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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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Embers face hoofed and backed away, he had no want to have willow use the god powers. He sat down abit away and started to bandage his leg as he sighed and put his sword away. He yawned and looked at the 2, not really knowing what to do because willow was crazy good at magic

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Astrid looked in her eyes "that's because te idea is simply crazy you're paranoid willow" Astrid said as she went through willows head unnoticed "you're just taking your anger out on everypony else because you're mad at yourself because you left celestia like a coward you could have helped her and you know it"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers glared and walked over to astrid "Dont you dare make fun her" He gritted his teeth and looked down at her. A grim smile came over his face "Also, I don't beleave she is the cowerd for stopping us fighting, as it is YOU will not fight head on, so therefor YOU are the cowerd"

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Astros rolled her eyes "you ponies don't listen I never said she was a cowered for stopping the fight I said she was a coward for leaving clestias side when she needed her most and fighting a full grown stallion head on would be stupid of me to do I don't see why you want to fight a filly so badly"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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 Embers laughed at her "I want to fight you because you, you seem just like steel. Im testing you, and yes, I am insane, thank you all for understanding" He laughed and walked over to willow, looking down at her "My my, you seem so much older' He smiled and sighed

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Willow shot a quick smile at Embers and then returned her gaze to Astrid. "How do you know that? Do I sneak into ponies' minds and find out things that I shouldn't know? No! Because I wouldn't fall so low!" Willow advanced towards Astrid, burning the grass around her. Fire dripped from her wingtips like water. "And I say you shouldn't do the same. I couldn't do anything." At this point Willow would have burst into tears, but anger defeated her sadness. "It would have killed me to keep trying, and that wouldn't have helped anypony. And I wasn't stupid enough to commit suicide."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"You think you would have died but you don't know poor willow lives in the streets to get adopted my the princess to live a Cushy life of luxury i go into minds with out trying you looked into my eyes and it happened I can't control it little willow" Astrid said not stepping back she was t scared

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers laughed as he rolled onto his back, he smiled and looked up at astrid "Like I said, you never wanna get on willows bad side, Who knows what she can do?" He chuckled as a grin spread across his face, he looked from astrid to willow, then back. He looked over to steel

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"First of all, its obvious I'm older than you, Astrid. You aren't being smart saying this. You don't know what I am. You don't know what I can do, and you don't know what can harm me. I knew that I could have gotten killed, and it was true. Unlike your daddy, I wasn't being stupid. I didn't see any benefit in getting killed, so I listened to Mom and stopped. You can't understand that."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Astrid rolled her eyes "it's what the gods can do not her she isn't strong she can't even be l leader to this group how is she supposed to rule equsetria" Astrid said glancing over at embers "the answer is she can't she'll just have to hope the gods inside her will do her job because she can't"

Then she liked to willow "oh I know what you can do I've been in your head willow I've liked through memories so I know and my dad is loyal to the end if he dies doing his job he Dosent care you and you're little sister are all about self preservation doing what it takes so you survive not caring if Anypony else does so long as willow and crystal are safe the rest of the world can buck off"

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers face palmed "Oh yeah, just like your daddy needs his demon to save him, and you need your blasted horn" He smirked and stood up, pulling out his sword and walking over to willow, he laughed as he looked at them, and how epic willow looked with fire driping from her

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"I don't need my horn and daddy Dosent need spawn he won't let spawn out that just shows how stupid you are all you want is to fight to kill you thrive on conflict of there is none you'll make some happen just as bad as discord" Astrid said

Steel watched letting Astrid finish once they where done him and Astrid would be leaving

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers chuckled "Oh, Im sure you do need your horn, because thats all you use to fight, it shows how much of a cowerd you are, also, some would say discord is good, im sure he is still alive, " He smiled and looked from steel to willow, then down to astrid "But really, You dont have to steal stuff"

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"I never stole anything and I fight stallions with my horn because hello there stallions and a twice my size and physical strength you think that your so great fighting a filly that just makes you a bully" astrid said

Grell stepped in between them using his magic to move them apart "enough all of you I'm tired of you stupid petty fights willow you have no reason to be verbally assaulting Astrid embers you have no right to be picking fights with a bucking filly steel you need to control your daughter and Astrid you need stop feeding the flames" grell yelled

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers laughed "Oh man, I love being called a bully" He snicked and walked around, looking at grell "Thank you my good sir, I was wondering when you were going to come in and help..Really though, thanks"


Sapphire yawned and walked over to grell, looking at willow

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Fell used his magic to push embers away "I'm not here to help I'm here to stop this pointless fight that you started you just need to go embers" grell said his fur turning dark creating a black Skelton on his fur that matches the body "just go embers all you have done is cause trouble"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers shrugged "Alright, I will be coming back to get my last peace though, So see you later!" He chuckled and walked away, smiling as he did. He would not have to convince them he was insane anymore, and he was happy because he had found his last part. Now all he had to do was get it

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Willow broke Grell's spell and stepped around him. "I'm verbally assaulting Astrid!? She's the one who called me a coward, denied the fact that she was going to steal, and called us all stupid! Why don't you teach her to respect her elders and shut her annoying little mouth!"

Edited by Starbound - Entropy


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Grell looked at willow "because you came up to her yelling at her you started this mess just as much as embers did maybe you should learn respect of your elders before you try and say somepony else needs to learn now go sit by Crystal and calm down there is no need for a fight so shut your mouth and stop actin like embers and a tiger thing you can't prove she was going to from what I saw she asked for help finding her dad then asked if we would

Protect her the. We find out steels her dad and you and embers start trying to fight them assuming she was going to steal from us"

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers sighed as he walked, thinking about willow. He yawned and went into the Forrest and grabbed his book. He would need to get the last part of his plan if he were to pull this off. He chuckled and looked back, then kept walking


(Has anybuddy seen wander? We kinda need to get this going xD)

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"I wasn't assuming, I knew. Just like Astrid could look at my memories, I could see her thoughts. And her thoughts said she was going to steal from us. Who do you trust!? Me, or Astrid!? I won't accuse anypony until I know they were going to do something! And I know she was going to steal!


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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((Really stealing her special ability that's not cool))

Grell didn't believe that willow could see ponies thoughs "okay since I don't know who to believe tell me what I'm thinking about" grell said "if you can do that I'll believe you if you can't then I have no choicebut to believe Astrid"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Embers walked away, he teaterd on his leg. He yawned and looked at his book, thinking willow must have the last part of his plan so he turned around and stuck his head through the bush


Sapphire tilted her head and looked at them, wondering what was going to happen

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(That was her ability all along! Hellooo, heart healer?)


"Of course I could read thoughts! Not thoughts themselves, but auras, which thoughts affect. Did you forget that I'm a heart healer? Anyways, so? Who do you believe? Me? Or Astrid?" Willow shot a dirty look at Astrid.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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((Yes heart healer not mind reader all willow would now is that she had a rather dark thought that's it))

Grell looked at her "heart healer not mind reader willow and you have yet to tell me what I'm thinking so I believe Astrid" grell said "so go sit by your sister and stop trying to fight Astrid and steel"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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