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planning Disease-Themed Roleplay?


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Infection: The Roleplay (?)


I've been playing a video game called "Plague Inc" and it got me thinking. "I could make a roleplay going into detail on this kind of thing". My starting thoughts on this roleplay would go into detail on the lives of the doctors and scientists researching a cure for some disease that is sweeping Equestria or something like that. But never will there be any zombies, as awesome as it may be, there are too many zombie roleplays out there and i'm thinking of something else. So if you have an idea for this roleplay, then type down your thoughts below!


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A disease based RP, sounds fairly interesting. I understand why you don't want zombies. To me it seems that if this where just a normal disease that makes people sick/die, the roleplay might get old a little fast. What do you think of an infestation disease of sorts. When an individual gets infected their behaviour starts to change and they begin to grow violent against the uninfected individuals. I am not talking about zombies, but more along the lines of infested terrans from Starcraft. In that manner we could have the story of the doctors and a story about the front line defending against the infected individuals. Either way this seems interesting and may be something I would want to join.


This amazing signature was made by Azura, thanks my friend!

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