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"hey uh, rocketeer? help?"


the rocketeer flew up to the shadow beast and punched it, making it drop the van the rocketeer shot his super lightning at it


*The shadow beast roared loudly, causing the lightning to disperse. It then slapped Rocketeer to the ground.*
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the rocketeer got up


"a tough one eh?"


he shot a beam of light at its face


*The shadow beast began to burn. It shouted at Rocketeer again, splattering him with blood and gore.*
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the rocketeer rasied his other hand and began shooting another beam at it


"i hope this gaurdian armor is easy to clean"he joked to himself


*The shadow beast roared at the sky then exploded in a mess of blood and gore.*
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the vans windsheild whiper cleared the blood


night hawk looked in the back of the van

"doc you ok?'


doc kealing over a bucket uddered



the van continued on with rocketeer following

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the vans windsheild whiper cleared the blood


night hawk looked in the back of the van

"doc you ok?'


doc kealing over a bucket uddered



the van continued on with rocketeer following


(How??? The engine was crushed! Along with the entire front of the vehicle!) Edited by Gilda the Griffin
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(How??? The engine was crushed! Along with the entire front of the vehicle!)


(the engine is in the middle of the van *troll face* plus its a very durible van)


night hawk activated the turret

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Kill-O-Watt merely looked at his giant screen as he saw the shadow ppl roam around. He knew Von Veclkich wasn`t there so he contacted him.

"Veclkich! Where are you!?" He shouted at the screen


Von Veclkich was jumping between rooftops shooting the shadow demons with his own improved lazer gun.

"Sir. I think we have a major problem here!" He flew up with his Jetpack & flew towards the bridge.


Kill-O-Watt smashed on his Chair. He got up & walked towards his weapon table. He grabbed his Cyber Katana & moved it around.

"You don`t s-s-s-say."

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the van came up to the club, it was locked up


"we better see if these guys are ok"

said night hawk


rocketeer spoke up "i got this"


he then phased into the street light and appeared inside the club

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Rain had watched Shadow leave quietly, not wanting to upset him. She'd done enough damage.

When she walked back to the city, however, something was wrong. People were running around screaming wildly, being attacked by shadowy monsters.

Rain looked around in terror, wanting to flee. But she saw an old woman being menaced by an enourmous grinning one and knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't try.

She ran over and grabbed a large hunk of metal, the remenants of a streetlight, and whacked the monster on the back of the head.

"HEY ASSHOLE!" she screamed angrily. But when it turned to her, her face paled. The lady booked for it without thanks, before being crushed by a flying car.

The monster roared.

"Oh 5hit.." thought Rain.

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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Fire looked at the Rocketeer "What you did not think they could get in here so easily did you?"




Shadow was still searching for Rain, getting more frantic by the second.

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Rain had watched Shadow leave quietly, not wanting to upset him. She'd done enough damage.

When she walked back to the city, however, something was wrong. People were running around screaming wildly, being attacked by shadowy monsters.

Rain looked around in terror, wanting to flee. But she saw an old woman being menaced by an enourmous grinning one and knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't try.

She ran over and grabbed a large hunk of metal, the remenants of a streetlight, and whacked the monster on the back of the head.

"HEY ASSHOLE!" she screamed angrily. But when it turned to her, her face paled. The lady booked for it without thanks, before being crushed by a flying car.

The monster roared.

"Oh 5hit.." thought Rain.


*A tall guy with short spiked dirty blond hair ran up and slashed through the shdow monster with bone knives coming from his wrists.* "Are you okay miss?" *He asked Rain*
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Hiccup looked out of his apartment window, and instantly knew, things were wrong. The sky was pitch black, the tower was being struck by strange bolts of lightning, and the streets were in chaos.


"Oh no..." He said, as he ran for the door. But as he tried to open it, it was jammed shut. He tried ramming his shoulder in the door, but it was stuck.


"Perfect..." He groaned, and looked around for another exit out.


Downstairs, he heard some disturbing groaning noises...




Ghost stood on the top of the building, watching the events unfold. The city in chaos, shadowy figures attacking, anomalous weather... This could not be natural...


He ran immediately downstairs, and burst open his apartment door. It was dark, so he quickly turned on all the lights in his rooms, trying to light up the apartment as much as possible.


As soon as he was done, he shook awake David. "Rghmm... Dad?"


He spoke quickly. "I don't have much time."


"Is something wrong?" He was fully awake now.


"Yes. Terribly wrong. Take this." Ghost handed David a short blade, about four inches long. "You have to protect yourself. Barricade the doors and windows. And no matter what, stay in the light."


"Dad! Why are you going?" David pleaded.


"I have to go. I'm sorry, but I have to."


He pleaded again. "Why are you leaving me?!?"


Ghost turned around, and held his son by the shoulders. "David. You're a big boy now... And I'm sorry, but you can't live a normal life. I suppose it's my fault for that..." Guilt began penetrating his emotions, so he quickly changed the topic.


"Hold the blade like this." He flipped the knife and put it in his hand. "Use quick, slicing motions. Aim for the neck."


David nodded.


"I'll be back. I promise." Ghost then left the apartment, and quickly ran for the streets.

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Rain looked at the man, shaken.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine, thanks," she smiled weakly. "You saved my ass there."

She looked at the bone knives. "As per usual I'm the damsel in distress."

Another monster was coming behind them and she launched the metal peice like a javelin into its face, succesfully killing it.

"Any nuclear reactors nearby I can get some powers from?" she grinned weakly.

Edited by PinkieDaShy
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Shadow saw Rain safe with the man "Thank god." he said turning around. "As usual, i leave for 10 seconds and everything goes to 2hiit..." he muttered to himself. He began to walk towards the club "I ought to see how Fire is doing."

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Rain looked at the man, shaken.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine, thanks," she smiled weakly. "You saved my ass there."

She looked at the bone knives. "As per usual I'm the damsel in distress."

Another monster was coming behind them and she launched the metal peice like a javelin into its face, succesfully killing it.

"Any nuclear reactors nearby I can get some powers from?" she grinned weakly.


"I dont think so. Stick with me, Ill make sure you stay safe." *He said.*


"night hawk, drive to that tower, i belive the evil is spawned from there!"


the van started off


*A large bolt of red lightning struck the van, totaling it.*
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