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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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Leif nodded "yep she's my animal companion" Leif said "what's your name I'm Leif evergreen" panomma nuzzled snowstorm again

Leif smiled "she seems to like you, which is odd she Doesn't tend to like others so quickly I wonder why she likes you so much" Leif though aloud

Snowstorm smiled again. "I'm Snowstorm," she said, warming up to him a little bit. She examined both of the figures that had come in, the wolf and the colt. "I wonder..." she mused as she looked the wolf over. Maybe it was a snow wolf? It was white, after all. She would find out. "What kind of wolf is she?"

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Dead Eye, who was also on that same train, albeit for different reasons, looked around his empty car, hearing the sounds of dogs but more feral and demonic. "Great," he said, "I forgot they can smell me." He then got up and walked to the next car carefully, holding his watch as if it was a weapon, and peered in, seeing Snowstorm, Leif, and Panomma.


"They weren't after me this time." He whispered to himself in slight shock, "Whoever these guys are, they might know what's going on and why i'm being chased."

He then took a deep breath and walked into the train car.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Arctic wolf she loved the cold but she is very adaptive"Leif said "so panomma says hell hounds what happened" Leif asked he liked up and seen the hole in the roof "maybe you should start with that

Panomma smiled and curled up next to

snowstorm and laid her head on her lap

Leif looked at the stallion but paid him no mind

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Dead Eye, who was also on that same train, albeit for different reasons, looked around his empty car, hearing the sounds of dogs but more feral and demonic. "Great," he said, "I forgot they can smell me." He then got up and walked to the next car carefully, holding his watch as if it was a weapon, and peered in, seeing Snowstorm, Leif, and Panomma.


"They weren't after me this time." He whispered to himself in slight shock, "Whoever these guys are, they might know what's going on and why i'm being chased."

He then took a deep breath and walked into the train car.

"Arctic wolf she loved the cold but she is very adaptive"Leif said "so panomma says hell hounds what happened" Leif asked he liked up and seen the hole in the roof "maybe you should start with that

Panomma smiled and curled up next to

snowstorm and laid her head on her lap

Leif looked at the stallion but paid him no mind

Snowstorm looked up to see the stallion. "Who are you?" She asked, her voice returning to its diffident state. "An Arctic Wolf? My name is Snowstorm, maybe that's why. Or maybe she saw my cutie mark. Do you know why these monsters have been chasing me?" She asked, shuddering at the thought of the multitude of creatures that had chased her. So many close calls...
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Leif looked at her " I might" Leif said " where both your parents I the picture or had one left before you could remember" Leif asked " I know it's personal but I might know but I need a little more information to be sure"

Panomma sniffed snowstorm and looked to Leif

Snowstorm hesitated. Should she share this personal information? Was he just prying? Did he really know? There was only one way to find out. After all, it was his wolf that had frightened those hellhounds away. "I never saw my mother. Da never told me her name. Then a few days ago, the monsters started attacking. My friend told me that there was a place where I could be safe. Camp Halfblood." Edited by whizzball1
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When he walked in, Dead Eye knew that h would learn more by listening, so he sat and listened to Leif'sand Snowstorm's conversation.

"Camp Half-Blood?" he asked to himself quietly, "What sort of place is that?"

Looking as inconspicuous as possible, Dead Eye kept listening to them


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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When he walked in, Dead Eye knew that h would learn more by listening, so he sat and listened to Leif'sand Snowstorm's conversation.

"Camp Half-Blood?" he asked to himself quietly, "What sort of place is that?"

Looking as inconspicuous as possible, Dead Eye kept listening to them

Snowstorm glances over to Dead Eye and examines him slowly. If it weren't for the situation that she was presently in, she would have already ridiculed him just for his hair. But this was not the time, and she felt that it would be detrimental to her well-being to ridicule him at this current moment. "Excuse me?" she asked again, a bit louder.

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Snowstorm glances over to Dead Eye and examines him slowly. If it weren't for the situation that she was presently in, she would have already ridiculed him just for his hair. But this was not the time, and she felt that it would be detrimental to her well-being to ridicule him at this current moment. "Excuse me?" she asked again, a bit louder.


"Well there goes the eavesdropping plan" Dead Eye whispered to himself as he turned to Snowstorm. "Yes?" He answered  




filler to fill a void that needs to be filled by a filler filler filler filling the filler gap filling ignore this filler ignore ignore 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Well there goes the eavesdropping plan" Dead Eye whispered to himself as he turned to Snowstorm. "Yes?" He answered  




filler to fill a void that needs to be filled by a filler filler filler filling the filler gap filling ignore this filler ignore ignore 

((Fillers are not allowed, I think.))

"What's your name?" Snowstorm asked, continuing to examine him. O, how much she wanted to ridicule his hair (she was a jerk, after all), but she suppressed the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had been watching what he was whispering to himself and was able to decipher what he had said, and now she was curious.

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((Fillers are not allowed, I think.)) "What's your name?" Snowstorm asked, continuing to examine him. O, how much she wanted to ridicule his hair (she was a jerk, after all), but she suppressed the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had been watching what he was whispering to himself and was able to decipher what he had said, and now she was curious.


"Why should I tell you that?" Dead Eye asked. "It's not as if I know you or anything." He then turned back around and pretended to ignore her but was really still listening to the two of them.

'She's a sharp one' he thought to himself, 'I'll need to be careful'




ignore this 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Why should I tell you that?" Dead Eye asked. "It's not as if I know you or anything." He then turned back around and pretended to ignore her but was really still listening to the two of them.

'She's a sharp one' he thought to himself, 'I'll need to be careful'




ignore this 

Snowstorm sighed. Later, she would pry it out of him, but not in this current situation. "As you wish," she said, feigning sadness. Maybe she could try now. Hopefully he didn't have as cold a heart as she, or this would fail miserably. Although, did it really need to be known by her? She might never see this pony again. But there was something about him...

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"Wait." Dead Eye said, falling for the fake sadness trick. "Dead Eye, my name is Dead Eye."

He then turned toward her. "Happy now?"  




ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Wait." Dead Eye said, falling for the fake sadness trick. "Dead Eye, my name is Dead Eye."

He then turned toward her. "Happy now?"  




ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this

"Dead Eye..." she mused. What an odd name. Why was he named Dead Eye? She didn't see any problem with his eyes. "What an odd name... What does it denote?" she asked, not sparing use of her vocabulary. 


((Well, I can't really think of any rambling to act as a filler that also advances the story line, so this OOC is it.))

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"Dead Eye..." she mused. What an odd name. Why was he named Dead Eye? She didn't see any problem with his eyes. "What an odd name... What does it denote?" she asked, not sparing use of her vocabulary. 


"Don't tell me you haven't noticed." He said gesturing to his right eye which was faintly glowing. "I lost my real eye as a kid. This one runs on the magic my body produces and has some useful advantages. Me having the name Dead Eye is just a coincidence though"





ignore this

Edited by Black Mask


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Don't tell me you haven't noticed." He said gesturing to his right eye which was faintly glowing. "I lost my real eye as a kid. This one runs on the magic my body produces and has some useful advantages."

He then looked at her, "What about you?" he said, "What's your name supposed to mean?"




ignore this

Snowstorm finally noticed the faint glow. "I don't think I would have noticed unless you'd told me," she said, looking into it. She finally took her gaze off of it as she heard his next question. She wondered if she should tell him. But he told her. Should she trust him? It was only common courtesy, at least among the middle class. She sighed and explained. "I think it denotes the cold aura I've always felt around me. The cold's never really bothered me before, and many ponies say that I have..." Her voice trailed off.

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Leif watched amused by the two panomma walked up and sniffed dead eye she likes back to Leif she walked over and sniffed him then walked over to snowstorm and sniffed her she had identified an underlying scent between them the same one that was between all of the ponies Leif was around

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Leif watched amused by the two panomma walked up and sniffed dead eye she likes back to Leif she walked over and sniffed him then walked over to snowstorm and sniffed her she had identified an underlying scent between them the same one that was between all of the ponies Leif was around

((Your char isn't going to say anything about Snowstorm only having one parent?))


Snowstorm was confused by what Panomma was doing. "You were saying...?" she asked Leif. She was very curious as to what this pony knew about why she only had one parent. It had been a mystery all her life. Oh, how she wished she had a mother. Some ponies thought that it was her lack of a mother that had led to the coldness of her heart. But ((OMNISCIENT THIRD PERSON NARRATIVE ALERT)) little did they or her know that it was actually the mother she had that caused her to be this way. For her mother was Khione, goddess of cold and snow.

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"Yes, you were saying" Dead eye said as he redirected his attention to Leif. "I'm curious as to where this conversation was going." 




ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Yes, you were saying" Dead eye said as he redirected his attention to Leif. "I'm curious as to where this conversation was going." 




ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this

Snowstorm's curiosity shot up at this. Did he have only one parent too? Is that why he was listening to this conversation? Maybe she could get some more information as out her situation from him. "Did you only have one parent too?" she asked, hoping she didn't sound rude.
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Snowstorm's curiosity shot up at this. Did he have only one parent too? Is that why he was listening to this conversation? Maybe she could get some more information as out her situation from him. "Did you only have one parent too?" she asked, hoping she didn't sound rude.


"Irrelevant" he said, regaining his composure, "I'm merely curious as to what our friend here has to say" He said, gesturing to Leif.




 ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Irrelevant" he said, regaining his composure, "I'm merely curious as to what our friend here has to say" He said, gesturing to Leif.




ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this ignore this

Snowstorm shook her head. "No, it isn't irrelevant. There's a reason you're interested. Why do you want to know what he has to say about having only one parent and being chased by monsters unless you, yourself, have the same problem?" she asked, and sat back, satisfied. She was only asking for confirmation of the fact that she had already deduced to be true. Edited by whizzball1
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Leif liked at him "I dont know you nor am I your friend" Leif said "shazak" Leif said

Panomma stopped sniffing looked to Leif who was looking right at dead eye panomma looked at him the hair on the back of her neck raised and she growled

Leif smiled "gomon"

Panomma relaxed a little

((Hello? Once Snowstorm is told what she is and she starts to believe it, then I'll cause her to be claimed by Khione, but that can't happen until you say what you were going to say.))

Snowstorm continued to wait for Leif's response to what she had said. "In case you didn't hear me," she said, almost sarcastically. But her voice didn't reach the point where it was recognisable as sarcasm. "I said I only had one parent. I didn't have a mother. My da never told me her name."

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