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private A New Life: Manehattan Story


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Winterglade shrugged and shoved Fender onto the bed and snuggled in to use his body as a makeshift pillow. She yawned. "Now that's more like it..."


"Woah." He was startled at what happened, but he went along anyway.




Before Fender should so much take a breath, Winterglade already dozed off, far gone to the dreamland.


Fender began to whisper his thoughts out loud to himself "Well, you plucked on a few heartstrings today, huh?" he kissed the sleeping mare on the cheek, and turned his head to the ceiling "Hm, maybe she'll wake up before you for a change...-" He rolled his eyes "-...Nah, not happening." he grinned shortly at the thought, and found himself slipping into sleep as well.






Fender soon entered a realm of dreams...a world he so rarely entered, it seemed.


Fender began dreaming of when he spoke of his parents in the afternoon...his family. He saw fire engulf what he would imagine to be his memory of family, and it burned to ash, and the ash was picked up by the wind, and carried far, far away. This would be as if to tell Fender that for some time in his life, he had lost his idea of what family was.


What seemed to be the end of a tense nightmare, seemed to also be the beginning of a peaceful dream...

Fender walked through an eternal plane of light...and saw a familiar figure further down the plane. He attempted to call out to the figure, but found himself having an inability to speak. The figure moved closer to Fender, and he moved closer to it. When the two met, the shade around the figure dissolved...and showed a beautiful snow-white mare with gleaming violet eyes, and a shining two-tone blue and light blue mane and tail. Upon the sight of the mare, all of the sorrow, and pain collected from Fender's nightmare seemed to just disappear from his mind. Every ounce of discomfort and frustration left him. To his side, a picnic basket he had not seen prior to seeing Winterglade. He turned and grabbed the handle of the basket with his mouth, and moved it to the space between them, where they both sat down, opening the basket, and removing some bread.


For him, the image of the dream seemed to fade after that, but he slept peacefully, with it still in mind.

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There was nothing. Above, below, around her, there was nothing. Winterglade found herself drifting slowly in the abyss, only the fog around her to keep her company. It was weird, usually her dreams were more 'colorful' than this. It was a welcome change, though, an empty dream would always be better than-


"Wakey wakey!"




Winterglade opened her eyes with a start. No, not her eyes, she corrected, she was still dreaming. Gone was the nothingness, replaced by a familiar sight. Three small beds, a couple of drawers, a wooden lamp, and a crude painting of a princess, and a smiling filly right in her face. Winterglade blinked twice. It was her bedroom back when she was a foal. "Wha...?"


"Wake up you sleepy face!" Autumn Glow cheered, still paying no regard on Winterglade's personal space. "Today is the big day, we will get to see the ground! And the snow! Just like your name!" She practically squeeing in unmitigated glee. "It's your turn to take a bath. I'll help mum prepare the lunch boxes."


With that said, Autumn Glow jumped off from Winterglade's bed and galloped to the kitchen, leaving the confused filly to her own mind. Winterglade looked at herself. Yep, she certainly need to take a bath, her fur was messy all over, there was even a huge pock mark of dried saliva on her still blank flank. The filly sighed, she was always the one to kick around while sleeping. Tentatively she stepped down from the bed and tidied it up as best as she could. She made the trip to the bathroom a quick one.



It had been three hours since the last time she saw her mother, or any of her siblings for that matter. Winterglade hiccuped. The snow had been too beautiful, she was a bit too excited to finally see her namesake in firsthand, now she was lost. She tried to call for help, but her throat was too coarse from all that crying. Her hooves were aching, and she couldn't see anything past her own snout thanks to the rising wind. She tried to follow the wind, in hopes that it might carry her to her mother, but all it did was to misled her even further.


Winterglade sat down at the base of the largest tree she could found, curling up and clinging to her thick jacket as best as she could. She already lost feeling of her extremities and her wings. Is this it? she asked herself. Is this how she would meet her end? There was no answer, only her own sobs.



Again, she was alone. This time, instead of eternal state of twilight and choking fog, there was only light. She tried to speak out, but her voice failed her. She felt weak. Her every joints refused to cooperate, her wings draped to the ground, its muscles too sore to keep it tucked, her mane and tail sagged as if there was a weight set on each individual strand. It was horrible.


Then she saw him.


His form was hard to discern at first. Winterglade initially tried to shy away, but something about this new presence made her feel... welcome. She slowly walked to the stallion silhouette. Slowly but surely, her self felt gradually lighter the more she walked to the stallion, her gait no longer feel burdened. She broke into a faster trot. Soon, they met somewhere in the middle, and the mist around them cleared... He was a handsome stallion. Gray coat, with mane of bright green and brown, a pegasus just like her. The one who would make her happy and safe, his smile meant the world for her.


Before anypony could do anything, there was suddenly a picnic basket next to the stallion. Winterglade nearly balked in surprise. But then again, in dreamscape, anything is possible. She giggled to herself as the stallion brought the basket between them and took out a bread for himself. Winterglade followed suit. Without further ado she bit down on the bread, a huge smile still on her face.



There was a tail in her mouth. Winterglade slowly stirred awake, the memories from yesterday slowly flooded her mind, eyes fluttered open, and yet she couldn't stop munching on the mysterious tail. It was odd, considering her own tail wasn't long enough for her to snack on. Unless...


"Mmhum?" she groaned. There was a thicket of green and brown hair in front of her face, and a good clump of them was somehow tangled themselves in her mouth. It took her a while to figure out what happened, but it seemed like she had somehow managed to turn around in her sleep and start chewing Fender's tail. "What the... hay?" she spat the now saliva-drenched tail.


The stallion himself was still fast asleep. From a wild guess it still six in the morning, and considering she was technically on a vacation, Winterglade saw no need to leave the bed just yet. She rolled ever to face Fender and pecked the him in the cheek. "Good morning there, sunshine."




Holy that was long :wacko:


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Sleep began to wear away from Fender's mind when he felt movement...




She rolled ever to face Fender and pecked the him in the cheek. "Good morning there, sunshine."


Waking to the kiss and Winterglade's words was delightful. "Wow, she actually managed to wake first..." He thought. He smiled tiredly at her, "Good morning." Fender got up and yawned, which was followed by a stretch. He looked down at his tail and raised an eyebrow at the fact that some of it was a little bit wet and ruffled. He shrugged it off and thought it better that he didn't ask, then shook his tail a bit to fix it.


He remembered a slight bit of his dream, nothing in detail, only that it went from bad to good...he'd think more about it later. He turned back Winterglade, "Ready for the day?"

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Winterglade could only smile sheepishly while Fender shook his tail. She didn't know how would Fender react if he found out that she had somehow spent the night chewing on his tail, for whatever reason. Maybe it was related to her dream somehow?




He remembered a slight bit of his dream, nothing in detail, only that it went from bad to good...he'd think more about it later. He turned back Winterglade, "Ready for the day?"


The mare nodded. She jumped off from the bed and stretched her back, sounds of cracking joints could be heard. "I'm ready."


Winterglade reviewed her list of things to do for the day. So far there was only one thing that must be taken care of at the earliest convenience, and that was her parents. She sighed. After what happened last night, she didn't really fancy the idea of going back home. At least her mother seemed to be quite stable. "Well... Do you have anything in mind?"

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"Well... Do you have anything in mind?"


"Well...priorities first, I suppose. I believe I am to meet your parents today, though it's a bit early...I'll let you decide what we do. After all, you probably know more of what's what around here." He knew she was probably feeling a bit anxious about the situation with her parents, "And, remember, when the time comes, I'll be there for you, okay?"

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"I know that. I'm just..." Winterglade trailed. Fender was right on the 'too early' part. Good chance everypony was still asleep in her house. She shrugged. "I say we can talk about it later. We should get some breakfast, and after that maybe fly around the city. Judging from your reaction yesterday, this is the first time you've been in Manehattan," she said. "Anyway, I'll take a shower for one moment."


Winterglade took her still folded cape and trotted to the bathroom, and started doing the usual self-hygiene stuff. Thankfully the inn provided a soap in the bathroom. After a while she trotted out, cape already worn on her back. "Um, maybe you should at least wash that tail of yours," she commented.


Note: welp, gotta go now. I have a certain plan for the weekend, so I won't be able to check in on the forum for a while. See ya in Tuesday :3

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"I say we can talk about it later. We should get some breakfast, and after that maybe fly around the city. Judging from your reaction yesterday, this is the first time you've been in Manehattan," she said. "Anyway, I'll take a shower for one moment."


"Alright then,"


While Winterglade was showering, Fender kind of paced around the room.




After a while she trotted out, cape already worn on her back. "Um, maybe you should at least wash that tail of yours," she commented.


"Yeah, I think I'll go for a full shower here." He grinned


Fender showered and dried off, then returned to the hotel room.


Looking to Winterglade, he asked "So, where do we start?"

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When Fender gone to take a shower, Winterglade took the chance to groom herself a little bit. Her feathers were surprisingly unrustled from her sleep. She only preened her wings for a moment before turning to her cape. She sighed. It was subtle, but the pull mark on the seams was unmistakable. She didn't know if putting it to be repaired by a seamstress in Manehattan would be a good idea. It seemed like the cape would have to wait until they get back to Ponyville.




Looking to Winterglade, he asked "So, where do we start?"


"Oh! It's breakfast time!" Winterglade answered a bit too excitedly. She was a bit hungry after all. "Yesterday when we ate dinner I saw a not-so-fancy restaurant that might have pancakes in the menu. Pancake sounds nice. Let's go!" After checking her cape for the last time, she trotted through the door and out from the inn, eager for a double pancake.


Outside, the sun was shining quite brightly, almost blinding even. Ponies around her were going back and forth minding their own business, seemed not paying any attention to the scorching sun. Winterglade squinted and looked above. There was no cloud all around, which is quite odd considering it's rather impossible to keep the skyline clear in a city as huge as Manehattan. But this time there was no cloud, not a single one. "Weird," she commented. When Fender trotted to her side, she continued, "By Celestia the sun is hot! It's almost like there would be some kind of parade going on at noon. There is no special holiday at this time of the year, right?"


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"By Celestia the sun is hot! It's almost like there would be some kind of parade going on at noon. There is no special holiday at this time of the year, right?"


"Not that I can think of," He responded somewhat distractedly, while taking in the sights. The city was still bigger than anything he had ever seen before.


"So, uh...pancakes, you say?" He smiled at her, it was good to spend time with her once again rather than just work like they had for the past month.

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"Not that I can think of," He responded somewhat distractedly, while taking in the sights.


Winterglade let out a chuckle, she should take Fender for a trip around the town after she's done with her parents. Maybe to the museum? Or maybe the entertainment center? Nevertheless, now she was rather excited to see the end of the day.




"So, uh...pancakes, you say?" He smiled at her, it was good to spend time with her once again rather than just work like they had for the past month.


"Pancakes!" Winterglade jumped excitedly. "I hope they have a real caramel, not those fake thickened fructose syrup with food coloring. It's disgusting," she said while lolling her tongue to the side to put an extra emphasize. Her stomach weakly rumbled in agreement. Yep, she could totally use s super sweet treat right now.


After a few minutes of trotting, the pair entered the restaurant Winterglade referred to earlier. It was not exactly a huge place, but the main area looked quite roomy. Winterglade quickly took a seat, glanced briefly to the menu to ensure that the price wouldn't render her bankrupt, and called for a nearby waitress, "Excuse me! I would like to have two pancakes with a strawberry waffle, and a chocolate milkshake, please." She turned to Fender. "And your order?"

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"I hope they have a real caramel, not those fake thickened fructose syrup with food coloring. It's disgusting," she said while lolling her tongue to the side to put an extra emphasize.


He laughed heartily, and kissed her on the cheek, "You're so cute!" 




"And your order?"

"Hm, just 2 pancakes and some milk." Fender wasn't the hungriest stallion right now, he actually still felt a bit full from the salad the night before. He had no idea how though, it was just a salad. 


When the waitress walked away, and Fender and Winterglade both seemed to be seated comfortably...Fender spoke up.


"Y'know, it just occured to me...I have never told you my full name. I mean, I'm so used to being called 'Fender' that I almost forget my real name sometimes." he grinned innocently "I could tell you, but it's ridiculous...promise not to laugh?" he chuckled

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"Y'know, it just occured to me...I have never told you my full name. I mean, I'm so used to being called 'Fender' that I almost forget my real name sometimes." he grinned innocently "I could tell you, but it's ridiculous...promise not to laugh?" he chuckled


Winterglade was idly scanning the menu up and down when Fender spoke up. Her ears quickly perked up. "Really? That's kinda unusual, but it's understandable that you might start to forgot your real name after using your nickname so long. Of course I promise not to laugh, but... are you sure you're okay with telling me this?" Winterglade was trying to hide her curiosity, but she failed miserably. Her eyes were now widened and totally focused on Fender.


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Of course I promise not to laugh, but... are you sure you're okay with telling me this?"


Fender wouldn't actually be bothered if Winterglade laughed, he loved hearing her laugh, plus his name might be ridiculous to himself, but she may like it...Fender couldn't let his mind wander too far.




Winterglade was trying to hide her curiosity, but she failed miserably. Her eyes were now widened and totally focused on Fender.



He quietly chuckled at her for trying to hide her quite obvious curiosity...


"Well...it's kind of uh..." his cheeks started turning too an embarrassed pink color. He almost mumbled it, but said it just loudly enough for her to hear "...Plainsong...Skyjumper..." he said sheepishly.

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"Well...it's kind of uh..." his cheeks started turning too an embarrassed pink color. He almost mumbled it, but said it just loudly enough for her to hear "...Plainsong...Skyjumper..." he said sheepishly.


It took Winterglade quite some while to fully comprehend what Fender just said. When he asked her to promise not to laugh, she was half expecting something silly or jarring. The waitress trotted by and put their orders on their table, Winterglade smiled to the waitress and waited until she was well beyond earshot before replying to Fender, "Well... To be honest, Your name is not exactly something that I would call ridiculous. It's almost cute even." She took a sip out of her milkshake before continuing, "Plainsong Skyjumper... Yeah, it might be a bit mouthful, but it's not that unusual in my opinion."


Winterglade shrugged. She had known some ponies with even much sillier names, she didn't really understand why Fender would feel embarrassed by that name. "Anyway, if you aren't feeling comfortable with that name, I will keep calling you Fender, just like usual."

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It's almost cute even."


Fender nervously blushed at that.




"Anyway, if you aren't feeling comfortable with that name, I will keep calling you Fender, just like usual."


He sighed and smiled, "Yeah, yeah I'd prefer Fender. Dunno why the name always seemed so strange and kind of...dorky to me." He paused "You...when don't you sound like a dork? Dork." he said in his own mind. "Anyway, I guess it's because it's so different from Fender. Meh. I guess I'll never know." He grinned.


"And your full name? Or should we save that for another time?" He said, then taking a bite of one of his pancakes.

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He sighed and smiled, "Yeah, yeah I'd prefer Fender. Dunno why the name always seemed so strange and kind of...dorky to me." He paused. "Anyway, I guess it's because it's so different from Fender. Meh. I guess I'll never know." He grinned.


"I don't really think that's the kind of name you can call dorky. It's more like lively-happy-songy feel." Winterglade flailed her forehooves around in circular motions. In truth she had no idea what's the name would be about. At least Fender looked cute when embarrassed about his name. She let out a chuckle and start cutting her pancakes to tiny pieces and shoved them to her eager mouth.




"And your full name? Or should we save that for another time?" He said, then taking a bite of one of his pancakes.


"My full name?" she asked in return. "I'm not exactly sure, but as far as I remember my mother never called me with anything other than the simple Winterglade, so I guess I only have one word for a name. Nothing special."


She continued eating. Much to the mare's delight, the caramel was positively delicious, as in honest-to-Celestia not-made-of-chemical delicious. Her eyes almost watered from sheer joy. But just when the day seemed to be starting perfectly, the restaurant's front door opened.


"Oh buck," spat Winterglade as her sister, Autumn Glow, trotted into the building, following closely behind the cerulean pegasus was her mother. The elder mare's fur and mane had since lost much of their beautiful sheen, leaving only dulled yellow fur and errant strands of white mane. Autumn Glow looked around the restaurant and led her mother to a nearby 4-seat table. "Oh great, the stallions are coming too," Winterglade nervously said while trying to be as small as possible to avoid detection. "Do you think we can just drop the bits here and fly out through the window?" she asked to Fender.

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Nothing special."


Fender finished chewing, "Well, I like it, it reminds me of you." he grinned at his blatantly obvious observation of her name.




"Do you think we can just drop the bits here and fly out through the window?"



Fender's face went blank. "Uh. We can...try? I'll be right behind you." He said with an uneasy voice. He didn't exactly like the idea of sneaking around behind Winterglade's family's backs. He gritted his teeth behind his lips.

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Fender's face went blank. "Uh. We can...try? I'll be right behind you." He said with an uneasy voice.


"Yeah... lets."


Winterglade didn't waste any chance to cut her breakfast, she instead gulped everything down in one bite. It was such a waste not to enjoy the delicious caramel, but anything is better rather than spending the rest of the morning stuck with her father in public. A quick calculation latter, she dropped a generous amount of bits on the table and moved away from the tab-


"Where are you going, little snow?" A hoof caught Winterglade's shoulder. To her credit, she managed not to jolt upward in abject terror, ruining the table and everything nearby.


Winterglade whimpered. She looked back, her sister somehow managed to slip behind her without Fender or her even noticing. "Um, hi sis. I'm just going to show Fender around the city, so will you please-ahahaa..." The mare could only sag down in resignation as the older, clearly much stronger mare dragged her limp body to her mother's table. The elder mare herself was sitting on her seat, looking positively entertained.


Autumn Glow called out to Fender. "Come, join us! There are enough seats for everypony."



I really need to get a better ISP :/


Edited by Starshine
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"Where are you going, little snow?"



Fender almost jumped at the appearance of Winterglade's sister at their table.




"Um, hi sis. I'm just going to show Fender around the city, so will you please-ahahaa..." The mare could only sag down in resignation as the older, clearly much stronger mare dragged her limp body to her mother's table. The elder mare herself was sitting on her seat, looking positively entertained.



Fender had to feel sorry for Winterglade, but he sighed in relief at the fact that they didn't have to sneak around now.




"Come, join us! There are enough seats for everypony."



"Here goes..." He almost thought it out loud...


Fender grabbed a seat between Autumn Glow and Winterglade. He turned to Autumn Glow, "Hello again." He put on a pleasant smile, and turned to Winterglade's mother...


"Hello! I'm Fender."





Edited by Becker (Fender)
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Winterglade awkwardly took a vacant seat in front of her mother. As fast as she came, Autumn Glow excused herself and trots away to call the waitress. Fender took the seat next to her and greeted her mother. Winterglade gulped. It's true that she had been planning to meet her mother, but this was way too early. "Hello too, mom. Are you sure you can leave the bed this early? Where's the guys?"


The elder mare only nodded once to Fender and her daughter, her smile never falter. It had been quite some while since the last time she had seen her daughter in a relaxed setting. Her brittle bones felt cold, but it was worth it. She looked at Winterglade and said, "I see that you already have a coltfriend. Just a matter of time, I'm always wanting to cradle a grandfoal of my own."


Winterglade quickly turned beet red, the fur behind her neck quickly stood on its end. "M-Mom!" she whined. "We are not there yet! It's too soon to start speaking about foals."

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"I see that you already have a coltfriend. Just a matter of time, I'm always wanting to cradle a grandfoal of my own."



Fender's face turned to a velvet color and he let out what almost sounded like a nervous hiccup...




"M-Mom!" she whined. "We are not there yet! It's too soon to start speaking about foals."



"Ehehehehe...uhh, yeah, a wee bit early on that one.


He turned to Winterglade's mom again, "Uhm...your name, miss?"


He was still curious about Winterglade's mother, she seemed to be a very sweet mare, now he knew where Winterglade got that bit.

Edited by Becker (Fender)
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"Ehehehehe...uhh, yeah, a wee bit early on that one.


Yep. Too early for that, Winterglade agreed. Still, being asked so suddenly made her mind wander all around. It's been a month ands o far things have been going well for both her and Fender. Maybe in a year or so things will be different? The thought alone brought back the blush to her cheeks with a vengeance. Ashamed, she quickly covered her face with her forehooves. To make matters worse, her mother giggled at her expense. Now Winterglade wanted nothing more but to curl up under the table and sleep there until the next week.




He turned to Winterglade's mom again, "Uhm...your name, miss?"


"Ah, my name? You can call me Morning Mist, or Mist for short," the elder mare answered. She smiled again. Not until Autumn Glow returned with trays full of food on each of her wings did she speak once more. "Well then, it's time for us to eat some breakfast. I hope that you didn't eat too much before we came here. Oh, and don't worry about your father, Winterglade. Your dear brother is taking care of him now."


"Dig them up!" Autumn Glow cheered as she put down the trails on the table. There were plates of pancakes and sandwiches and some iced tea, which all would be enough to feed at least six ponies. Autumn Glow sat next to her mother and quickly pulled closer two ponies' worth of breakfast and started eating like no tomorrow. Winterglade peeked from behind her hooves, face still flushed, and hesitantly took a sandwich while ushering Fender to do so with her.

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"Ah, my name? You can call me Morning Mist, or Mist for short," the elder mare answered.




Winterglade peeked from behind her hooves, face still flushed, and hesitantly took a sandwich while ushering Fender to do so with her.


"Well, good to meet you Morning Mist." Fender said, taking a sandwich.


He felt like he should say something to show off his love for Winterglade, 


"And if I may say, ma'am, it's been more than a pleasure to meet Winterglade. I couldn't have asked for anyone better in my life." He said this partially in hopes to make Winterglade change colors once again.

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"Well, good to meet you Morning Mist." Fender said, taking a sandwich.


Morning Mist simply smiled and followed everypony else by taking a sandwich of her own. At least Fender seemed to be a fine stallion. Judging from Winterglade's reactions, she loved him very much so. She felt proud that her younger daughter finally found herself somepony to take care of her.




"And if I may say, ma'am, it's been more than a pleasure to meet Winterglade. I couldn't have asked for anyone better in my life."


Winterglade nearly choked on her petunia sandwich. She coughed once, twice, and finally thrice before finally asking for a glass of water with a raspy voice. Autumn Glow herself laughed her flank off, she offered her sister the water. Winterglade quickly chugged the entire thing in one gulp, her face was pretty much pink all over. "Pwah... Fender, don't scare me like that!" she whined while punching Fender's shoulder.


Morning Mist giggled seeing her daughter's antic, and also from Fender's statement. "I take it you both are working somewhere right now?" she asked.

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Winterglade nearly choked on her petunia sandwich. She coughed once, twice, and finally thrice before finally asking for a glass of water with a raspy voice. Autumn Glow herself laughed her flank off, she offered her sister the water. Winterglade quickly chugged the entire thing in one gulp, her face was pretty much pink all over. "Pwah... Fender, don't scare me like that!" she whined while punching Fender's shoulder.


Fender patted her back, and chuckled lightly when she chugged the water. At her punch he gave her a quick peck on the cheek in return. "I'll not try as hard to next time, I suppose." He grinned




"I take it you both are working somewhere right now?" she asked.


It was Fender's turn to turn pink...he didn't exactly have a job...he would still be honest though.


"Uhm, as of now, Winterglade holds the main job, out of the two of us. Me? I, uh...sing. On the street. And I pull in whatever bits I can." He paused for about 2 seconds before he had to spit out "But! If we ever were struggling financially, I would be more than willing to get an actual job." Fender's face blankened and he sucked his lips at what he just said. He then facehoofed, and sighed. "I must sound like a bloody dolt, I know. I'm jobless, but singing has seemed to pay well, and we've been holding the house perfectly fine, we still have food

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