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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Embers was still kneeling, he didnt want to look up, so he just sat there, doing nothing. He waited for her to let him stand


Sapphire smilled and nuzzed grell "Yep....Sometimes i wish my mom and dad were gods that could find good places to live!" She giggled and looked to luna.

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Luna was surprised-and relieved- to see there was survivors.


"Thank the moon there are surviors! We were quite worried we'd been left alone on this earth! Curse immorality-I think."




"Let them go to Canterlot," Star said. "I want to see if they're alive."


She went to the Secret Cave at the bottom of Canterlot mountain.



A few of the Ice Castle's rooms had been beautifully furnished with wintery decór, which had made the young "princess" yearn for a nap in a new bedroom.


Ice Crystal looked out her window. Looking down on the snowy ground, she realized it was all hers. All hers.


And soon there'd be subjects.


An evil smile took her lips.



Edited by EpicHarmony
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(After that little display by Willow and Crystal, Luna says THAT? Did you even see my post?)



Winter Willow and Crystal Flower just stayed there crying their hearts out. 《Don't leave us like that again.. 》 'What will happen now?" 《What happened to everypony else? What about Princess Celestia? What will happen? Will it be bad? Please don't let anything seperate us again...》


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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A few of the Ice Castle's rooms had been beautifully furnished with wintery decór, which had made the young "princess" yearn for a nap in a new bedroom. Ice Crystal looked out her window. Looking down on the snowy ground, she realized it was all hers. All hers. And soon there'd be subjects. An evil smile took her lips.


North Wind swirled in to existence in a gust of black magic and snowflakes at the Royal Bed chambers doorway, "Ah my Princess there you are.  I felt something in your thoughts, did you call for me?"  he trotted forward into the room. 




Wanderlust moved into the grand crystal chamber and smiled fondly at the two fillies who had tackled their mother and currently seemed to have nestled snuggly into her mystic mane as Luna stared wide eyed in shock at the other survivors.  He took in the room appreciating the small lake on one side and the glowing light the crystals provided it seemed like the perfect hide away.

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Luna had been stunned by the living pony faces, it took a second for her to wrap a hug around Willow and Willow's sister.





Ice looked toward her loyal knight. "I was thinking, we could use ponies, somepony to bow at my feet and praise me as an icy god,"


She walked toward her bed. "But first, I want a nap."

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Embers slowly got up, seeing as how luna wasnt going to tell him to get up. He smiled at the two geting back together. "Well....We do have alot to talk about" He pulled out his sword, and looked at its blueish tint


Sapphire huged grell, seeing as he was looking sad.

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Both fillies returned the hug. They squeezed as hard as they could, which was not too tight because they were both tired. Crystal yawned. She wanted to go to sleep. 《Mom... *yawn* what happened to Princess Celestia? Where did you go? You made me so *yawn* worried. There was fire everywhere. I was worried about you and Willow and *yawn* Princess Celestia...》


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Embers sat on a near by rock, wondering about what was going to happen, he still wanted the seers head, and what ever "part of the sun" They were talking about. He also yawned and leaned back into the wall. "Soooo....What happend luna? Did you supersede your sister?"

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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@ @@dashian500 @ @

(I'm going to post as Luna right now since posting as anyone else won't really move things along :( sorry epic)


Luna wrapped one of her wings around Crystal pulling her into a feathery bed and moving it in a gentle rocking motion, tears were now in her eyes as she leaned in and nuzzled the filly. Her voices was full of sorrow and weak, "I'm so sorry Crystal, I... Celestia used her magic to send me and Willow away from her. But we didn't know where you were. I was so afraid that I'd lost you both. That I'd lost everything and was alone again. It-". She is unable to continue sweeping Willow up in her other wing pulling her to her chest, the princess is reduced to weeping and hiccups into her daughters mane.


Wanderlust notices a crystal bowl and dips it into the fresh water pool filling it and placing it next to Luna, "uh, here you are your highness."


Luna looked at him with big wet eyes, "Thank you and just call me Luna please, I think any of you are far past formalities. I *hiccup* owe you all so much for bringing my daughters back to me."


Wanderlust could only give her an awkward smile, "it was an honor your high-uh Luna, you have some wonderful fillies." He looked at the reunited family cuddled together, "Guys maybe we should give them a moment to themselves."

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Star Struck sits down looking at the stars then she turned her head looking at every pony and princess Luna then she sighs"i really want to go to were Light Blade ashes are but I'm not ready to do something alone yet i may have been trained to fight but i dont know if i should go?"


Signature done by @Lunia

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Embers sighed "Uh....." He looked around, "Im glad your back, but we need to do something, do you have anyidea of what we can do to help get the sun back up or what ever? Because...Wierd stuff is going down out there, not to say a dog uprising, who knows, they could be coming right now" He then sat down


@ @@dashian500 @ @
(I'm going to post as Luna right now since posting as anyone else won't really move things along :( sorry epic)

Luna wrapped one of her wings around Crystal pulling her into a feathery bed and moving it in a gentle rocking motion, tears were now in her eyes as she leaned in and nuzzled the filly. Her voices was full of sorrow and weak, "I'm so sorry Crystal, I... Celestia used her magic to send me and Willow away from her. But we didn't know where you were. I was so afraid that I'd lost you both. That I'd lost everything and was alone again. It-". She is unable to continue sweeping Willow up in her other wing pulling her to her chest, the princess is reduced to weeping and hiccups into her daughters mane.


     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Star Struck looks at the group"maybe i should go alone its not like any pony else but Steel cares so i dont know if i should leave the group or stay. they say I'm apart of something but I'm nothing" Star Struck lunches her self of and flys to Lighting Blade ashes.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Steel flys down to Lighting Blades ashes and took off her necklace"i miss you Lightning Blade, here have my necklace to remember us by" Star puts her necklace in Lighting Blade ashes"why do i feel like i dont belong in the group, i feel like just flying off now".


Signature done by @Lunia

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"i know you have been there for me also sometimes Wonderlust but who pony else? and you dont have to go after when i fly off i might want to be alone and do stuff but i will go back to the group"Star flys off back to the group"i dont know what to feel or do anymore".


Signature done by @Lunia

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Embers sighed "Uh....." He looked around, "Im glad your back, but we need to do something, do you have anyidea of what we can do to help get the sun back up or what ever? Because...Wierd stuff is going down out there, not to say a dog uprising, who knows, they could be coming right now" He then sat down

Wanderlust looked at Embers, "hey I know as much as you do that it's bad out there but we still don't need to be rude, I doubt that an hour to let the princess be with her daughters will be that much of a difference."


Luna shook her head, "No, your friend is right. I-I'm growing weaker each day, I'm using my magic to keep the moon over Equestria and to give extra light but it's draining me. We need to return the sun to the sky". She continued to rock Crystal in her wing and put a hoof around Willow, "and it would seem my sister left her magic behind in our daughters. So there is hope." She smiled at them.


Wanderlust saw Star and Steel take off back through the tunnels, "good but uh I'll be right back. Sorry your highness-uh Luna this trips has been hard on our group I need to check that they are alright. But Embers, Grell and Sapphire here are fantastic ponies you can tell them anything and the rest of us will catch up when we get back." He dashed off after the other two.


Luna looked a little confused, she turned back to continue speaking to Embers, "when Celestia passed... The sun shattered, pieces of it fell across Equestria and beyond. If we can collect all the pieces it would be possible to put the sun back together. And then my girls could raise it back into the sky. I have one piece which I was able to attach to the moon with my magic, it is letting the moon put out the heat to keep the world warm. Another piece landed in the castle above, I think it was Celestia's last gift to have one so close. I can use my magic to tell your group the locations of the others but you and the others will need to go and find them and return them here to Canterlot."


Steel sighed as she flew off he didn't follow he understood she wanted to be alone he didn't mind though he was a loner since he was seven so ponies wanting him to leave them alone was easy he walked slowly heading for the camp but he never actually made it back...

Wanderlust tried to follow Steel and Star as best as he could but couldn't figure out where they had gone. It seemed like they had left the castle and gone into the actual city. He was about to give up and head back when he came across Steel, "Steel! Hey what's going on? Where is Star? She took off all of a sudden is she okay?"


"i know you have been there for me also sometimes Wonderlust but who pony else? and you dont have to go after when i fly off i might want to be alone and do stuff but i will go back to the group"Star flys off back to the group"i dont know what to feel or do anymore".

"Why does the cute pony not know what to feel or do? It should be simple I would think." The mountain of a diamond dog moved out of shadows surprisingly stealthy and quiet though he was covered in armor. Cujo smiled at Star, "you have a herd of friends, you feel for them and fight for them. Yes?" Edited by Torrent505
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Steel sighed "she's fine just wants to be alone she was saying good mbye to a loved one" steel said

Grell smiled as He ate an apple "at least we have tge locations" grell said "Luna would you allow me to check you fit wounds I'm a trained healer even though my life is about preparing the dead"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Steel sighed "she's fine just wants to be alone she was saying good mbye to a loved one" steel said

Grell smiled as He ate an apple "at least we have tge locations" grell said "Luna would you allow me to check you fit wounds I'm a trained healer even though my life is about preparing the dead"

"Oh, okay." Wanderlust hung his head a little, "it must have been hard for her to see Willow and Crystal get a happy reunion like that and to know she couldn't have that with Lightning Blades... But she has you now and I know that means the world to her. She's a part of the group and even if she thinks she wants to be alone I don't think we shouldn't let her. None of us are alone anymore, we all need each other, especially in a city of the dead and memories like this."




Luna are one of the apples that Grell had offered her as well, "these are delicious thank you! Philomena has only been bringing me scraps for the last two days. Yes please, I have a few cuts from falling crystals and burn from how close I was to my sister." She grinned at the healer tears welling up in her eyes again, "I must have you to thank for treating my daughters and tending to their wounds. I am in your debt."


"yes i do Cujo but only like one or two ponys talk to me while every pony else knows and talks each other in the group i feel like I'm nothing in the group oh" Star gives him a little kiss and a hu"thank you for what you did I'm grateful but i hope no pony sees us or could be dead or both of could"

Cujo blushes at the kiss and hug a large doofy and toothy grin on his face and hugs her back, "oh no, I'm sure your friends would not harm you. But for me it is worth the risk, I know you trust me. Yes?" He didn't wait for her to reply, saying "good." with a chuckle.


"You are kind and strong you talk to them and they will talk back." He gentle boops her nose with his paw, "just no being shy you talk to them and make them listen. Imma give you important news that your herd needs to survive okay? You ready to hear it. yes?"

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@@Torrent505,(im so happy I'm roleplaying on here again)

Star giggles when Cujo bop her noise"yes I'm ready but i can guess there going to attack us or something but the thing is what if a scout is looking at us now and well what would happen to you if we do end up fighting also should i say a pony told me this?"

Edited by Lighting Split


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Grell smiled "no thanks needed Luna I'm grell" grell said as he walked over and cleaned her cuts out "eat as much broccoli as you can it'll help you heal" he then looked to the burn it was rather bad he dug in his case if medical supplies and pulled out a black tin "my speical salve will heal up your burn real quick thus will sting then you'll feel a burning sensation then after that it should feel soothing and cool" grell applied the salve abd wrapped the burn

Steel sighed "tryst me she will need the alone time to think" steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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