist looked a bit disappointed, but they understood that the necessity of taking the giggling mare back to the inn, fast. Morning Mist was a bit surprised when Fender called her 'mom,' she smiled while Autumn who heard it broke into a giggling fit of her own. "Don't mention it, you're the one who proposed her. Take care, then!"


Fender walked out, his mare on his hooves. Autumn Glow sighed and patted her mother. "Looks like you got yourself a son there. A buckin' fine one at that." Morning Mist, a smile still adorning her face, hugged Autumn Glow. The two slowly hummed to themselves a simple nursery tone.


The night is still young, soon they were joined by Hot Wing. The stallion raised an eyebrow in confusion, "please tell me you didn't give your sister a bit of that thing." Autumn Glow only snickered; Hot Wing facehoofed. "For Luna's sake... Here, let me carry mother to home."




Winterglade couldn't for the life of her remember what was going on. There was a glass full of thick honey, and a sense of weightlessness, followed with the world speeding and spinning around her. Her hooves reached around her, searching for more of the thick honey. She hadn't had enough of... whatever it was. "Buh."


There was a conversation nearby. Another session of spinning, and then she found herself lying down on something soft. She hurriedly grabbed the nearest soft object her hooves could find - which turned out to be Fender - and pulled it real close to her. She buried her face in it, at least it smelled nice. "Where are you going?" she mumbled. "Stay here, don't go..."

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She hurriedly grabbed the nearest soft object her hooves could find - which turned out to be Fender - and pulled it real close to her. She buried her face in it, at least it smelled nice. "Where are you going?" she mumbled. "Stay here, don't go..."



He snuggled up to her, "I won't go anywhere. Are you okay? Looks like that drink was a bit rough for you." He chuckled and squeezed her a bit, "Well, drunk or not, you'll always be mine."


Things were looking up, down, left and right for them. They were engaged, they were enjoying themselves, Winterglade got to see her family, and Fender got to meet them. Then there were still the downsides: Her mother's sickness, her father's...seeming hatred...it didn't sit well with him, but he couldn't worry about it right now.

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He snuggled up to her, "I won't go anywhere. Are you okay? Looks like that drink was a bit rough for you." He chuckled and squeezed her a bit, "Well, drunk or not, you'll always be mine."


Fender's words were lost on Winterglade, the mare was too deep in slumber to take notice. Nevertheless, she smiled in her sleep. Her hind hooves kicked at the air once before curling up. She felt at peace, all worry that polluted her mind seemed so far away. For now, she sleep.




Kinda stumped on what to add right here... derp


Let us start the 4th day then? :3



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For now, she sleep.


Fender kissed the sleeping mare on the nose. "Good night." He smiled, soon joining her in sleep.





The morning sun was already up...they slept for quite awhile, it was nearly mid day.


Fender's mane had fallen over his eyes a bit, he rolled it off of his face with a hoof, and then started trying to wake Winterglade.


"Hey there sleeping beauty, it's time to get up." She apparently hadn't moved all night, because she was still snuggled up with him, this was strange for her...perhaps it was the Wine?

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Winterglade stirred. Her wings felt a bit sore, but the bed was too comfortable to leave, especially when there was a soft, furred thing in her hooves. That, and there was a dull ache at the back of her head. She snuggled deeper and mumbled under her breath, "five more minutes, you wakeypants." Unceremoniously she fell asleep again.


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