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open The war debt RP


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Grands jaw dropped "this has been here all these years?" She asked, disgusted with the greed of the royal family. "Now its only a matter of getting out of here without being caught" she said, still in awe of the heaps of gołd in the large room. She started to pick up the gold bars with. Her magic

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Twinkle leaned against the wall of the castle exits, waiting for sole to appear, "thunder gave me a mission to bring sole back to HQ and that's just what I'm gonna do, but he'd better hurry up and get here, its boring as fuck out here..." thought twinkle calmly as she waited.

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As sole arrived at the castle gates, he flies straight past twinkle, barely noticing her "see ya twinkle..." he mumbles, as he passes her "I'll send ya a postcard." He says quietly, as he prepares to fly away, not even waiting for an answer *maybe I can finally just... relax... have a normal life.* he thinks to himself.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Flare left the throne and started to leave before he was attacked from behind and  was knocked out. three hours later Flare woke up in a cell. "How the hell..." Flare said before a figure of an alicorn appeared in front of him. "Great...its you" Flare said looking at the alicorn

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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As sole arrived at the castle gates, he flies straight past twinkle, barely noticing her "see ya twinkle..." he mumbles, as he passes her "I'll send ya a postcard." He says quietly, as he prepares to fly away, not even waiting for an answer *maybe I can finally just... relax... have a normal life.* he thinks to himself.

Twinkle attempts to reason with sole as he passes by, but he completely ignores her and flies past her, twinkle growls, "its very rude to ignore a girl when she's trying to talk to you......so I think I'll try this again..." said twinkle quitely before rebounding off of a tree and jumping onto soles back, "hey jackass, HQ is the other way! Where do you think your going?" Asked twinkle as she gripped soles feathers tightly.

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Sole sighs as twinkle jumps onto his back "well, since you put it that way..." he mumbled, as he quickly begins spinning and doing barrel rolls (do a barrel roll!). "Had enough twinkie?" He asked sarcastically, as she flies off of him and toward the ground. He quikly catches her, and puts her on the ground "I'm not staying, and you can't make me..." he says quietly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone grabbed what she could, and started to walk out. "Come love, we have to get the door back on so it doesn't look suspicious." She said.


Wolf hoof watched as sole flew by. "Bloody hell, what is wrong with that lad" he said watching the griffin fly off. He knew sole was abandoning the mission


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Sole sighs as twinkle jumps onto his back "well, since you put it that way..." he mumbled, as he quickly begins spinning and doing barrel rolls (do a barrel roll!). "Had enough twinkie?" He asked sarcastically, as she flies off of him and toward the ground. He quikly catches her, and puts her on the ground "I'm not staying, and you can't make me..." he says quietly.

Twinkle scoffed, "tch, fine, leave your freinds behind, but I hope you know that if you do then without your help, celestia is probably gonna catch us and lock our sorry asses in the dungeons.....or worse..." said twinkle before drawing her hoof across her throat and making a slitting noise.

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Grand quickly led Stone back to her little shack. "We can store the gold here for now. This little place is often overlooked" the shack was small and run down, but had a sense of home to it. "Your welcome to stay the night. It is getting rather late after all"

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Sole paused in mid flight and sighed "your a bitch, you know that?" He said quietly, as he flew down and landed in front of her "I finally have the chance to escape, and you pull the guilt card... fine, I'll stay... but only till you guys are safe from this stupid corrupt place." He said adamantly, as he walked back toward the town "but I still have to find that store clerk and apologize."

Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone was walking with grand. She then over heard what she had said "o-oh well thanks" she said happily, she put down the gold in the shack and smiled at the thought of what she could do with this gold. The ponies she could help. She felt good about herself.


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Sole had searched the town, but couldn't find the mare he tried to steal from "dammit, where did she go?" He mumbled, until a thought crossed his mind "no... she wasn't called out to the war was she?" He thought in a panic "oh crap, can't beg for forgiveness from a dead pony!" He said quickly, as he began to search faster.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Grand looked around, paranoid. "You don't think the guards saw us do you? We need to hide this gold somewhere, maybe in the floorboards? Oh gosh I'm panicking" she said exasperated. "We are gonna be thrown in the torture chambers, or sent to war permanently or" grand began mumbling to herself hurriedly. Another one of her panic attacks

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Stone put her hooves on her shoulders and made grand face her. "Calm down, okay, the guards are all busy taking care if the fact that sole has almost destroyed everything. So your fine. And if anything bad happens ill be there, and I'll handle them" she said.


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Grand took a deep breath " I'm terribly sorry, it's just so difficult to be a pony with no offensive, or defensive for that matter, abilities in these times! I haven't even served yet, and the second I get that letter I might as well be six feet under!" She huffed. " perhaps the shed out back will do. It's covered in vines and overgrown bushes." She pointed out the cracked window to the dump of a backyard outside

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"No, stop worrying, it's fine in this shack here. By the time they realize its gone we will have already used it for good, and they won't even know it was us. Don't worry love, where fine" she said sincerely. "Now, lets go to bed, you'll need the rest to keep you calm" said the mare.


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Grand nodded and quickly set up a makeshift cot for Stone " I do hope this will do. I don't exactly have the ability to be a great hostess " she laughed nervously. Grand snuggled under the covers of her own cot and closed her eyes. Soon after a powerful magical force was evident. grand opened her eyes in terror and whispered "Celestial!"

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"Don't worry Hun, I don't think she'd really know i-" she then felt the presence as well..." Shit...." She said.


Thunder walked over to twinkle, "hey, just leave him be, he's heart broken. And pretty much a wuss" he said with a shrug then a slight chuckle, he really hoped sole would get over it.


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Grand saw Flare run down the alley and quickly called him into the shack "hide the damn gold!" She whispered to Stone as she watched the door for Flare. "Where did she come from? She was gone this afternoon!" She huffed quietly. The presence was only getting stronger

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After escaping his cell and flying back to the store he was at when he was healed after getting his flank kicked by Sole and saw the two mares from before. "Um...I have bad news you see I was captured for a bit but I escaped and now she is coming back and also shes seems pissed for some reason" Flare said

((Dont control my character he wasnt even there any more but i'll just play along))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(Sorry, it was the best I could think of, we can change it if you want?) Shit, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SHIT WE ARE GONNA BE IN IF SHE FINDS THIS GOLD?" She yelled and quickly put her hooves over her mouth "we'll damn" she whispered. She quickly threw the last of the gold into the old shed

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Stone grunted "oh buck...where so screwed" she said holding her head. "Wait...why did I just say that, hell seeing celestia, I mean she's pretty dam-" she realized she was going a little to far, and started to speak her mind, out loud this time. She closed her mouth suddenly.


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"Is that why shes pissed cause you stole gold from her..." Flare said as he looked at the door. "Im gonna need something from my saddlebag after what im about to do" Flare said as he stood at the door. "Cause I'm gonna do something crazy" Flare said as he waited for Celestia to open the door.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I-I don't think so, we didn't take much of it, at least not compared to what they had in there. How would she have found out? We took maybe an hour ago!" She sputtered, clearly in distress. "Shit, we are dead" she said in pure terror. "We need to hide, under here! She opened a hatch to the basement

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