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private When the Night Winds Blow


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Setting: Five hundred years after Twilight Sparkle and her friends passed into legend. The Elements of Harmony are once again forgotten, and a new foe arises...

Princess Celestia awoke with a gasp. She had dreamed that Luna had turned into Nightmare Moon a second time and was slowly yet steadily eating her, which is never a good thing to wake up from in the middle of the night. Celestia knew she wouldn't be able to return to dreamland until the memory of the dream had vanished from her mind, so she sat up. Immediately, the cold night air struck her exposed body and she shivered as she reached for her robe. Donning it, she slipped her hooves into her warm bunny slippers and departed her chambers to go for a midnight trip around the castle.

She had barely gone a few yards when a grey guard rounded the corner, his horn casting a beam of light forth to land on her slippers. The guard looked up, and bowed. "Princess," he said, and his gravelly voice rang out in the otherwise silent hall.

Celestia nodded. "Bravehoof. What are you doing on watch at this time of night? Your shift isn't until three in the morning."

"Blackjack became violently ill an hour ago," Bravehoof explained. "I took over for him, as all of the other guards were either too disgusted or too fast asleep to volunteer to take Blackjack's place."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Celestia replied. "Tell Blackjack when next you see him that I hope he feels better soon."

Bravehoof was about to reply when all of a sudden, a scream rang out. Both the princess and the guard started.

Celestia's face was ashen. "That sounded like Luna!"

They hurried together down the hall to Princess Luna's room. Celestia knocked on the door. "Sister, are you all right?"

There came no reply from inside...but behind them, a low, gruff voice sneered, "You won't be hearing anything from her."

The two whirled to see a black stallion standing there. His jagged horn was aglow with red magic, which held an unconscious Princess Luna inside a protective force field. The stallion's red eyes radiated a greenish light, and he grinned evilly. His long, dark green mane practically brushed the floor. "She is...out of commission." He chuckled.

Celestia's eyes flashed. "Thornheart! What are you doing here?! I banished you to the mine caves a hundred years ago! I'm surprised you're still alive."

Thornheart rolled his eyes. "Those cliched caves were hardly the best place to banish me. I am far from mortal, and with the power those crystals gave me, I was able to build an army the likes of which you have never seen."

"You're bluffing," Bravehoof stated bluntly. "I don't know who you are or why you're here, but I command you to let Princess Luna go this instant!"

"Or what?" Thornheart sneered. "You'll tickle me to death with that puny magic of yours?"

Bravehoof looked ready to explode, but Celestia stepped forward before he could do so. "If you do not release my sister," she warned in a tone worthy of a queen, "then I will completely and utterly destroy you, and there will be nothing left of you except your ashes."

"Try," Thornheart replied in a taunting voice. He then turned and ran.

Edited by yayayayayala
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  • 2 weeks later...

Silver Sun heard the screaming from her room. "The Princess!" She galloped as fast as he could, but when she got to Celestias room it was empty. "Where is everyone?" She turned and galloped to Luna's room. "Celestia! There you are. Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" She saw the tears in her princesses eyes, and stopped talking. She slowly stepped into Luna's room and saw that it was empty. The window was swung open, the curtains blowing in the wind. She felt the sadness pouring from Celestia as she examined the room. Sun didn't know what to say.. All she could do was watch as her Princess circled he room trying desperately to register what had happened in the past hour. "Celestia? My princess? Please, let me help you.. I know I'm young and you just let me be your student, but I'm sure I can do something to find Luna. Please. Ill do anything I can to help. Just let me know". Sun turned and slowly walked towards the door. When she turned her princess was staring at her with a sad smile on her face, Sun bowed low. "I apologize princess. I spoke out of turn. I will leave you now"

  • Brohoof 1



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"No, do not leave," Celestia said, causing Silver Sun to pause. "There may be something you can do. I must warn Ponyville about a new enemy that I thought was gone - but you can go to the library and find anything and everything you can on Prince Thornheart." Without waiting for a response, she left the room.


Celestia headed for the balcony Luna had stood on only a few hours before. She exhaled deeply and harnessed her powers, raising the sun and lowering the moon at the same time. The last time I had to do this, she thought, was when I banished her...but now I am lowering her moon without any idea of when she will return. At least last time, I knew she would return...in a way...in a thousand years.


Ponies all over Equestria stared at their clocks and wondered what in the hoof was going on. Canterloters flocked by the hundreds from their homes and headed straight for the palace, outside of which they gathered. At this time, Celestia had raised the sun to its peak, and she gazed out over her clamoring subjects and sighed. It was time to break the bad news.


"My royal subjects! No doubt you are confused by why I have raised the sun before the proper time. It is because...something terrible has happened. My beloved sister, Princess Luna, has been kidnapped!"


Gasps rang out as Celestia continued


to edit later

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Sun trotted to the library. "Thornheart, thornheart, T...T" she said aloud to herself. "Aha! Prince Thornheart!" She brought the book to a table and began to read.


*Long ago before the princesses of the Sun and Moon, a glorious Prince reigned over Equestria. For a long time he was Prince. Then one day the palace was attacked by something made of shadow. He tried to defend himself and his subjects but to no avail, the darkness within the shadow enveloped him, and he became Prince Thornheart. He still reigned over Equestria, but not as gently as before. One day, glorious news came. A prophecy about a Queen and how she would give birth to a filly by the name of Celestia and would later have another by the name of Luna and how they would change Equestria. Because of this, the Prince swore to never have a new Queen.


Many years passed and the Prince forgot the prophecy, and went along with his life. Until one day. He heard bells, and cheering. Curious he went to see. He saw two fillies. One white and the other blue. When he asked where they came from the only reply he received was that a Queen of the Stars had left them here. And so the prophecy was true. Celestia and Luna came.


The Prince was enraged. He took his anger out upon the town, using his black twisted horn to burn the homes of all those near. He was captured by the palace guards and banished away from Equestria. And the two sisters have ruled ever since* Sun closed the book and quickly put it in her bag."I have to tell Celestia!" She whispered and took off to find te princess.



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((OHHH YEAAAH. You have made me happy! :D))


Celestia continued. "An enemy I thought was gone has returned. Prince Thornheart, who ruled over Equestria before Luna and I...who was overtaken by something made of shadow, and who was banished upon the coronation of my sister and myself. Now he has captured Luna and disappeared. He may yet be running rampant through Equestria! We must do our best to warn our fellow citizens of the danger that awaits them." A thunderous sound of hundreds of ponies stomping assent rose up to the balcony, and Celestia smiled. My subjects will do anything for the benefit of Equestria, she thought...but she was wrong.


Meanwhile, far away on the outskirts of Ponyville, a shady figure slipped in and out of the shadows: a black unicorn with a dark green mane that brushed the ground as he slunk along. His jagged horn poked up underneath his hood. He peered about him with red eyes that radiated a soft green light and chuckled to himself. "Before long, I will have all of Ponyville in ruins," Prince Thornheart sneered. "And Celestia will be able to do nothing about it..." He thought of Princess Luna sitting in a cage deep in the Arctic North, all chained up with a powerful magic nuller covering her horn. She was unable to do anything at all...in a miserable state. And chained up with her was Princess Celestia's most powerful magic source...


((I wonder what her most powerful magic source is! XD Maybe you could help.))

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Sun found Celestia on the balcony with her head down. When she approached her she noticed that her crowns jewels were missing. "Celestia!" She exclaimed, " the jewels! They're missing!" (Flashback!!! when Sun was first starting out as Celestias student, Celestia revealed a very important piece of information. The 3 jewels in her crown held the most powerful magic in all of equestria.) Sun could only gasp in shock as the Princess slowly put the crown down at her hooves. The princess seemed weaker, and more frail. Sun walked up to the Princess. "Princess, please let me help you inside" the Princess leaned on Sun and they slowly walked inside. Remembering her earlier task Sun revealed all the information about the Prince that she discovered. "Princess? What are we going to do?" Those jewels can be turned evil with the slightest misuse. That's why you and Luna swore to never use them unless it was dire need..but you need them now and he has them.." A look from Celestia caused her to turn her gaze to the door. Bravehoof was standing at the door a curious look in his eyes.



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No wonder I was so tired...Celestia heaved a sigh. Raising the sun and her speech to her subjects had taken almost all her energy, and now that she realized her jewels were gone, it was almost too much to bear...


Then Celestia caught sight of Bravehoof. The guard stood in the doorway, a curious look in his eyes. "Princess?" he asked. "Is anything wrong?" And then his eyes traveled to Celestia's head. "Your crown...where is it?"


Sun pointed to the balcony, and Bravehoof turned. His grey face paled, and he gasped, "The jewels! They're gone!"


"Prince Thornheart has them...I know it." Celestia's voice was quiet; her remaining strength was slowly draining.


Bravehoof's expression melted into one of steely determination. "I swear by the horn on my head, Princess, that I and my fellow guards will track down Thornheart and wrest your crown's jewels from him no matter what it takes!" He bowed. "Princess," he said again, and caught Sun's eye for a moment. "And Silver," he added, addressing her by her first name before galloping off down the hall.


Meanwhile, outside Ponyville, Thornheart approached Golden Oak Library. "I'm told that this is where Princess Twilight Sparkle lives," he muttered to himself, a nasty grin on his face. "If I can solicit just one thing from her, my plan will be complete...I just hope she still has it."

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I forgot he knew about all this. I've known him all my life and yet it's like we're strangers all over again. Removing the thought from her head Sun turned to the Princess. "Princess? would you like me to help you? I have a pretty good idea of where he is, his backstory revealed a lot of information". Sun glanced towards the door, willing for Bravehoof to return. Sun watched as the Princess slowly got to her hooves. Carefully Sun helped the Princess walk to the library, when Celestia pointed to a book she grabbed it, opened it and began to read. The story was about how the jewels worked, how they could be tracked but only a mare and stallion could get the spell to work. " Princess, I don't understand, why are you showing me this? Surely you cant be talking about me, you're more powerful than I. I'm just a student.." Suddenly, Bravehoof came galloping through the entrance to the library. Sun dropped the book and came back to the Princess, waiting for what Bravehoof had to say and wondering if they could fix everything that was broken.



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((I see where you're going...and it's exactly where I wanted to go!! Bravehoof yayz :) ))


Princess Twilight Sparkle awoke with a start to see a stallion standing over her bed. His red eyes radiated a soft green light, and he was smiling in a nasty way. Twilight sat up instantly. "Who are you, and what are you doing in my library in the middle of the night?"


Thornheart chuckled. "Twiley...don't you recognize me?"


Twilight's eyes widened, and into her mind came the memories of her dreams. She had seen this stallion all her life, in the misty landscape that was always her own personal dreamland. "...Thornheart? But...what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "And...why are your eyes that way?"


Thornheart's face contorted into an evil sneer. "Let's just say...you didn't see the real me in those dreams. Now, I will make my visit as brief as possible, since I know you're eager to get back to your 'beauty sleep'..." His eyes locked on hers. "The book. Do you still have it?"


"What book?" Twilight faltered. Her mind, in truth, had gone straight to a certain volume that no longer rested on her shelves. It had been too dangerous for the public eye, and she had hidden it away.


"You know what book," Thornheart snapped. "Don't stall for time. Where is it?" When she didn't answer, he leaned forward, pressing the rough tip of his jagged horn to her chest. "I said, where is it?" he growled.


Twilight gulped and scooted back from him, turning and sliding off the bed. She put her hooves to it, and as Prince Thornheart stepped aside, she pushed. He made no move to assist her as she strained, and finally pushed the bed far enough to where a strange mark in the floor was. Twilight traced it with her horn, and it glowed magenta for about a second before moving up and aside on its own...to reveal a rectangular hole underneath, which held a thick book. Twilight reluctantly levitated it up and out of its hiding place, only to have Thornheart snatch it from her and stash it in his satchel with glee. "Thank you very much, Twiley."


Twilight bristled. "Don't call me that! Only two ponies in my life call me that, and they are much better ponies than you!"


Thornheart chuckled. "So sharp...I think you'll be amusing to have around the place. Brighten it up a bit, I suppose..." Then something heavy crashed into Twilight's head and everything went black.


Meanwhile, in Canterlot...

Bravehoof skidded to a stop. "Princess! I come with terrible news! Princess Twilight Sparkle has been kidnapped - by Prince Thornheart!"


Celestia gasped, and Sun stared.


"But there is some good news as well," Bravehoof panted, his blue eyes resting on Celestia's tired countenance, then sliding to Sun's worried face. "Two of our guards have been able to track Prince Thornheart, and they are following him at this very moment. Thornheart may be captured before the day is out."

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Suns face relaxed a bit, but she still shed a tear for Twilight. Looking at Bravehoof she remembered all the childhood fun they had before he became a palace guard and she became Celestias student. Celestia sobbed and fell to the ground, it seemed that all of this took it's toll on her.. Sun came over and donated some energy from herself so Celestia could stand. She helped her to her room so she could get some sleep. When she returned to the other room, Bravehoof was still standing there. "Oh hey" she said*oh my god, what am I going to say?* " okay here goes. Brave? Remember when we used to be best friends, everyday after school, we would meet under the big oak and play tag? Then, you got accepted into the Guard Accademy and I was taken in as Celestia's student. I guess we lost touch after a while.. I never really saw you much until now. I guess that I'm saying I've missed you. But to be honest that's not important right now, we have to get Twilight back, get the book, and get the jewels.. Then we have to get Thornheart back to who he was. I'm going to check on the Princess. We leave in 10 minutes."



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(( :) :) :) btw what's inside that book is some sort of talisman that's kind of like the Alicorn Amulet. Just so you know. :D))

Bravehoof nodded. "This is the best course of action. I will go and ready some of the other guards. And...Silver? ...I missed you too." Then he left the room.

Celestia lay in her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was quietly sobbing. "Twilight...my dear Twilight...kidnapped by that terrible stallion..." she whispered, her words barely audible. "I should never have entrusted her with that book."

Meanwhile, Princess Luna lay in her cage in the dark basement of Thornheart's remote mansion. She raised her head to sip at the half-empty bowl of dirty water that was just within her reach, and then all of a sudden a bright flash of light filled the room. Luna blinked rapidly to clear the spots from her eyes, and when she could see again, Twilight Sparkle was lying in a cage next to her!

"Oh...hi, Princess Luna," Twilight sighed. "I guess I'm your new roomate."


Luna gazed at Twilight for a moment in disbelief. "I guess thou art," she finally said. "What didst thou do that caused Thornheart to send thee here?"


"He kidnapped me," Twilight replied simply.

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Silver approached Celestia and leaned against her to give her a hug. "My Princess, Bravehoof and I are leaving to find your sister and Twilight. Please stay here. You need to sleep." Saying this, Silver galloped to the front of the palace with all the equipment they would need. Food,blankets, water, books on magic, books on Bravehoof and of course a book to keep the nightmares away. When Silver saw Bravehoof standing by the door, his mane blowing in the wind, her heart started racing. Shaking the thought from her head she slowed to stand beside him. "Are you ready?" He asked her. "Of course" she answered. And together they walked out of the palace they had called home for so many years.


They had walked for a few miles when suddenly a sharp pain radiated from Silvers spine and she fell to the ground. Bravehoof tried to talk to her to ask what happened but the pain was too much to bear. She closed her eyes and saw Luna and Twilight in a cage in a dark room. Thornheart was there as well, she couldn't make out what he was saying but his horn was glowing and the two mares where obviously in pain.


Silver awoke to a dark cave. Bravehoof was beside her tending the fire. "How.. How long was I out?"



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"About ten minutes," Bravehoof said. "What happened?" He was clearly concerned, and he listened to what Silver had seen with widening eyes. "So that's where Princess Luna and Princess Twilight are being kept?" His eyes flashed. "And where he's inflicting pain on them?! How dare he?" His outburst over, he sighed deeply. "I wonder why you saw that," he murmured almost to himself. Then he looked up at Silver. "I have to say, I was so worried about you. I thought for a moment that you...you wouldn't wake up..." He looked down at the ground again.



Thornheart smiled evilly down at Luna and Twilight, who both lay gasping for breath.


"Why...would you...do this?" Twilight managed.


"Because I want to," Thornheart sneered, relishing the looks on his two captives' faces. "I love to hear your weak little protests and to see you writhing about in pain - it's glorious!" His evil laughter followed him out, and the basement door banged shut.


Princess Luna opened her eyes. "He didn't lock it!"


Twilight took a deep, shaky breath. "What does it matter? We'll never escape on our own...and even if anypony's looking for us, they'll never get past those ugly gargoyles outside this awful place." She had tried to raise her head, but now she slumped down, burying her aching head in her violently trembling hooves and sobbing.


((Poor Twiley...))

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Sun tried to stand but she was too weak so her legs buckled and she fell to the ground again. Bravehoof rushed to her side, after checking her over for injuries he lay down beside of her. "Brave? Are we going to get through this? Or are we going to die? We only just started to talk again after so many years, I can't stand the thought of losing you....again". A single tear rolled down her cheek, she felt Bravehoof hug her but she was too weak to hug him back. "I'm so sorry" she whispered " I did not mean to speak out of place. Could you help me stand? I am feling better,i just need some food." Reluctantly, Bravehoof helped her stand and walked her her to where the soup was cooking.  


After a few bites she was feelng a lot better and slowly walked over to where her book lay. "Would you like me to read you something? I remember how much you liked poetry." Laughing Silver rembered all the fun they had when they were young. The late night letters, the sneaking out to go play hide and seek in the moonlight, how much they missed each other when they were grounded. Clearing her head she turned. "So, yes on the poem? To pass the night?'



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Bravehoof didn't answer right away; his mind, too, was filled with memories of their past life together, and how their friendship had faded away once he became caught up in the Guard Academy's intense training, and once she had become Celestia's student. He studied Silver for a moment, noting the way the firelight danced in her tired eyes and made her mane gleam. Then he nodded. "I'd like that very much. For a poem, that is."


Princess Luna's heart broke for her companion. "Do not fear greatly, Twilight Sparkle," she said gently. "Sometime, someday, we will be free of this. We will no longer endure Thornheart's evil deeds and mistreatment. He will be stopped! I know it, even though there are no Elements of Harmony and my sister does not have the jewels in her crown. I know it! Perhaps her student, Silver Sun...Perhaps she will play some part in our rescue. Or Bravehoof the guard, who was a witness to my capture."

"I would think so," Twilight mused, raising her head and wiping her eyes. "She would have known about it immediately, since after all, she lives in the palace just a few rooms down from Princess Celestia." She smiled. "In the room that was once mine, and now is hers. It's a little symbolic, don't you think?"

Luna smiled as well. "I do think so. I know her, though not as much as my sister does. Sometimes we sat together when she couldn't sleep, especially when she was just starting her studies, and I taught her the constellations. I wonder if she still remembers them..."

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Smiling Sun recited one of her favorite poems from her book.


As i lay, beneath the stars

I remember what I've seen


I've seen the willow trees

above the lonely hills


I've seen the song birds

above the falling leaves


I've seen the first sunset

as it sleeps beneath the moon.


I have seen many a thing

as I lay beneath the stars


but until this night

as I look at you


I have never seen you.


((i seriously just came up with that. Wow.haha))


Sun closed her book and lay her head on her hooves, exausted, but too excited to listen to her dear friend talk. Remembering all that had happened in the past few days emotions overwhelmed her and she forgot to breathe for a moment, but when Bravehoof came to lay beside her she felt better than she had in many years.

It's funny how I never forgot about him, but I forgot the way I felt about him. I wonder, does he still feel the same? Or am I just crazy?


She smiled and asked Bravehoof what he thought of the poem, but before he could answer she fet another pain and suddenly she saw Luna and Twilight in their cages looking sad and in pain, but the vision passed as soon as it came. 



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((WOW that poem! It's so cool! :D oh and something I just noticed: the time setting I put in the first post says "five hundred years after the mane six pass into legend". There's no turning back now that we've brought Twilight into this...so maybe you could help me with the time! XD))

Bravehoof was about to say that he loved the poem when Silver staggered, her eyes turning white for an instant before they faded to normal. Bravehoof sat up, alarmed. "Silver, what happened? Was it another vision?"

Meanwhile, Thornheart sank down upon his soft sofa. The book he had taken from Twilight floated in front of him, surrounded with his green magic. He grinned nastily and reached out with his horn, touching the surface of the book. The horseshoe set in its cover glowed white and sank so that it was flush with the cover...and then the book opened on its own, radiating green light, for it knew that the reader's purpose was evil. Thornheart threw back his head and laughed an evil laugh as a wind leapt up, surrounding him and transporting him into the book's depths. This was no ordinary book...it was an entire universe.

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((haha its fine. it makes it all the more interesting!" yeeee!! this is getting exciting))


Silver shook off the feeling but when she saw Bravehoof's face, shook her head and curled up next to him. "Please, can we just talk until we fall asleep?" and so they talked for a while. Bravehoof told her the story of when he first met her, and she returned with story of the time they went to the movies and he pretended that he was her special somepony so she wouldnt be made fun of anymore. Smiling with all the memories, the two sat by the fire and watched the sparks dance. "Brave? why did we stop this? We were so close, and perfect.. I know we didn't speak or see eachother in years.. but.." she took a deep breath.. "okay, so my feelings for you never ceased, everyday I thought about you.. Celestia acually yelled at me me once for not concentrating. I used to cry everynight because I thought I'd lost you forever.." She stood and walked to the entrance of the cave, sat, and let the wind blow through her mane. " All I'm asking is if you still have those feelings too.. or were they lost?" 



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((IKR?! :D Woohoo!!))

Bravehoof was silent for a while, gazing at Silver with the wind blowing through her mane. At last, he tried to speak, but found his voice wasn't working quite right. All he could get out was "I...I....." He cleared his throat, as Silver watched him anxiously, waiting for his answer.

And then he got to his hooves and came up to her, sitting down beside her and putting his hoof around her shoulder. "Those feelings? They never left me. Every night after the grueling royal guard training, I thought about you, wondering how your life was as Celestia's student. And I cried too, sometimes, when I let the thought enter my head that I could have lost you forever. Our captain eventually made me harden my heart on the surface, but I never forgot you. And last night...I even dreamed about you. Before Luna was kidnapped." His eyes glistened with tears as he said, "Silver...I don't ever want to lose you again."


Thornheart stood, gazing down at the glowing whirlwind that was the book he had just opened. He grinned, shouted, "WORLD OF DARKNESS, HERE I COME!!" and threw himself into the book's depths. A flash of green light filled the entire room, and when it died, the whirlwind and the light from the book were receding. Prince Thornheart had vanished - disappeared into the realm beyond the pages of the extraordinary book. His mission? To find something that would give him more power than all the unicorns and the princesses and any of the other odd magic-practicers in all of Equestria...combined. No, this was not just a stroll through the park or any old vacation. Thornheart was planning to destroy the world.

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Silver looked at his face and saw the tears threatning to spill over. She softly hugged him and they just sat there for a while. "Brave, I never knew.." She leaned her head on his shoulder, " You know, sometimes I asked myself, if I could change it, if I never became Celestias student, and you never became a guard.. well back then I would have.." At Bravehoofs quizzical look, she smiled.. " but I realize now, that if we never left each other.. we wouldnt be here right now.. I wouldn't have been able to fall in love with you all over again." Bravehoof was going to say something so she just looked at him, and watched the stars dance in his eyes.


((since we haven't gone back to Celestia, I'm going to.. If thats okay :) ))


Celestia had fallen ill, she could hardly stand. Her guards watched her daily, the medicine wasnt working. Her subjects were lending magic and strength but even they couldn't keep her healthy. The whole kingdom was anxiously searching for a cure.. but how could they cure her, if the only andidote was Luna returning home once again?

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 4 weeks later...

((I'm so excited about typing this first paragraph!! Oh and it's okay, going back to Celestia :D))

Bravehoof smiled. "I completely agree with you," he said, gazing deep into her eyes. And then he moved even closer to her, and their lips met. (( :D :D :D))

The next morning...

Thornheart opened his eyes. He lay on the ground, slightly transformed. His shoulders had sprouted thin, translucent wings, and as he stood, they unfolded. He conjured a mirror in front of him, and saw that his horn was longer and reddish, and his eyes were completely green with only a white slit for a pupil. He grinned evilly. At last...I am here, he thought. He had waited so long for the moment, that now that it was finally here, he could hardly believe it! He laughed, an evil laugh with traces of incredulity. Now all he had to do was to find the palace of the king of this unusual land, and his task would be half-done.

He spread his new wings and took off. It took him a moment to adjust, but once he had, he picked up speed, narrowing his eyes against the wind. He was a stallion on a mission...one that, if he succeeded, could change all of Equestria forever.

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((Finally! I've missed you XD))

When their lips met Silver felt a warmth spread over her body. The fire was dying but it wasn't cold. Suddenly she heard a rustle of wings, she turned ,still leaning on Bravehoof, and saw a messenger eagle with a message on it's leg. She stood and walked over towards the eagle, he lifted his leg ,she took the message and read aloud so Brave could hear.

"My dear Silver and Brave, I have fallen drastically ill, you must hurry and find my sister and Twilight Sparkle, or I fear that I will not live to see another sunrise"

Brave came to stand beside her. " Oh no.. Brave? We have to leave.. Now.."

She started to gather her things when her vision went dark and she collapsed.



In her vision she saw Luna and Celestia together, and they were talking about Thornheart. "Sister, we must destroy him, he's caused so much pain and anger." "No Luna we cannot, he's too powerful and too important. He will remain exiled for now"


Silver woke up in Bravehoofs arms, at his quizzical look she told him what she saw. "Brave, I think there's more to this than we think.."

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  • 2 weeks later...

((XD Ikr! and oooh, Celestia's message...*shivers with glee* We've got ourselves an awesome roleplay, right here.))

Bravehoof breathed a deep sigh. "The plot thickens," he said without humor. "You're right, Silver - we have to leave as soon as possible. Are you up to a long journey?" His face was concerned, yet determined; he was ready to leave as soon as Sun was able.

Meanwhile, Thornheart flew on, his eyes leaking red light as he contemplated his next moves. He had been here once before, and had stayed longer than he had expected...in the king's dungeon. He would have to step carefully around the matter of the king's disapproval of him if he wanted to get anything out of this journey. After all, he thought gloomily, I risked everything to get here. If someone breaks into my secret lair and finds the book, there's no telling what might happen... He sighed. "Thornheart! You can't think about these things!" he chided himself, muttering the words aloud. "You're wasting time." He flew onwards, in the direction he hoped the castle was in.

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"I don't have my full strength back yet, but I have to try. Lets go" She replied. Determined, Silver tried to stand, although a little shaky, she managed to stand on all four hooves. She started to bend to get her pack but Bravehoof beat her to it. She started to protest, but she saw the worry in his eyes so she stopped talking and let him carry her pack. She leaned against him as they started out into the open. 


Celestia knew she didn't have a lot of time left, the message she sent had arrived but there was no response. She was worried that they too had been captured. In a last attempt to help, she cast a spell that would prevent harm to all her subjects, she knew that the spell would take up most of her energy but she knew that she had to do it. She had barely finished the spell when one of her guards broke open the door. "Princess!" he exclaimed "What have you done?!" She stumbled a little as the lack of energy overwhelmed her and she fell to the ground. The guard rushed to her side and yelled for help. "I saved you" she whispered. "Didn't I?" The guard trembled as he felt the spell settle on him, "Yes my Princess, you did well." She started to close her eyes.. "NO!!" the guard screamed which jolted her awake. "You have to stay awake, do you hear me? Stay awake!" 



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  • 2 weeks later...

((THE SUSPENSE! You write so well!))


Bravehoof moved slower than he usually did, the pack swinging in his mouth, supporting Silver as she walked along beside him. She grew a little stronger with every few steps, but she was still weak, and Bravehoof was concerned that her hooves might not carry her very far. He was about to speak when suddenly, he felt something strange descending upon him, and he shivered as it fell around him. Beside him, Silver shuddered as well.


"What was that?" Brave wondered aloud, sharing a glance with her.


((Um. I literally have nothing else to write...I want to draw a sort of cover for this RP, but could you link me to Sun's character page? I would use your sig, but it's a bit squashed, so I can't really tell how her tail is...her mane is Luna's old mane, right? Um...well that's it for that. Filler characters of extreme and extraordinary epicness go!! uhdfo shortyhaouthouhet ouawhtrouaht ouhaeroiuahet houaethouaeht ouyour qq iq q q q q quodhgost ohyawueh qiuohyaouas1uiho ufduhehog)

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