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private Protector Force

Toon Richard

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"well okay if you say so.." said Ipkiss. She was a little unsure. "so... now we have to find the exit here and find that priest..." she said as she started walking. She came to a lock door. "huh its locked, I think we need a key..." said Ipkiss. She noticed that Ricky was not looking to good. "uh are you sure your okay" she said looking at you.

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"I feel fine." I say, and go into the lock in slime form.

I unlock it, and go back out through the same hole.

"Ladies first!" I say and pocket the gem, reverting me to normal, and opening the door.


"Haha!" I say.

Just then, a rustle was heard.

"Who's there?" I say and take out my eyelander.

The Priest uncovers himself.

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He was a tall completley bald man with a crooked nose. His green eyes were milky so he you can tell he was blind. He wore a simple brown robe and white tunic underneath with black leggings. He was supported by an oak cane. He starred blankly at ricky and Ipkiss. "who art thou? What presence hath entered my sanctuary?"

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I sheath the Eyelander.

"Hello. My name is Richard Hale." I say.

"I am the twin of Beth dey. I require your help."

I say.

I take out the materials needed to craft the crystal.

*Long explanation of why i require his help*

"Apparently, Your the only one who knows how to make the item that can speed up the process."

I say.

'I hope.' 

I thought, looking at this old man.

'He's probably blind.. Hope he isnt deaf!'

I thought to myself.

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"I am Elizabeth Diana Ipkiss, though everyone calls me Ipkiss. I am Beth's OC!" said Ipkiss with a smile.


"A Creation and a Halfling has entered.. Yea very strange." he said as he sat down on a chair. "Thou bids me to make a Spark of Life for the heir of the warrior?"


"yeah we need you to make it so she can wake up" said Ipkiss.


"very well then, Creation and Halfling, I shall make thee the Spark of Life. presenteth me the ingrediants." he said as he gestured to the table. Ipkiss took the materials and put them on the table and guided his hand to them. They glowed and in a flash of light the materials made a small crystal pendant shaped like a heart. "place this into her chest and she shall be awakened, though be warned once she is awakened she must wait at least 3 days and 3 nights till she can have her powers back." He said.

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I say, and Take the pendant.

*Long backtrack back to the Neopets Dimension*

"Okay. I got the Spark of Light."

I release beth from the Teleportation Orb.

I place it in her chest, using powerful magic.



"Phew. That was close!" I say, wiping my sweat off my forehead.

"Im going to have these two stones to be analized."

I say, and hold them in a HoverBag. (A box thats see through, and holds items telekinetically.)

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A groan was heard from me. I got up and placed a hand on her head. "what happened? where am i?" I asked looking around. "you were knocked out by overuse of your powers." said Ipkiss. "and your in the Neopet dimension."



A portal opened, and out stepped Chime. "Beth might be revived, but she is vulnerable, she must be taken back to the base." said Chime.


"I am not going anywhere! I am certainy not vulnerable! I can still kick butt!"  I said.


"Beth, we have been through this before, you have no powers now, and the nightmares are going to try to take this oppurtunity to either kill you, use the darkside of your imagination to power them, or revive the Annihilator. I for one are not taking ANY of those chances" said chime pointing her finger at me.

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I say, agreeing with chime for once.

"It wouldnt be good if they tried to do that!"

I say, and open the portal home, to go analyze the two gems he had found in the Diamond Golem.


"Hmm." I say, as a computer analyzes the effects of the stones.

"This is interesting!"

I say.

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Being bored I was playing with a rubber ball and sitting on the bed. "stupid rules, stupid safety." I say as I catched it and threw it against the walls. "hey, its for the best" said Ipkiss. "Ipkiss, we all know I hate being babystitted and guarded like a retarded damsel in distress. " I said as i got up and opened the door "hey! what are you doing?" said Ipkiss confused. "getting out, I hate being here locked up." said I as I opened the door. I went to Ricky's room and looked over his shoulder. "whatcha doing bro?" I asked him.

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"Analyzing these gems. They have metamorphic powers."

I say.

"The blue one, turns living entities into slime. It even allows them to let it go, if they want to."

I say, as i pick up the blue one, and jump high to the Ceiling. "It makes enemy attacks useless."

I say, and drop it back into the Hoverbag.

"The Red one. It turns you into a living inferno. It also, can be effectivly used as a weapon, by throwing it with it active. It also, causes powerful regeneration."

I say, as i demonstrate.

"Both, Cancel the other out. It makes a painful experience. DONT DO IT."

I say.

"Its neutralized if one is in a pocket. It only happens if its on skin, like say your hand for instance."

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  • 2 months later...

"awesome! let me see!" said Ipkiss. She picked up one orb but it had no effect on her "aw it didn't work" she said with a frown.


"thats because your already magical ipkiss with the power to shapeshift, therefore you cancel out the effect!" said beth while ipkiss pouted. 


Then she got an idea. "maybe if I hold two gems it might work! " before anyone could stop her Ipkiss picked up to the two orbs.

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"Wait, WHAT?!"

Ricky said surprised.


He facepalmed, and takes the fire one away.



He said.

He then takes said gem, and places it behind a locked crate.


"Sup, Dipwads?"

Rachel said, in a teasing tone.

"Uuuuggh... What do YOU want.."

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"don't make me hurt you" said Beth


"oo I am scared the girl with no powers is threatening me" said Rachel in a sarcastic tone.


"I can still do many horrible things to you don't tempt me" said Beth glaring at Rachel.


"whatever" said Rachel as she rolled her eyes.

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I flick a ball of water at rachel, and laugh.


She flicks a ball of mud at me.


"Shut up, shut up, shut UP!"

Ricky said, sounding like Krieg.



Rachel yelled.



I say, and cast a ball of Corrosive element at her.


"NO U" 

She flicks a ball of Slag at me.


"GTFO mah room!"

I say and throw an ice ball at her.

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Beth watched the two throw elements at each other then Elijah came inside.


"are they fighting?" said Elijah


"Yes they are, my money is on ricky" said Beth.


Elijah sighed. "uh rachel, don't you think you should not fight with them right now?"



"What? OH HECK NO!" said Rachel as she fired another elemental projectile at Ricky. "He brought this upon himslef!"

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I used a teleport spell to send the other people out of his room.


He growled, and continued to analyse said stones.


(NEWCOMER: Puzzle)


A voice said.

"Oh be quiet puzzle, this is none of your buisness whatsoever."

I say, to the racoon dog.

"You coulda been nicer.."

He said.


I was silent.

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"Oh now look at what you had done! you made him mad!" said Ipkiss


"yeah way to go rachel" said Beth as she crossed her arms.


"So? he started it!" said Rachel with a huff.


"err can I talk or.."  began Elijah


"NO!" said Beth and rachel at the same time.


"oh ok..." said Elijah


"anyways I wonder who he is talking to..." said Beth

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"Seriously.." Puzzle tried to reason with me.

(First Stage of ???: Water Paralysis!)

"I said, SHUT UP!"

He said, and slammed his fist down on his desk.



Puzzle yelled, unable to be heard to the others.


I say.

"Im going to take a friggin shower.."

I said, slightly grouchy.

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"you think he snapped?" said Ipkiss.


"what no! Ricky is just probably ranting to himself... I do it sometimes..." said Beth


"Yeaah thats Compleeetly normal" said Rachel sarcastically.


"Oh shut up you!" said Beth glaring at her. "anyways something is not right. I might not have any powers, but I can still sense when something bad is about to happen"

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"Oh yeah, like a shower is going to help.."

Puzzle said, with a semi sarcastic remark.


I say, angrily.

I hop into the shower, then start the cold water.

"Ugh.. I need to wash this mud offa me.."

I say slightly irritated.


"What the hell is going on in there, with all that yelling!"

Rachel yelled.

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"I don't know, but I think we should leave him alone till he is ready" said Elijah knowing that it should be a good idea


"whatever, its clear he snapped" said Rachel. As she started to walk off.


"HEY! he is not crazy!" said Beth Getting Defensive

"oh yeah suuure he isn't because yelling and complaining to nothing is Completely normal." said Rachel sarcastically


Beth was about to punch Rachel but she was stopped by ipkiss who shooked her head.

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Rachel said, and bashed down the door with her sholder.

"Woah! Calm the heck down, Rae!"

Sskipi said.

"No, your Sociopathic friend here, beth should!"

Rachell yelled.



I yell, unable to move.


"Woah. you okay, dude?"

Puzzle asked.\




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"just be glad, I don't have the power know to send you to the void" mumbled Beth.


"I really think we should respect his privacy.." said Elijah but of course Nobody listened to him.


" Hey I think I hear him yelling in the shower!" said Sskipi


"I think he must have slipped said Ipkiss.

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I exit the shower, with puzzle's help.

I am fully clothed, but slightly wet unable to move still.


"God dammit!"

I yell, and exit the bathroom somehow.




I see rachel in my room, with my door on the floor.

I have a WTF face.


"Mon deu.."

Puzzle said.


"Oh crap."

Rachel said.

"Uh.. Its not what it looks like?"

She said nervously.


"IM GOING TO BEAT YOU SO HARD, YOU'LL HAVE A TWITCH!" I yell, sounding like the demoman.


"Oh crap.." Rachel says.

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"should've listened to me" said Elijah.


Ipkiss turned into a cowgirl and lassoed Ricky with an indestructible rope. "whoa calm down Ricky, we were just worried about you"


"yeah dude you were yelling at yourself and it was kinda creepy" said Sskipi.


"Please Ricky listen to reason" said Beth

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