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open My Little Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Sci-Fi, Action/Adventure)

Rebel the Wolfgirl

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Hey, guys! Renegade here! Welcome to my roleplay! This roleplay will follow the stories of the original Star Wars trilogy, but with ponies! Now onto the rules...


1) Even though this is story-related, not everypony needs to be in the same location at the same time, mmkay?

2) Keep it PG-13, please.

3) All site rules apply.

4)This roleplay will not follow the films scene-for scene, but will follow them very closely.


After several Rebel pilots uncover plans for a superweapon created by the Changeling Empire, Princess Rainbow is captured by the evil Darth Vader. She sends out a message to an old friend, and unintentionally drags a young unicorn into the journey of his life.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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I guess I'm Princess Rainbow lolz but can it be Princess Epic Rainbow or Princess Epic? So when do we start roleplaying anyway? Also there should be a sign-up thread and/or sign-up form on this thread. I'm pretty bored right now lolz can we start roleplaying now? Should i start with this post or are you gonna start... I'll let you start lol


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(It can be whatever you want. I'm also too lazy for a sign-up thread.)

It was a beautiful day on the planet Tatooine. And by beautiful, I mean miles and miles of sand with a few homes and cities. Young Ren Skywalker got out of his bed and went to the kitchen. He got out some blue milk and drank it. "Mmmm....blue milk."he said.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Princess Epic was trotting around her castle, saying hello to all her royal guards as she passed them. She then bumped into her mother. "Oh hello, Mother. Time for lunch already?" She trotted down to the dining room and ate her lunch. "That was delicious. Thank you," she said to the royal chef. She trotted out to the castle courtyard for a stroll. Then, she looked up to see a pony in a big black helmet and cape. "Who the hay are you," she asked, rather annoyed.


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The pony in question just stared at her for a few minutes before grabbing her and dragging her towards a rather large spaceship. "You will give us the information we need." the pony stated betwen deep breaths. After a quick conversation with a few Stormtroopers, the mysterious pony continued to drag the princess to a cell.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Princess Epic struggled to get free of the pony's grip. "Let me go, you monster," she said, rather frustrated. She tried calling for help but nopony came to her rescue. The pony dragged her to a huge spacecraft and put her into a small cell. Princess Epic tried flying out between the bars, which were rather spread apart, but she was just a little too big.


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The armored pony simply laughed. "Now...tell me where the plans are. If you don't, Aldermane will suffer...severely." The pony left the princess alone. He looked outside to where a large, moon-like space station was waiting. (Leia is from the planet Alderaan in the original film, so I thought it'd be a nice touch if Epic was from Aldermane.)


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Woah what am i doing here -shakes head- Look at the sky if i can remember i was in bed sleeping -looks down- THIS IS JUST A DREAM I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE WATCHED STAR WARS BEFORE SLEEP!-Pinches self- OW this hurts -picks up light saber and it's pointed towards me- how does it turn on?

I wish someone would come on too here- uses wings- -Peeks see's ponies- hmm i pick these too ponies now how do i lure them too here I really wish they were here I'm the only pony that's here. Did i forget my glasses? -Puts note and drops a robot with it- -crosses hooves- please pick it up!


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(Please don't post stuff like this. This is a roleplay thread. If your not here to RP, then please for our sake, please get out.)Vader waited for Epic rainbow's answer. "Tell me where the plans are. Now, you fool." Vader continued to wait for the princess's answer. He would get the information out of her somehow.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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