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Wolf Smith

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@,@@arkman575,  *Sigh* OK, but be easy *Night laid the pony down and backed away to me*


If you need me I'll be in here with these two little...grr.


Hi I haven't done anything.


He's your fucking son, you need to teach him stuff!


*Night grabbed me* Don't talk to my father like that...I may not be real, but I can still hurt you....


*I looked at him with wide eyes* Night please..just everyone is tired right now..just calm down please. 

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Wolf Smith,@@arkman575,

Blacklight just rolled his eyes as he stormed out of the apartment and waited for Seth next to the truck. And they think I'm the one who needs to calm down...he  thought as he walked out. Earrvi meanwhile had to deal with Night and Caelan as he said, " If you two can't calm down then get out of my apartment. Blacklight is enough trouble as it is and I don't need you two starting and all out brawl in my apartment.If it isn't one it's another...he thought as stood up and waited for their reply. 

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Night: You know what....I'm leaving. I can't stand here much longer. *he teleported out*


Caelan: Wait!!


Discord: Not so fast Night *He teleports him back in and holds him*


Night: Let me go!


Discord: What happen to...I'll stay at your side Wolf all the time, friend?


Night: ......right....sorry...*You see him smile*


Caelan: Again everyone is tired. We have too much on our minds.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Seth watched Blacklight leave, again. He looked at the others in the room and gave a slight nod. Grabbing the keys to the truck out of Andrew's hands, Seth fallowed the pony down to the truck and unlocked the doors. Hopping into the cabin, he started up the ignition and waited for the pony to jump in.

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Night: Good luck.....I think.


Caelan: Andrew don't you have a bad feeling about this...you know Seth wants to head back and Blacklight could be his only way...you really don't think?


Night: You are over thinking it. Seth wouldn't leave his only friends...right?


Discord *You hear him him the Discord song*


Night: Really?

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Blacklight only grunted as he opened the door and climbed inside, though he found it difficult to fit inside it properly, finally ending up in a slouching postion as he turned to Seth and after a few moments of silence  asked simply, his face a mix of emotions, " Did it hurt...Did it hurt to figure out everything you once thought as real turn out to be a fantasy?" Earrvi was getting tired of the drama as he walked over to couch and placed his hood over his eyes as he said, " Why me...

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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@Why me....the same word I asked before Night snapped out of begin crazy.


Still shocked you hugged me when you first saw me then questioned things.


Hell, I have my very own room in your house and so does Discord.


Why us...A 15 year old and 17 year old. And now a collage student..why 

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Seth pulled out of the parking lot and drove out on the street. "Ya... It did. Tell you the truth, it sill hurts somewhat today." He replied as he turned off towards the desert. After a bit of driving, he stopped the vehicle. They were in the middle of no where. "It hurts knowing that they wrote your life and thought of every sad moment in it; when a loved one passes, a friendship is lost, and so on. What really got to me was that everything that I fought for in my life was worthless now." He looked at the ground of the truck, reliving the first day he showed up here. "I was just a diplomat trying to bridge inter-dimensional worlds. Apparently, there wasn't any world for me to return to." Seth muttered. "Im... sorry for what this must make you feel. I just hope we can find a away back to Equestria."

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@@arkman575,@,  Our whole lives have changed cause of this. Pain to both us, OCs, and our parents. *I start to walk to the door* I'm going to take a little walk, I want be long. *You see a tear on my face*


Wolf are you-


Just stay here....I won't be long, trust me *I walk out the door*


Did he just leave me...again?

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@arkman575,@@Wolf Smith

Tears began forming in Blacklight's eyes as he opened the door of the truck and not even bothering to close it, began to violently bucking the side of the truck as he shouted, " DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT! The injustice of it all!" Earrvi, back at the apartment, rubbed his eyes as he said, " Hey Night, do you know when he'll be back?Ugh...and to think the biggest thing on my mind when I woke up in the morning was making it to school on time.    

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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@I-I don't know....I've never seen him like this.


Don't look at me, I'm just here.



 Do you know Andrew?


Fuck! I thought I would have a normal life, I mean yes this is all fun but- *BZZZZ* Urg! Fucking Steam! *I pull out my phone and look down* Klye, the fuck do you want?


*The message read. Dude what happen heard you got kicked out?*


I don't have time for this. *I took a seat on a bench looking back at my phone, picture started playing, of the time before all this. I turned it off*

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@Wolf Smith, @,


"To be truthfully honest, the only reason I'm still here is because my wolf stole my truck." Andrew said, joining the young adult on the couch. He placed his head in his hands. "Where has our lives gone to where that phrase is beginning to become normal?" He said, shaking his head.




Seth looked at the dash of the truck as he felt each kick against the hard metal. He didn't know exactly what to do. He wanted to help the pony, but he also didn't want to depress him more. There was one thing he could do, and it had been on his mind since all this began. He hoped out of the truck and walked over to where the pony had been kicking it. It was beginning to leave a rather solid dent, but he could buffer that out later.


"Listen, Blacklight... I know this was a lot to take in in one day. I just want to say that you have every right to feel angry. I just ask you one thing. Let me help you find the way home." He replied. It might have been a little cryptic, but he hoped it didn't ruin his potential of him losing the one pony who could help him get back to Equestria.

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@@arkman575Hi lets not get over worked on stuff.


​Grrr...Why must it be me! I didn't say I wanted my OC here...but why do I love it so much! *I start to walk back to the apartment think about what to do.*


I really started to get us to not being real. I mean..this group, Bronies. They seem OK..I mean-


*I walk in* S-sorry....things got to me.


Bah..it's ok.


I forgot you were here.


How do you forget  he's here?


*I took a seat beside Andrew and tried to cheer him up* Come on now Andrew.

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@arkman575,@@Wolf Smith,  

" Getting back to Equestria..." Blacklight echoed, momentarily paused from bucking the truck to glare at Seth, " ...and how do you suppose we do that?! Your no unicorn and neither am I and unless you can magically grow a horn I don't see anyway we are ever getting back...or you know what? Maybe a better question is why bother! Everything I once knew in there turned out to nothing more than something's imagination!" He shouted, closing the distance between him and Seth. As he glared at Seth, tears began flowing freely, though did nothing to calm Blacklight's rage. 

Earrvi closed his eyes, thinking about the day, and slowly opened them as he asked, " So Discord...how did you get here?"

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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@,@@arkman575,  Well one day.


Get some popcorn guys


​Anyways, one day I was looking for Night when he vanished and I just got teleported here, right next to Andrew and Seth....it was so funny. We soon found out Evil Night brought me here to kill me With Everyone else..he had the alicorn amulet.


You remember what that was Earrvi? I know you probably hasn't seen the show in a long time.

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Seth was a little taken back by Black's anger. He had expected a bit of kindness regarding a plan to get home. "Well... our lives belong back there, not in this world. I truly believe that there is a way home, to our worlds where we lived. I have been doing research for the past months on theories of interdenominational travel and it was said that the fulcrum points of some universes collide into coincidental events of others. For instance, it would be like a pony to write a movie about a human society. As for the unicorn, what about Night?"

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" Alright....if you had this idea for a while now, why are you only doing this now...what have you been missing?" Blacklight asked, his voice and gaze softening as he finished venting out most of his anger. Finally venting out the rest of his anger, he slowly sat down and looked away from Seth. So at least there's a small chance I'll get back to Equestria...but at this point...do I even want to go back?

@@Wolf Smith

" Yea, it had been a while..." Earrvi said, smiling sheepishly, "...So maybe you can give me a slight refresher on what it does again?"

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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@,@@arkman575,  Night you want to explain?  


Nah you can


​*sigh* OK the alicorn amulet is one of the most powerful necklaces, besides the one Night is wearing now. The thing has been said to corrupt the wearer and make then made with power, and that Night must have had wore it. The necklace Night is wearing now is one of Luna's necklace, it's to help keep him from turning full evil.


​Sadly that is true

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"Well... I was giving up." Seth replied. I was beginning to think that there was no way home. I did the research, but it only got me more and more depressed as I realized that my heart wasn't in it. However, when you got here, I knew there might be a chance of getting back. We just need to convince Night of allow us to use his magic to get home." Seth said with a slight hope in his voice.



@@Wolf Smith


Andrew sat on the couch, paying the minimal attention he could while still listening. 

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@@arkman575*I walk over to Night and Discord and begin whispering* There's no way.


No way what?


To get you two, Seth, and Blacklight back home. Remember the old Night has the alicorn amulet, so he has so much power to go up to Celestia and kill her if he wanted.


Damn it...he has a point. So how could they get back..cause I'm staying.


Same...wait what about my necklace?


I do not know *We stop and look back up to the two other humans*

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@@arkman575,@@Wolf Smith,

"Well you probably have a better chance at it than I do. I mean like over half the time I've been with him I've been held by his magical grip. It didn't exactly give a good impression." Blacklight growled as he drew his sword and after staring at it for a while, he drove the point into the ground. glancing back towards Seth, he furled his wings and said, " You try and see if you can convince Night...I need some time to think about somethings...alone..." He then gave a few testing flaps as he prepared to take off.


"Alright." Earrvi replied, starting to remember, " Though that still leaves the question of when Blacklight and Seth are going to be back its nearly.." he paused as he glanced at his phone, " ...been two hours now.

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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@,  ​OK we've come to this...we will send Seth and Blacklight home..if...if we can. Discord and Night said they will stay here. Night's necklace should have just enough for them.


@@arkman575,Andrew are you sure you want this...I think Seth has grown on you.


That's why *I pull Night and Discord into a hug* They are staying

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"I understand." Seth said. Giving him a sight nod, he boarded his truck and began to drive back to the town.



@@Wolf Smith,


"What do you mean?" Andrew asked, slightly confused by the three's reaction. "We are sending Seth back? We knew we could have done this and you choose this one moment to tell anyone?" He questioned.

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@@arkman575Well, we never thought we could remember. *I stair at him* So..it's set. Night will try​ to send Seth and Blacklight home, if he can't then...I don't know.


The main thing is..I don't know how much power is in this necklace, all I know is it's Luna's magic.


Well..get them back here...so Night can try the spell.


Ahhhh..I'm going to miss that wolf.


He tried to kill you...how many times?


I know, but it was still fun.

Edited by Wolf Smith

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Blacklight didn't wait for Seth to leave as he took off, not really with a destination in mind. After flying for a few minutes, he settled on one of the nearby clouds and thought to himself, So...what do I want to do? I could stay here, in a strange but real land, being the only one of my kind or I could go back to Equestria and try to come to terms with the fact it's all fake. Well it can't be that fake because I'm here...I'm real...these are my thoughts and no one it controlling me. So doesn't that mean Equestria is real in it's own way as well...Alright it's decided, I'm heading back to Equestria. Raising his head with new determination in his eyes, he took off and after picking up his sword, headed back in the direction of the others.


"Alright but if you had the power to send them back all this time why didn't you tell them the first chance you had?" Earrvi asked, surprised at Cealen's sudden outburst.

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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