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open Portals: Plains of Equestria


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                For several Weeks now strange things have been happening in Equestria. Mysterious Portals have been opening up and pulling objects into them from our world, but they disappear just as quickly as they appear. Several ponies have also been pulled into these portals and have never come out. But a young Stallion by the name of Spark Vision, along with the help of some undiscovered friends, will change the fate of Equestria, Forever. Our Story Begins in Ponyville…

Spark Vision was walking out of his house to go to the marketplace so he could buy a couple of his favorite Granny Smith apples. He loved the sour taste in them, it always got his mind going. “The Sky seems very clear today, looks like the weather factory is working smoothly.”

Spark started flying towards the Marketplace but suddenly one of the Mysterious portals opened up about 20 feet in front of him.

“Woah!!” Spark dodged the portal just in time and landed on the ground nearby. A bird wasn’t so lucky though and flew right into the portal, which in turn closed it.

“Damn, that was way too close.”  Spark said dusting himself off and standing up. “Someone is going to have to do something about these portals.”

Spark quickly flew to the Marketplace bought 2 Granny Smith Apples and an Apple Cider Doughnut, then returned to the front of his house and sat around the little fire place he had there. Spark knew something had to be done about these portals, and of course due to his adventurous and hero like attitude he wanted to be the one. Although, he knew full well this was not a task to be done alone, he needed to find some friends that would help him do this. First though, he needed to make some friends.

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Augh I didn't get any sleep last night.

Something just feels off. *Gets out of bed, with an extrenely messy mane*

Well I'm going to definitely get my mane cleared up...

Where is my gosh darn comb! *Sorts through a huge pile of stuff that was not botherd to be organized with his magic*

Grrr... you have got to be kidding me. Well. I guess I while I'm at the ponyville market I will go pick one up at the styling store.

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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Frost strolled through the market, his jacket covering the pistols that were strapped to his sides. He looked around for some cleaning supplies: a rag, some metal polish, and maybe a barrel brush if he was lucky. He did this almost everyday now....trying to keep his thoughts off of the portals that were popping up all over the place now a days. "Let's seeeeeee......AH here we are!" he said as he looked over to a stand that was selling some exquisite rags.

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Even though It was day time Spark loved a warm fire. Spark started a fire in the fire pit and layed down nearby.

"What are we gonna do about these Portals?" He said to himself.

"Well it's not like anypony is doing anything about it in the first place. But someone has to do something." He said taking a bite out of his first Apple.

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Frost finished buying all his supplies from the market and decided to return home. On his way back he noticed a pony sitting by a fire, biting into an apple. Frost paused for a moment deciding whether or not to talk to this pony. Ahhh I need directions anyway to get back to the outskirts he thought, beginning to trot over. "Excuse me...but do you know how to- AH!" he squealed as he tripped over a large rock in his way, faceplanting inches from the fire.

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Spark Chuckled a little at the fallen pony.

"ha-ha, are you ok? sorry I really need to move that rock." he said getting up to go and help the pony up.

"Where were you wanting directions to?" he asked.

Spark Put the apple in his mouth so that he could use both hooves to pick him up.

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Frost shook his head as he returned to his hoofs, trying to regain his bearing. "I um....I can't remember what I was going to ask honestly..." he chuckled in embarrassment. He felt a little trickle of blood running down his forehead. "Say you wouldn't happen to have a bandage would you? I'm Frost by the way.....Frost Typhoon!" he smiled, extending his hoof for a shake.

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Frost looked over to the new pony who had arrived in his aid. "Ye-yeah I'm ok....just a cut that's all." he said softly. "What's your name miss.....I don't want to forget a pretty face like yours." he said with a chuckle, pulling of his jacket and dabbing the cut on his head with it. The pistols strapped to him gleaming in the light of the fire.

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Spark had run inside to get Frost some bandages and had just emerged from his home with a little gauss and a piece of Medical Tape.

"Hey Frost I got your.. Oh hello! are you one of Frost's friends?" Spark asked while he put the gauss on Frost's cut and taped it down.

Edited by Spark_Vision
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Frost looked over to the new pony who had arrived in his aid. "Ye-yeah I'm ok....just a cut that's all." he said softly. "What's your name miss.....I don't want to forget a pretty face like yours." he said with a chuckle, pulling of his jacket and dabbing the cut on his head with it. The pistols strapped to him gleaming in the light of the fire.

"Well that's good," Star said when he said he was okay.


Did he just call me pretty? "My name's Star Belle. And you are..."


Star looked around. "Do you know where the cherry stand is? I'm having trouble finding it."


(((((OOC: Posts are spotty because I'm at a "thing". Sorry about that.)))))

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Techie double checks the market stands trying to see if he missed some items he had to pick up for his family. But then hears some commotion over by a campfire and decided to investigate. He notices one of the ponies had a recent injury to the forehead."Uhh hey guys is everypony alright here...?"

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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"jeez there a lot of Ponies coming over here." Spark thought.

"yes we are fine. thank you though." Spark said to the newest pony.

"You said your name is Star Belle Right?" Spark said to the Pretty mare that had appeared. "I regret to inform you that the Cherry Stand disappeared a few days ago." Spark said helping Frost to a standing position.

"those dumb Portals are the cause of it."

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"Well I guess I should introduce myself."Speaking to the whole group."I'm... Techie... well preferably that's what I prefer to be called by" Techie says in a sort of held back fashion. "And what a coincidence... I was looking for the cherry stand... Those portals. Is there any statistics on how large of an object these things can 'take'? Techie asks with a quizzical expression.

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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Frost nodded slowly, holding the bandage over his eye, when he heard the mention of portals. "They are becoming a danger...at least more so." he muttered to the new pony. "Ots nice to meet you Techie....I'm Frost Typhoon....but, just call me Frost...in fact I would prefer that." he said, wincing at the wound on his head.

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"Dangit. Why do we need cherries anyway...?" Star looked at her list.


"Well it's nice to meet you, Frost & Techie. and I agree... Those portals are becoming a problem. Are the Princesses aware of them?


"Also, do you know where the cheese stand is? Please don't tell me it got sucked up to...?" Star said, looking around for both portals and cheese stands.

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"Well its nice to meet you Frost." Techie says. "Do hope that head of yours gets better, so... wow I should have asked this earlier... well other than you Frost. What is everyponys name here, if you don't mind formally introducing yourselves of course..." Techie says shyly.

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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Cleo was playing a casual tune on her guitar in the marketplace, since she had nothing better to do. The sun warmed her back nicely, and the chatter of the marketplace filled her ears.


It is a nice day toda- Her thoughts were interrupted when a portal opened right underneath her. She quickly flung herself off the bench, almost not making it in time.


Cleo swore, looking back at where the bench once was. I could've been sucked in! I hate these stupid portals... Her heart pounding a little, she checked to see if all of her things were intact. Thankfully, they were. 


Signature by Azura

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"Hi Techie, I'm Spark Vision." Spark said. "this is my home and its kind of funny that everything seemed to all come together here." spark chuckled to himself, then paused. Could this be the group of ponies that I need? he pushed the idea out of his mind. "How about we all sit around the fire here and talk. I know its the middle of the day but fires are good any time of day." Spark left to go grab some chairs for his house.

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Frost nodded slowly, "Yeah...yeah a nice friendly chat....that sounds nice..." he said as he flopped onto his rump and sat in the grass, staring at the fire. "What are your opinions on the portals eh?" he asked the group. "Should they be stopped? Can they be stopped? Will they go away?" he added to his question in a soft, sad tone.

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Techie with a slighly annoyed tone places an opinion on the portals. "Well the portals have actually been seemingly taking a toll on Equestria and the things in it." Techie says in a sad tone. "If Celestia and her sister have not taken notice to it then somepony will, ... I think we should do something because these things seem annoying and look to be a long term threat to Equestria if we don't do something about it" Techie explains. "What does everypony here think about it?"

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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Spark Emerged from his house with four chairs folded up. he put them in a circle around the fire. "Here are some chairs. now, what has happened to all of you that had to do with the portals? and do any of you know anything about them?" Spark was always asking questions. He enjoyed asking questions because he loved to answer questions that he himself asked.

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Frosty shook his head after a pause. "The portals haven't effected me directly at least, but I've see the pain and sorrows it's caused to those closest to me....I know nothing about them...just that they need to be stopped....now." he said staring offin another direction as he spoke, the memories of what the portals had done rushing through his mind.

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Star Steak Looked at the cloud she had moved to mark where she was trying to hit and make a sonic rainboom she had recently been shown by rainbow dash how to do it. But Star was a overachiever so she wanted to do a sonic rainboom flying straight up. Checking to make sure that all her feathers were neat she bolted off the ground. She felt the wind in her mane as she came close to mock 1 giving the rest of here energy into the stunt she herd the rewarding bang as she went faster than sound. Ahh well no rainbow but there was a completely destroyed cloud.


My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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"What about the rest of you?" he said after hearing Frost's response. "how have the Portals affected you?"


Baron wanted to know if this was the right group of ponies to try his adventure with, but there still wasn't enough to make sure it was safe. he needed more ponies before he could announce his plan.

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