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New to the Forum.Looking for Male voice actors!


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Hello there. I'm Lucas, you can just call me Luke. I came to the MLP forums in search for voice actors and a fun time. I'm beginning to create a male/human "equestrias girls" style anime comic. Later I will start animating them into cartoons. Both comics and cartoons will be uploaded to youtube. The stories will be similar to the show, not in a material sense, just the whole "adventure-comedy-learning thing". It will get serious at times, My anime style Has been VERY much influenced by the anime "Gurren Lagann" (its amazing you should watch it) So know while sometimes being goofy and fun, there WILL be cussing, fighting, blood..ya know..they ARE dudes. I'm not totally through with the story line currently (barley started really) But what I do know is that it will be designed around the mane male six in their junior year of highschool at Equestria High (technically I stole the name, but Hasbro can go fuck themselves).This show will be about finding what makes you special and achieving your dreams (instead of friendship). I plan for this to become very popular on youtube (emphasis on plan). Because Iv'e checked and this is the first anime comic/cartoon of the male/human six, so this will be original. If your interested in being a voice actor for the comic/cartoon I'll leave some little guidelines below along with the character's needed. Hope you try out! And thanks for reading :D Oh and All show plots will be gone over with you guys before a script is written. I want you guys to have a say in things :)



You need a decent mic, communication programs can be delt with later.

I'm not looking for Guys who change their voice to try to be just like the show, A small voice change for like, pinkie or fluttershy might be needed but I want the voices as normal as possible.

I do need guys with lower voices to suit 16-17 year old dudes. So if your a little younger (around 14-15) and You have a lower voice that's fine. Vice versa for older bronies :3

Seriousness is needed but I do want to have a good relationship with my actors so Were gonna fuck around alot too lol.

Schedual isnt really a problem, as long as you can record your lines sometime that's fine. I'm gonna be giving you guys the script and letting ya'll voice it whenever you want. I might have a deadline but whateves.


My info:

You can email me at Luketaylorrd@gmail.com

Text me: 9033150489

Or you can reply to this message and We can sort the details then, though I would much more prefer email or texting.

Tell me if you want to use skype or any other messager and I'll download it.



Ok now to the characters I need :3 (nick/guy names are in parenthesis) 

(Twi) Twilight

(Flutts) Fluttershy

(AJ) AppleJack

(Rare) Rarity

(Pinks) Pinkie Pie

Spike (This could actually be voiced by a younger person lol whups)

Principle Mr.Celestia

Vice Principle Mr.Luna (these two probably won't be used alot.)

Other voices will probably just be voiced by one of the mane six actors.

Also I'm voicing Rainbow Dash (Dash)


Thanks again for reading and hope we can chat soon :D


                           -Luke  B)

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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Cool, welcome to the forum Luke.  I'm a musician, not a voice actor, but good luck with your project anyways.  There are a ton of people around here who will probably be interested.  


Grab a drink, and put your feet up B)  

  • Brohoof 1
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I might try out for Spike. But I'll do it tomorrow, it's late at night :P

Ok sounds good. Be sure to email or text when you can :P

Cool, welcome to the forum Luke.  I'm a musician, not a voice actor, but good luck with your project anyways.  There are a ton of people around here who will probably be interested.  


Grab a drink, and put your feet up B)  

I'm waaaayyy ahead of you.  :derp:

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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Is there some kind of deadline for the audition? Is next weekend fine?

Ya man just tell me which characters you might try out for. Time really isn't of the essents right now. Hope you get back to me soon :)

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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I'm trying AJ, Twi and Rare. I have no idea what I think is good enough to send you, though :P I'll have to hear.

Haha that's fine. Though voices won't be required accents will be. Not a very strong one, but it should be easy to tell your AJ lol. But if you could when you record be sure to do 2 or 3 takes of the same quote. I'll give you some quotes to do when possible.

AJ: (while eating apple) dude shut up *chews* apples are fuckin' good.

AJ: (while chuckling) man I don't think ya'll ev' ever done your homework.


Twi: (annoyed) guys really? I'm kinda trying to read here.

Twi: (sleepy) uhgg AP classes blow~. ((~ means to draw out the word. Bloowwww.))


Rare: (excited) wow dash, that letterman actually looks pretty sweet.

Rare: (pissed) son of a bitch.. I stepped in fucking mud on the way here apparently.


Try those out for me :)

Also be sure to tell me your age :3

A little update. Science I'm actually from Texas and have the accent I may take over the AJ role. Still ask if you want to try out for him, cuz I want the best actors possible :P

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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Hi luke, I see you are looking for voice actors, may i try out for flutts? I'm a huge fluttershy fan, and i would like to try out. Would me being 18 affect it, I've been told i sound 15-16 though.


Oh yes welcome and have a fun time!

Edited by Lightning_Zephyr
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Hi luke, I see you are looking for voice actors, may i try out for flutts? I'm a huge fluttershy fan, and i would like to try out. Would me being 18 affect it, I've been told i sound 15-16 though.


Oh yes welcome and have a fun time!

It would be great for you to try out! Ya flirts in this series is a kinda lower pitched character so tha'd be fine. I'll give you some lines and just record yourself then send me the recordings.


Flutts: (just woke up) uhgg why does school have to start so early~. I'm not even functional until eleven.

Flutts: (sympathetic) dash it's fine, you got like 3rd place.


Ya just send me the recordings whenever you can and I'll get back to you. :) you can either call me and present the lines, or you can record and send send them to my email.


Hope to hear you soon :P

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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It would be great for you to try out! Ya flirts in this series is a kinda lower pitched character so tha'd be fine. I'll give you some lines and just record yourself then send me the recordings.


Flutts: (just woke up) uhgg why does school have to start so early~. I'm not even functional until eleven.

Flutts: (sympathetic) dash it's fine, you got like 3rd place.


Ya just send me the recordings whenever you can and I'll get back to you. :) you can either call me and present the lines, or you can record and send send them to my email.


Hope to hear you soon :P

sso an opposite pitch of fluttershys voice or same pitch?

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Just whatever a male version of flutter shy would be like to you. You're the actor :3. As long as it isn't an unnatural voice (like super high) it's fine. He still has the personality of flutter shy, just not her voice.

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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I could do Dash, if needed. Fifteen, lower-than-average voice.

I'm already doing dash but you might be better.


Here's some quotes.

Dash: (breathing heavily after race) w-what? I got 3rd? I-I've 'never' got third?!

Dash: (normal) yo what up AJ how'd your summer go?


Either call and try or email recordings.

sso an opposite pitch of fluttershys voice or same pitch?

Just whatever a male version of flutter shy would be like to you. You're the actor :3. As long as it isn't an unnatural voice (like super high) it's fine. He still has the personality of flutter shy, just not her voice.

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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Would Souncloud be okay? I have a recording of me talking before an audition for another voice acting series, so there would be an idea of how I sound.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Would Souncloud be okay? I have a recording of me talking before an audition for another voice acting series, so there would be an idea of how I sound.

Thad be great. Hit me up with dat link :3

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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I shall!




I spoke a bit higher in this, but my voice is a bit lower than that. I sing like Johnny Cash low.



Your voice is great for the part. But is it ok if you still can read my lines? I just wanna see how you'll take on the character.

im willing to try. for any open characters. i would have loved to do rainbow dash but either you or stormwing will do the voice. so.. i can try to do any of the mane 6 that are available.

We'll go ahead and try them all! Look at my other posts for character lines and do the ones you wanna try for! Be sure to email me your recordings later :)


Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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Sure, but I dunno when I can do that. I need to wait until my parents aren't here for a bit. I need quiet time to record.

That's fine dude, and be sure to get a little farther away from your mic, I can buff your voice easily, making it less loud is a challenge.

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are or are not capable of.


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