RedStorm 66 August 2, 2013 Author Share August 2, 2013 @@TwistedShadow, Redstorm jumped back. "Indeed! You nearly killed us! The hell was that all about? I thought you were a friend!" He took a step towards Twisted. "Where did you get grenades anyway? Did you make those? Is that what you're holding!?" He slowly stepped back, looking at Twisted in horror. "I think I'll just go now... okay?" Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her. My main OC: Redstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 2, 2013 Share August 2, 2013 @@RedStorm Twisted felt his madness coming back. He felt something warm in his feet and the thoughts coming back *MURDER HIM NOW!* * NO HES GOOD!!! HES FRIEND!!!* Twisted protested against it. This time he experienced physical pain in doing so. He fell to the ground. He tried to stop it from posessing him again. " RUN WHILE YOU CAN! RUN! " he screamed to Redstorm. He didnt feel like he was able to control his madness anymore. (( writing about madness is phun. Also am i planning to kill my character rather soon, because i am going to be gone for two weeks. )) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedStorm 66 August 2, 2013 Author Share August 2, 2013 (edited) @@TwistedShadow, ((So when you're back, are you gonna keep RPing or will you leave completely? )) Redstorm shook his head. "No!" He ran over to Twisted and pulled him up. "The hell is wrong with you!?" Red slapped Twisted for the third time. "This is just so you don't do anything stupid. Okay?" He grabbed Twisted's makeshift grenade and threw it into the bushes. No explosion. Yet. "Listen. You're gonna come with me, back to the cave. It's gonna be fine." The pegasus lifted him onto his back, grabbed his sword and started going back to the cave. "We're gonna get you help, alright?" Edited August 2, 2013 by RedStorm Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her. My main OC: Redstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 2, 2013 Share August 2, 2013 @@RedStorm, (( im gonna keep RPing after im back, but i dont suppose it would be good if i let my character just hibernate in this Roleplay while im gone. Especially since these are the hunger games. I have some pretty neat ideas, what i may be doing with my character in this RP before i leave. Maybe and epic escape on board of a makeshift rocket? I have had more than one idea on how to get explosives/rocket fuel out of this world. Chemistry is phun. )) Twisted saw Redstorm moving in slow motion. He seemed to shake his head. * Or was he shaking his head?* He heard him say " Nooooooooo!" *yup he was shaking his head!* Redstorm ran towards him really slow and shook him and talked some more gibberish. Twisted saw how Redstorm raised his hoof. And then the lights went out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LittleRawr 679 August 2, 2013 Share August 2, 2013 "We're gonna get you help, alright?" " Redstorm, I don't think that's a good idea. " Zephyr watched as Redstorm grabbed Twisted, a rather forlorn expression on his face. " He's sick. I think it's better if we leave him alone, he can survive by himself. He's smart enough." Zephyr shifted a little bit. He was ready to bolt if needed. Signature by Azura Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedStorm 66 August 2, 2013 Author Share August 2, 2013 @@LittleRawr, Redstorm sighed. "Maybe you're right... he has the first aid kit besides him..." Twisted fell to the ground with a thump. "I don't wanna see him die. I'd just feel guilty. He's gonna manage i-" The cannons went off. Redstorm counted the booms. "Only three?" A second later, pictures of the dead tributes were shown. One of them was the career's friend. The other two Redstorm didn't know. Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her. My main OC: Redstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 2, 2013 Share August 2, 2013 (edited) @@RedStorm, @@LittleRawr, Twisted slowly began to think again *What happened. Did i black out?* Then he remembered. He slowly opened his eyes just to see Redstorm and Zephyr standing close to him looking at the sky, where todays deaths were announced. Three ponies. Two careers, one of which was known as " Brutus" and a pony, that he had noticed in the airplane to look rather shy. He felt sorry for latter pony. Twisted decided, that it was best for both Zephyr and Redstorm aswell as him, if they kept their distance. He silently grabbed his backpack, first aid kit and , after some searching, his grenade. Even though it had driven him absolutely insane before he mounted the grenade to his knive belt. He sensed the insanity coming back, but he presumed that that was happening, because he was close to Redstorm and Zephyr. He snuck away into the forest and after having made sure not to have left any traces this time, drank some water and ate some blueberries that he had spotted on a bush nearby. He needed to get two things done: 1st. stay alive and 2ndly. stay sane. Twisted walked for some time, munching on some of the berries he had packed into his backpack, when suddenly he saw another pony. Twisted got down and to cover. He inspected the other pony only to recognize him as one of the carreers. He seemed hurt and alone and even though his insanity kept screaming :*KILL HIM!* he kept a cool head and remembered that this may be a trap. He threw a tiny stone to his left to see how the pony would react to sudden noise. The pony immidiately twitched and swung around with the swiftness of a block of cement. Twisted was now able to identify the wounds the pony had suffered more clearly. He had multiple stab wounds on his right shoulder and didnt seem to bother/have the means to treat the wounds medically. Twisted could almost hear the pony breathing. No. He could actually not only hear, but smell it breathing. It smelled like fear. Twisted checked himself for any signs of madness, but couldnt find any other indicator other than those weird sensory sensations. Twisted decided not to move onto the pony and suddenly the lights went out again. Twisted woke up. He had blood on his hooves * Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck what happened* he thought to himself as he inspected his surroundings. The wounded carrerer, that he had spotted was lying next to him, his face was disfigured by knive wounds. His eyes, or to be more precise one of his eyes, was opened in terror. The other one was gone. TwistedShadow buried his face in his bloody hooves. " What have I done?" he asked the nothing. The nothing obviously didnt reply, mainly due to it being, well the nothing. And the nothing rarely ever replies. And when it does people will call it god, even though it wasnt really the nothing but drugs and drugs dont talk either, but they make you think, that the nothing talks, even though it doesnt. Twisted however didnt care about the nothing or drugs or the anything and simply fell asleep next to the body of the Carreer pony again. (( i dont know, why i brought up that thing with the nothing. I felt like it fit my character quite well and also do i like writing in that style.)) Edited August 2, 2013 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedStorm 66 August 2, 2013 Author Share August 2, 2013 @@LittleRawr, The hologram in the sky was gone. "Damnit. The one that was on the airplane is alive. Hey where's Twis-" Another cannonshot. "Oh fuck no..." He looked at the sky again. The face of another career was there. "Phew... well now we have one less problem to deal with." @@TwistedShadow, Acid had found some berries. It looked like somepony had already eaten them. Over a long time, Acid finally ate. Something catched his eye. "The hell?" Acid stepped closer, his hear beating. When he saw Twisted and the dead career he simply blinked. He was too scared to yell. "W-wha..." He noticed that one of them was still breathing. After that, Acid didn't think. The pony could wake up any second. Acid grabbed a small bag that seemed full, kicked Twisted and ran. He didn't know why he kicked the pony. He just felt like it. Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her. My main OC: Redstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 2, 2013 Share August 2, 2013 (edited) @@RedStorm, Twisted felt, how something impacted his body. He jumped up, just in time to see Acid dissapear in the woods. He didnt even have to resist an urge to run after him. He didnt want to kill another pony in one of his insane-moments, as he called the moments in which he didnt have controll over his body anymore. Twisted gathered his stuff and noticed that one of the bags with KNO3 grains was gone * Well i wish him fun with that. Hell probably blow himself up, because he doesnt know how to handle it.* Twisted thought to himself as he readjusted his knive belt, noticing that two throwing knives were missing. He searched around for a while, only to notice a throwing knive stuck in a tree. He tried to get it out, but it was stuck in there. * im pretty good at throwing these* he admired himself and then wondered * but where is the second one? He bat an eye at the dead career and found it. It was stuck in his belly-button and after he took it out he was welcomed by the worst stench he had ever smelled. He cleaned the knive with some dirt, put it back into his belt and looked closer at the dead career. He noticed a small stream of blood still flowing away from the career and into the tiny pond nearby. As the blood entered the water it suddenly dissapeard. *Hm thats odd.* Twisted thought and put one of his bloodsoacked hooves into the water. The blood was gone within seconds. Twisted smiled. * hey there* He took off his backpack and knivebelt and dove into the water. After having done roughly 12 dives he reappeared on the surface with a tiny vile with fluid in it. *Oh well thats what happens when you dont have enough algea in you water.* Twisted tucked the glass vile into his backpack, took out another one of his glass tubes, went to the dead body and filled the tube with the blood. He closed the tube securely, put it into his backpack aswell and marched towards the mountains. He would probably find shelter there. Edited August 2, 2013 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 August 2, 2013 Share August 2, 2013 @Josh Riordan Noriko looked at the craziness occurring in the background, then back at Josh. "Hey there Josh. I'm glad I Found you." She looked a little more relaxed now that she had found a friendly, and not somepony who was trying to kill her. It was nice, for a change. Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 2, 2013 Share August 2, 2013 ReverseFaller Josh stared at Noriko carefuly and pulled the knife out if the wound "are you glad you found so that you can kill me or are you going to hep me kill the one who made me stab myself? He grabbed some nearby moss and started to patch his wound up "sorry if i seem rude i just dont know who i can trust today" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RedStorm 66 August 3, 2013 Author Share August 3, 2013 @@TwistedShadow, Acid made his way back to his shelter. "Mmm... finally some real food." He muttered as he looked through the packpack. He noticed that one of the packpacks didn't have food in it. It had vials of weird liquid in it. *He must've known that I'm there. This must be a trap that will burn me alive or something.* He put the bag further away from his shelter, so it wouldn't blow up accidentaly. Those may be needed later. *I bet these things hurt alot when thrown in the eye... could save my life.* Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her. My main OC: Redstorm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 3, 2013 Share August 3, 2013 (edited) (( aright. im gonna wrap my character up now, since i am leaving tomorrow mornin. I just wanted to thank everyone, who participated and made this RP, which is the first RP for me to be in, so much fun for me you guys rock and i hope to see you in 2 weeks! EDIT: i made a shitty drawing of Twisted on his way to the TSSmk3. Check OOC for it.)) After hours of marching Twisted was suddenly confronted by a giant wall, which he assumed marked the end of the arena. He scratched his head, wondering what he should do next. Suddenly he stopped scratching, because he hit resistance. He felt closer. There was SOMETHING in skin, ever so slightly in front of his right ear. * THE CHIP* it struck him. He had just found the device, that supervised and restricted him. The chip was the device, that was implanted into every single tribute as a way to keep track of where they were and what their health status was. All off a sudden he had an idea. He looked into his backpack and checked, how much explosives he had left. He had lost about 1/3 of them to that thief, but he still had enough for a pretty descent boom. He closed his backpack again and took out a knive. He needed a dead animal. After a brief hunt from the air he had found and murdered a deer. He carried the deer to the wall and placed his backpack next to it. Now the part of his plan came, that he hated. He took a throwing knive from his belt, bit on a stick and started cutting. The pain was unbearable. It was like a million of mad killer wasps biting him at the same time. Then the numbness kicked in. After 30 seconds that felt like 30 hours he held the device in his hands, that had made him a slave. He needed to act fast now. On the screens of the public he was dead now and it wouldnt be long untill someone came along to check on his body. He placed the chip on the dead deer, lit the backpack and flew to cover. The explosion was earth-shattering. It was like titans stomping on the ground, except for the fact, that it was only one "boom" and angry titans would make several "boom"s. He peeked out of his hideout, a stone, only to see total mayhem. There was a massive crater and blood everywhere. AND there was a hole in that wall. Twisted immidiately flew out of said hole. As he flew out he heard a cannonshot and presumed, that his face was being shown right now. When they would come to check on his body they would think, that he blew himself up out of madness or accident and fix the hole in the wall. TwistedShadow didnt exist anymore. As he looked through the pretty descent sized hole he was greeted by a beatiful landscape. A beautiful landscape, that he knew and loved. This beautiful landscape was, where he had played with his friends, when he was a filly. In the forest behind that beautiful field was where he had done most of his experiments. He flew towards that forest and he made sure to fly low, since he didnt want to catch any attention. He didnt dare look back. When he arrived in the forest however the temption was too big. He looked and saw his hole being patched up from the outside by some weird mix between a helicopter and a baloon. He went deeper into the forest, searching for his "Base" as he liked to call it. He had launched a number of rockets and other contraptions from there. He had launched his first spacestation from this site. Said space station was, what he presumed as his save haven now. He couldnt go anywhere else without being spotted and killed by the royal guards. Noone else other than him knew about this space station or even had the means to reach it. Ponykind hadnt reached for the stars yet. After roughly 2 hours of walking he reached the gate to the launch site. A rocket was already standing there. It was the one he had planned to launch, right before he got picked as a tribute. It would be his ticket to freedom onboard of his self-sustaining space station, that he had built over the years. He would live and die on board of said station. He wouldnt run out of things to do. He had plenty of supplies and things to do on board of the TSS mk3. mk1 and 2 were just test stations, that had already burned up in the atmosphere of equestria. He entered the rocket, noticed that he had already fueled it up before having been forced to leave and detached all supply lines. 3.2.1-launch. The ground started shaking and as he looked out the window Twisted saw Equestria shrinking rapidly. His rocket would be seen, no doubt about that. But they would neither know, what it was, nor that he was in it. They would probably be puzzling over what that thing was for years. Twisted felt no, stopped feeling his seat. He was in space. After roughly 15 minutes of fast-track rondevous he was docked to the TSS mk3. He breathed the recycled air with pure joy. HE WAS HOME. Edited August 3, 2013 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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