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Frozen Equestria RP


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"Chill, don't get mad over your dirty coat" Swig wiped a stream of blood off his face and licked it off his hooves

"Plus you look prettier, at least I don't get violent over little things" Swig tried to hold in his laughter

"Didn't you learn from last time to not rescue me?, by the way your punches are weak" Swig turned to Redstorm 

"now where did you say you were going? and why?"

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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Jonny looked at Redstorm "i would stop talking, shes mad enough as it is, lets try to avoid any further incidents please? id like to make it to our destination in one piece, with out our little group trying to kill eachother" he sighed, am i the only one trying to keep the peace here?@@RedStorm,

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Swig turned to Redstorm "now where did you say you were going? and why?"

"Ah... yeah. We were going over the mountains to get someplace warmer. It's getting really cold here. We should actually take everythink from the marketplace now."


Jonny looked at Redstorm "i would stop talking, shes mad enough as it is, lets try to avoid any further incidents please? id like to make it to our destination in one piece, with out our little group trying to kill eachother" he sighed, am i the only one trying to keep the peace here?@@RedStorm,

Redstorm chuckled.

"My shelter, my rules... nah, just kidding. Anyway, I don't think I can be nice to her, considering she hit me in the face with a morningstar.... and you don't tell me what to do. You were the one to shot my wing... I am being really nice here: I invited you guys who shot me into my shelter."


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"Ah... yeah. We were going over the mountains to get someplace warmer. It's getting really cold here. We should actually take everythink from the marketplace now."


"Someplace warmer? there is no such thing as "Some Place Warmer" the spirits of the windigos will follow us, Where ever ponykind goes the Winter will follow, Haven't your heard the story of "Hearths Warming Eve"? The war caused the Spirits of the Windigos to follow us, History has repeated itself"

Swig handed his history book to Redstorm 

"Chapter 37, it explains why its so cold in Equestria, and how it has happened before"

Swig sighed in disappointment "Whereever we go the winter will follow us, we will suffer the same fate as Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead and Princess Platinum"  

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

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"Ah... yeah. We were going over the mountains to get someplace warmer. It's getting really cold here. We should actually take everythink from the marketplace now."


Redstorm chuckled.

"My shelter, my rules... nah, just kidding. Anyway, I don't think I can be nice to her, considering she hit me in the face with a morningstar.... and you don't tell me what to do. You were the one to shot my wing... I am being really nice here: I invited you guys who shot me into my shelter."

Jonny sighed "i understand that, however i think it would be beneficial to at least try to be nice to each other, im just trying to keep the peace so we dont kill each other, what happened earlier was we were victims of circumstance, and i already told you your wing will be fine in a few days, im not a violent pony, i am an intellectual, so i do believe it to be beneficiary if we all cooperate here"



"In the story of Hearths Warmth Eve, the Windigos attacked those ponies because they refused to cooperate and get along, which is exatcly what is happening here"

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Jonny sighed "i understand that, however i think it would be beneficial to at least try to be nice to each other, im just trying to keep the peace so we dont kill each other, what happened earlier was we were victims of circumstance, and i already told you your wing will be fine in a few days, im not a violent pony, i am an intellectual, so i do believe it to be beneficiary if we all cooperate here"

Redstorm rolled his eyes.

"Dude, the winter has been around for years now... it's not just us, ya know?"

"The winter came during the war..."

"Yeah? See? The little guy's got a point."



(Well... there goes the original plot... now we gotta make everyone friends? And what if that succeeds in these few pages? Also I don't think it would be fun to have all OC's to think of ways how to make Red friends with Cleo.)

Edited by RedStorm


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"yes, thank you, thank you for telling me things i already know,look once we get to phillydelphia me and cleo are splitting off from you, youll never have to see us again, so can we at least pretend like we can get along at least to philly?" jonny was starting to get annoyed again 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"look at us, were like a dis-functional family preparing for a roadtrip to Phillydelphia!" Swig sarcastically celebrated

"we're one step closer to love and unity! which will fucking end this winter! just like the history book said!" Swig sarcastically turned around in anger

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

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@@Skullbuster, @@SwigglySwiggly,

"You're welcome... I guess." Acid said.

"Will all of you shut the fuck up!? If you prefer staying here or taking a different route, then be my fucking guest!"

Redstorm sat on his bed and picked up his rifle.

"I say the faster we get there, the less of a chance there will be that somepony's going to rip somepony elses head off!"

He grabbed a saddlebag with some of the food in it.

"Well? Shall we go, or do we want to stay here and have a couple of boxing rounds before?"


(Also, Swig. Are you drawing any pics? I'm not rushing you, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious :3 )


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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(Also, Swig. Are you drawing any pics? I'm not rushing you, don't get me wrong, I'm just curious :3 )

(Yeah maybe tomorrow coz i gotta sleep soon, I'll probably do a dis functiona-family on a road trip pic, ill post the pic late coz im going out tmr)

Swig checked the strings on his bow, tighten his nooses and sharpened his knives

"I got a pretty stupid plan, loot the market district, the supplies there should keep us alive for weeks if we don't end up killing each other, then we go to the train station, I know the which rails to take, we have to travel by hoof, there are no trains or carts to take us there, unless somepony knows how to repair a broken cart" Swig smiled and puffed out his chest in pride

"and we will play eye spy on the way there, just like a functional family"

Edited by SwigglySwiggly

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

Check out my drawings! ^^^

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Acid, unsure what to do, walked over to Redstorm.

"Um... what do I do?"

"Uhh... well... you can come with me and help me gather supplies."

"Okay!" Acid said, grabbing a smaller, empty saddlebag.

"Where are we going?"

"To the marketplace. There was supposed to be some food there... we loot that and then we leave."

Redstorm looked over to the rest of the group.

"I guess... let's go?"


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Cleo wiped the charcoal of her face. She was seething. - Who the fuck does he think he is? At least we'll get away from them one we get to Phillydelphia...-
She put a sickening sweet smile on her face. " Come on, everypony! We're going to the marketplace!"

-I think she cracked.- Lyona looked at Cleo. -Damn, that pony's crazy.- 
"I hope we'll find some first aid stuff, we'll need it at this rate." Lyona said grimly.

Cleo wiped the charcoal of her face. She was seething. - Who the fuck does he think he is? At least we'll get away from them one we get to Phillydelphia...-

Edited by Lynette


Signature by Azura

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When the door kicked open suddenly, Straight Shot hit his head pretty hard. Unable to answer the pony offering to help, he passed out in front of the door to the tower.


(Pray I don't die of exposure and no one better sharpie me)

  • Brohoof 1
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"I hope we'll find some first aid stuff, we'll need it at this rate." Lyona said grimly.


Acid's turned to Lyona.

"Um... I found some pills and a frozen bandage in one of the houses. I didn't take the stuff, because I didn't need them."

Redstorm smirked.

"Well, looks like you're paying off already!"

"What do you mean 'paying off'? You didn't trade me!"

"Without us, you'll be dead, kid."

"The name's Acid..."

"Whatever. Look, I don't wanna get into a fight with you, ok?"

"I still got that pistol."

"Yeah. So save your bullets for the wolves... and Cleo."

"Just because you're in a fight with her doesn't mea-"

"Look, ki- Acid... we nearly killed eachother there. I was alone against three ponies."

"So... don't wander alone in a snowy wasteland?"

"Well... I had somepony with me, but she was stuck under a closet..." He pointed at Sky.

"Don't get on her bad side... just... don't."

"I think I'm not going to achieve that... she was the one to welcome me to the group and all."

"Why did you accept the offer so quickly anyway? You wanted to shoot us, then a few seconds later, you were in a corner eating bread."

"Well... if I didn't, then Cleo would've killed me... plus, I hadn't eaten in days, I hadn't slept well and I was freezing. And it was a long time since I saw somepony care for somepony else. Most other survivors that I encountered tried to kill me..."

Redstorm patted Acid's head.

"I won't let Cleo lay a hoof on ya."

Acid looked at Redstorm.

"Could you atleast TRY to be friendly? It isn't comfortable to be in a group, where everypony is hating eachother."

"Be friendly? She nearly killed me..."

"Did you lost a battle to her?" Acid said mockingly.

"No. I said, there were three of them. And I was alone fighting all of them at once."

"And Sky was stuck under a cabinette?"


"So what happened to your parents?"

Redstorm smirked. Ponies had been asking that question mainly to make him feel sad, when he was still little. So he got use to it.

"Dad died, then we moved here, mom died during the war... I hid in this shelter, fixed it up." He said shortly.

"Oh... my mom and dad died during the war I think..."

"Hey, no need to bring down the mood now, right?"
"I guess so..."


((And this is what happens when I'm bored and feel the sudden urge to write dialogue. The thing would go on.))

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Straight Shot was awake again. His head hurt.


"Damn, what is up with these ponies..."


He checked the time. it was way late and he didn't want to have to find another place to bed down. Slowly he opened the door to the tower, hoping for some life or at least a nice hello...

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Straight Shot was awake again. His head hurt.   "Damn, what is up with these ponies..."   He checked the time. it was way late and he didn't want to have to find another place to bed down. Slowly he opened the door to the tower, hoping for some life or at least a nice hello...

Cleo banged open the door again in his face and walked out. She looked down at the unicorn with a smirk. " Oops. Sorry." She walked over the pony to get out.



" Let's go find them, then." Lyona waited another moment to listen to their conversation. " She's friendly with that other pony, isn't she? I doubt that she first met him with open arms. Maybe if we give her a reason to trust us, she'll take it. " The pegasus opened the door as well to see the unicorn. She gasped. 

"I found him! Or well, he found us." She dragged him inside.

Cleo poked her head in. " Come on, move your plots already!"


Signature by Azura

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Jonny Ray readjusted his gas mask and stepped out side, he helped the unicorn out side the entrance up "dont mind her, anyway, who are you?" he asked, he floated his AR into his saddle bag, he looked around at bit, wiping off snow from his visor every know and then@@Throttlesky,

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"The names Straight Shot" he replied. (his face is covered in headwrappings  and goggle cover his eyes)

"Met one of your pegasus friends the day before. I'm pretty bucking cold right now. Can I come in?"


S.S. had gotten on his hooves by then and had readjusted the head wrapping and goggles. He checked his bow for any damage.


-see? That's what happens when you aren't careful-



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" Hi!" Lyona waved awkwardly behind Jonny. " I'm Lyona. Nice to meet you. Again. Come in, come in. It's warm by the fire, obviously. "


Cleo faked gagging behind Lyona's back. " You guys are so sweet, it's disgusting." She gagged again. Lyona shot a frown at her behind her back, which Cleo responded to by sticking out her tongue.


Signature by Azura

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"I imagine this is the crew that made all that noise yesterday." Straight Shot looked around at the group of rag tag survivors. He remembered his background in that last group he was in. "Pretty bucking sloppy. Last time a group had that big of a firefight, every bucking animal in the area cleared off for miles. I ran into a wolf yesterday who was most likely hiding from the gunfire. You guys got anything to eat? Well unless you all want to starve in the next week or so, I'd suggest whatever problems you have, solve them with a quieter weapon. Now that that's settled why don't we get acquainted. I know Lyona now. She's a good shot. But I don't know Ms. Doorkicker, or Mr. Gasmask here. 

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" I'm Cleo. I'll gladly kick a door in your face again if I have to. " Cleo smirked. " And, you aren't getting any food from-"


Lyona cut Cleo off. " We couldn't help but be noisy. Cleo over here, is pretty trigger-happy." Cleo gave her a glare. " I can give you a can of beans and some bread, if you wish."

Edited by Lynette


Signature by Azura

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"Oh no, I'm fine. I was concerned about you ponies. Hell I was lucky to even find that wolf that attacked me. I'm set for awhile. But hunting is going to be slim unless we don't scare off the animals. So dare I ask, where are you ponies headed? The markets are nearly empty, I know you ain't growing anything and the weather is getting worse.

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" Well, me and Jonny boy here are headed to Phillydelphia." Cleo announced. " Sadly, we have to be with them until we get there. " The earth pony glared at the rest of the group.


" We're just headed someplace warmer. We loot everything we can from here and leave. " Lyona said. " Do you want to join us?" She asked S.S.


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One more question; did a mare about your age come through here? Skinny, blue coat white mane, she looked like that saint that they christened years ago before all this, what was her name? She made the first snowflake. Snowdrop! Yeah she looked like her. Irony isn't it? Either way did you see a pony like that come through? I saw her down south and I needed to see her about something.@,

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Lyona shook her head. " No, sorry. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered her if I had seen her. Ponies with that kind of coloring are not that common, after all."

Cleo looked at S.S. " Sounds like you're stalking her. Are you? I don't want a stalker here, they're creepy." She narrowed her eyes.


Signature by Azura

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