The Ponyville Critic 304 August 23, 2013 #1226 Share August 23, 2013 (edited) "I only spoke the truth, Grand, you know it and i know it, now, i'm sorry that my words caused any harm, and i know i was out of line." Fire Horn said. "But, i had to do something, i couldn't leave you to the trotters, not after all we've been through together. Surely you understand?" (I should mention, Starburst is on his back) Edited August 23, 2013 by ShyFlutters Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 23, 2013 #1227 Share August 23, 2013 Grand stayed silent. She tried to tune the world out, to put herself back in the moment where she never knew, but it only made it worse, thinking how naive she was. she watched the world pass her by. Did the world lose its color? she thought to herself as she only grew more distant. She completely forgot about the spell for Stephan (Just a friendly reminder that this, in fact, has not been fixed yet) Perhaps performing it would be just a waste. Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geek0zoid 1,468 August 23, 2013 #1228 Share August 23, 2013 @@Grand_Finale,@, As Ghost flew and kept hold of all three ponies, he couldn't help but feel like a failure. He let Grand down not once, but twice. He got her hopes up on finding her sister... and it was all a waste of his breath. His shame was increasing. The cursed sword slowly taking over his subconscious only made it worse. They soon arrived at the train and turned himself and the ponies back to normal. Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker My little YouTube Channel: (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active) My Johari Window thingymabob : ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 24, 2013 #1229 Share August 24, 2013 Grand looked around, emotion comletely drained from her face. "So now what" She said, looking at the desolated landscape. Her voice had become monotonous and dry. "I suppose we travel the country trying to survive again because thats all we are capable of in this shit hole we call our lives" She said, not talking to anyone in particular Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 August 24, 2013 #1230 Share August 24, 2013 "Either that or we go to Canterlot, it's reportedly a safe haven, run by the old-world princesses." Fire Horn said. "...and Mummy is there. Yay!" Starburst shouted. "That too." Fire Horn chuckled, walking up to the front of the train and starting it up, releasing the brakes and pushing the throttle, slowly they started moving. Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geek0zoid 1,468 August 24, 2013 #1231 Share August 24, 2013 @,@@Grand_Finale, Ghost looked onto the horizon before him. "I'm not going to just run and hide with tail between my legs from this hell hole we call home. Not when trotters are still roaming." Ghost put his hoof down. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not going to go to salvation until this outbreak is stopped for good." Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker My little YouTube Channel: (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active) My Johari Window thingymabob : ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 24, 2013 #1232 Share August 24, 2013 Grand looker at him. "Stop the outbreak? It's already consumed nearly all of equestria. There's no stop to the outbreak. What's done is done. It's taken over" she said, staring at ghost. "We should just go to canterlot. Then you can just relax." She said, eyes cold. There's no cure, there isn't" Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 August 24, 2013 #1233 Share August 24, 2013 (edited) "There may not be a cure, there may be, but once we get to Canterlot, we'll figure something out." Fire Horn said. "For now, just relax, we've got a long journey ahead of us." (Time Skip Incoming in a small amount of time. Get your stuff in order, because it's gonna be an 8-year gap. I'm still trying to get together how we're going to fix this, but we will eventually.) Edited August 24, 2013 by ShyFlutters Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geek0zoid 1,468 August 24, 2013 #1234 Share August 24, 2013 Ghost looked at the two through his ripped mask. "For the past year, I've been on my own protecting the remaining ponies. But, in all that time, I've been searching for cure to this hell. There may not be one, but I refuse to run and hide knowing that I'm going to live in this ruined world for the rest of my days. So I'll continue my search, even if it takes me the rest of my life to find it. There's always time to save what's left." Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker My little YouTube Channel: (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active) My Johari Window thingymabob : ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 24, 2013 #1235 Share August 24, 2013 ((Fair enough, how about ghost goes to find a cute and we go to canterlot, then they meet again in 8 years?) look ghost, I'm dick if running around, risking my life for nothing. I'm going to canterlot. Let me know when you find this fake cure" she said somberly. Why was she being so harsh? I guess it didn't matter any more. Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geek0zoid 1,468 August 24, 2013 #1236 Share August 24, 2013 (edited) @@Grand_Finale, Ghost looked at Grand with an angry expression. "I will find the cure. It's not fake. I'll believe that until I die even if the trotters take me." Ghost gathers his items and steps outside the train. He even takes the cursed sword. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go save the world." Ghost runs off in the direction where the shack was, hoping he'll find a potion to cure the sword. Edited August 24, 2013 by Stevenearthpony Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker My little YouTube Channel: (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active) My Johari Window thingymabob : ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 August 24, 2013 #1237 Share August 24, 2013 -2 hours later- The train was going full pelt along the rails, Fire Horn was operating the controls of the train and Starburst was sitting next to Grand. "Are we ever going to see, Stephen again? I liked him, sort of..." Starburst looked up at Grand. (The time-skip is going to take place, a small amount of time after we reach Canterlot.) Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 24, 2013 #1238 Share August 24, 2013 "It's best not to get too attached to anyone these days anyways" grand said, with the tiniest bit of sadness in her voice. "Maybe it's for the best" she murmured under her breath. She looked out the window. When was the last time she slept? She closed her eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geek0zoid 1,468 August 24, 2013 #1239 Share August 24, 2013 Ghost ran back to the shack where the zebra was laying on the floor in a heap. He looked around the ruins for a potion to help him cure the sword. After a while, the sword began glow and he knelt to the ground. "You left them... why?" "My time with them is done. I'm better off alone. But... they treated me like family..." "Oh, Stephan, you never needed them. You did just fine on your own... but, now, you have me. Now, you're even better." "All you want with me is to use me to control the rest of the world. If anything, I'm better without you." The sword then begins to alter Stephan's thinking. Within minutes, the sword had total control of his mind. "Just stick with me. I'll help you through all of this. You'll see soon enough..." Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker My little YouTube Channel: (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active) My Johari Window thingymabob : ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 August 25, 2013 #1240 Share August 25, 2013 A few more hours later, they reached Canterlot, there was a giant forcefield covering it, a hole appeared to allow the train through after it had been checked for infected, luckily no-one was. Fire Horn turned around, Grand and Starburst were sleeping. "Grand, Grand, wake up, we're here." He whispered. Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 25, 2013 #1241 Share August 25, 2013 (edited) (i hope its okay if im.back ill delete this if not) Josh awoke in the train not realising where they were. After looking round he soon realised it to be canterlot and sighed sadly "i cant be here" he said to no one in particuler "cant be in canterlot have to leave now" josh said as he turned to leave the train Edited August 25, 2013 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 25, 2013 #1242 Share August 25, 2013 Grand went to say something but stopped. No point in trying to keep any relationships anymore. It just ends in heart ache. She nodded to him and left the train somberly before turning to face Firehorn. "So now what? We sit and wait here until the world rots?" she said, not trying to be mean, but it was all she could muster up to say. Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 August 25, 2013 #1243 Share August 25, 2013 "No, we're going to find a solution to this, whether it means saving the trotters or making sure no-one turns ever again." Fire Horn said. "I can tell that it's going to be a while though." Fire Horn got off the train and started towards the city of Canterlot. (inside the city, where the ponies are). Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 25, 2013 #1244 Share August 25, 2013 Grand followed behind quietly. She kept her eyes trained on the ground as she listened to passing conversations. These ponies were so naive. "I suppose our first order of business would be to find this Alicorn then" she said dryly. (When is the timeskip gonna happen? just wondering) Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 August 25, 2013 #1245 Share August 25, 2013 "Yes, we'll need to find Missy, then we'll figure out what to do from there?" Fire Horn said. "I just hope she's actually here." After saying that, he sees Missy walking around a corner, content expression on her face. But when she sees them, she freezes, somehow unable to comprehend. This quickly turned to joy as she flew over to them. "I knew you'd get here." Missy said, hugging Fire Horn. "I assume this is a friend of yours." "Yes, where are my manners? Missy, this is Grand Finale, Grand, this is my fiance, Missy Starlight." Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 25, 2013 #1246 Share August 25, 2013 "Its a pleasure" Grand said, forcing a smile. "Im very happy that youve been reunited" She said, hiding tears. "Its always such a thrill to see your family again" said Grand through clenched teeth. "I do hope youll be able to live out a wonderful life here" Grand said. She couldnt take it anymore. "I do apologize, but I must ask you to excuse me" and with that, Grand bolted down the nearest alley, waiting to be clear from sight as she burst into tears. Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Ponyville Critic 304 August 25, 2013 #1247 Share August 25, 2013 As Grand was talking, Fire Horn noticed how she was feeling, then when she ran away, he wanted to go after her, but she needed time, when she was ready, she would come back. Missy turned to Fire Horn looking confused."I'm not sure if i should tell you. All i'll say is that she's sustained a lot of emotional damage, she needs time, we all do." Fire Horn said. "Well." Starburst flew on top of Missy as she started talking. "We're all together again, that's what counts." "Yes, some time to relax, not for too long though, work needs to be done." Fire Horn said as the trio walked down the street. -8 years later- Journal Entry - #247 It's been 8 years since i arrived here and i'm still no closer to finding the key to all this. Starburst is better than ever, he's just graduated from Magic School with flying colors, we're both very proud of him. In a few days, i'll be exploring the ancient history section of the Canterlot Castle Libraries, maybe i'll discover something there. I haven't spoken to Grand since that day, maybe she's been hiding from me, maybe, But i wish to see her again, she was my friend. Fire Horn Star Gazer: Thorough Study: My review channel on YouTube, you should check it out: [link] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand_Finale 529 August 25, 2013 #1248 Share August 25, 2013 Grand had been through hell and back in the last 8 years. her regret and guilt grew so immensely that she locked herself away in a small shack on the outskirts of Canterlot. she made a living by doing circus tricks. especially juggling. She would return home, defeated by the smile plastered on her face and would rarely leave her house. eventually she began to enjoy performing again. She would sometimes come home with a smile on her face. But one major regret stayed with her. Letting her friends leave. She had been so lonely since she began to smile again. She would always strike up conversations with the other ponies who watched her performances, but as soon as she was finished, they left. She would go home every night and think about her friends. Her sister had become a distant memory, and as she left her house for another street performance. She finally decided to look for who she had lost so long ago. Grand FInale: Caramel Corn: Tarot: Siren Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 25, 2013 #1249 Share August 25, 2013 (i guess its 8 years later then) Josh left his shelter made from tree branches and headed towards a snare deep in the everfree forst. When he reached it he saw a rabbit mostly bitten "danm trotters" he muttered as he drew a small knife and hunted for breakfast Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geek0zoid 1,468 August 25, 2013 #1250 Share August 25, 2013 (edited) Ghost ran out of the forest and made his way to Canterlot. At this point, the sword had made the scarlet hero corrupt. It changed his whole state of mind, altering his personality and the way he thinks and remembers. It erased every last memory from his mind. The next time he sees Grand, Fire, Josh, or anypony, he won't remember them. Instead, he'll try to kill them. "Don't worry, Stephan. I will help you uncover the cure of this outbreak. First, go to Canterlot. I have something for you to do." Within minutes, Ghost reaches the city of Canterlot. He stands on the top of the castle and looks over the city with evil eyes. "I will find the truth..." (Add in the time lapse any time now) It's been eight years since the sword had taken over Ghost's mind. He came to Canterlot long ago and he's been hiding out ever since. He's been searching for his former "family" for that period of time, wanting revenge. The possessed Ghost recently came across a small shack with a red unicorn inside it. The sword then place the memory of and unicorn named Grand Finale inside his head. "Stephan, go in that shack and kill the red unicorn inside. Do whatever you want to her. Show no mercy." "As you wish..." Ghost knocked on the door of the shack and waited for the unicorn to open up Edited August 25, 2013 by Stevenearthpony Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker My little YouTube Channel: (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active) My Johari Window thingymabob : ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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