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open Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle

Toothless the Night Fury

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"Well there was a large explosion on Appleloosa by the Solar troops and we were gonna capture Rarity and Fluttershy but they were rescued" she sighed "and apparently General Dash got captured" she gritted her teeth at the end Edited by Pinkie Pie (Pinkazoid!)




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"...Not while I'm alive. I'll find that Celestia and give her skull some delicious LEAD." Black aurora stated loudly with a very noticeable anger in his voice. He paused for a moment and remembered he first needed to prepare before heading off. "First I'll need my rifle and my backup handgun, then I'll need to find my ghillie suit and the keys to my bike." With that the alicorn ran off to find his things. Shortly after he came back, fully suited with a custom sniper rifle strapped to his back and a pair of night-vision goggles resting on his forehead. He contemplated wheither he was over-prepared or not, but concluded he wasn't. After all, he was trying to assassinate the solar princess! If anything he was at the bare-minimum of preparedness. All of his previous training would be put to good use as Black Aurora would be tested physically and mentally; and he knew that for a fact.

Hail the Queen!

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After being checked out from their briefing with Nightmare Moon and seeing the doctor in the infirmary, Fluttershy and Rarity were walking the halls of the quite castle, with the occasional shout of jubilation from outside as a party for the raid on Cloudesdale was in full swing.


"Well, I must say it sounds as if the troops are quite content with the recent raid. It's a shame you weren't able to join them, Fluttershy. Getting some revenge on the Solarians must have been at the tip of your mind when we came back from Appleloosa."


"That's an understatement, Rarity...I am angry that I needed to stay, but I will not question Nightmare Moon when it comes to our battle readiness. She has not failed us yet, and I do not foresee her doing so in the near future. It's all right...the time will come when I will be able to exercise my personal wrath on the sun-loving fools of the Solar Kingdom."


The two of them walked for a little bit, shouts bringing smiles to their faces as the celebration continued to roar on. "Oh, darling, don't forget--it's your turn for torture room watch. I'm sure there are some Solarian fools there that would just love to squeal the secrets of their false Princess to you...that might bring you some sense of satisfaction."


"And just who are you calling fools, Rarity?" came a voice from behind them. The pegasus and unicorn turned to see Rainbow Dash, an angry snarl plastered to her face. "I dare you to say that again to me."


"Well, well...if it isn't the little betrayer herself, Element of Loyalty. What in the flank are you doing here, you so-called friend?" Neither Rarity nor Fluttershy knew when Rainbow Dash had approached them, but she was there now.



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Snow stared blankly never expecting to hear such words come from anyponies mouth,rainbow dash's capture the attack against NLR's appleloosa.Apparently a lot of things went down that she hadn't heard from the locals in the near by town,this was a bit concerning for her


snow: "whow whow whow....wait...rainbow dash was captured? but how? shes like the fastest Pegasus around....and who was it to raid appleloosa? was it Solus? it would be his style to do something patriotic like that" having no clue solus was killed by strong hooves back at dragon mountain.




Runedust and his army had once again split,this time into three separate cells with the intent to surround dragon mountain and bombard it from every side to ensure no pony could escape unnoticed.Hiding his forces in the surrounding wood to prevent their presence from being known until night fall which would allow set up of his Ballistas,catapults and other siege devices in secret,giving him the advantage just as it had in appleloosa




Swift looked up at the sky,bored of her game with the pebble,figuring how much time she had before night fall.knowing Dusk that would be the time he brought fire down from above onto the ponies in the mountain

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"Well RD was probably surrounded, I highly doubt one pony alone captured her"



Dash grinned "so suddenly I'm the one that betrayed you Fluttershy?" her face returned to an angry snarl "I was your friend or at least i thought I was and then you, Rarity and AJ betrayed us all, I stayed with my real friends.... the ones that didn't betray us"




Twilight waited for toothless's response **I'll just try to talk to him later....** she walked away from the Starswirl the bearded wing and looked at a pony (swiftgrace) "can I help you?"

Edited by Pinkie Pie (Pinkazoid!)




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"Heh! That's rich? We betrayed you?" Fluttershy's tone was indignant and disrespectful as she flapped her wings dangerously. "Well, it appears that even the so-called "Fastest Flier in Equestria" is also the dumbest one, because she allowed herself to get captured by obviously superior Lunarian forces. Where's the tomboy-ish attitude that never says die, or was that just you trying to look cooler so that you could fake into being our friend?"


"Fluttershy...let me handle this, please." Rarity stepped forward and looked Rainbow Dash square in the eye. "Now, see here, you show-off...you do not speak to Lunarian troops with such disrespect! And I am presuming that you did not get in here as some sort of agent of that vile Princess Celestia, and that you are indeed a prisoner, that you carefully consider who it is you're threatening. Have I made myself clear, Loyalty?" Rarity was huffing with clear irritation. Many names had been attributed to Rainbow Dash since the start of the war--the Prismatic Predator, the Sonic Scourge...none of the new monikers she had earned held her in great light, and since she was Fluttershy's counterpart for the Solarians, every ounce of information about what had happened in Cloudsedale was to be incrementally delved out. One thing was for sure, though--these two ponies were anything but friends.


< tag Dash >

Edited by Sunrise Song



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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"Well RD was probably surrounded, I highly doubt one pony alone captured her"



Dash grinned "so suddenly I'm the one that betrayed you Fluttershy?" her face returned to an angry snarl "I was your friend or at least i thought I was and then you, Rarity and AJ betrayed us all, I stayed with my real friends.... the ones that didn't betray us"




Twilight waited for toothless's response **I'll just try to talk to him later....** she walked away from the Starswirl the bearded wing and looked at a pony (swiftgrace) "can I help you?"



SwiftGrace turned her attention from the sky to twilight whom finally noticed her presence


"good day twilight sparkle. I was under instructions from Dusk Everstill of the celestial Knight to ask you for any assistance to help with a wild pony chase of an operation...we are running a joint ops on dragon mountain tonight.RuneDust of the elite royal guard is laying siege and I am to find a way in during the confusion to see if there's anything of value to the solar kingdom...Dusk says its possible that rainbow dash could be there as well and if so i need to find a way to get her out before the siege ends...or brings down the mountain and kills every pony there...Any help would be greatly appreciated"




snow decided to stop asking questions that might draw any suspension from her lack of current knowledge within the solar borders


"That would be my guess....um...well you guys better get before you get busted by some other pony...or ponies.The NLR are all over these woods I'm sure so don't get caught.Oh and If any pony asks,you never seen me ok....Top secret mission and all" waving her hooves in a silly manner as she tries to sneak back into the underbrush before any more words are spoken




RuneDust watched the sun,knowing that not to long from now he could set up and start his plan to bring dragon mountain and the highest ranked pony stationed there under his hoof just as he had with appleloosa and despite the loss of both rarity and fluttershy in one swoop,this time he had a good feeling that the ones who stopped him last time wouldn't be stopping him a second time.conjuring up a selection of magically manifested weapons ranging from short swords to massive halberds to decide how he wanted to crush the ponies who will stand on the receiving end of his wraith.settling for a crystallized hooked long sword,knowing just how much fear this simple design struck with its curved blade capable of hooking weapons,wings,and even unicorn horns with the idea to disarm or sever it completely


*the ones who hold the power of harmony are running out of places to hide,We have appleloosa for the time being but even so they know i will just burn it and the occupants to the ground if the managed to retake it...that leaves this place and their main HQ as the last remaining safe havens for them to hide out...Its a fifty fifty chance I will parade into canterlot sporting such a prize to present to Celestia....after I get what I want from the poor soul that is*


"tell me sentinel,have the forces provided by celestia get into place with the baits to try and draw our little friends out if they are here"?


sentinel "Ay,sir they sent word,If your girls are in that base then we will smoke them out with what they love most"


"splendid,send word to not mess this up.rarities prized jewel is worth more than they will ever be...and so is applejacks sweet apple acres and all of the little cuddly animals that frolic there"


sentinel: "I see,that's your plan.Set blaze to miss applejacks home,which in turn harms the creatures there...so if they are there in that fort then they will run after you or the animals in fluttershy's case...and rarity will just die to get her hooves on such a beautiful emerald you borrowed from the vaults....?"


"more or less so, that's my plan.It that doesn't work then they will be buried beneath the rubble of the mountain if they are there"


sentinel "your one sick pony RuneDust sir,to even consider...."


"are you questioning my methods soldier? If so,how would you're still living burning soon to be corpse be the first thing we fire from out catapults...If not then I advise you to chose the next words coming from your mouth very wisely....Or do as I COMMANDED YOU!"


the pony gave a hasty salute and ran off

Edited by HailStorm
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"well actually I already got someone for that job...but any help would always be accepted" she corrected herself



Dash grinned again "oh yeah?... well I don't see how I am the one insulting ya'll, you know that the only traitors here are you two" she looked at Fluttershy "...and don't you insult my element, right now I think the only that's kinder than both of you is the guard that tried to kill me in the prison cell, and I still am the fastest flyer in Equestria and I can prove it any day" she stomped her hoof at the end



As Rainbow was mentioned she remembered that she had to check on her **Rainbow are you okay?**

Rainbow didn't pay much attention to Twilight at first **Not now Twi**

**why did something happen?**

**I said not now**

Twilight stopped to listen to their conversation




Haste Shrugged and continued walking


[invisible bump]

Edited by Pinkie Pie (Pinkazoid!)




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Rarity bristled at the comment that they were the traitors, instead of seeing the truth for what it was. "It must be all that time having your brain baked by that horrible sun, Rainbow Crash...always showing off, making a complete and utter foal of yourself. All of your accolades for what? Just some silly trophy that doesn't shine anywhere near as brilliantly as I do?"


"You know what we should do, Rarity? We should give our good friend Rainbow Dash a proper Lunar Republic welcome" The evil smirk on Fluttershy's face turned into a malicious chuckle, as she walked right behind Rainbow Dash and sized her up for a moment.


"And just what do you think you're do--"


Dash never got the word out as Fluttershy kicked her in the side, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to stumble. The previously cheery and demure pegasus snorted. Rarity was next to join in the attack, using her magic to make all of the cyan-colored pegasus' legs splay out, and the "fastest flier in Equestria" landed on the floor with a pained *thump*.


"Get up!" Rarity snapped, ready to have her fair shot at their enemy. Her horn almost began to take on a dark glow as she helped to lift Rainbow Dash off of the floor, ready to hold her in mid air. "This is for Appleloosa!" The unicorn released her magical hold on Rainbow Dash, and with her still trying to catch her breath, she landed with no control, her front hooves making contact first. A painful *crack* was heard from the right front hoof, and Dash tumbled over in pain, gasping as she tried to regain the oxygen flow to her body.


Fluttershy was gearing up to stomp on the hoof, but a dark blue light appeared in the chamber.


"BE STILL!" the command came from Nightmare Moon, who seemed to have the best timing in the world for Rainbow Dash. Both Rarity and Fluttershy froze on the spot. The Dark Queen looked at both of her Generals, an angry frown welded onto her face as her eyes glowed bright white with unbridled power.


"What do you think that it is you are doing? Apparently our orders were not far reaching enough! Rainbow Dash is our guest! She will be treated as every other pony that lives under our Moonlight is, and this is not how that is done, Rarity and Fluttershy! Now, we demand an explanation, and we demand it NOW!!"


Rarity had never seen her Queen so angry. She stumbled onto her rump, shaking slightly. "Umm...Your Majesty...we were...getting personal...revenge for...the attack...on Appleloosa."


"And is that your decision to make?" The snarling growl in the room was directed totally at the small unicorn, who was now shaking like a leaf on a windy day.


She mustered enough strength to eek out the word "No."


"We are severely disappointed in the both of you. You are hereby off-duty until further notice. Now get out of our sight before we do the same to you!"


With no complaints or comments, both Rarity and Fluttershy quickly disappeared from view, leaving Rainbow Dash on the floor, crying from the pain she was in. Her stomach was bruised, and it felt like her front right hoof had been shattered. But the more painful part of the attack was not visible: her heart, and faith in her former friends, was ripped into pieces.


Nightmare Moon looked down on the weeping pegasus, and knew what she needed to do. "Come here, child..." With the highest degree of care possible, Nightmare Moon lifted Rainbow Dash from the ground using her dark magic and placed her up onto her back. "We are sorry our soldiers treated you in such a horrible fashion. We will deal with them personally; trust me on that. Now...let's get you to the infirmary...and get your leg healed."


< tag Dash >

Edited by Sunrise Song



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Rainbow smirked slowly but winced quickly from the pain

Twilight tried to talk to Rainbow again

**Rainbow what Happened?**

**Sorry Twi, I stumbled across Rarity an Fluttershy...damn traitors...**

**what happened?**

**well they can't handle the truth that's what happened**

Rainbow looked around and at her leg

**did they get mad? did you try to reason with them?**

** no way in reasoning with those 3**


**well for one they broke my leg**

she looked at nightmare Moon, trying to act normal

**they broke your leg? well where you at, did they give you any medical attention?**

**yeah, Nightmare Moon came to stop them, and I'm on my way to the imfermary**


**have you found anypony to rescue me yet?**

**yeah I got a few that are on their way**

**good.... I can't stand another minute here.....**

*don't worry soon you'll be back in Canterlot**





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Nightmare Moon kept a poker face as she walked with Rainbow Dash toward the infirmary. So you have ponies on the way to rescue you. This does not surprise us, although your brazen and cavalier attitude toward communicating telepathically is admirable. It is quite a shame you will not see reason, Rainbow Dash. But...with Fluttershy and Rarity acting that way? We are shocked...we were aware there was hate, but to that level so quickly? This is something that we will need to discuss with them, using whatever methods necessary to get our point across.


The walk to the medical center was mostly quiet, the steady cadence of Nightmare's hooves being the only near audible sound. The walked in, the doctor waiting for them inside


"Ahh...the patient. What's her condition, Your Majesty?" Shadow Tree said, his horn shining the dark green of his mossy coat as he studied over Rainbow Dash's body.


"She has a severely bruised stomach, and her right front hoof has been broken in five places. We trust that you will tend to her with the utmost of care, as we have decreed this guest to be an important one?" Nightmare's face almost showed a glimmer of care and concern, the burning anger with Fluttershy and Rarity consuming her back thoughts.


"Well, the leg and stomach will be easy...but her cooperation is my utmost concern. What should I do if she becomes...argumentative?"


"Then you are to sedate her. No more than four hours at a time. Make sure she is well fed when she comes out of surgery. We trust your hoof and bedside manner, Doctor Shadow Tree."


She levitated Rainbow Dash over to a nearby bed, where Shadow Tree walked over. There was a look of outright fear as she watched Nightmare Moon walk away.


**Rainbow Dash. You are under no compulsion to reply, but hear our words well. Any rescue attempt made on your behalf will be met with the maximum amount of force necessary to repel them. We will order our unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies to not kill any rescue team that comes for you, but only to injure them to the point where they will need to retreat. We would recommend you not attempt to contact Twilight Sparkle or anypony else in our sister's kingdom. There will only be two ways you will leave the ground of this castle, Element of Loyalty. The first is a burial if you prove to become too much trouble to deal with any further, and the second is if you join with the Lunar Republic and serve at our side. You are far too important to need to slay, but do not think we will not raise our hoof if you continue to be belligerent. Please, relax. Doctor Shadow Tree is a skilled physician, and he will tend to your wounds. When you have healed, we request that you join us in the Throne Room.**


Leaving the infirmary, Nightmare Moon's face grew a nasty scowl, as she started to stomp into the stone a little harder Now, to deal with our two generals!



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Rainbow's and Twilight's eyes opened wide as Nightmare Moon entered in their conversation, Twilight regained her her thoughts back to their conversation, **Nightmare Moon I recommend you leave Rainbow Dash go** she waited for a response from either of them but nothing happened **Rainbow? Nightmare Moon!?** she groaned and gritted her teeth, she walked away from the Starswhirl wing, "Hiya Twi" cheered Pinkie "any news on Dashie?" "...not good news.." Twilight muttered "what happened?" "Nightmare Moon stopped the spell, I can't communicate with her anymore" "but you got someone to rescue her right?" "yes, hopefully she'll be back in Canterlot soon..."

(Twilight didn't listen to the whole conversation, only until Rainbow Dash got to the infirmary)



Rainbow sighed **well there goes my last connection outside of here** she thought and grunted, she tried not to make any eye contact with the doctor and looked at the blank wall and thought Nightmare Moon's words ***join with the Lunar Republic*** she shook her head trying to get rid of those thoughts **no, I can't betray Twilight, Pinkie and Princess Celestia...**




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Runedust gave a bored sigh,tapping the conjured weapon against his flank plate as he awaited the moon to rise.Turning to one of his unicorn minions


Runedust: "lets step up our operations...lay siege to dragon mountain from the wood,move our troops along the north eastern ridge overlooking the battlements and storm the supply station there...we will use their own supplies against them,have the other two installations aim for the communications,barracks,and any defenses while ours hammer down on the central buildings"


soldiers: "yes sir!...proceed with the attack!"


the unicorn quickly spread word of the plans,within hours the apple family farm was set ablaze and the siege of dragon mountain commenced with volley after volley of boulders and heavy logs to shatter the NLR's defensive hoof hold within the mountain




Swift grace knew she had no time to waste,Flapping her wings as hard as she possibly could manage until dragon mountain came into view,it was hard to tell if rune had already assaulted or not as she could not spot flying fireballs crashing down onto the mountain side




" Twilight said she had others working on getting RD out.....I wonder who....and why our Military chain of command is so lose that we can't coordinate an effective strategy as one nation...gaaah! to many questions! Well first things first,locate this pony who is springing Dash out of that rock,maybe I will get an award or something for being a hero! but how will i find them?"



Suddenly an idea pops into her head,dangerous and risky as it was,it was the only thing she could think of.

Collecting clouds as she zipped through the air,leaving them in a pattern that would be easily noticed from the ground or high up.

Once finished with her sky art,A giant Rainbow Dash cutie mark and her own made entirely of the clouds Swift Grace has strung along. Now she waited for any pony who would surely some how see this beacon and use one of their own to grab her attention so she could aid in the prison break

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Nightmare Moon's anger was so wide open she wasn't even keeping her normal mental safeguards in place. Rarity and Fluttershy had just put a major dent into the Dark Mare's plans to slowly turn Rainbow Dash to the the side of the Lunarians. As she stomped through the hallways, leaving small dents in the floor as she strode forward, she was considering that it was no longer possible at all.


**Damn you two! Have you any idea what you have done? We had plans for Rainbow Dash, and now in your haste, all of that is in jeopardy! Do you not realize the advantage she represented against the Solar Kingdom? I should torture both of you until you learn the lesson of understanding the flow of time, and how it can be sculpted to our advantage.**


The doors to the briefing room swung open, revealing Rarity and Fluttershy, both standing at attention. Nightmare Moon looked at the two, which appeared to be stonefaced. As she walked forward, she used her magic to slam the doors shut. Fluttershy winced a little bit, but Rarity remained motionless.




Fluttershy whimpered a little bit at the Queen's tirade, She didn't make much noise, other than her normal nervous squeaking. She wasn't about to cry in front of the Dark Mare, but it was getting harder and harder to hold back. Nightmare Moon levitated a wooden chair that was placed neatly at the table, and flung it into the nearby wall, smashing it to bits.




Fluttershy couldn't hold back, and she started to weep loudly from the screaming and yelling, collapsing into a ball. All this managed to do was further irritate Nightmare Moon, who stared down Rarity. She lowered her voice, and spoke coldly.


"Let us be clear, Element of Generosity. If we do not get a reasonable enough answer from you in the next minute, the both of you will be made public displays of. You will be placed in the stocks, in open rain for three days with no food. Ponies that pass by you will be given our permission to mistreat you. Now...answer your Queen's question, Rarity...why?"


The room seemed to freeze slowly, ice from the venom of Nightmare Moon ready to sink into the veins of some poor unfortunate pony that happened to cross her. "We acted the way we did because we felt it was in the best interests of the Lunar Republic. I had not been made aware that she was allowed to roam the castle freely, Your Majesty."


Nightmare Moon picked up Rarity with her magic, and brought her so they were looking each other directly in the eyes. Fluttershy continued to cry, puddling into a mess of emotion on the floor. "If you even lay a hoof on a pony that has not been declared an enemy combatant again, we will send you back to our sister, and no longer acknowledge your existence. Have we made ourselves very clear, General Rarity?"


Rarity nodded. As she did so, Nightmare Moon released her hold on her, letting her fall to the ground. Rarity landed roughly, clipping her left hoof on the table that was in the middle of the room. She walked away from the two of them, stopping at the other exit to the room.


"You should both be grateful we chose to not have you charged with treason. It is still, like many other crimes in this Republic, punishable by death. You would do well to remember that. The both of you are still off duty until we instruct you otherwise. Now take your useless flanks and get back to your quarters."


< tag Twilight Sparkle >

Edited by Sunrise Song



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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After Twilight explained Pinkie her plan on rescuing Rainbow Dash, Pinkie left leaving Twilight alone again **I should check on Raibow Dash.. but Nightmare Moon's warning seemed pretty straightforward... I should ask the Princess....**




Rainbow Dash waited for the surgery to be over and avoided eye contact with the doctor




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Twilight trotted into the Princess's throne room, "Princess Celestia?" she bowed "Yes, Twilight Sparkle?" "while I was in a conversation with General Dash, your Sister, Nightmare Moon, manajed to interrupt it, she warned General Dash that if she tried to have any more conversations with anyone outside of the Lunar Republic, that there was going to be some problems for her..." she coughed trying to make sure the Princess was still listening "I was going to talk to her but the telepathy spell seemed to fail" she looked at the Princess for a response "I see" Twilight looked back at the Princess "and I came to you for some advice, I don't know if I should contact General Dash again or if I should take Nightmare Moon's warning" she looked down "have you tried contacting her yet?" "well you see, I'm not sure if I should..... but I'll try it if that's what you wan't" "no, not yet, did she tell you anything?" "only that 2 solarians tried to get revenge on her for the raid in Appleloosa, it Rarity and Fluttershy to be exact, and that elements are drifting from them" "Drifting?" "yes, Rainbow said that from what it looked like Fluttershy wasn't kind at all..." "Mhmm..." "I'm also worried that Rainbow's element might drift apart as well, and she might join the Lunar Republic" "try the telepathy spell later " "yes, Princess" she bowed and left




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Runedust glared at dragon mountain,for a moment he felt uneasy about launching his assault against the Republic stronghold nestled there.He could feel a dark presence looming over the mountain but couldn't put a hoof on why,his soldiers finishing the preparations snapped him back to reality


unicorn soldier: "Sir! All batteries are fully loaded and at the ready,our strategists say we can lay heavy siege for a max of five minutes before exhausting our current munition stock...seven maybe if we rotate between the three stations with a steady launch rate,your orders sir?"


Runedust "hmm? What is it now?....oh yes,proceed with the attack.Rotate vollies fired from our installments to keep them guessing after the fourth rotation all batteries should be trained onto their designated targets and are to bombard the mountain until the stockpiles run dry.after that pull our forces deeper into the wood and regroup.If anything unusual or interesting shows itself alert me immediately.Something is not right about that base this day"


*what secrets do you hold for me hidden behind such thick walls*


unicorn soldier: "ai! sir,I shall deliver your orders to the other field captains,we shall throw the first stone to topple the mighty Republics precious fort and the rest will follow.Glory to the unicorn way"


The soldier trots off to the main grouping of catapults,giving the new orders then vanishing into the woods to finish his task




Swift grew impatient waiting for the pony or ponies who was to prison break Rainbow dash out,That and she grew weary of sitting on a possible dead give away that she was a Elite solarian guard in motion to snag Rainbow dash out from under the Republics oppressive hooves.

Kicking apart the clouds that formed the hint of her placement before anypony could possibly notice the abnormal clouds and darted along the tree tops to dragon mountain,she couldn't wait any around any longer,what if Rainbow dash was being tortured to death slowly? or the ponies she were to meet with were already in,or worse captured.Swift knew it was up to her to infiltrate the base on her own,save Rainbow dash from her captors,and maybe even take control of dragon mountain single hooved becoming the most amazing pegasi ever.

Her spirits and moral in overdrive she felt nothing could stop her now


Landing on the opposite side of the mountain from which Runedusts war contraptions were most likely to be hiding during the day light hours,Swift starts up from lower down the mountain,scavenging bits of Lunar armor that had been discarded in the previous battles until she worn a full set


*got the looks,check. Attitude "snuff out the sun so eternal darkness shall reign....blah blah blah" check! just need a name and a back story I can remember to get me around until i find dash and get her out


"hello...hmm...AH ha! greetings,private ebony skydancer reporting from scouting the surrounding wood...My credentials? they were lost in the raid against appleloosa -spits- Filthy solarians killed my entire squad...I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE SOLARIAN SCUM...I Fight for...do they call her? luna? nightmare moon? grrr crap!!!...the princess of the moon...that sounds convincing enough i hope..lets hear a solarian say that without chocking on their over inflated pride....I was um hmm stationed here until my credentials were found and refinalized so I can return to active duty on the front lines...meh,that will work as my new Lunarian identity I guess"


now with her new Identity as Ebony skydancer,yet another forgettable low ranking officer whom none of the higher ups would hear about in their lives she decided to travel along the main trails leading up the mountain,If any patrols were to stop her she would answer their questions just as she rehearsed until she came to the entrance to the base where she blended in with a passing group,acting as the lowly recruit at the rear of the pack


*Oh my gosh that actually worked!? to bad more solarians can't just act to praise luna...guess its good thing they don't! Now to find Rainbow...without looking like an idiot,fun*




Hail had taken the job from Dusk with little question of what was inside the heavy create he now carried.Hidden in a seemingly normal cloud so that he would not be discovered until he was over one of the larger encampments of the NLR that intel had labeled "unicorn collective". Dropping the crate with falsified Republic logos into the central portion to optimize collateral damage within the camp.

Hail was curious of what was in the box meant to sabotage this particular camp just as they had done to clouds dale but remembered that he was to get out of there within thirty seconds of dropping it


As he turned tail he pulled a letter from his saddle bag


"to the pony who is given this task,stay up wind of the crates dz...Its a mixture of ingredients one of which is poison joke powder,the other is a powder mixed in that makes unicorns magic highly volatile and unstable to cast,usually resulting in an explosion at point blank range.The poison joke is to cause random effects upon all in its containment range as the other only targets unicorns directly

side note: joke is only a distraction and of minor disruption of units.DO NOT let this note fall into enemy hooves,the discovery of our lacing with the poison joke can result in the enemy gaining this weapon or finding a fix to the magical discharges Burn this immediately!


stage 1:fireworks launch to draw attention to celebrate or to stop them before giving away location

stage 2 :poison joke/magicide powder released via fireworks detonation,full scale contamination.caution of wind"


hail shook his head,stashing the note back into his bags as he heard the boom of fireworks,each laced with the powder which spread from the explosions of bright lights and drifted down invisibly over any pony within a three mile radius, contaminating water food and structures alike.Hail made sure to stay upwind to prevent accidental contamination as he made his escape through the clouds


*eye for an eye,hoof for a hoof this is only going to get worse if we provoke them like this*

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Twilight walked in the halls of the castle **I wonder if I should try the spell again... after all the Princess did tell me to try it later** Twiligtht continued walking, there was no sound besides her hoofsteps on the ground, after long consideration she sighed and decided to give the spell a try, her horn glowed bright and she focused on Rainbow Dash **Rainbow? can you hear me?**



Rainbow Dash woke up drowsily, the surgery had been over she felt a sharp pain on her flank and then she heard a familiar voice

**Rainbow? can you hear me?** **Twi, what are you doing? Nightmare Moon said I can't contact no one in Celestia's kingdom** **sorry Rainbow but I wanted to check on how you were doing** **I'm fine the surgery is over, now leave before Nightmare Moon hears you** Twilight sighed **okay Rainbow Dash** **thanks Twi....** Twilight stopped the spell "I sure do hope Rainbow is fine..."



Rainbow walked outside the surgery room **Where was I supposed to go?...** she tapped a hoof in her chin "The Throne room" she muttered, she sighed, **and how am I supposed to find the throne room?** she walked around for several minutes until she met with two large doors guarded by the Lunarian guards, **this must be the throne room....** she thought to herself, the guards opened the door **she must of told them to let me in....** she thought again as she walked into the large room

Edited by Dungeon Dragon




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Her anger finally cooled, Nightmare Moon sat on her throne, waiting patiently for the arrival of Rainbow Dash. What caught her off guard a little bit was how quickly the pegasus had made it out of surgery and into the large hall, the similar length of the room that was seen in the Canterlot Castle.


We hope that our message was well received, and communicated all throughout our Republic, so that it never has a chance to happen again. And on the manner of chances...right now, we are about to take a very big one by doing what we are about to do. She watched Rainbow Dash approach slowly, and finally stop a few feet away from the steps to the throne.


"Ah. Rainbow Dash. It is good to see that you are well and have had an adequate chance to heal from the injuries you suffered. We have a proposition for you, considering the events of recent time. We are about to contact our sister, and speak with her...and as well as you have been able to contact Twilight Sparkle, so shall we be an active participant in the conversation. Is this an agreeable prospect to you?"


< tag Dash / Twi / Celestia >

Edited by Sunrise Song



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Rainbow was surprised at what Nightmare Moon said "Princess Celestia?" Rainbow asked "How do you know that she'll even talk to you?" Rainbow asked in a calmer tone with a little respect so the question wouldn't sound as an insult




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Nightmare Moon laughed slightly as Rainbow Dash offered the obvious and quite valid question. "We understand your curiosity; however, simply because we wish to kill each other does not mean we cannot be civil. It has just not been in our best interest to contact our sister until now--making such a connection is a dangerous venture, opening our mind to her and the reverse being done the same. From a tactical point of view, it is unwise. However, the situation that has arisen does merit such an exchange. Besides, who would we be to deny you the pleasure of seeing your Princess?"


What you fail to understand, Rainbow Dash, is that we are both very old and very wise. If we were unsafe for long enough, even Sister could lead us to believe that her position is right, and there would be no grand Lunar Republic.


< tag Celestia / Twilight / Dash >



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Rainbow Dash nodded her head "I guess so...." she muttered under her breath



Twilight trotted in the hallway **i sure do hope rainbow is right, I don't wan't her to get in more trouble than she already is.. but maybe I can save her instead...** she stopped and tapped her chin **maybe, she is in danger, Nightmare moon might be trying to get her to join the Lunar Republic for all I know.... she is the element of Loyalty, but from what happened Fluttershy's description didn't sound as kind as she used to be...Maybe the Princess might know what to do...** Twilight galloped into the Princess's throne room "Princess Celestia?" "yes Twilight?" "I talked to General Dash, she said that if Nightmare Moon caught her talking to any of us, she would face punishment" Princess nodded her head for Twilight to continue "I think that it'd be best if we let her- Princess?" Princess Celestia casted the telepathy spell powerful enough to both Twilight and the Princess to hear the other's thoughts, soon, Twilight could hear both Rainbow's and Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Edited by Pinkazoid




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"Ah. Perfect. The spell has been cast, just as strong as we knew it would be." Nightmare Moon took a breath, and then began the conversation.


"Sister. We hope that all is well within the safe walls of your Kingdom. Tell us, how have the efforts at Cloudsdale been doing? It was quite an unfortunate happening that occurred there, that. We will not mince words here, as both of us known the enormous amount of leverage one could exert on the other in this telepathic bridge. We have one of your Generals, sister, and we have no intentions on releasing her until she belongs to the Republic. Your prized student was quite correct about Rainbow Dash. In the fact, we feel it only appropriate if we give her the audience she deserves, for one last time. After all, it will be the last time she will speak to you until we meet in battle, side by side allied against you. Please, take your time. Fill her head with all the lies you can think of, dear sister--none of it will stand against time."


She blinked a couple of times before looking to Rainbow Dash. "The bridge will serve as if you were in the room with her. Speak your mind, tell her all that you wish to. We will merely observe and assure that there is no tampering with your mind while in the bridge. However, the spell will only last so long, so do not waste time in idle pleas for a rescue. We have assured you, Rainbow Dash, that you are not leaving here but under one of two conditions."


< tag Dash/Twi/Celestia>

Edited by Sunrise Song



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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  • 2 months later...

When the briefing ended, PFC Glittersword decided to aid in the rescue for rainbowdash, He was given these instructions. "Go to General Pinkiepie if you wish to go to the rest of the search party. He heads over to Pinkiepie and says "Air force private first class reporting for duty, ma'am."



( Is pinkiepie still at Canterlot HQ? Or did she go to the mountain?)

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