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private A New Life: Manehattan Story


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It was supposed to be Winter to take care of her mother, but you see, only after three years that she had enough guts to show her snout in his house."


Fender stood up now, and calmly responded, but with a firm tone, "With respect...sir; Winterglade was making a life for herself..." Fender almost stopped, but continued before Cypher could interrupt, "The best days I've ever lived were because of that mare...I never had family...so, Cypher...let me make this perfectly clear: Had Winterglade known the severity of the problem...she would've done all she could to help." Again, Fender paused, but wouldn't let Cypher speak, "-All she could." Fender lifted his front left leg, and motioned his head to the large scar on his belly. He lowered his leg. "Don't you ever- even for a second- tell me that she is gutless, or worthless, or anything of the sort." Fender's tone remained firm, and his face straight, with a serious look. He stared straight into whatever soul he thought Cypher might have, to give him a lasting idea of how wrong Fender believed he was.

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Cypher remained stoic. His eyes trailed the large scar on Fender's belly. Looking from the way he stated his words, Winterglade was somehow involved during the accident that resulted with that scar. He might not be a medical expert, but the wound didn't seem to be a very old one, six months at maximum. Cypher closed his eyes. If what Fender said was true, that he was an orphan, then the closest semblance of a family he had would be Winterglade and her mother.


After a few moments in suffocating silence, Cypher opened his eyes and said, "Very well. I understand that Winterglade is very precious to you, I will push the matter any further. But you should know the real story. If you are here to demand that I apologize to her, then I will have to say that the very idea is ridiculous." He leaned back on his chair and stretched his ragged wings. "You may go now. This old stallion needs his time alone." He motioned for both Hot Wing and Fender to leave him alone.


Taking the cue in, Hot Wing gingerly stepped down from his chair and slowly made his way to the door. It was one of the unwritten rules that Cypher's words are not to be challenged. Hot Wing poked Fender to get his attention and motioned to the door. "Come, I'll need to talk with you for a bit."

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"You may go now. This old stallion needs his time alone."


Fender bowed his head respectfully. "Very well."




Hot Wing poked Fender to get his attention and motioned to the door. "Come, I'll need to talk with you for a bit."


Fender turned and left the building with Hot Wing, shutting the door behind the two of them. "If there is more to this, I'd be glad to hear it all...nopony is perfect, and as much as I hate to admit it, neither is Winterglade." Fender accepted the reality that everypony makes mistakes, but it was unbelievably hard for him to say that about Winterglade. He still believed she was perfect. At least to him, she was. "Hot Wing, before you say anything...I feel I must say this: I apologize for intruding...but I really do want all of this to be solved...Winterglade and your father to have a good relationship, for me to be able to help your mother in any way I can, all of it...I want it to end well. I'm sorry for adding to it."

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"Hot Wing, before you say anything...I feel I must say this: I apologize for intruding...but I really do want all of this to be solved...Winterglade and your father to have a good relationship, for me to be able to help your mother in any way I can, all of it...I want it to end well. I'm sorry for adding to it."


Hot Wing allowed himself a small chuckle before giving Fender a good pat behind the neck. "You may try, pal, but I don't really think that would be any of help. My father rarely if ever change his mind, you can't find anypony with thicker skull than him." He coughed. "You have no idea how lucky you are. It's almost a miracle that he didn't berate you for picking his daughter."


Hot Wing walked to the edge of the cloud. He looked around for the telltale of his mother and sister. When they weren't on his line of sight, he turned back to Fender. "You might already have a rough idea on what I want to say with you. Break her heart, I'll break your bones, usual big brother stuff. But one thing you should know, is that in my line of work, making ponies disappear under the night is a weekly job. Please don't give me any reason to do terrible things to you." He paused, letting the message sink in. "In another side, if there is anypony who might try to disturb you and my sister, just send me a letter and I'll see what I can do."


"Oh, and one more thing. I'm sure you know that my mother doesn't have much time left. If you want to make the best of it, I suggest you should take Winterglade to visit this place every two weeks. Give her some gifts, but not too expensive, even the simplest of things can make her really happy. Don't worry about my father, he's only home every three months or so," he continued.

Edited by Starshine
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"You might already have a rough idea on what I want to say with you. Break her heart, I'll break your bones, usual big brother stuff. But one thing you should know, is that in my line of work, making ponies disappear under the night is a weekly job. Please don't give me any reason to do terrible things to you." He paused, letting the message sink in. "In another side, if there is anypony who might try to disturb you and my sister, just send me a letter and I'll see what I can do."


Fender ignored the thought, as it almost annoyed him. He couldn't help but feel threatened, but he knew there was nothing he could do (to his knowledge) to break Winterglade's heart.




"Oh, and one more thing. I'm sure you know that my mother doesn't have much time left. If you want to make the best of it, I suggest you should take Winterglade to visit this place every two weeks. Give her some gifts, but not too expensive, even the simplest of things can make her really happy. Don't worry about my father, he's only home every three months or so," he continued.



A plain face kept its hold on Fender, and he looked straight-forward. "I'd actually like to talk to her a bit...she enjoys spending time with ponies, I'm sure. Plus...I think memories go a great deal farther than material-" Fender nearly choked on the words, but cleared his throat, "I have a lullaby and a raging fire to remember my family by." Fender's body tensed up, but he wasn't crying. "I'll only get so many opportunities Hot Wing. So will you." Fender gave a quick glance at him, and proceeded to look down.

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A plain face kept its hold on Fender, and he looked straight-forward. "I'd actually like to talk to her a bit...she enjoys spending time with ponies, I'm sure. Plus...I think memories go a great deal farther than material-" Fender nearly choked on the words, but cleared his throat, "I have a lullaby and a raging fire to remember my family by." Fender's body tensed up, but he wasn't crying. "I'll only get so many opportunities Hot Wing. So will you." Fender gave a quick glance at him, and proceeded to look down.


Hot Wing cracked a smile. "Yes, you should do that. If you can sing for her, that's even better. But you should wait until tomorrow. My mother and my sister wouldn't be here until late night. Those pesky doctors love to prod inside her." He spat. "Anyhow, if you don't have any business left, you should go back to Winterglade. I'm pretty sure you didn't told her that you were going to pay us a visit here."



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Hot Wing cracked a smile. "Yes, you should do that. If you can sing for her, that's even better. But you should wait until tomorrow. My mother and my sister wouldn't be here until late night. Those pesky doctors love to prod inside her." He spat. "Anyhow, if you don't have any business left, you should go back to Winterglade. I'm pretty sure you didn't told her that you were going to pay us a visit here."


Fender couldn't help but smile at this.


"You're getting to know me pretty well already...yes, perhaps I should get back. But hey, I'll do everything in my power to make your lives better. For Winterglade's sake, for your's, Autumn's, and your mother and father's." Fender stopped them, and gave Hot Wing a quick hug, and a pat on the back. "Thanks for having me."


Fender turned and started flying back to the inn. He didn't feel entirely better, but there was some redeeming feeling to having exercised some of his stress. He just hoped the repercussions of confronting Cypher would be too big.


About halfway back, Fender noticed an almost frustrated mare, softly shushing a foal-carriage with a distressed cry emitting from inside. He landed and approached the mare.


"May I?" Fender inquired, with a freindly smile, and a nod.


The mare gave him, a stranger, an uneasy look, but stepped aside and left one hoof on the carriage.


Fender looked down at the seemingly tired, and uncomfortable foal, and began singing softly.

"Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine."
The foal drifted off into sleep, but Fender wanted to be sure...
"Little one when you play
Pay no heed what they say
Let your eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine."
And by now, the Foal was silent, and asleep. The mother looked at Fender almost in astonishment, and thanked him. Now he was off again, headed back to Winterglade.
Time passed and Fender finally returned, and knocked on the bathroom door in their inn room. "Winterglade? Still alive in there? I've been gone for a little bit."
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Winterglade trotted out of the bathroom, towels wrapped around her body, still steaming from the hot bath. She sighed in content. "Now that's a heaven," she moaned as she stretched her back. A satisfying pop could be heard. She was bouncing her way to the bed when she noticed something peeking out from under the drawer.


"What is this?" She pulled the thing, which turned out was a magazine of some sort. The cover was nothing but a huge jumble of meaningless words. She flipped to a random page on the middle. Much to her surprise, the pictures of ponies depicted in the book was... something that was usually reserved for a married couple. Winterglade could feel her face reddened, her wings raised...




Time passed and Fender finally returned, and knocked on the bathroom door in their inn room. "Winterglade? Still alive in there? I've been gone for a little bit."


"Buttocks!" Winterglade yelled in surprise. She quickly covered her own mouth and threw the lewd magazine to under the bed, away from Fender's eyes. "I'm here! Coming there in a moment!" She took off her towels and hastily stacked them on the drawer before unlocking the door. She smiled nervously to Fender. "Uh, hello! How's the trip?"


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Fender's eyebrow raised.




She smiled nervously to Fender. "Uh, hello! How's the trip?"


He grinned slyly, "Buttocks? You are in there alone, right?" He failed miserably at holding back laughing at what he had just said.


He walked in and noticed her wings pointing upward, "Let's fix that, shall we?" he said, folding her wings with his hooves...and then continued laughing until he could only wipe a tear from his eye and take a deep breath. "Right then...do you have anything in mind that we could do right now? We've still got a little bit of the day left."

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He grinned slyly, "Buttocks? You are in there alone, right?" He failed miserably at holding back laughing at what he had just said.


Winterglade had no choice but to keep grinning. She didn't really want to talk about what she had just saw. Talking about anything right now would likely spill the beans all out, especially considering her face was now as red as broiled crab. She stepped aside as Fender walked in.




He walked in and noticed her wings pointing upward, "Let's fix that, shall we?" he said, folding her wings with his hooves...and then continued laughing until he could only wipe a tear from his eye and take a deep breath. "Right then...do you have anything in mind that we could do right now? We've still got a little bit of the day left."


"H-Hey! That tickles!" Winterglade shied away from Fender, she flapped her wings once before folding them on her back. She huffed. "Well... We still have the dinner time. And it seems like you forgot to buy some?" She raised an eyebrow

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"Well... We still have the dinner time. And it seems like you forgot to buy some?"


"Hey, hey. I said I was going for a flight, not for dinner." He regained his sly grin at the thought of her being ticklish when someone tried to fold or unfold her wings. He started to walk around her in circles, and after about the third circle around her, he said "So...I didn't know you were ticklish..." His sly grin grew wider. "Mysteries, mysteries."


After all of the stress he had felt today, he was actually in a rather playful mood, seeing Winterglade again. "So...just how ticklish are you?" he inquired as he made the fifth circle around her, then stopped when he was at her side. He quickly reached a hoof under her wing in an attempt to tickle the mare.

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"Hey, hey. I said I was going for a flight, not for dinner." He regained his sly grin at the thought of her being ticklish when someone tried to fold or unfold her wings. He started to walk around her in circles, and after about the third circle around her, he said "So...I didn't know you were ticklish..." His sly grin grew wider. "Mysteries, mysteries."


Winterglade pouted. She also didn't want to start a fight, she just had a bad case of munchies. She raised a forehoof defensively when Fender circled her. Wasn't it normal for a pegasus to be rather sensitive in there? Either way, Winterglade couldn't help but to be a bit weirded out by it. The lack of her cape on her back made her feel much more exposed than usual.




"So...just how ticklish are you?" he inquired as he made the fifth circle around her, then stopped when he was at her side. He quickly reached a hoof under her wing in an attempt to tickle the mare.


The sudden movement totally caught Winterglade off guard. Her wings quickly sprung to their upper limit, nearly toppling her to the side. "Stop that!" she whined and pounced on Fender, eager to unleash a flurry of tickles to the stallion, but due to her terrible aim they both ended up in a tangled mess of hooves and wings. Winterglade quickly recovered her stance and stood over Fender before the stallion could react. "Gotcha."


Winterglade grinned victoriously over Fender. Now he was at her mercy, what should she do? Tickle his underbelly until the sunrise tomorrow? Or maybe tickle his wings until he pleaded for her to stop? She looked at Fender's eyes and sighed. "I couldn't imagine myself to live without you," she murmured as she closed in and kissed him

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The sudden movement totally caught Winterglade off guard. Her wings quickly sprung to their upper limit, nearly toppling her to the side. "Stop that!" she whined and pounced on Fender, eager to unleash a flurry of tickles to the stallion, but due to her terrible aim they both ended up in a tangled mess of hooves and wings. Winterglade quickly recovered her stance and stood over Fender before the stallion could react. "Gotcha."   Winterglade grinned victoriously over Fender.


"Bit too slow, huh? Maybe you're getting old." 


As he was about to say something he thought might be witty, or clever in return to her swiftness, she caught him off guard.




She looked at Fender's eyes and sighed. "I couldn't imagine myself to live without you," she murmured as she closed in and kissed him


He turned red at her words, and redder when their lips made contact. He pulled her onto the floor with him, so they were at eye level, and when the kiss that seemed like it took an eternity finished, he felt like a ragdoll, strictly because of how in love he was with her.


His voice soft, he said "I love it when you make the first move." He was twitterpated...simply enamored, at this point. "So, where do we go from here? Lead on." He nuzzled her.

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His voice soft, he said "I love it when you make the first move." He was twitterpated...simply enamored, at this point. "So, where do we go from here? Lead on." He nuzzled her.


Winterglade chuckled and nuzzled back. She felt warm all inside her when Fender was this close. She flopped down on the stallion and not letting go. "I don't know... It's almost three, or maybe four. Dinner sounds nice." She rolled off the stallion and tucked her legs beneath her next to him. "Anyway, what were you doing for the last hour?"

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"Anyway, what were you doing for the last hour?"


Fender didn't want to spoil the moment, he knew she probably wouldn't approve of his actions...but he didn't want to lie to her. He sighed, which felt relieving after being so out of breath from their brief tickle fight and then enormously intimate kiss...but he still could not bring himself to just lie.


"I...I did some catching up." He closed his eyes for a moment, and reopened them. "Please don't hate me for this; I went and met your father, and talked with him...and Hot Wing, for a bit. I needed to clear my mind, and I was afraid to unleash my emotions in front of you...I guess because of shame...or something. I just went in and talked...things got a slight bit heated, but not much...though, it didn't end badly." Fender felt guilty for some reason he just couldn't understand.


He started to pull himself away from her. "I'm sorry." It was almost as if he felt like he betrayed her, after all she was nervous about any interaction with her father, and for him to just go talk to him on his own time, for personal gain? It didn't seem right to Fender.

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"I...I did some catching up." He closed his eyes for a moment, and reopened them. "Please don't hate me for this; I went and met your father, and talked with him...and Hot Wing, for a bit. I needed to clear my mind, and I was afraid to unleash my emotions in front of you...I guess because of shame...or something. I just went in and talked...things got a slight bit heated, but not much...though, it didn't end badly." Fender felt guilty for some reason he just couldn't understand.


The unexpected news felt like a trickle of ice cold water on her soul. Fender talked to father. Winterglade repeated those words inside her mind until it became worthless, but the implication was still there. Her father had told Fender about her... leaving everypony behind. She knew that her father wouldn't say anything untrue just to spite her, he never lie, not even once, but somehow that brutal honesty was a lot worse. Her face sullen.




He started to pull himself away from her. "I'm sorry."


Winterglade nearly panicked, she quickly pulled Fender real close in a tight hug. "No, don't leave me," she whimpered. Her face buried deep in is coat. "Please..."

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Winterglade nearly panicked, she quickly pulled Fender real close in a tight hug. "No, don't leave me," she whimpered. Her face buried deep in is coat. "Please..."


The fear- it sounded like fear- in her voice, made him feel absolutely heartbroken.


"I'll never leave you." His voice became more firm, "I. Will never. Leave."


He did learn some things about her father, simply by meeting him. He also knew he was bound to learn something else about Winterglade, judging by one of the later things he had said to Fender. This would not steer him though.


"Winterglade. Look at me." He positioned her head to look right in his eyes. "I will never leave you. Your father may not think highly of you, but no matter what he says, he will not change how I view you." He wasn't sure it was appropriate, but he continued, "I think you're beautiful, inside and out, I think you're the most wonderful thing to happen to me, and to Equestria. Nothing can change that. Nothing can change how I see you. Not one thing." He hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry that I went to talk to him. I made a mistake, and I hope you can forgive me...but the most important thing right now, is that you understand how much I love you. Alright? I need you to understand that. I love you, I really do." He made his hug tighter, but then loosened to give her some room to breathe. 


He still questioned why he couldn't just lie in the first place...


"I suppose it's better to tell the truth, so that she knows how I feel. I suppose that's better than keeping it a mystery." 


He still didn't feel right. He just wanted to see her smile again.

Edited by Becker (Fender)
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Winterglade sighed. She painfully knew that she was being foalish right now, but this was one of the few subjects that terrified her the most. She had been alone for a few years, she didn't want to be alone again. Hearing Fender's words of reassurance, for a moment the looming shadow of doubt over her was lifted. She hiccuped.




He hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry that I went to talk to him. I made a mistake, and I hope you can forgive me...but the most important thing right now, is that you understand how much I love you. Alright? I need you to understand that. I love you, I really do." He made his hug tighter, but then loosened to give her some room to breathe.


"It's not your fault." Winterglade sighed, she pressed herself close to Fender. "I'm... sorry I made you worried. It's just that I'm afraid that you would hate me when you heard from my father about three years ago."


She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down, maybe it was the time to tell Fender about something. "You remember when I told you why I hate working on weather? Well... about three and a half years ago, when I was still working at the snow division in the Cloudsdale weather factory. My father was still with me. It was a tiring life, but we managed. I hardly ventured outside pretty much all of my waking hours were spent in the factory." Winterglade allowed herself a short chuckle before continuing," I made some friends in the factory. Our pay were low, but we had some fun teasing ponies below with early snows. Then out of nowhere my father said that Canterlot had called him. I had to live alone for four months before he finally came back, only to tell me that he would have to go away for at least a couple of years. In any other circumstances I would be rather okay by being alone, but Cloudsdale isn't very kind for a lone mare. Some... things had happened in his absence, and another two years of it? I decided to abandon everything and start my own life."


Winterglade sighed for the second time. She felt spent after retelling that story, the one which she wished she would never had to remember. She slid an inch away from Fender. Her face dropped. "I know I shouldn't have done all of that. Back then, I already knew that my mother was depending on me, but I chickened away."

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Some... things had happened in his absence, and another two years of it? I decided to abandon everything and start my own life."


 She slid an inch away from Fender. Her face dropped "I know I shouldn't have done all of that. Back then, I already knew that my mother was depending on me, but I chickened away."
Fender pulled her closer once more, and leaned in to kiss her on top of her head, then he raised it so she would look him in the eye again.

"There's nothing wrong with starting your own life, you couldn't know things would become so severe...but what 'things' happened? You weren't hurt, were you? Please, tell me."

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"There's nothing wrong with starting your own life, you couldn't know things would become so severe...but what 'things' happened? You weren't hurt, were you? Please, tell me."


Winterglade tensed, but she didn't make any attempt to shy away. She bit her lip. It's not that she didn't trust Fender, but she didn't feel too comfortable talking about it... yet. She leaned on Fender's strong frame. "Well... Can we talk about it later? I'm positively starving right now. Can we eat some fruits maybe? I heard that a nearby market sells a lot of sweet oranges. Kiwi also sounds nice." She chuckled. She wasn't keen on diverting the conversation, but this time it was a must.

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She leaned on Fender's strong frame. "Well... Can we talk about it later? I'm positively starving right now. Can we eat some fruits maybe? I heard that a nearby market sells a lot of sweet oranges. Kiwi also sounds nice." She chuckled.


Fender sensed that she wasn't exactly ready to tell him what had happened yet...and he was fine with that. He helped them both up, which was somewhat saddening, he wanted to lay down on the inn's firm floor for an eternity next to the beautiful mare.


"Alright," He sighed in acceptance, "You'll have to take us there."


He thought now right to change the subject once more, to lead them further away from their previous conversation.


"So, once you're refueled on Kiwi and Orange...up to see who is the master tickler?" He smiled innocently, and nuzzled her.

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"Alright," He sighed in acceptance, "You'll have to take us there."


"All right then!" Winterglade suddenly jumped upright and bounced twice. Now that the subject of conversation changed, she looked much happier than before. She quickly grabbed her cape and fastened it on her back.




"So, once you're refueled on Kiwi and Orange...up to see who is the master tickler?" He smiled innocently, and nuzzled her.


Winterglade raised an eyebrow before breaking into laughter. She huffed and gave Fender a playful push. "You wouldn't let that one go, eh? I warn you, though, don't tickle me when my tummy is full. Things will get ugly reaaaaally fast." She unlocked the door and trotted out of the room and straight to the lobby. "Let's go! The fruits won't buy themselves!"


At the outside, Winterglade took a deep breath. She was expecting a nice, dry air, but something else assaulted her nostrils. There on the western sky limit, was a band of pegasi flying in tight circles around a herd of clouds. "Oh great, seems like we will have a storm tonight."

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"You wouldn't let that one go, eh? I warn you, though, don't tickle me when my tummy is full. Things will get ugly reaaaaally fast."


He chuckled at her, "If you say so, cutie."




"Oh great, seems like we will have a storm tonight."


"Eh, don't worry, I'm sure your snoring will cover it up." He teased, "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a lovely snore." He grinned.


It felt pretty good to be outside once more, regardless of the incoming weather; he was waiting for the plot-kicking that Winterglade was going to give him for teasing her.

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"Eh, don't worry, I'm sure your snoring will cover it up." He teased, "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a lovely snore." He grinned.


Winterglade reared up and gave Fender's head a couple of strong shakes. "I don't snore!" she whined. Another shake, before she released his head. "I mean, I never snore, right?" she sounded unsure. In truth, nopony had ever said anything about her sleeping habits.


The weather is growing colder. It was faint, but it was enough to felt by the pegasus. Her feathers twitched. "Anyhow, let's get going. I don't really want to get drenched in the rain today." She trotted to the direction of the market. It took the couple two blocks before the market stands could be seen.


"Time for us to get some dinner!" Winterglade said excitedly. "Fender, do you have anything in mind? This place should have pretty much everything."

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"I mean, I never snore, right?"


"Just a bit, love." He continued to grin.


On the walk to the market,  Fender regained a straight face, and thought about what they might talk about later...

"She seemed...ashamed..." He knew she was liable to make mistakes, even big ones, just like anypony. "Perhaps it was...prostitution? To keep on her feet at the time? Working for somepony who disrespected her? Berated her? Just like her father probably did."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt like he had a headache. His thoughts were completely interrupted when he heard her speak, but he was glad for that.




"Time for us to get some dinner!" Winterglade said excitedly. "Fender, do you have anything in mind? This place should have pretty much everything."


"Dunno actually, I don't eat fruit that often...let's explore a bit, then. I'll let you choose dinner." He smiled at her.

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