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open Sword Art Online: Pony style!


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*Rynn arrived at the final location she had marked on her map. Once again, there was no dungeon to be found. Rynn made an upset face.*

"Where is this second dungeon?"

*She said to herself perplexed. She began to examine her surroundings. She was in a bit of a field, in front of her was a steep drop off, it went down about 45 meters, behind her was a mountain, to her right and left there was a pair of ruined towers that made an archway above her. She walked over to one of the towers and began to scour its surface.*

"This seems like the kind of place they would place a dungeon, and he had said that there were some ruins around the second dungeon, so I must be able to get in somewhere."

*Rynn continued to search the tower, and then went over to the next one once her search turned out with no results. She scoured the second tower, and when she still found nothing, she climbed one of the towers and onto the arch. She shimmied along the arch until she got to the center, and saw a switch.*

"Well hello there."

*Rynn flipped the switch and then dropped to the ground. The towers and the arch began to move into the mountain until they were embedded into the mountain. Then the mountainside within the arch glowed and vanished. A pop-up appeared in front of Rynn that said, 'are you sure you wish to attempt this dungeon?' Rynn hit the circle and a small door appeared im the archway and opened, granting Rynn access to the dungeon.*

"Well, lets do this."

*Rynn said as she walked into the second dungeon.*

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"If you want to we could go find your friend first safety in numbers after all." Lighting said "so is she just a friend or your special some-pony?" Lighting asked in a teasing manor. "It sounded like you would know her username or was she not a beta tester like you?"

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"She wasn't a beta and she's my sister first of all...I just hope she isn't playing...I hope" Equinox said as his sister is just as much of a gamer. "She told me her username would be Lunacies" Equinox said as he went into his friends list and searched up the name. "No... she's in the game...WE NEED TO FIND HER" Equinox yelled as he headed back to town

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"I coming to help out." Lighting said following Equinox "also why did you not check for her till just now personally that would be the first thing I'd do if I had a sibling trapped in here with me." He said wondering what Equinox's sister looked like. He's just a guy after all.

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"Cause I didn't think about it alright also I just figured out how to use the friend system" Equinox said as a cyan colored pegasus tackled him with a white mane. "EQUINOX TJANK GOD YOURE OKAY" The pegasus screamed as Equinox and the made got up. "I'm hlad you are safe" Equinox said

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"Hey Equinox who this mare." Lighting asked him "also that tackle seemed pretty hard did lose any hp from that." Lighting joked "Wait this wouldn't happen to be your sister would it cause if it is, it sure was easy to find her. Not to mention convenient. Considering you just mentioned her and all."

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"Yep this is Shinx my sister" Equinox said as he looked at her. "I want you to s-" "No I'm going with trapped here in a city is no fun especially if you are risking your life like others are" Shinx as she looked at Lighting. "Who is your friend" Shinx asked. "He's Lighting he's helping me out sling with our captain Casey me and him are vice captains and also here" Equinox sent Shinx a guild invite. "You were going to be a beast tamer so we might need your help"

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"Hello Shinx like your brother said my name's Lighting. It always nice to get another party member to help out. Since we are near the town I think I should get some new equipment my sword's durability is almost gone. I'll meet you guys at the dungeon just make sure to make it on the party map. Ok." Lighting said walking into the town to get some equipment.

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"You just stay safe alright" Equinox said as his sisters little beast came flying next to her. "The is Selene he's a wisp" Shinx said as the wisp flew around and landed on Shinx head. "He can use healing spells and fight to" Shinx said as she was equipped with two daggers and summoners clothes. "So stay far and heal when you or I need to and make sure to attack from afar" Shinx said

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Lighting was looking at all the different equipment that he could pick from he got himself a red sword with decent armor that was yellow and for fun he got himself a fedora hat. He should have preferred a cowboy hat but he couldn't find one "no mark on my map yet. Might was well go kill some boars to see my progress in strength.

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"I'll come with you" Shinx said being only at lvl 7 she can fight a few boars but Equinox was scared he hoped she doesn't charge at the boars. "Casey you think we should take her with us" Equinox asked looking at Casey with a worried look on his face. "She's a bit stubborn and she could get hurt"

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"Ok then your in the party so just sit back I just want to test my strength out for how much damage I can do. Your brother nearly died from the rare monster earlier I got to be strong to make sure nopony dies here." Lighting said to Shinx "just make sure your monster can heal in case of an emergency. I don't think your brother would like it if one of us didn't come back."

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"He always worries" Shinx said. "Go Wisp and freeze the" Shinx command as Wisp froze the boars. "See I can sippport you guys easily" Shinx said as she dogef a boar and slashed at it killing it. "When I have to fight I can still handle my self" Shinx said as she looked at Lighting. "He came close to flying..." Shinx frowned at the thought of Equinox dying

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"Yeah but he almost took it out first to its last 5 hp I killed it and healed him back to full health." Lighting said as he was killing all the boars that charged him with one blow to each. "Yep I'm stronger now that's for sure. So do you want to fight on the front lines or make a shop later cause I actually want to be a blacksmith and I was thinking of hiring some pony who could go get supplies while I run the shop."

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*Rynn sighed. She was facing to door of the boss for the second dungeon of the first floor. According to what that guy had told her, the boss of the second dungeon was a large manticore. Rynn checked through her inventory to see what she had gotten from the dungeon's monsters before she went in, just in case she had gotten something better than she currently had equipped. She saw a better set of bracers then she had, so she equipped them. That was all that was better so Rynn closed her inventory and stood up on her hind legs, using her wings to balance her. She took the scythe off of her back and walked forward, pushing the large door open. Once she was inside, the door shut behind her.*

"Damn, well, no running, its fight or die now."

*She looked forward as the room lit up, and sitting at the other edge of the room was a large manticore with glowing red eyes. The manticore stood and roared in an intimidation attempt, which did not work on Rynn, she wasn't scared easily. The manticore ran at Rynn, and once it was a few meters away, Rynn leaped into the air and used her wings to give her a height boost. The manticore ran below her and she landed on top of the beast. Rynn extended the length of her scythe and hooked it around the manticore's neck, cutting shallow and dealing a bit of damage to it. The manticore bucked and sent Rynn flying off of it. She held on to her scythe well, which cut across the manticore's face, dealing more damage to it. Rynn landed hard on her back after being bucked off, but stood back up quickly. The manticore roared once again.*


*Rynn shouted.*

"I can do this all day."

*Rynn and the manticore fought for about two hours before she finally prevailed over the beast. It wore her out though, and she lost a lot of heath in the fight. She quickly brought out a health potion and drank it, recovering the heath she had lost. The reward screen popped up in front of her. A brand new scythe, its name, "Razor Fang." It was quite a bit better than the scythe that Rynn currently had equipped, so she swapped the weapons out. She brought out her new scythe and swung it around a bit.*

"It has nice balance. I can use this."

*She said calmly. Rynn pressed a button on the scythe and the blade folded down and the handle shrunk in. She strapped the scythe to her hip and left the dungeon.*

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"Let's make a shop!" Casey said. She liked Lighting's idea. She never ran a shop before. "What should we call the shop?" Casey asked Lighting. 


"Sure." Burning said. Burning headed back to town happily with Mizu, her pet. She had enough to get a sword she had wanted. 

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"Go name it I'll be heading on my way" Equinox said as he continued onward to the dungeon and was met with some pretty strong monsters. Equinox slashed through them and made it to the boss gate as he sighed. "If I don't try to get us free then no one will be free...even if they tried" Equinox said as he saw his target was a red eyed manticore. "Let's go buddy...not going to die so easily" Equinox said as he held both blades with his magic

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"Oh no your not fight this thing alone I know I say this a lot but I don't to see anypony die while I can help it." Lighting said while rendering what happened at to his friend "we can name the shop later lets fight this as a team." Lighting flew Over the manticore and sliced at its tail landing a critical hit on the beast. "Avoid getting hit by the tail it's a scorpion tail so it could be Poisonous."

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Casey ran over and fought some more monsters. "I agree." Casey said. She sliced some more monsters. She quickly dodged a scorpion tail. "That was close." casey thought. She decided to be more careful. She sliced the scorpion tail. Casey used her horn to carry her sword with magic.

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Equinox blocked the manticores attack and swatted its paw away. "Parried" Equinox said as he then grabbed the manticore with his hooves and stabbed it through the neck killing it. "Riposte" Equinox said as the manticore disappeared and a reward screen came up showing a sword better then the short sword name Scorpion blade. "Odd...don't rembered that in the game...especially with a poison attribute" Equinox said as he equipped the blade

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"That's better now any ideas for a shop name I would call it weapons r us but I would be selling armor as well." Lighting asked "plus how much would making one would cost must be a lot. Equinox don't put so much pressure on yourself we'll get out some day as a team. also Since we are gonna be here for a well I might even start looking for an in game girlfriend."

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"Whatever name it what you want" Equinox said as he headed onward out of the dungeon and went to the next town. "I am trying my hardest to get out of this game...and Lighting sounds like he's giving up and my sister is stuck in this world...at least she already in the other town on the 3rd floor...I'll never under stand how she was able too" Equinox said as he was stopped by a red Pegasus . " Well looks like we got our first target" The pegasus said as a few other ponies surrounded. "Too bad youre not in town we would leave you alone but you're not...and we want that weapon of yours" The pegasus said pointing at the weapon Equinox just equipped.

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"What so special about the blade" lighting asked the red Pegasus "he just looted it I'm sure the monster will respawn in a bit and you can get it yourself." Lighting said to him holding on to his sword "and equinox who said I was giving up I am just trying to make the most of my time here too much work may get you killed.

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"That blade is a super rare drop and I want it" The red pegasus said as he drew out a blade. "I killed that thing 20 time and still haven't got it. "The pegasus said. "Did you try cutting the tail off first. "Equinox said as the Pegasus eyes went wide. "Uh... what" The pegasus said as he noticed his friends were knocked out. "Go cut its tale off" Equinox said ad he continued onward not listening to Lighting.

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"Yeah the back a common weak spot on lots of enemies in varies games you never bothered attacking it the the rear." Lighting said surprised at the red Pegasus. "Now you got some info on how to get your own sword like that I think we just be on our way." Lighting said and started walking away

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