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private A New Life: Manehattan Story


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The sudden tears almost broke the cheerful atmosphere around the wedding. Some of the guests halted their conversation, even Autumn Glow looked apologetic. Morning Mist gently nuzzled her emotional daughter. She wasn't familiar with this kind of breakdown, but Fender seemed to be doing the right thing. Winterglade slowly calmed down and stopped crying. Celestia blessed whoever it was that invented waterproof mascara.


Winterglade hiccuped. She grabbed on Fender tightly, as he was her anchor. "Th-Thanks, love. I'm sorry I cried like this." She nuzzled her mother. "I love you too, mom. And everypony too."


"Aw..." Autumn Glow swooned from behind. "There should be no reason to cry, little snow. Let us all have a biiiiiigg hug!" As on cue, she and Hot Wing, along with Cypher, gave Fender and Winterglade a warm hug. The wedding photographer quickly galloped to position and captured the moment in film.




The sun was set. The pianist had started playing the farewell song. One by one the guests said their goodbye, some used this chance to give the bride and the groom one final hug.


"Take care, missy. I don't want to see you cry like that again," said Shimmer Flow.


"Call us whenever you need us! A sleepover on the villa sounds nice, too," chirped Ocean Crust, which earned her a playful jab from Golden Patch.


"Leave the pair alone for a couple of weeks, would ya? Anyway, be happy, Winter. You deserved it." Golden Patch kissed Winterglade's cheek.


The bride herself was still nearly speechless from the day events. "Thanks, girls... I will certainly send a letter or a call after this."


More guests took their turn. Some were carrying a leftover from the cake and the apple pie. A particularly dirty-looking unicorn colt could be seen galloping away from the scene with a box of the leftovers, a couple of waitress hot on his trail.


The armored stallion from before trotted to Fender and gave the groom a full salute, "May the lune blessings be with you," before flying away in the sunset.


Autumn Glow sighed. She had taken off her dress, now it was unmistakable that she was indeed gaining weight, but she paid no mind to curious eyes around her. Winterglade had tried to at least take off her upper sleeves, but met with little success. Autumn Glow trotted to Fender. "Well ain't that one crazy wedding...! Fender, leave the cleaning to us. You and Winter can have the entire family house to yourselves. Our parents are sleeping elsewhere, and Hot Wing and I still have a lot of unfinished business." She winked. "Treat her real nice, would you?"


OOC: time for me to go. Don't do the timeskip yet. There is still something left in the bush :3

See ya tomorrow!

Edited by Starshine
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"May the lune blessings be with you," before flying away in the sunset.


Fender simply nodded his head in acceptance of the gesture, and smiled along.




Fender, leave the cleaning to us. You and Winter can have the entire family house to yourselves. Our parents are sleeping elsewhere, and Hot Wing and I still have a lot of unfinished business." She winked. "Treat her real nice, would you?"


Fender gave a nervous chuckle. "Don't I always?" 


Quickly, Fender lead them back to the cloudhouse. Once they were out of range to be heard, Fender couldn't help himself, "Today has been great." He sounded less cheerful now, "Has Autumn done anything strange? I mean...stranger than her normal strange, lately? It seems like since yesterday, she's been giving these subtle hints to something horrible, but I just can't figure it out, and it's been eating away at me. Maybe I'm paranoid because today was a big day...I dunno, but...what do you think?"

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The wedding dress was surprisingly nonrestrictive when it came to flying. The garment simply flowed under and behind her as Winterglade made her way to her home. Home, it was such a nice word. She giggled; now she had a chance to start her own nice, little home with Fender. Only thing left...




"Has Autumn done anything strange? I mean...stranger than her normal strange, lately? It seems like since yesterday, she's been giving these subtle hints to something horrible, but I just can't figure it out, and it's been eating away at me. Maybe I'm paranoid because today was a big day...I dunno, but...what do you think?"


"Uhm, well," Winterglade pawed on the floor, eyes avoiding contact with Fender's. Uncertainty clouded her face. "It was, actually, something I wanted to show you. Autumn helped, but she went overboard, and..." If it was physically possible, Winterglade would have permanently turned into a pink mare instead of white. She could feel her heart pumped a bit too much blood on her face. She gulped and looked around her. "Can we talk about it inside?"


Once they were inside, Winterglade opened her mouth to continue, but her eyes caught something on the sofa. "Timmy...?" With an almost childish glee she bounced to the sofa and hugged the object close. "Timmy! Oh Celestia I thought I would never see you again." She kissed the object a couple of times before showing it to Fender. It was a rather large plushie of an orange tabby cat. "My mother made him when I was a filly. I couldn't sleep back then without hugging him." She smothered her face over the plushie one more time before awkwardly putting it back on the sofa. Now she was afraid that Fender would get upset. "About what Autumn did... There is a zipper on my back. Can you pull it open?"




I'll just assume that Fender would help her right away :wacko:




The zipper in question was right in the between of Winterglade's wings. It was outright impossible to open without anypony's help. After moments of struggling with the zipper and taking care not to tear the dress, they finally succeeded. As the dress came loose, Winterglade gingerly stepped out from the dress, finally showing Fender Autumn's handiwork. Hidden under the white wedding dress was a small, dark red saddle, strapped around Winterglade torso with a couple of belts.On her hindhooves were black socks with golden trims, fastened to the saddlebag with frilly garter belts. A white ribbon was wrapped around the base of her tail. At this point her cheeks were practically glowing under the moonlight.


"Fender, I..." If nervousness could be converted into mass, Winterglade's would be enough to change the ocean tides. A part of her wanted to run, dig a hole somewhere and live in it, but another part wanted something else. A squeak later, she decided to abandon all manners of subtlety. She stared at Fender drowsily and dragged Fender to her room before locking it from the inside. The rest of the night was a long one.




This it it. The final moments of the wedding day. The next phase would be the farewell and the honeymoon :3


Anyway, feel free to skip until morning, or maybe you can put a comment or two about Timmy



Edited by Starshine
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The next morning, Fender felt sleepless, yet somehow, relieved. A sort of exhaustion came over him, but he felt great waking next to his wife. His wife, he had longed to call her that. He tenderly kissed her behind the ear, "Good morning, you lovely mare." he said as he woke her. Any sort of apparel, including the hoofbands, were left in the corner of the room by the end of the night. He chuckled, "It feels good to be married."

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Winterglade stirred from her deep slumber, ears flicked twice. She wasn't feeling like waking up early today, her hooves and backside felt sore all over... But it was a nice feeling. Slowly she crawled over the bed, sniffing for her stallion, and finally took a grip on one of his hooves.




He chuckled, "It feels good to be married."


"You also feels good," she mumbled. She opened her eyes and stared into his. That shade of green, the one of which she had fallen into, she could stare into them forever. With a chuckle she kissed her husband before stretching up her wings; one of the joints popped. "Ow! That kinda hurts. Oh Celestia I'm still tired... What time is it anyway?"

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Oh Celestia I'm still tired... What time is it anyway?"


"No idea, love." He got up and stretched.  "We might wanna burn these sheets though." He chuckled, pulling her out of bed with him. "Let's see if the family is up and about. Plus, I think we have to pack some bags for vacation, which means we have to get ready to go pretty soon."

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Winterglade whined childishly when Fender pulled her off the bed. She still wanted to lie down there and enjoy the scent of their work yesterday. She giggled. "Burn? You're still afraid of Autumn sniffing us? To be honest I would be surprised if there is one pony who couldn't smell what we've done here." True to her words, the sticky scent was practically all over the room. Opening the windows could easily warrant this house as the source of a toxic material.


She stayed on the floor for a few moments before standing up that Fender made no move to return her back onto the bed. She yawned. "Alright, alright, I'm up..." She looked around her. The wedding dress and the tux were splayed on the chair, and other things were stacked on the corner. She smiled when she saw the fat envelope rested under Timmy's fat belly. Groggily she walked into the bathroom and started the morning routine. From the inside she yelled to Fender, "Do you think we would have to pack some jackets? I imagine Vanhoover would be rather cold this time of the year."

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"Do you think we would have to pack some jackets? I imagine Vanhoover would be rather cold this time of the year."


"Maybe, I think my coat could withstand it though. I guess maybe we should pack one for each of us, and see if we need it when we get there." He chuckled, "I hope you know a good launder. I'm not washing these sheets. Even can't believe we slept after that. I never knew you were that flexible, by the way."



Have your LOL's.


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Winterglade nearly slipped on the bathroom floor when Fender reminded her about what she... did last night. She groaned. "Don't say that! I.. also don't know I could do that," the next few words coming out of her mouth were intelligible. After she finished rinsing up the gel out of her mane, she trotted out of the bathroom, head covered in towels. She tilted and toppled Fender over to the floor. before sticking out her tongue. "Admit it that you liked it. Now clean yourself up! I'll think of something about the bed sheets."


After ushering the stallion into the bathroom, she pulled off the bed sheet and folded them as nice as she could and shoved into a large plastic bag. She then sprayed a generous amount of deodorant all over the room. She was justifiably surprised when there was a coughing sound from behind the walls. Without a word she opened the window and threw the dirty plastic bag through it. Outside, a very surprised Autumn Glow suddenly found herself in the possession of a dirty bed sheet. Winterglade peeked her head out and grinned. "Thanks for coming up early to take care of the trash!" Before the peeping mare could say anything, the window was slammed shut.


Winterglade sighed in satisfaction as Autumn fluttered away from the cloudhouse. She chuckled. Now they were even! "That taken care of, where did I put my cape...?"









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Fender laughed when Winterglade threw them on the floor. "Alright, alright...I loved it."


Fender took some time washing up, making sure every part was cleaned off. Every part. He wanted to make sure the smell lingering in the room wasn't coming from him, or Winterglade for that matter, but she seemed clean enough.




"That taken care of, where did I put my cape...?"


"No idea. Let's see who's up." He said as he walked out of the room.



Have some "lolwats"


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"No idea. Let's see who's up." He said as he walked out of the room.


"Found it!" Winterglade pulled out her cape from the very bottom of the closet. Seemed like it was taken over when Hot Wing shoved every dirty clothes into the laundry service. "And... what?"


Winterglade looked at Fender, and then promptly laughed. "What do you mean 'let's see who's up'?" She trotted closer and nuzzled the stallion. "Come on, you said it yourself we need to start packing up. You can take the jacket or whatever you need from Autumn's collection, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

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"Come on, you said it yourself we need to start packing up. You can take the jacket or whatever you need from Autumn's collection, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."


He walked back into the room the second he heard Winterglade start talking.


"Aye, fair enough." He groaned jokingly, and started packing whatever he may need, and helped Winterglade do the same. He made sure he got whatever bits he needed. "Well, I think we're about ready. Anything else we need to do?"

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Winterglade grabbed herself a large luggage with wheels from the storage area. It should be enough for the two of them. Together they packed in about a dozen winter attires, jackets, saddles, hats, ear muffs, any personal stuffs they might need. Winterglade nuzzled Timmy before stuffing the poor plushie into the luggage. She also put in some socks and other things Autumn had given her. She giggled.




"Well, I think we're about ready. Anything else we need to do?"


"Well," Winterglade scratched behind her head. "I think are supposed to wait until everypony else got here? I'm sure they still have something to say." She shrugged. In truth, she wanted to hug her parents once before leaving, and to apologize from dumping her laundry onto Autumn. Not that she hadn't had it coming. She looked at the clock. "Looks like we still have about two hours for ourselves before the train departed. Let's have some breakfast!"


The mare happily trotted to the dining area and looked around for anything to eat. No food anywhere. With a sigh she opened the cupboard. Other than a box of spaghetti and its sauce, the kitchen was practically empty. Of course there were vegetables in the ice box, but she couldn't recognize most of them. Must be her mother's personal project. Rather than risking her stomach by cooking unknown salads, she tried her luck with the spaghetti. "Fender, would you be fine with just spaghetti and tomato sauce? There aren't much choices in here."

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"Fender, would you be fine with just spaghetti and tomato sauce? There aren't much choices in here."


"Sure, I've got no problem with that, love." He couldn't stop stretching, he needed to get his blood flowing a bit, it was an odd wake-up, to say the least. He was still a bit tired, and unsure of what to do other than help with the Spaghetti, so he did exactly that.

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"Uh... no no no, you can help with cutting the tomatoes. Leave the spaghetti to me," Winterglade snatched the pot from Fender's hooves and gave him the knife. She ushered Fender to the tomatoes while she herself quickly prepared the pot to boil the magical dried noddle sticks. She had been eating preserved food for most of her life, but some foods still baffled her. "How could they make something made of flour and eggs be this hard?" She mumbled as she poked herself with a strand of dried spaghetti.


Halfway through the cooking, Winterglade was already salivating. Fender did an excellent job mixing the spices with the premade sauce. Soon after everything was fully done, she gleefully carried them all onto the dining table. A couple minutes of preparing the cutlery later, she cheered. "Let's eat!"


"Oh, what is this good smell?"


Morning Mist trotted into the view, Cypher and others right behind her. Autumn Glow chuckled when she saw Winterglade busy chewing. "Already having a breakfast? I thought you guys are still busy between yourselves." That earned her a pillow to the face by Winter's quick toss.


"Are you two ready for the train?" asked Morning Mist, stifling back a laughter.




Welp, time for me to go. See ya later :3



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"Are you two ready for the train?"


"Not too long now." Fender said, sort of sadly. He was glad to be heading out for some time with Winterglade, but...


He stopped eating, "I'm going to miss all of you." He grinned, innocently. "It feels good to have a family again," He said, approaching the group of ponies he now called family, and pulled them all together for a hug. 

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"I'm going to miss all of you." He grinned, innocently. "It feels good to have a family again," He said, approaching the group of ponies he now called family, and pulled them all together for a hug.


After a messy attempt to get everypony together, the six ponies managed to get together in one big hug. Cypher was going to shy away, but Morning Mist pulled him in. Winterglade and Autumn practically bounced into the mass embrace.


"Aw... It also feels good to have you here with us," giggled Autumn Glow.


Morning Mist nuzzled Fender once the group hug is over. "Don't worry about us. If you want to, you can just send us a mail and we will visit you." She pressed her forehead onto his and said, "You're a kind soul, Fender. Please take care of my daughter." She kissed his forehead and followed Cypher into their bedroom, the elder stallion burrowed his eyebrows in deep thought.


"Don't worry about that... mom?" Winterglade trailed. Her parents' door was locked from the inside. She contemplated on asking what was wrong, but decided against it. She nudged Fender, looking a bit concerned. "Um, if you don't have anything else in mind, can we leave for the station now? I don't really want to jostle around in the rush hour." Behind her, Hot Wing and Autumn Glow prepared the necessary papers and tickets for the honeymoon.


"I'll help you carry this luggage until you got onto the train!" Hot Wing chimed in.

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"Um, if you don't have anything else in mind, can we leave for the station now? I don't really want to jostle around in the rush hour." Behind her, Hot Wing and Autumn Glow prepared the necessary papers and tickets for the honeymoon.   "I'll help you carry this luggage until you got onto the train!" Hot Wing chimed in.


"Alright, honey." He smiled, he'd never really thought to call her that before. Now...it felt sort of right...but he might not use it that often.


They got to the train station and said their goodbyes to Hot Wing. It was a new frontier...they were married, now...anything could happen. Fender was at least somewhat certain that whatever was up ahead would be good for them...anything could happen.


On the train, Fender held Winterglade close. "Well, I'm glad I chose the right mare in all of the universe to be mine." He chuckled lightly, "I love you, Winterglade." He said softly, as he snuggled closely to the mare, then kissing her on the head.

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After depositing the luggage into the reserved cabin, Hot Wing gave the pair a salute and smiled. "Have fun both of you." He then excused himself to speak with somepony else. Winterglade waved a parting hoof to her brother before trotting into the cabin along with Fender. The personal cabin was quite spacious. Two plush long chairs, big enough to be slept on comfortably. A drawer, a lamp, and a pair of pillows. It was almost too much for a train cabin.




On the train, Fender held Winterglade close. "Well, I'm glad I chose the right mare in all of the universe to be mine." He chuckled lightly, "I love you, Winterglade." He said softly, as he snuggled closely to the mare, then kissing her on the head.


Winterglade smiled. She snuggled closer into Fender and buried her face in his fur. "I love you too, you... " Her words trailed. Now she realized that she needed a nickname for Fender. Something personal. It was rather unfortunate that her mind couldn't give her something nice to call Fender with. With a sigh she pulled back and rubbed her head to Fender's neck, savoring his scent.


Everything was in order. The tickets, the train, the villa, the marriage. At this briefest moment, it was heaven. Slowly the train chugged forward and slowly gained momentum. Its destination: Vanhoover. Winterglade's mind trailed back to two months ago, where she and Fender arrived in Manehattan via train, uncertainty and fear clouded their mind. Now... it was different. Pleasantly so.


With a giggle Winterglade licked Fender's nose and spoke. "It's not fair if I don't have a nick\name to call you with. How about... Skysong?"

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"It's not fair if I don't have a nick\name to call you with. How about... Skysong?"


He raised his eyebrow and grinned, "Well...if you want to get technical...Fender is a nickname, but Skysong is fine, as long as it's coming from you, love." He winked, "I don't want Hot Wing, Corkscrew, or anyone else saying it though." He chuckled, and hugged her closer. They wouldn't see Manehattan for a short while...in a way, he would miss it more than he missed Ponyville. Manehattan was where his family was now. He looked down at Winterglade again, "At least I'll always have you." He smiled to himself.

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"Well...if you want to get technical...Fender is a nickname, but Skysong is fine, as long as it's coming from you, love." He winked, "I don't want Hot Wing, Corkscrew, or anyone else saying it though." He chuckled


Winterglade chuckled along with Fender. Corkscrew and Hot Wing? That's way too far-fetched. "Why should I tell them? That name is mine, I'm not going to share it with others, and..." There was a sign of melancholy in Fender's eyes. Winterglade bit her lips. Why was he sad? She nuzzled him a little bit.


The train gently shook under the two. It had reached its full speed, white smoke from the engine car towered over the train. It wouldn't until two days before they arrived in Vanhoover, and she was not having it with Fender being sad. She wanted to see him smile. "Do you have something in mind? Tell me, maybe we can do something about it."

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"Do you have something in mind? Tell me, maybe we can do something about it."


He smiled down at her, "Remember that nostalgic, sort of homesick feeling we got leaving Ponyville?" He didn't bother explaining more, he was certain she would understand, and even thought she might be feeling it as well, in a way. "Ah well...we've got a honeymoon to go on." He started rubbing her back to comfort her a bit, and nuzzled her.

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He smiled down at her, "Remember that nostalgic, sort of homesick feeling we got leaving Ponyville?" He didn't bother explaining more, he was certain she would understand, and even thought she might be feeling it as well, in a way. "Ah well...we've got a honeymoon to go on." He started rubbing her back to comfort her a bit, and nuzzled her.


Winterglade chuckled joyfully. Now she definitely felt better. "Well, if you want to, we can invite them to visit us in Vanhoover after a few days, or we can drop by in Manehattan after we are finished with the honeymoon." She yawned. The continuous clicking of the train started to lull her in. There were still a couple of hours until lunch, she wanted to take a nap first. She settled lower on the plush chair and rested her head on Fender's lap. "Fender, are you okay if I sleep here?"




The train went on. When the train stopped to take in more passengers in Fillydelphia, countless ponies poured in and out of the train. A lot of noises could be heard, but none of those disturbed Winterglade who was now asleep. The fatigue from the last night seemed to linger inside her. Minutes after the train left Fillydelphia station, somepony knocked the cabin's door hurriedly. The knocking seemed a bit too low for an adult pony, but nevertheless it was quite irritating.


If one should open the door, they would meet face to face with a light blue unicorn filly, who seemed to be rather confused on where she was and why she was there. 

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She settled lower on the plush chair and rested her head on Fender's lap. "Fender, are you okay if I sleep here?"


He simply nodded yes, and smiled. 


After some few hours there was a knock on their door.  Fender got up to check who might be knocking, he opened the door and was surprised to find nopony at eye level. He looked down and saw a pale blue unicorn filly. "Oh," he raised an eyebrow, "Hello little one." He turned to Winterglade and mouthed "Hey, come here a sec."

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He turned to Winterglade and mouthed "Hey, come here a sec."


Winterglade woke with a start when Fender called for her. She groggily answered, "What is it?" and trotted to Fender. Any semblance of drowsiness quickly left her system when she saw the light blue filly. The filly's brown and yellow mane looked disheveled. Winterglade actually had to remind herself that they were on a train, it shouldn't be impossible for a foal to wander around. "Wha...? What are you doing here little girl? Where is your parents?" She looked around the car, there was nopony else around.


The filly gulped, her eyes darting around. She was following her mother onto the train to their next destination, but the crowd of ponies at the entrance had thrown her way off course. She had been knocking on doors for a while, and none of them has her mother inside, one stallion even barked at her to just jump off the train. She just wanted her mother. Did her mother left her behind? No, that shouldn't be possible. She slumped down on the floor and started crying into her hooves. "Mama..."

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