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Elements of Nature


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New location: http://mlpforums.com/topic/1248-elements-of-nature-2/



A strange group of robed creatures came into Equestria a year ago. Soon after, the six element holders vanished, all the alicorns were robbed of their wings and horns and enslaved, and the six Elements of Harmony were turned into Elements of Nature. The Element of Magic, Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, and Laughter are now the Element of Arcane, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water, and Fire, respectively. The landscape of Equestria is now in chaotic turmoil and is constantly changing. Your small resistance, The Valkyrs, has been given some information about the group that arrived a year ago:


1) They call themselves The Bards of Chaos.

2) They are responsible for everything.

3) The only way to revert Equestria to normal is to defeat their leader and to do that The Valkyrs need all the Elements.

4) They have seven members: six earth ponies capable of magic and one drazul (bipedal, agile, and strategic humanoid dragons.) Their names are: Paradox, Gust, Shock, Terra, Frost, Ignite, and Anarchy, respectively and the last one being the drakin's name. Each pony holds an element according to their names.

5) We know where each of them are. East northeast is Paradox. West southwest is Terra. North is Frost. South is Ignite. West northwest is Gust. East southeast is Shock. Anarchy lives at the center of them all. The Valkyrs' base is located a bit south of Anarchy's floating fortress and is underground.

After your first confrontation with The Bards of Chaos, you were battered but nearly turned them to stone. Just before you launched the final attack, the six ponies stole back their elements so you couldn't finish the job. Currently, the six of them are each in their own corner of Equestria and you have to go to them to get the elements.


The Valkyrs aren't ruled by a single member. Instead, it's a democracy. Their actions represent what most of their members want to do. You are currently in your base, waking up in the morning.

(Picture of how the base is designed is pending.


Character Template




Personality: [How they act.]

Specialty: [include Cutie Mark if pony.]

Description: [How they look.]

Other: [Anything else you want to say.]

Joined: [0 to 13 days ago. This is only valid before we leave the base.]



Green rooms are untaken.



Name: Garth Steelbeak

Species: Griffin

Gender: Male

Personality: Says what's on his mind. Understanding of others. Jokes around every now and then.

Specialty: Fighting and leading. Can't plan for his life.

Description: White head, amber body, dark amber wings. All feathers.

Other: Founder of the Valkyrs.

Joined: 14 days ago (He founded it).

Room: 3


Name: Legacy

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Female

Personality: Unknown

Specialty: Information gathering. Cutie mark is unknown.

Description: Unknown. Always uses silhouettes to talk.

Other: The Valkyrs' information source. Uses magic like The Bards of Chaos.

Joined: 14 days ago (He helped found it).

Room: 16 [This room is off limits to everyone, including Garth.]


This spoiler contains the information of the mane7 antagonist.


Name: Anarchy

Species: Drazul

Gender: Male

Personality: Chaotic

Specialty: Making chaos

Description: Multicolored scales

Other: Leader of The Bards of Chaos


Name: Paradox

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Male

Personality: Metaphoric

Specialty: Controlling reality. Cutie mark of a paradox triangle.

Description: Purple coat. Dark purple mane.

Other: Holder of Arcane


Name: Frost

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Female

Personality: Calm

Specialty: Controlling ice. Cutie mark of a snowflake.

Description: Teal coat. Blue mane.

Other: Holder of Water


Name: Gust

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Male

Personality: Fickle

Specialty: Controlling winds. Cutie mark of a tornado.

Description: Grey coat. Dark grey mane.

Other: Holder of Wind


Name: Shock

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Female

Personality: Ecstatic

Specialty: Controlling lightning. Cutie mark of a thunder bolt.

Description: Gold coat. Yellow mane.

Other: Holder of Lightning


Name: Ignite

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Male

Personality: Angry

Specialty: Controlling fire. Cutie mark of a fireball.

Description:Red coat. Dark red mane.

Other: Holder of Fire


Name: Terra

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Female

Personality: Literal

Specialty: Controlling earth. Cutie mark of a rock.

Description: Brown coat. Dark brown mane.

Other: Holder of Earth



This spoiler contains information about the NPCs in the base.


Name: Natural

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Personality: Kind, considerate, passive

Specialty: Cooking vegetables. Cutie mark is a bowl of salad.

Description: Light green coat. Dark green mane.

Other: Chef. Old friend of Garth.

Joined: 10 days ago.

Room: 6


Name: Raek

Species: Manticore

Gender: Male

Personality: Rude, grouchy, pushy.

Specialty: Cooking meat.

Description: Grey head, black body, dark grey wings. All feathers.

Other: Chef. Old friend of Garth.

Joined: 13 days ago.

Room: 7


Name: Gizmo

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Personality: Careful, calculating, can handle delicate tasks.

Specialty: Fixing or using technology. Cutie mark is a wrench.

Description: White coat. Light grey mane.

Other: Technician. Old friend of Garth.

Joined: 11 days ago.

Room: 10




This spoiler contains all the mane characters not belonging to me.


Owner: Slendermane

Name: Autumn Breeze

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Personality: Intelligent, clever, polite, kind, yet shy and not very confident. Always wants to help others, yet doubts his own abilities. Joined the Valkyrs because he wants to support the cause, and hopes they will help him be stronger and more confident. Loves to read.

Specialty: Novice swordscolt. Uses katana and longswords. Real specialty is intelligence and recon. Cutie mark is an open book with a red feather.

Description: Body; red orange. Mane, tail, and feathers; various shades of red, orange, and yellow. Colors of fall.

Joined: 1 day ago.

Room: 4 I guess?


Owner: Ocean Breeze

Name: Ocean breeze

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Personality: Intelligent, confident, curious, joyful, and cheerful.

Specialty: Good with animals, knows various types of spells, a bit competitive at certain times and protective towards her companions.

Description: Light blue coat and a darker shade of blue for the mane.

Joined: 4 days ago

Room:Room 8 because I love that number.

Other: Is vegetarian and has a pet mouse.(If that's okay...) and a bookworm!


Owner: Finesthour

Name: Daisy Flower

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Female

Personality: Daisy is a very strong willed pony who fights for what is right and hates anything that is wrong.

Specialty: Hoof to Hoof combat, Cutie mark is a Heart.

Description: Small blue pony with pink hair.

Other: Has a very soft heart that is easily captured.

Joined: today

Room: 2


Owner: Evilshy


Unicorn pony

Male (oh my god I'm actually making a guy for once)

Speciality: telekinesis and shaping things (inanimate objects, not living things). basically he can move stuff and bend/stretch/whatever is shape to a point with his mind. His cutie mark is obscured by a large scar that he doesn't like to talk about. This injury prevents him from running very fast.

Personality: outgoing, generally happy, a little blunt at times. He often makes light of serious situations, and sometimes has a somewhat dark sense of humor.

Other: he's made his living as a mercenary for a few years before coming to valkyr. for some reason, his preferred method of fighting is to use shards of glass, which he moves and bends with his mind. When asked why, he simply replies "glass is sharp and easy to shape" and won't say much else about it. He always carries around a bag full of glass bottles of various drinks for this purpose (and so he can drink, obviously). He can fight with pretty much anything he can lift with his magic, but will almost always choose glass if it's an option. He hates fighting hand to hand and therefore totally sucks at it.

Join: Will join today, it still walking towards where he was told he can find valkyr.


Owner: BizzarePony

Name: Dusty Roads

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Male

Personality: Sociable, cool-headed, somewhat dark sense of humor, clever, will not kill anyone for any reason, honorable, trusting,

Specialty: Extremely skilled with bow staff and similar weapons, good hunter, tracker, outdoorsman, keen and observant

Description: Dusty brown colored with black mane and beard, always wears a ten gallon hat, cutie mark is a rattlesnake coiled around a staff, deep, masculine voice, speaks with the slightest hint of a Texan accent.

Joined: 12 days ago.


Owner: Squirt




personality: childish, class-clown

specialty:good fighter

description:dark blueish mane and dark gray coat

other: likes to play, but sometimes takes thing a bit too far

joined:2 days ago



Owner: Petey

Name: Camile

Species: drazul

Gender: male

Specialty: espionage and thievery, preferred weapon being a poison tipped seek dagger. He's a great lockpick and can sneak around beig almost completely unnoticeable when need be. In a fair fight though he's very vulnerable, so uses every advantage he can get, no matter how cheap or dishonorable it may seem.

Personality: quiet and studious, he comes from a long lineage of drazul that was originally formed by the ancient dragon kings themselves to serve as thieves and spies for the royal guard, Camile prefers to work in small groups, and while he is a horrible leader of others and much prefers to take orders than to give them (it's been in his blood for countless generations) he's no foot soldier, and won't put his life into peril for just any officer.

His morality is inconsistent. While a regular noble gentledragon in social situations, while working he is not above pick pocketing and skimming loot from a mission, and his idea of "relaxation" seemingly more often than not consists of getting a room at the local brothel and finding a "classy" whore and a large amount of expensive booze.

Description: a blue color, the shade of which changes at whim to suit his needs. Easily going from a brilliant sapphire shade during a formal party to a deep navy to help him sneak out when the event is attacked.

His most prominent feature is his spinal spikes, they are smaller than the average drazul, and he has always felt self conscious about them.

His eyes have slit pupils like most dragon species and his irises are a bold emerald green.

He has a metaphorical silver tounge, genetic nobility and his being raised by wealthy merchants did well to teach him to charm clients, employers, and enemies alike, a quick thinker on his feet, can come up with good lies well.

Other: he was adopted shortly after hatch by a pair of wealthy traveling merchants, his adopted family was killed while Camile was out hunting by a group of raiders. In his grief he fled home after cremating the remains and followed in the profession of his blood ancestry; high risk thievery, recon for mercenary parties, and assassinations for hire. He joined this team because he decided to try and do some good for the world with his skill set, since most of his employers had been mostly of less than stellar character. He regrets his feminine name but is only called by it because he finds nicknames uncouth and of a lower class

Joined: 6 days ago

Room: 15 if not yet taken


Owner: Quan Marrero


Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, Very Reactive, Wants to be lonely at times, Destructive when angry.

Specialty: Electricity, Cutie Mark is 3 Thunderbolts in the shape of a Triangle

Description: Medium Sized, Purple Colored, Black Mane

Other: Very Lonley but wants to be comforted with friends & a spouse

Joined: 1 day ago

Room: 18


Owner: SolarFlare

Name: Dawn

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Personality: Adventurous at times maybe stubborn, and has the heart to forgive others.

Specialty: Mostly hoof to hoof combat.

Description: Gray coat, and jet black mane

Other: Smart, adventurous, kind.

Joined: 2 days ago

Room: 5


Owner: Derp2daherp

Name: (Suffered amnesia. Doesn't remember. For now is called "Masquerade".

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Personality: Slightly confused about some things, Lone wolf

Specialty: Great at impersonations. (Cutie mark is a masquerade mask.)

Description: Like my OC in the Prof. picture without the Wonderbolts costume.

Other: Suffers split-personality disorder. At most times is normal. Other times is a Bloodthirsty Psychopath.

Room: I take room 13.



Edited by Linguz
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BTW Can we have a human species?


Good question. I'd rather you not seeing as it takes place in Equestria.

What are you looking for in terms of what humans can do?

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Good question. I'd rather you not seeing as it takes place in Equestria. What are you looking for in terms of what humans can do?

Ouch, Thats A Tough 1... Weapon Specialists, Survivalists, etc, can`t really think of much ( if i think of anything else i`d be 2 broken...)
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Ouch, Thats A Tough 1... Weapon Specialists, Survivalists, etc, can`t really think of much ( if i think of anything else i`d be 2 broken...)


How about a manticore? In here, manticore are scorpion lions and have a scorpion tail.


I'm in,i'll type it when I get home.


I knew you'd be in. You can't stay away from anything roleplay.
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I think I will use my usual character.


Name: Autumn Breeze

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Personality: Intelligent, clever, polite, kind, yet shy and not very confident. Always wants to help others, yet doubts his own abilities. Joined the Valkyrs because he wants to support the cause, and hopes they will help him be stronger and more confident. Loves to read.

Specialty: Novice swordscolt. Uses katana and longswords. Real specialty is intelligence and recon. Cutie mark is an open book with a red feather.

Description: Body; red orange. Mane, tail, and feathers; various shades of red, orange, and yellow. Colors of fall.

Joined: 1 day ago.

Room: 4 I guess?


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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For all to know: You are allowed two characters but neither can be human (I don't like humans). I can break the limit for obvious reasons. If you wish to put an event of yours, you can break the limit until the event is done. The species can be an OC species, just describe it. Now what isn't allowed:

> Clop. Shipping is fine though.

> HEAVY gore. Nonpermanent gore like bleeding from a cut is fine, but no mutilation. Being battered to the point of unconciousness can be done by me to everyone if I proceed with a time skip.

> Killing other people's character, this counts the NPC, without their consent.

Ask me if you can do something now if you're unsure of something.

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Name: Ocean breeze

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Personality: Intelligent, curious,shy, and from time to time cheerful.

Specialty: Good with animals, knows various types of spells, a bit competitive at certain times and protective towards her companions.

Description: Light blue coat and a darker shade of blue for the mane.

Joined: 4 days ago

Room:Room 8 because I love that number.

Other: Is vegetarian and has a pet mouse.(If that's okay...) and she is a bookworm!

Edited by OceanBreeze




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I think we're good. We have 7 players but only 3 have made their characters yet. That, and I'm still making the map :P

Oh and it's perfectly fine to have a pet mouse. Just make sure to protect it xD We're going to go to at least one volcano after all. And several other dangerous locations.

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Name: Daisy Flower

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Female

Personality: Daisy is a very strong willed pony who fights for what is right and hates anything that is wrong.

Specialty: Hoof to Hoof combat, Cutie mark is a Heart.

Description: Small blue pony with pink hair.

Other: Has a very soft heart that is easily captured.

Joined: today

Room: 2


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Good news everypony! Map is done. Check the first post for it. I produced it in a 66x70 pixel paint, expanded to 1000%, then rounded those four corners, and finally added the labels.

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Whaaat, no library?


Damn. I forgot that. I'll add it in soon. I've never lead one of these, so any advice would be useful.


Garth woke up and crawled outside to the hallway. Stretching, he said, "Hopefully these new guys show promise." He walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch.

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