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Frozen Equestria RP


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Cleo sighed heavily. " I'll come. My shelter's shit, it got giant gaping holes in it. I still don't trust you, though." She limped after Redstorm. -I hate this.-


Lyona walked a little infront of Redstorm. She looked back. " Do you have any spare needles? I can sew us clothes."

Edited by Lynette


Signature by Azura

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SkyFall put her SMG away for now. She didn't trust them still, but at least we were able to work something out. She began to think about what the unicorn had said before leaving. She heard him say something about Canterlot, but she quickly dropped the thought. SkyFall followed RedStorm and the others back to the shelter. "Hey, what was that unicorn's name anyway?" She asked Cleo.




((Hey RedStorm, so is the new oc I sent alright to join? It's just you haven't replied yet, and I would like to know :3))

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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space needles




"Yeah, I should have one... and I have some string as well." Redstorm said, ignoring Cleo.

"But who should get the clothes? And what are you going to make anyway? I could use somesort of boots... I only have one at the moment."

After a while, the group arrived at the shelter.

"Here it is..." Redstorm said. "No holes or anything..."


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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She shrugged. " The heck I know. I saved his sorry butt from the cold then you guys showed up, haven't had time to introduce ourselves in that time." 


Cleo noticed the nick in the other pony's ear and smirked. -Even though I didn't get that other pony, I still shot her.-


Signature by Azura

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As Swig traveled closer to the castle, he started to see more... unpleasant things, frozen corpses, preserved in the ice and snow, some of them just lying there, some of them hugging each other as they died, some of them died.. as a family.

"ahh more food" Swig's humour ego jokingly said, Swig tried to think seriously, he suppressed his humour ego and payed respect for the deceased.

Swig made it to the Castle Gate, it was already opened and a dead royal guard sat beside the gate, Swig walked through the gate and into the castle, although the insides were sheltered from the winds and storms it was still a mess, dead corpses could be found around every corner. Swig walked through the corridors of Canterlot Castle looking for the throne room, the throne room was his goal, according to what he has heard the throne room was where he could find them. The throne room was the place where pony-kind made its last stand fighting against the Winter. Swig easily got lost in the corridors , he kept on walking and walking until he finds what he was looking for.

"this might take a while"

Swig walked through the royal residents section of the castle and saw the corpse of a filly, hundreds of thoughts ran through Swig's head, Swig put his hoof under the filly's chin and raised her head, the face of the young filly made a warm tear run down Swigs cheek.

"taken away too soon eh?"

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

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((Let's see how I manage with two charaters. :P))


SkyFall walked inside the shelter and sat on the cold ground. "Do we have to go across the mountain today? Can't we rest a little here?" She was tired from today's event, and wanted to sleep more than anything. She was hungry, so SkyFall took out the loaf of bread she was eating before and began nibbling on it.




Rorona draged her numb hooves across the snowy ground. She was tired and hungry, and wanted to go back to the comforts of her old group, but she couldn't. Not after the things they have done. She continued to walk on for what seemed like forever, untill she found a farm. Maybe.. there's food.. perhaps. Rorona went over to the main barn, and only found several clumps of frozen hay. She munched on this as she looked around the farm. Rorona noticed that there was a town in the far distance. Perhaps there are more supplies to be found there. So she trotted off towards the town, and went past a frosty sign that said 'Sweet Apple Acres'.

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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((Acid will talk in italic.))




SkyFall walked inside the shelter and sat on the cold ground. "Do we have to go across the mountain today? Can't we rest a little here?" She was tired from today's event, and wanted to sleep more than anything. She was hungry, so SkyFall took out the loaf of bread she was eating before and began nibbling on it.


"Well... considering pretty much all of us are shot, I say we rest here for a day or two."

Redstorm sat on his bed.

"Oh yeah... I'm out of beds." He said, grinning at Cleo.

Suddenly, a small pony bursted inside.

"Freeze, all! I have a weapon! I want all of your food and supplies!" The small filly said, trying to point his pistol at everypony at once. Everypony could see that the small guy hadn't eaten in days and he was freezing.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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(every time somepony types up another piece to the RP is an excuse for me to continue Swig's story XD)

Swig, after about an hour of wondering around, finally found the door to the throne room.

"damn things covered in ice" Swig levitated all his knives and started chipping away at the ice coated door until all the ice was chipped away. Swig kicked open the door and a gust of cold wind blew right into his face. 

Swig walked around the room until he reached the throne, there on the throne was the half de-composed corpse of the Princess of the Sun and below her was the somewhat better preserved corpse of the Princess of the night.

"Oh... if they were still alive... the questions I would ask them" There were six more corpses scattered in a circle in front of the throne

"just what I was looking for"

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

Check out my drawings! ^^^

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Cleo looked at the filly, the laughed her butt of. "You? You can't even hurt a fly." Cleo smirked. " Put your weapon down, and these ponies will pity you and talk to you. If you don't put your weapon down, I'll shoot your brains out." Cleo growled at the filly. " I'll do it happily."


Signature by Azura

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((Acid's a guy right? So the term is colt, not filly x3))


SkyFall raised an eyebrow at the colt that bursted into the shelter. She heard Cloe's comment on killing him. "Hey! Don't you dare lay a hoof on him. He obviously want's help, not to be shot at." She told Cloe. SkyFall turned her head to the colt. "Now, why don't we just calm down here and talk? Okay? Now, why don't you tell us your name?" She casually told the colt. She definately didn't want to see a young colt die infront of her eyes. "My name's SkyFall."




Rorona eventully reached the town. She adjusted her beanie once again and walk around to find supplies. She checked every house she went by, but only to find nothing. She looked up to see some dark clouds, and she hurried along to find anything. I can't even find a single bullet. She thought to herself. She made it to the centre of town, and wondered what street to follow. She was about to go down one of the streets, when she heard some muffled conversations from another. Using her magic, she took out her Machete and levitated it near her. Were did that come from? She thought. Maybe there is a group here somewhere. She decided to walk off into the direction of the sound. I hope that it isn't them.

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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(Another rely to the RP another piece to Swigs story)


Swig went around collecting the Elements Of Harmony and he hung them around his neck, except for one, which happened to be a crown.


"According to the book, a spark will do the trick" Swig channeled his concentration to his horn and did as the instructions on the books said.



~~~~~(FLASH FORWARD O.o)~~~~~



Swig was cranking the lever on his minecart, heading back to Ponyville, the Elements Of Harmony still around is neck, there were dark sacks under his eyes, his thoughts were jumbled and his hopes were shattered. "Ccant B bbelieve it" 


Swig struggled to stay still, his body twitched violently, his cart went downhill again and he could stop cranking for now.


Swig stooped his head down and held it up with is hooves. 


"Damnit move faster! gotta g.... get the ff ff fuck awwway from here!"


Out of impatience Swig used his magic to push the cart even faster. Ponyville came into view.


"Keep going, keep going, go past ponyville, Faster!"


Swig's minecart was going so fast that it derailed when it hit the stumps on the rails at the station throwing Swig onto the station platform. 


"not this fucking... town again..." Swig lost consciousness from the fall off his cart.

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

Check out my drawings! ^^^

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((Acid's a guy right? So the term is colt, not filly x3))

((Ohh... I didn't know... english is not my main language... thanks!))




SkyFall raised an eyebrow at the colt that bursted into the shelter. She heard Cloe's comment on killing him. "Hey! Don't you dare lay a hoof on him. He obviously want's help, not to be shot at." She told Cloe. SkyFall turned her head to the colt. "Now, why don't we just calm down here and talk? Okay? Now, why don't you tell us your name?" She casually told the colt. She definately didn't want to see a young colt die infront of her eyes. "My name's SkyFall."


The colt shot the roof.

"What are you doing!? I worked hard on this place, you know!?" Redstorm said.

"S-shut up..."

He looked at SkyFall.

"My name is Ac-" He frowned and pointed his gun at Sky.

"You don't need to know my n-name! Now, you all are going to give me food, or I'll kill you all!"

"Um... you're outnumbered, you know?"

Acid looked at Redstorm and gasped as he saw many cuts, bruises and bullet marks on him.

"I'll shoot..." The colt muttered.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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((No problem. :3))


"Hey, no need to be reckless now. We can help you. Let's just talk this out." SkyFall said to the scared colt. She didn't want to have to shoot him. Or see him be shot. "You wanted supplies, right? Well if you come with us, not only will you get supplies, you'll be protected too." She said. "So would you like to join us?" 






((Rorona's still looking for were the noise came from. Nothing really special happens here.))

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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Jonny Ray walked with the group, the little colts appearance startled him, the colt tried to threaten the group, but it seemed he was scared himself,  he watched as skyfall tried to calm him down, he was afriad Cleo would scare the colt so he kept an eye on her

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Hey, no need to be reckless now. We can help you. Let's just talk this out." SkyFall said to the scared colt. She didn't want to have to shoot him. Or see him be shot. "You wanted supplies, right? Well if you come with us, not only will you get supplies, you'll be protected too." She said. "So would you like to join us?" 


Acid's eyes widened. He didn't expect an offer like that.

"C-can I really join you? Thank you!"

Acid then looked at Redstorm.

"I'm sorry, that I shot your roof, sir... it won't happen again." Atleast his parents had taught him some manners.

"Um... no problem, kid." Redstorm said.

Acid smiled and sat in a corner of the room.

*That cyan mare is nice. I don't think they're all like that, though.*

He looked at Redstorm who was frowning at Cleo.

*Was that the gunshots that I heard ealrier? Are ponies shooting at eachother?*

Acid took off his cape and put it onto himself like a blanket, unsure what to do.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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SkyFall watched the colt went into a corner to sleep. I should go over there to talk to him, but he probably needs some time to settle down. She thought. She was bored now since everything had calmed down. But she didn't mind it. After what seemed to be a few minutes SkyFall got her blankets out of her pack and set up her sleeping spot near the fire. She looked over at the colt, who was laying there. SkyFall thought for a minute. She took one of her blankets and the rest of the loaf she had left and walked over to the colt. "Here ya' go." she said as she tossed the blanket over the colt. "Your gonna get cold with just a cape." She said with a caring tone in her voice. She decided to sit next to the colt and gave him the remaining loaf. "Also here, eat this. You look hungry. So anyway, what's your name? Mine's SkyFall."




Rorona eventully gave up on searching for the noise. She gave a sigh and went to a house that wasn't completely distroyed. She took out a sleeping bag from her pack and set it up. She also took out some sticks, paper and a match to make a fire. It was small, but at least it provided slight comfort and warmth. She slipped into her sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep.

Edited by Skye42

Some ponies, just wanna watch the world BURN  DERP derpy_emoticon1.png

My oc's are in my profile here: http://mlpforums.com/user/17043-skye42/

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The shouting woke Straight Shot up again. The noises were close and the ponies didn't seem friendly. Straight got up and readjusted his head-wrappings, grabbed his bow, and headed towards the unknown voices that were coming from the town below

(this must be the curse of the rp, sleeping causes pages to show up)

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SkyFall watched the colt went into a corner to sleep. I should go over there to talk to him, but he probably needs some time to settle down. She thought. She was bored now since everything had calmed down. But she didn't mind it. After what seemed to be a few minutes SkyFall got her blankets out of her pack and set up her sleeping spot near the fire. She looked over at the colt, who was laying there. SkyFall thought for a minute. She took one of her blankets and the rest of the loaf she had left and walked over to the colt. "Here ya' go." she said as she tossed the blanket over the colt. "Your gonna get cold with just a cape." She said with a caring tone in her voice. She decided to sit next to the colt and gave him the remaining loaf. "Also here, eat this. You look hungry. So anyway, what's your name? Mine's SkyFall."

"Oh... thank you!" Acid said happily and took the blanket and the bread.

"My name is Acid. I lived here, until one day, my mom put me in a basement and told me to stay there... she said that it's gonna be ok." Acid took a bite of the bread.

"The next morning I went outside and the house was gone, my parents were gone... and there was snow everywhere. I was very little that time... I survived with another group... and I lost them. I wandered here. And well... this is where I am."

"So what happened to your mom?" Redstorm asked.

"I-I think she's dead... anyway... thanks, Sky. I was really hungry." The colt said to change topic.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo stuck her tongue out at Redstorm, then looked at the little colt. " Don't give me any trouble or bother me, you hear?" She told him. -I hate little kids, they're so annoying and always wine.- She frowned at him again, then set to re-organizing her bag. 

"I'm going out." She said abruptly, and went to the direction of the train station, wanting to find some loot.


Lyona looked at the little colt, a warm smile on her face. " My name's Lyona. You're just so adorable!" She ruffled his hair gently. "It's been a long time since I've seen a foal..."


Signature by Azura

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Straight Shot finally noticed the tower. It looked old, but he guessed he could go to it. Reaching the tower, he raised a hoof and simply, knocked. It went against everything he stood for when it came to self preservation. There might be a shotgun trap on the other side, or worse.

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(Internet's so slow for me, that's why if I take long to reply.)


Cleo opened the door in the unicorn's face, muttering something about foals. She looked down at him. " Oopsie-daisy. Want a hoof?" She thrust her hoof forward in his face, giving him a sickening sweet smile. Her eye twitched slightly. 


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Jonny walked up to Cleo he leaned in a whispered "dont take your frustrations out on the kid, i hate kids too, but dont hurt the kid, relations are already tense as it is, we dont need an incident" he walked away and found a place by the fire to sit, he takes his gas mask and takes a deep breath

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Cleo stuck her tongue out at Redstorm, then looked at the little colt. " Don't give me any trouble or bother me, you hear?" She told him. -I hate little kids, they're so annoying and always wine.- She frowned at him again, then set to re-organizing her bag. "I'm going out." She said abruptly, and went to the direction of the train station, wanting to find some loot.


*You're not the boss of me...* Acid thought, but still nodded. He didn't want to get into a fight with a group he just joined.

"Yeah, better get out of here..." Redstorm said.

"Don't you hide that! I know you hate her already." He said to Acid.

"Well... I guess she just wants to be alone, that's all..."

Redstorm smirked.

"You can say it if you hate her... pretty much everypony here does. She shot one of us... then she hit me in the face with a morningstar, threw it at me, jumped on me and punched me in the face. Well I shot her... anyway..."




Lyona looked at the little colt, a warm smile on her face. " My name's Lyona. You're just so adorable!" She ruffled his hair gently. "It's been a long time since I've seen a foal..."

"Um... yeah... thanks." Acid said as his hair was now a bit messy. He quickly managed to get it to it's original form, though.

Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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(Woah, I just realized how extreme Cleo is xD. Sheesh, she sounds like a crazy pony.)


" She hasn't done anything to me... yet." Lyona muttered. Suddenly, an idea struck her. She reached into her backpack and pulled out a rather scarred rubber ball. " You know how to play catch?" She asked with a smile.


Signature by Azura

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Jonny Ray sat in front of the fire thinking over his new situation he had his group he wanted, but not in the way he wanted it to happen, at least they were all going in the same direction, though he hoped that during the journey to the destination they may start to like eachother and not be uneasy of each others company,

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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