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private A New Life: Manehattan Story


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Winterglade snapped into awareness as soon as she heard her sister's name. Blearily she slipped off the bed and walked to the door, nearly knocking herself senseless into a wall. She peeked her head to the living room, vaguely aware of the cerulean blob hugging a grey blob. She shook her head to focus her eyes out. "Au-Autumn? Why are you here?"


Autumn Glow herself was quick to pull Fender into a tight hug. She instinctively kissed his cheeks, just to ensure that she wasn't hallucinating. "Oh Fender you are okay thank you Luna..." She quickly released and Fender and dashed to her still half-awake sister. "Winterglade! You are alright!" She promptly kissed Winterglade right in the lips a few times, despite the panicked kicking hooves of the younger mare. Winterglade tried to escape, but Autumn Glow was too strong.


"I'm... fine!" Winterglade yelled out. She pushed Autumn away with both of her forehooves. "And why do you have to kiss me? Eugh..."


Autumn Glow finally released Winterglade, who promptly dashed away. She blushed and scratched behind her head sheepishly. "Sorry! I'm just so worried about both of you. I thought I would never see you two again, and... What happened? There shouldn't be any snow on the mountain this year, the Vanhoover weather team won't tell us anything." She looked at Fender, as if asking for a clue.




Skype derped... blargh



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Fender looked down, and sighed. "One...of the weather ponies used some sort of snow machine on top of the mountain...for scenery, or something." He looked back up, "Well, something went wrong, and it started an avalanche, that's as much as we know." He smiled, "But we're okay...and we have big news..." He took a deep breath, "...we're having a foal." He looked at Winterglade, as if asking her to give the other details.

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"What? Snow machine!? You mean all those ponies died for-" Autumn Glow fumed, but soon grew calm. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Foal? You mean, you two..." she pointed a hoof to Winterglade, the white mare merely nodded and grinned. Autumn Glow was a silent for a moment before yanking both Fender and Winterglade into a brief group hug. "You are having a foal! Congratulations, both of you! Oh gosh have you picked a name yet? When did you visit the maternal doctor?"


Winterglade chuckled and waved a hoof aside. "It's not a doctor, a... close friend of Fender visited. She was an unicorn, and she knows a spell that can look inside of me. So yeah," Winterglade threw a side glance on Fender and mouthed, 'Don't tell her about the princess and the ruby.'

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Fender obeyed his wife, but still shared his excitement out loud. "Yeah, no name picked yet..." he chuckled nervously, "...but uhm, we'll work on that." Fender finally escaped Autumn's hug. "Well...it's good to see you again, thanks for checking on us. OH! And, mind letting us tell Morning Mist about the foal?"

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Autumn Glow's smile grew considerably wider when Fender mentioned her mother's name. "Of course! How could I forgot of gosh I'll have to tell mother and-" Her words were stopped by a sudden bleeping sounds from her vest. "Oh Celestia-damnit, my boss is calling me now. Fender, Winterglade please take care of yourself while I'm gone, would you?" She gave each pegasus another kiss to their cheeks before trotting to the door. "Oh, and stay in this hotel for a while, okay? Don't worry about the rent, all of your expense will be covered by the city council. I will return here as soon as I recovered the rest of your stuff, I'm sure there are some of your stuff left under all that snow. And one more thing, stay the buck away from the avalanche. See you later!" With that said, Autumn Glow galloped out of the hotel. Not too far away, she was joined by other pegasi with similar attires.


Winterglade tried to say farewell, but soon gave up as the older mare disappeared into the horizon. She sighed. "She's always in a hurry to somewhere... Heheh, looks like our foals will have one heck of an aunt," she chuckled and sat near Fender. The explosive morning call had made her unable to continue her sleep. "Y'know... Before this I want to tell her that Luna visited us, as some sort of bragging rights between siblings, but I figured she would ask a lot of things and soon she would found out about Springsteps and her ruby," she sighed and nuzzled Fender. "Do you still have the nightmare?" she asked, a bit worried.

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He smiled, "No, no more nightmares. I think Luna pretty much solved whatever problem was there. So...besides the baby, what else were you two talking about while I was out?"  He chuckled, "I mean, I must've missed something else." He grinned curiously, to try and coax her into telling anything.

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Winterglade raised an eyebrow at the question. She didn't really caught what Fender meant with that. "What? She just told me that I'm about a week or two into the pregnancy and... that our love is special?" she guessed. The exact wording might be different, but she couldn't recall it correctly. With a forehoof she pulled Fender in until his snout touched her. "What do you expect? You know I would never hide anything from you." She playfully licked Fender's snout and pecked him a few times before being overwhelmed by a fit of laughter. "I still can't believe it. We are going to have a foal," she whimpered, a tear made its way to her eyes.




Yep, you can do the timeskip now if you want :3


There is a big mess here, sorry I can't do it myself. Will reply in about an hour.



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After another week went by in Vanhoover, Winterglade and Fender said their goodbyes to Autumn Glow for the time being, and made their way back to Manehattan. The train ride was less eventful this time than the time they came to Vanhoover. Upon their arrival the two exited the train with a bit less than they had left Manehattan with before. The couple began flying toward the house where Winterglade's family lived.


Fender inhaled deeply as they flew along. "You about ready to tell your parents?"

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"I don't know..."


Winterglade bit her lips. These last few days had been rather hectic, there were many random urges to try out any new foods she ran across, and for some reason she just couldn't sit idly without poking everything around her. In other words, she was an utter wreck of a restless mare, and the closer they got to her home, the more uneasy she became. Her teeth started clattering at each other. "What if they think that the foal is too soon?" she muttered. "What if mama isn't home and there's only papa and he would berate me for getting pregnant this early and-" She had unknowingly landed on the front yard of the cloudhouse, at this point she was just one spook away from bolting away from the scene.

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Fender quickly took notice of his wife's uneasiness, and landed next to her. He put a hoof on her back, and rubbed it gently to try and calm her. "Shhhh...don't worry, I can handle Cypher if he gets off his chain. I have a way with words, you know that better than anypony." He smiled reassuringly, and opened the door to the house, leading himself, his wife, and the foal inside of her inside the house. Fender was prepared to deal with just about anything now. He walked into the kitchen, to see Morning Mist working on what looked like some sort of lunch involvin fruit. He crept up behind the elderly mare and poked her with a hoof. "Hi, mom."

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Winterglade meekly nodded. Fender's back rub had a sudden, calming effect on her, she felt a lot better, but still not very good yet. She took a deep breath a few times and followed the stallion into the house. "Here goes nothing," she whispered under her breath. She was justifiably relieved when there wasn't any sign of her dad's presence. Feeling suddenly weak, she walked to the sofa and slumped herself on the cold, downy couch. "Home sweet home."


In the kitchen, Morning Mist was doing her usual routine of preparing her afternoon snacks. Since she learned about her health condition, she had been accustoming herself to eat as many fruits and vegetables as she could, or as her son would say, 'boring stuff all day everyday.' When she heard clopping hooves behind her, she had assumed that it was Hot Wing. Needless to say she was surprised when the voice belonged to Fender, her son-in-law. "Fender? Oh, welcome home, son," she put down the fruits and turned around to  gave the grey stallion a nice hug. "It's good to see that you're okay, dear. I was so worried when Autumn told me that there was an avalanche in Vanhoover. I'm so sorry that your honeymoon had to be so short."

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"Fender? Oh, welcome home, son," she put down the fruits and turned around to  gave the grey stallion a nice hug. "It's good to see that you're okay, dear. I was so worried when Autumn told me that there was an avalanche in Vanhoover. I'm so sorry that your honeymoon had to be so short."


Fender happily accepted the hug. "It's good to see you too. And it's fine, we're okay, a one and a half week long honeymoon full of adventure...I can't say I'm that disappointed." He sighed, and smiled. "Now come, we have big news." He pulled the mare, as politely as he could, into the living room and sat her on one side of Winterglade. Fender sat on the floor in front of the two mares. He took a deep breath. "Alright honey, tell her." He once again smiled reassuringly.

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Winterglade tensed as soon as her mother sat by her side. The elder mare herself was simply sitting there, smiling and looking quizzically back and forth between the younger pegasi, as if wondering just what party she had been left out. Winterglade gulped. Didn't Autumn said she was going to tell mother? Looked like Autumn had 'miraculously' forgot. Silently promising herself to give her sister one good smack in the plot, Winterglade grinned sheepishly and spoke in rapid heave, "I'mpregnant."


Morning Mist frowned. "Excuse me?" She perked up her ears, she was not as young as she used to be.


Winterglade rolled her eyes and took her mother's forehooves in her own. "Mom, I'm pregnant. I'm about three weeks in." She smiled, a sense of pride swelled in her chest. "We are going to have a foal running in the house this year."


For a moment Morning Mist was silent. Her face was blank, as if trapped in a loop. She blinked a few times and looked at son-in-law, then at her daughter. A mist clouded her eyes as she hugged her daughter tightly. "Oh Celestia... Thank you so much, Winterglade. You've made this old mare proud. Congratulations, and you too, Fender."

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Fender grew a peaceful smiled when he saw Morning Mist's reaction to the news, and the scene in front of him was one he actually longed to see again. A happy Morning Mist with her lovely daughter Winterglade. Fender figured enough had happened to him and Winterglade that it would be good for her to be home again, just for a little bit. "Thanks, mom." He chuckled, "I can still call you 'mom' right?"

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Morning Mist actually looked insulted by the question, but the smile never left her face. She chuckled. "Of course! Why wouldn't you? You will always be a part of this little family, sonny. Now come here and give mama a hug." Morning Mist smiled warmly, her hooves inviting for Fender to join in.


In the mean time, Winterglade was already too comfortable in her mother's embrace to say anything. The white mare merely dug deeper into her mother's fur. It certainly felt so nice, being welcome at one's own home. Nothing would ruin this moment exce- Winterglade yelped and looked around. She could almost feel something was breathing on her neck.




Mighty sorry for the delay... my wifi is being crazy ;-;




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Fender did end up taking part in the group hug. He chuckled once more, "Well, I hope to be the best father in Equestria now...I've not got much to go off of, but I'm gonna try my hardest." He finally escaped the hug and stared at both mares for a moment, admiring the strange resemblance they both shared, also wondering what his foals would look like. He scratched his chin for a moment, "Hm...I wonder what race the foal will be." His face flatlined. "It might be hard to raise a unicorn who needs to learn magic..." He smiled, "...have any specific hopes, honey?"

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"Well..." Winterglade rubbed her chin in thoughts. She took a glance at her mother, who only shrugged as if putting the weight of the decision on the younger mare. After a few moments, Winterglade finally looked at Fender and also shrugged. "Whichever works. Be it a pegasus, earth pony, or unicorn, we will love the foal no matter what, right?" She chuckled and rubbed at her underbelly. This early into the pregnancy there wasn't any visible changes from the outside, but she could feel something was different in her. "I want it to be a filly, though."


At that moment the front door suddenly flung open. Through it trotted a very worn-out Autumn Glow. Much of her coat had random darker patches all over, and her vest had definitely seen a better day. The cerulean mare hobbled and threw herself onto a vacant chair, but she missed cushion entirely and her rear ended up hoisted over the arm rest. "So tired..." she wheezed.

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While Fender was about to object his wife's wish, a hoof already raised and mouth opened, he was a little startled by Autumn bursting into the house. He cringed a bit, but regained his composure, then looking at Morning Mist. "Want me to help you make the food? Looks like Autumn needs it, I know the wife and baby need it, and I'm quite hungry myself." He chuckled.

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Winterglade raised an eyebrow. Fender was about to say something when Autumn suddenly barged in. "Um, wait wait, I'll go take care of the food. Mama, please take care of Autumn for a bit?" Winterglade threw a look to her mother. In an unspoken agreement Morning Mist smiled and walked to comfort the still sprawled Autumn Glow. Winterglade herself quickly snatched Fender and dragged the stallion into the kitchen.


Inside the kitchen, away from any leery ears, Winterglade looked at Fender. "You don't like fillies?" she asked.

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"What?" He cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "Oh, no I'm fine with fillies. I was just going to make a playfully witty comment about wishing for the other gender before Autumn's entrance." He smiled reassuringly, and confidently. I will love our foal or foals no matter what race or gender they happen to be. Now let's get to work on the food." He pecked her lips to dismiss the conversation. He wasn't lying about what he said, and he hoped that Winterglade believed him.

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That kiss brought a blush to Winterglade's cheeks. Hearing that Fender wouldn't mind about the foal's gender certainly eased her mind considerably. She turned around and nuzzled Fender lovingly. "Thanks, love. I'm you'll be the best father Equestria will ever see." A quick kiss to the lips later, Winterglade rushed around the place to prepare a quick lunch, namely a salad using whatever bits of random fruits she could find.


When Winterglade returned to the living room, Autumn Glow was curling up on Morning Mist's lap, the elder mare occasionally brushing her daughter's dirty mane with a hoof. She smiled seeing her a younger daughter arrived with a lunch. "Mm, fruit salas just when I like it. Thanks, Winty," she accepted one bowl of it and turned to Fender. "So, Fender, has your wive been acting weird lately?"

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"Nope." He chuckled mischievously. "She still thinks we haven't told mom..." He snickered. "She might have little cravings here and there, but she's still the same Winterglade as usual." Before she could respond in any way that questioned him, "You are aware we've told your mother about the foal, right?" He chuckled.

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Autumn Glow could only blink in bewilderment. She turned to face her mother to see that, yes, the elder mare was giggling at her, even her younger sister joined in on the fun. Autumn Glow groaned and smacked her face to the cushion in shame. "There goes the prank."


Winterglade tried to cover her mouth, but the giggling fit was too much. She quickly took in a deep breath and let it out. "Um, yeah, I've been getting these cravings, but so far there is no clear pattern. It's whenever I see some food, there's a good chance I want that thing in my mouth as soon as possible," she shrugged. It was unexplainable, but now she really wanted to chew on something green. She sat on the couch and start nibbling on a cabbage. "And... I guess we will stay here for a night, then maybe tomorrow we will go back to our home in Ponyville. Fender, what do you think?"

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"We're gonna have to." He twisted up his lips while he thought for a moment, clicking his tongue once as he transitioned into speaking again. "We're gonna have to make plans as for what to do with the houses when the baby arrives...and actually, I might as well just sell my house...it's a little out there, and I'd rather our family be closer to Ponyville. We'll also have to make sure we get everything we'll need to take care of a foal when it's born." He frowned for a moment, but smiled once more. "We still wanted to be sure we told at least you, mom." He hugged the elder mare once more for a moment, and let go. "I'll be sure to pay for you a train ride to Ponyville when the birth is near."

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Winterglade raised a hoof in agreement. "Yeah! We will get you a room in the Ponyville Inn when the time come. It's a nice place to live, I'm sure you will like it there. It's not too far from the hospital, too." She nodded excitedly. "Until then, I guess we can take it easy? There shouldn't be any need to worry about bits, we got that covered," with a giggle she threw a grateful smile to Autumn Glow, who was still too busy moping to acknowledge it. "And, uh, where is father? What have you been doing since we left to Vanhoover?"


Morning Mist smiled weakly at her daughter. For a couple of seconds she busied herself with Autumn's wrinkled mane before answering. "Your father and your brother is on an assignment somewhere. They didn't tell me anything other than they might have to be away for at least two months." Morning Mist quickly raised a hoof before Winterglade could voice her protest. "You shouldn't worry about me, you two can go back to Ponyville. Autumn Glow would stay here while they are gone." There was a muffled 'yes' coming from Autumn, Morning Mist nodded. She then continued, "There aren't much activities in this home without you or your father. What about yourselves? Did you meet something special in your honeymoon? Other than the avalanche, of course."




Wifi derped again @_@



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