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private B.E.T.A. (Bringing Equality To All)


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Clockwork watched as Media boarded the car he and Nova had chosen. "Good, good, this couldn't have worked out better." He thought. This was about to get interesting. He moved towards Media, and covered his mouth with a hoof, so he wouldn't yell, then whispered. "We're here, don't make a sound.. We'll have to wait until they begin moving before we're safe to disengage our cloaking." They both stood, waiting, not daring to take a seat in case somepony decided to unwittingly sit on them, and give them away.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media practicly jumped out of his seat when what seemed like a ghost whispered right in his ear. He was about to freak out, when he remembered what Clockwork said earlier. "Oh, heheh, right." He blushed in embarrassment, making sure nopony else saw that.


After a few more minutes, the train whistle blew, the wheels beginning to rotate, and soon enough they were on their way to his hometown. Hopefully this so called "B.E.T.A." hasn't spread there already.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork waited for the train to be fully in motion, and then wandered with nova to a secluded section of the train where nopony was sitting. They released their spells, revealing themselves again. Clockwork grabbed his tickets, handing one to Nova, and smiled. "Without a hitch, so far. knock on wood, we should be able to get to Manehatten without trouble." Nova returned the smile. "This wouldn't be the first time we've been in trouble." She punted his shoulder lightly with her hoof in a friendly gesture. With that, they walked back into the car where Media sat, and wandered over, taking their seats next to him. "Ah, we found you! We must have gotten onto the wrong car." He chuckled, and winked. "So, how far is your place from the station?"

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@@Midnight Scribbler


"It should be a decent walk to my apartment, but it's not too long either." Media said. "If anything, we could get there in about 20 minutes, give or take, heh." There was a brief moment of silence before Media spoke up again. "So, Clockwork, what exactly do you invent? Just curious..."

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



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(OOC "A brief moment of science" http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5168/5382848686_c3a2ce6678.jpg )


Clockwork glanced around the room to see if anypony had shot any looks their way. "Bloody fool, you'll expose us yet." He spoke quietly to Media so nopony else could hear. "Given the nature of our situation.. we likely shouldn't make mention of inventions or technology in the presence of these complete strangers.. We should find ourselves a nice secluded place to talk first, methinks."

Nova, shot a brief look of disbelief at Media, then masked it quickly, trying not to make it obvious. She got up and trotted back across into the car ahead, searching out a vacant car.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media quickly put his hoof to his mouth, realizing how stupid what he said was. "Seriously, it's like your trying to ruin everypony's career!". He blushed intensely.


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Ugh, I can be a real goof sometimes....." He couldn't let himself live this one down, that's for sure.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Nova returned, appearing in the doorway, motioning them to follow. Clockwork turned to Media, nodded and got up to follow Nova into the next car. He began to wonder how safe it was to stick around this pony. He could have blown their cover completely, although it seemed unlikely he had yet. Perhaps they'd be alright. He was willing to give him a chance still at any rate. They had little choice in the matter at the moment anyway.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media Snap saw Nova over by the entrance to the next car, signaling them to move. He got up, still sheepish from possibly the worst mistake of his life so far. He wondered if he shouldn't have agreed to go. Sure, he'd probably get caught the first day, but at least he wouldn't put Clockwork & Novas jobs at risk. He barely had the courage to look at Nova passing her through the entrance. They all entered the next car, Media Snap following Clockwork to whatever seat they would take. He also took a side note to keep his mouth shut unless necessary.

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



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The train car they'd entered was empty completely, the perfect place to discuss business. Nova waited for Clockwork to wander through the door before sliding it shut. She trotted towards Media and said nothing yet. Clockwork sat down next to Media, and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "You did well, mostly.. We made it this far, and it doesn't look like that slip cost us. It's understandable when it's second nature. Just be more careful, or you could find yourself neck deep in it, and Nova and I may not be able to save you.. Unless.." He turned to Nova. "Nova, did you happen to grab that spare caster device?"

Nova nodded, she opened her bag, and rummaged around for it. "Right here.. Wouldn't forget it, but are you sure this is a good idea?"

Clockwork looked slightly unsure, but turned to Media "I'm not certain, but.. It's the best shot we'll have at all this. Here, Media, put this in your bag.. keep it well hidden.. And this." He handed Media his spare Magitech battery, checking the reserve meter before letting go to make sure it was full. "You just plug that caster into the battery, and press the button to use it. You'll be able to turn invisible with it if you get stuck.. Don't lose this."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


"Just be more careful, or you could find yourself neck deep in it, and Nova and I may not be able to save you..

Media nodded. "Yes, I understand now, sometimes I let it get the best of me. Trust me though, it'll never happen again." He crossed his hoof over his chest.


"I'm not certain, but.. It's the best shot we'll have at all this. Here, Media, put this in your bag.. keep it well hidden.. And this." He handed Media his spare Magitech battery, checking the reserve meter before letting go to make sure it was full. "You just plug that caster into the battery, and press the button to use it. You'll be able to turn invisible with it if you get stuck.. Don't lose this."

He was surprised when Clockwork handed him the canister, followed by the battery. "Invisible?" "So that's what he used when he snuck on the train." He immediately put it in his bag. "I wouldn't lose something like that for the world...seems very top-tech..."


Sig by Champion RD92



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Nova snorted and chuckled at the term Media used to describe the device. "That's one way to put it. That battery is one of only four like it in all of Equestria. Nopony except us three know of it's existence. You'll have to watch that meter though, it'll run down over extended use, and when it's out.. You're as visible as anypony else."


Clockwork nodded "This is most important to remember.. And speaking of top tech.. You haven't even seen what I've got in the bag yet." He grinned. "I've got all sorts of tricks up my sleeve.. Nopony's going to expect this stuff." He pulled out a little spherical, segmented object with a button on top. Tossing it once into the air and catching it, he chucked one to Nova, who caught it and stuffed it into her bag.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


"Wow, only 4 in existence...". Media nodded with each word Nova said, still gazing upon the new item he was given. "Ok, limited time, got it." He took a mental note to keep it in his hooves only. He then turned to Clockwork, watching him throw the object into the air, only to catch it in his hoof. Media started to wonder how much exactly he had up his sleeve. "Must be some useful stuff in there.


Media cleared his throat. "Thanks for coming to Manehatten Mr. Clockwork. I know it seems like a side-quest compared to your problems, but it's just really important to me."


Sig by Champion RD92



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(OOC: A little jest at the game ;) )


Clockwork laughed heartily "Side quest? We aren't playing games here. We're just looking for ways out of Canterlot for the time being. Our mission should be a common goal, my friend. Taking down B.E.T.A. is my number one priority now, and I promise you, I'll die trying if that's what it takes. My work cannot be withheld from being realized, else true equality can never be achieved." He said, smiling, then turned to Nova as she began to speak. "Everything we do from now on, will be to counter B.E.T.A. If it means following you to get out of dodge, it'll be worth it in the end. Besides, the more the merrier, right?" She winked at Media with a slightly ominous air about her. Nova Strings and Clockwork were cut from a very similar cloth. Both knew each other from foalhood, and they worked like two peas in a pod. They always had each others backs.

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media smiled brightly towards the two ponies. "Well, glad to know we're in this together I guess." Knowing he had somepony's back, & vice versa, made him feel better about the situation.


After a while, they eventually pulled into the bustling Manehatten train station. Media was about to get up & just leave, when he remembered something important. He turned back to Clockwork. "Wait, are you guys going to need to go invisible again? I'm not sure, but B.E.T.A. could have hit here too."

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork glanced with deep thought to Media. "Though he does have a point.. It's possible, I can't see us having any troubles getting off the train. They likely won't check bags when we leave. That's a pre-trip safety measure usually." "I don't believe that will be necessary.. I doubt they'll check our luggage when we leave." He looked to Nova, and she nodded to him. "Should anything happen.. You have the device. Use it, Media. It will save our hides. Keep it hidden until you need it though. No need to show it off at times like these. Nova and I will cover you, or if we get caught.. I don't know what will happen. We'll get by, but finding you might be difficult. Neither of us know this city. Let's just try to play it safe, stay calm, and collected. Don't give them reason to suspect you."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media agreed. "You're right, I guess we're fine for now, but still....ok then, I guess follow my lead..."


The train slowed down to a halt, and the passengers all started to leave through the many exit doors. Media walked back to the third car, making sure they were in follow, and hopped off the train. He waited for them to catch up. "Ok, only a couple blocks from here guys. I know a shortcut to my place" He motioned his hoof towards an ally way. While they passed through the station, Media noticed a pair of eyes stalking him quietly. He turned, only to find the pony reading a newspaper. Media stared at the stallion, but ended up trying to shake it off. "Come on, just like Clockwork said, don't give them a reason to suspect you."


They eventually reached the apartment, a decent three story building. It wasn't much, but hey, he couldn't complain. Media lead the group through the hallways, up the stairs, all the way to the last room on the third floor. Media unlocked the door and motioned his guests in. "Welcome to my home. Just lay your stuff to the side, it'll be fine there."


The room itself was a bit messy, but not to the point of repulsion. A pizza crust lie under the couch, barely noticeable to the newcomers. "Sit down for a bit, er, I need to clean up anyways. After we get some food, I'll be happy to show you around."


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork and Nova followed Media to his apartment. Nova glanced about the apartment, noticing the corner of the crust laying below the couch. "Quite the place you have.. It's.. humble." She tried to find the most polite term possible. She was a neat freak herself, everything was far messier than she'd prefer, but then, she did live in organized chaos with Clockwork, who was completely the opposite. His workshop was constantly in disarray, and she was always behind him replacing things to their proper locations, much to his annoyance at times when he'd look for things where he'd left them, and they weren't there.


Clockwork glanced about the room as well. "Not bad, not bad at all.. I think I'll keep my things together, I can't really take this pack off right now anyway. My wings require the battery within it, and it's all hardwired to me." He chuckled. "We should keep on the move if possible, staying here could be dangerous if they've made it this far. No sense in giving them the chance to catch us off guard."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media froze for a second. "On the move? Wh-where else are we supposed to go?" He himself was hoping to lay low at the least, but Clockwork did have a fair point. If B.E.T.A. had hit Manehatten before they arrived, they would surely find them by now.


"Ok, well, I suppose we can go somewhere to eat, or if not, then we can just board the next train out of here. Where do you suppose we should head for next?" Media asked Clockwork.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork raised a brow "Haven't you forgotten something? We did come here for a reason didn't we?"

Nova sighed, she was growing impatient with Media's forgetfulness. "I suppose I'll be picking up after both of you now." She thought. "We can get something to eat once we're finished here, but let's try to keep things rolling. The longer we stay put, the more at risk we are of being caught."

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@@Midnight Scribbler


"Oh crap! I'm sorry, I was going to get to that, I'm just, er.......I'll be right back." Media's blush showed right through his white cost, as he rushed towards the hallway into his bedroom. There lied his desk, and over by it was his mic, acoustic guitar, & other equipment. He gathered it all up & placed it nicely in the closet space in the corner, which he then locked it away, and stuffed the key in his saddlebags. Media returned to the living room, not comfortable messing up like this, especially in front of Nova, who seemed to be slightly agitated with his nonsense. "They're probably fed up with me right now..."


"Alrighty then, now that that's delt with um....as far as food, I know a great place just down the street, if you don't mind..." He hurridly raced through his mind, making sure he wasn't forgetting anything else before he, once again, screwed up.

Edited by ovr9000percentcooler


Sig by Champion RD92



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(OOC: He stuffed his closet into his saddlebag? XD )


Nova glanced over to Clockwork. He was the leader, always had been. Regardless of his chaotic nature, he knew what he was doing, and never lead her to destruction yet. She also knew not to cross him, her experience spoke for it's self there. "I'm ready when you are, Media. If it's good eating, I'm in. I haven't had anything to eat since early this morning.. I could definitely use a bite." He grinned

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media slightly grinned back, glad to know he wasn't too frustrated with him. "Great, follow me then!" He led them out of the room, locking the door behind him, and they ventured back down to the ground floor & out in the streets. Media was used to the business of Manehatten, regardless of what time of day it was, it was always at least a bit crowded. Although, now with the fact that most of the pedestrians were now considered a threat, made it a little less enjoyable.


They crossed the street & walked up to a decent looking establishment. Media held the door open for the both of them as they entered the restaurant. A young looking mare worked behind the counter. "Hello, how may I help you?" She smiled, almost too brightly for Media's taste. He smiled back nervously. "Yeah, um, table for three please?"


"Right this way." The bubbly mare responded, grabbing three menus & guiding them to a small table in the far right corner. They all sat down, & she passed out their menus. "Your waiter will be with you shortly!" She beamed, then walked back to the front counter, where another employee was sitting down another group, who sat across the room from them. Meanwhile, Media was glancing upon the menu.


Sig by Champion RD92



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Clockwork and Nova sat down with Media, nodding politely to the waitress and began perusing the menu. He leaned over, speaking quietly to limit the distance his voice would travel. "Media, does this city have.. any places where only you know? Have you ever ventured looking for such places? Like, secluded, secret places?" He locked eyes on a particularly delectable looking vegetable stir fry on the menu. "well, I know what I'm getting"

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@@Midnight Scribbler


Media thought about Clockworks question. He spoke softly, making a conscious effort to keep it down. "Well, most of the places I go are still public, such as the park......but there are a few secluded places I go to sometimes. I found them while looking for other filming areas, we could use them if we accidentally get deprecated, meeting places, if that's what you mean." His eyes wandered back to the menu, eventually deciding upon the baked potato soup.


Sig by Champion RD92



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(OOC: That sounds delicious, straight up. lol )


Clockwork glanced back up from his menu, having chosen what he wanted. "I mean.. possible hiding locations where we might have to spend some time if we need to escape. Or possibly, a way out of the city, via aquaduct system or something. We should have everything planned out before we make our next moves."


Nova had been half listening, perusing the choices silently. She finally dropped her menu, choosing a greek style salad. "If you know anything about the city that you think most don't, that's useful to us. We can scout them out once we're fueled up on food."

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