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private Hearts warming's origins [1on1]

repsol rave

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Hearts warming eve, the time of snow, festive decorations and joy. It was the time Crystal loved most. She happily wandered through snowy Ponyville as joyful humming escaped her muzzle. It was pretty cold out, but she came prepared with a thick scarf wrapped around her neck and a pair of warm red boots, lined with a thick layer of wool.


She lazily trotted around the streets to the outskirts of Ponyville. Her destination came into view and a small smile spread across her feautures. She looked around before she entered the Everfree forest. Upon entering the woods she relaxed a little, a sigh relieving any stress, and continued on her way. Usually shewas stopped atleast once whenever she tried to go here, but with these temperatures everypony was pretty much inside either enjoying eachothers company, or a nice warm fire. So today everything went nice and calm, just the way she liked it.


After about ten more minutes of seemingly wandering aimlessly through the forest she arrived at a small pond. A smile spread across her muzzle as she looked over the frozen icy surface of the pond. She hummed happily and sat down at the edge where the ice met the dirt of the forest.

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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((@@repsol rave, Sorry for the late response.))


As Moon Crypt walked along the snowy forest, he was deep in thought. Being on break from his Inquisitional job, there wasn't anywhere that he could effectively go without being spending half of his vacation in a cell someplace until someone came to get him out legally. So... the forest.


He liked it there, his carapace keeping him warm. The snow on the ground and in the trees was quite beautiful, actually. The snow crunched underfoot as he walked through the forest, watching it silently...


... before tripping and sliding around on the ice, crashing into an snowdrift. Great.


He pulled his head out of the snowdrift, fluttering his wings and shaking his head. Before turning his head and coming nose-to-nose with another pony.


((Let it be known that I do not leave my partners hanging.))

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Crystal looked out over the beatiful surface that spanned the little pond in front of her. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, when a loud thud teared through her relaxing calmness."Eeep!"

She looked around a few times before she came eye to eye with a snow covered creature.

Crystal's eyes shrunk to the size of pinpricks as she looked into the deep blue eyes of the creature in front of her. Her heart raced a thousand miles an hour as she realized what the creature was. "I-It's ...


...A Changeling!!!"   

Her body froze completely as if paralised for a few seconds.

She eventually broke out of the paralising shock and began to slowly walk backwards. Her breath was heavy as she tried to keep herself from simply freaking out.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Moon Crypt blinked a few times and cocked his head, confused, looking around. "Changeling? Where?" It then dawned on him that the mare was talking about her. He took a few steps forward. "Wait! Nonono, it's not what you..." he stopped and backed off, letting the mare have her space. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to crash in on you like that." He shook his head and looked at the pony for a moment, watching the breath from her heavy breathing stream out of her mouth like a steam engine. Moon Crypt sighed. "Well, then... err... I didn't mean to do that. I was just walking along... and I tripped... and..." He sighed and took a step back, retreating, unprepared for this sudden social interaction. He shook his wings and his head, throwing the snow off of them. "Um..."


((Sudden social interaction this situation is not his forte. Nor, honestly, mine. XD Help? Pwease?))

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Crystal frantically looked around for a place to hide. or maybe something she could hit that beast with? No she wouldn't survive that, that monster would have eaten her long before she could even reach a stick or a branch of some sorts! She slumped a bit as she began to accept her fate.

Here she was, on a trip to the forest and the place she so loved, but now about to get eaten by some vicious monster...


... Only, she wasn't? 

The Changeling before her didn't look like it was about to devour her for a snack. Instead, it looked... Sorry?

She tried to find her voice before she spoke up.

"E-Excuse me if i'm being rude, Mr. Changeling, but why havn't you e-eaten me yet?"


((hope this makes it a bit easier))

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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((That's better. Thanks. :) ))


"Err... eat you?" He shook his head. "I'm not going to eat you. Changelings don't really eat the way ponies do, or the way other monsters do. We feed off of emotion." He paused, thinking about what he just said. "No, I'm not going to eat your feelings. That doesn't work out too well for both me and you. It makes you feel... well, really bad, and, unless you are actively loving someone, it just gives me a stomachache." He sighed. "So... err..." He was silent for a bit. "Mr. Changeling isn't really my thing... my name's Moon. I'm not a bad changeling, like the ones that invaded Canterlot. I was raised by an Equestrian family. I like Celestia, Twilight, Cadence... Luna." He gave her a sideways look. "Might I ask why you are slumped against that tree, Miss...?"

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"Slumped against a tree...?" Crystal looked a bit confused before she realised she hadn't moved since she spoke up to the changeling she now knew as Moon. A deep red blush formed on her face as she quickly got back up. "Oh yeah, uhm... sorry about that." She offered a sheepish smile. "My name's Crystal Breeze by the way, but please just call me Crystal. It's nice to meet you, Moon."

The story Moon had been telling her had left her pretty intrigued. I mean, a changeling living like a normal pony? She didn't even know that was possible! She had so much to ask! but she didn't want to anger Moon with a tidal wave of questions, he was still a changeling after all, so she decided to play it safe and start easy.

"Excuse me for asking, but how come i've never seen you before? Are you from around here?"

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Moon Crypt smiled lightly. "I work in Canterlot, but I live in Trottingham. Either way, I was told by my employer to go take a vacation." He sighed. "I like being alone, and visiting other cities would just get me with a bunch of ponies reacting pretty much the same way you reacted... so, I take to the forest. I actually have a dinky cabin, just a few miles from here." He sighed. "The forest is beautiful on an evening like this, yes?"

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Crystal looked up to the night sky as she listened to Moon. "Yeah it is. I really love the forest, especially in these times of the year." She shuffeled around nervously a bit. Was she really just about to ask this? She knew she shouldn't ask it, tough she never expected to meet a changeling either! And besides, she didn't have anything better to do right?... Right?

Before she even knew it, she already opened her mouth and asked the quetion.

"It's getting a bit dark out... I'd really love to see your cabin."

She did NOT just ask that! Oh nononono this was bad, Moon's probably going to think of her as weird. Oh sweet Celestia she had the chance of a lifetme and she just blew it!

"I mean.. U-uhm I ehh... *eep*" 

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Moon Crypt chuckled at this. "Or, rather, you are curious? I mean, if you really want to see it, you can... but... it's getting rather late. Are you sure no one will miss you? Because..." he said, quieting down. "You are in... the Everfree Forest! He laughed a little, his eyes glowing in the dark because of the reflected light. "You want to come? Well, come on!" He said, walking off in the direction of his vacation home.

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Crystal mentally facehoofed for her previous actions, and struggeled to not fysically do one too. She swiftly followed Moon back into the forest. She was still a little wary of her surroundings. She never really ventured deeper into the Everfree then that little pond, so this was all new to her.

...Not to mention the changeling in front of her who she only just met...


Dispite all of this she somehow still managed to soldier through, and follow close behind her newfound companion.

As they walked, the silence began to grow a little eery on her, so she tried to make some small talk. This also helped her to get to know Moon a bit better.

"So ehrm, how you said your home was a few miles from here, right?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave, Moon Crypt smiled, slowly backtracking his way to his vacation house. "Yeah. It's small- a bedroom, a dinky guest room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and that's about it. But, hey. It's quiet, away from everyone, and won't have me thrown in a jail cell for weeks." He smiled, thoughtful. "What about you? Where do you live?"

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Crystal looked away a bit awkward at that. She was thankfull for a subject to talk about, tough she really hoped it wouldn't come to her current situation. But on the other hoof, Moon had been trusting enough to tell his story, and she was sure it was a hell of a lot worse then hers. She couldn't imagine how it must be to live in almost complete secrecy!


Anyway, she noticed how she hadn't answered Moon's question yet, and a light blush appeared on her face again.

"Well, a few miles back lies a small town, Ponyville, and i have a small home there. I can't really afford anything big and fancy since i'm pretty much fresh out of school and just started working. But it's good enough for now i guess..."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Moon Crypt shrugged. "Well, that's alright. You've just started out. Just keep at it- you'll move up." He smiled. "Honestly, I'm never one for all the fancy-smancy stuff that I have to deal with in Canterlot anyways. I turn my head the wrong way and I'm getting grumped at by some noble about etiquette." He sighed and shook his head. "It is what it is."

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Crystal chuckled a bit at the way Moon talked about the 'Canterlot Upperclass'. She always thought it to be pretty rificulous how some ponies could act just because they came from some wealthy family. Trying to not let the conversation die she quickly made up a new question.

"But you only work in canterlot, right? What kind of work do you do? If you don't mind me asking, ofcourse."


((when are we gonna arrive at the cabin? it's getting kinda hard for me to make up things to ask :P ))

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave,

((This post.))


Moon Crypt sighed. "I basically sit around my desk and open letters when i'm not arguing with everyone in meetings, negotiating with the nobles, or being whisked off to Luna-knows-where at the whims of my superiors. At least it pays well." He shrugged. "Well, here's the cabin."


It was a small log cabin. Upon opening it, you saw that it was pretty much what he said it was- a small, warm, cozy cabin that made for a great vacation home of sorts. "Well, here it is." He sighed. "It is beautiful, is it not?"

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((I'm not at my computer right now so i can't color text.))


Crystal swiftly followed into the cabin. Surpisingly, the inside looked rather welcoming. She thought that with Moon being a changeling and all it would look a bit rough, but she was pleasantly surprised. She took a swift look around and spoke up again. "Oh my... This is very lovely. I honestly expected it to be a bit more... ehrm unrifined? Anyway, what i'm trying to say is that you've got a pretty good taste." She smiled politely at the changeling before her.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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((Sorry for sporadic posting... Mom and Dad are trying to work my pants off.))


Moon Crypt raised an eyebrow at this, but said nothing. Well, that's prejudice for you. He smiled lightly. "I assume that you don't want to go home tonight, the forest  being as dark as it is. Make yourself comfortable, I'll get the guest room prepared."

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((well,i'm not exactly on a posting spree either, so it's okay. can't post a whole lot tonight either, since i'm going to a party))


Crystal hadn't really thought about that. And Moon was right, going home now wouldn't really be a good idea. S she just smiled happily at the changeling and sat down on a nearby couch as Moon sterted preparing the guest room. Honestly, it was kinda surprising there was a guest room in this thing, Crystal doubed if Moon had company a lot...


She eventually laid down on the couch, wondering if maybe this wasn't such a very good idea after all. she was about to stay the night at the house of a changeling, in the middle of the Everfree forest! She knew she shouldn't judge him on the acts of other changelings, but still, somewhere in the back of her head she insisted on keeping cautious around him.


Moon seemed nice enough tough, he was probably one of the better ponies she knew.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave, Moon smiled as he carefully made the bed, fluffing up the pillows and making sure everything was set up. The emotions coming out of this pony were... conflicted. Shaking his head, he made to leave, before reaching out the window and grabbing a single Everfree Rose, placing it in the vase. Smiling, he made his way out. "Alright... that's all set up. You want a hot drink? I know several different brews..." 

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@, ((sorry for not posting anything. i went to a party and i kinda needed the sleep XD))


Crystal smiled as she watched Moon come out of the guestroom again. He looked somewhat... peacefull. The chengelings she had seen fly over to Canterot all looked so different, and yet still the same. She blinked once as she was snapped out of thought by Moon's question.

"A drink? Well, that would be lovely. What is it that you had in mind?"

Crystal became a bit more cautious again. Moon wasn't about to poison her, was he? No ofcourse not, she shouldn't think that, right? But still...

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave, "I don't know. Hot chocolate. Coffee. Maybe some exotic Zebra brew." He shook his head as he sensed the sudden suspicion. "And relax. I'm not going to poison you. I don't do that. But if you want anything more complicated than coffee, I might just by accident. I know so little about brewing, I'm surprised I don't poison myself." 

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@, Crystal blushed a deep red as she realised Moon could read her emotions. She chuckled a bit before answering. "I'm sorry, it's just, back at home everypony always warned me about changelings... It's just kinda hard to believe a changeling could be such a gentlestallion." She blushed a bit again.

"... Coffee would be nice." 

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave, He nodded, retreating to the kitchen. "It is what it is. I personally can't tell you much. If I was ever in a hive, it was a long, long, long time ago." He sighed. "So, what were you doing all the way out in the middle of the Everfree Forest? Don't you ponies think that it's haunted or something?" He said, smiling while preparing the warm drinks for both her and him.  

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@, Crystal followed into the kitchen, and sat down on her haunces as Moon prepared the drinks. She closed her eyes and sniffed in the air while humming approvingly as the lovely smell of fresh coffee filled the kitchen. 

"Well yeah, most ponies believe that this place is haunted. Tough i don't think so, this place can be really beautifull sometimes, you know? I often go to that little pond a few miles back to just sit and enjoy the peace. It's really a great place to just think, about anything, really." She looked down a bit before continueing. A very tiny bit of regret building up inside her. She chose to ignore it tough, and supressed it swiftly.

I hope Moon didn't sense that...


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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