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The mane six and the zombie horde

A Jewel of Rarity

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I re-did this because the first post got out of hand im just asking




Discord was messing around with chaos as normal when he some found out he could raise ponies from the dead eventually they got out of control so discord released a spell which rempoved all magic from equestria also removing pegasi wings and unicorn horns.


with all magic gone celestia were the first to die because of the loss of there alicorn powers they died of old age

and pegasi started falling to there death from cloudsdale increasing the undead populous by millions eventually the zombie got all over equestria.


there a backstory should stop all the nonsense.


Ok so if the mane six were in a zombie Apocalypse.


  • Who would hit the hay (die) first.


  • [optional] Who would become insane killing anyone even survivors.


  • Who would become the badass survivor.


You have to stay within the mane-six and you also have to state your reason for why you chose that pony and try not to have any eithers just chose.


here is mine:


[first to die]

Fluttershy (I think she would get scared and intimidated by whats going on arround her and run of only to get caught)

Rainbow dash (I think rainbow dash would get way to cocky and try to fight her way through only to die in the end)


[psycho killer] 

pinkie pie/pinkamena diana pie (in the episode party of one you can see how crazy she can get without her friends and as they would be dying around her i don't think she could take it.)



apple jack (apple jack being the farmer she is, she lives rough growing food for herself and others and you can always trust her something you need during an apocalypse. i could see her running the food rations or even just living out in the country fending for herself.)



but that's just what i think what about you guys 

Ive added a backstory now just to stop unicorns and pegasi getting all the praise and also i find backstorys cool so hopefully you guys give a reason as to what pony you choose

Edited by a jewel of rarity
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I believe that you are correct with those assumptions! But I think Twilight and Rarity would be really scared without their horns. I mean Twilight would just poof the zombies away. 

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If Rarity and Twilight didn't have their horns, they would probably die first without their magic since their magic could just repel the zombies away from them to put up a protective barrier.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is no Survivors, since there is No weapons, other than spikes (Close quarters combat) and the party cannon whoever welds it, might survive if they have enough ammo, and propellant (Like humans Continent "North America" they used a ingredient called "Black Powder" as a propellant for there cannons During the Civil War or there Revolution for examples) Do they have Black Powder in Equestria, No? Oh yea, forgot, no Firearms, or cannons (other than the party cannon) sorry for waiting your time. Ponyville, scratch that, Equestria is FUCKED

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