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Lucky Lass

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So, I got bored and that usually leads to some interesting places. I decided I wanted to
draw Rarity since she is my favorite but I have never drawn her before. Then I decided
I wanted to draw her in a dress. Then I decided I wanted to draw her Galadriel's dress
from The Hobbit. Then I decided to use a Fellowship of the Ring quote instead of a Hobbit quote cx

I also decided to play with color filters...again.


I messed up the broach on her dress, so to any LotR/Hobbit fans I apologize.

Edited by Lucky Lass
  • Brohoof 11
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Holy... O_O

That is absolutely wonderful, I mean wow...

I love how it's all presented and the way it was all drawn.

It's unique which is what I love about it.

I'd love to see so much more from you after seeing this, it's just stunning.

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I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan, and this looks great! I like the look of Rarity in this painting, and I also like that you had the dress from Lord of the Rings! So awesome!


Thank you, It was sort of hard to not loose the color scheme of this dress against Rarity XD

Tinted it a bit more blue than I think it actually is in the movie...eh.

Holy... O_O

That is absolutely wonderful, I mean wow...

I love how it's all presented and the way it was all drawn.

It's unique which is what I love about it.

I'd love to see so much more from you after seeing this, it's just stunning.


Thank you so much, I am really flattered but also a bit proud of this piece C:

When I got the lighting right I squealed a little bit.

  • Brohoof 1
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All I can say is...






...Rarity's best. And in fantasy, Elves are best. So like... connecting Rarity with Elves made my mind go "KABOOM, BABY!"


It demands at least an excellent rating. And some additional points for those mane strands.

Edited by Khajiit
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All I can say is...






...Rarity's best. And in fantasy, Elves are best. So like... connecting Rarity with Elves made my mind go "KABOOM, BABY!"


It demands at least an excellent rating. And some additional points for those mane strands.


Haha, very true and I love those bang strands o3o

Glad I decided to add them before I finished off the line-art.

Thanks so much!

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Pretty cool. Wish I could draw like that... that is really, really great. I like the broach, even if it's not 100% accurate. Great job, can't wait to see more!


Thank you ^^ I couldn't find a good shot of the broach, or I just didn't look long enough.

Either way it looks passable so that is alright for now, lol.

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Wow...amazing work on this, I just love the art style!!! yay.png keep it up, I'm expecting more amazingness like this in the future img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


Thanks, maybe i should do a few more cross overs just for the fun of it XD

I like a few different fandoms apart from this one and it would be good practice.

Edited by Lucky Lass
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Again, how does this have only 9 replies? Come on, people!


This looks absolutely gorgeous! The shading is really well done as far as I can tell. I can see the subtle gradient you used for the shadows and that makes a HUGE different.


Keep up the good work! I expect to see this in the next EQD Drawfriend.


Aw, thank you very much owo I think I used uh..what was it, perhaps soft light or spotlight for the gradient.

Because I used stark and bold shadows I knew a good showing of a light source would help, lol.


Don't know about that, I am sort of shy and quite within the mlp community. 

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