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Do You Wanna See the Moonrise?

Minecraft Username: nightfall715


Hello there. I go by many names, but the people at MLP Forums refer to me as the one, the only, Shift. Sometimes, i'm called 'Get off this thread'. Normally, when anybody on here thinks of Woona or Luna, their thoughts drift to me... I hope. As you can tell, after a massive debate between me and my mind in 2012, I have decided Luna and Woona are the best ponies.
In case you can't tell, I'm a girl, which can prove to be quite shocking. If you refer to me as a boy please don't say you're sorry, I really don't give a flying feather about that kind of thing. In any case, I am the self-proclaimed #1 Luna / Woona fan (Mostly Woona), and a Forum Longue / Roleplay regular. If you find yourself here due to a shocking or stupid 4channy post I made, I apologize. Old 4chan habits, which include greentext stories and 'Bel-air' or 'Everybody Walk the Dinosaur'.
What am I interested in? Well, I’m a massive gamer, and recently got into the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. I spent most of my childhood hiding in fear of 'Ecco the Dolphin's Vortex Queen, and playing 90s video games despite not growing up in the 90s. I have my dad to thank for that. I'm a massive fan of Sonic, Ecco, Elder Scrolls, Half Life, Portal, Minecraft PC (I liked it before it was cool!), and Pokémon. Speaking of Pokémon, my childhood was made up of 50% Pokémon, 24% Sonic the Hedgehog, 24% Ecco the Dolphin, and 2% Everything else. I'm also slowly getting into Marvel Movies (Wait... they're owned by Disney?) and Doctor Who (The Master is like one of the bestest villains ever. Only the one in The Sound of Drums, Utopia, End of Time, and Last of the Time Lords though. The other ones aren't as insane.). I've also recently started to love Frozen.

Favorites that Have to do with Ponies:

Overall Best Pony and Princess: Luna / Woona
Season 4 Episode (So Far) and Best Episode: Pinkie Pride
Mane 6: Pinkamena Diane Pie
CMC: Sweetie Belle
Best Filly in General: Diamond Tiara
Best Villain: Queen Chrysalis
Favorite Non-Mane 6 / Secondary Character that is decidedly not Luna: Trixie Lulamoon
Best Background Pony: Minuette
Season 1 Episode: The Stare Master
Season 2: Hurricane Fluttershy
Season 3 Episode: Magical Mystery Cure

Top Ten Best Ponies:

1. Princess Luna (Or Woona, whichever you prefer)
2. Pinkie Pie
3. Trixie Lulamoon
4. Diamond Tiara (Come at me, haters!)
5. Fluttershy
6. Gilda
7. Rarity
8. Queen Chrysalis
9. Minuette
10. Octavia


I ship. A lot. Here are all of the ships I support.
Rainbow Dash x Daring Do
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich (OTP I ship it so hard)
Spike x Rarity
Applejack x 'Soarin
Fluttershy x Discord
Twilight x Pinkie Pie
Lyra x Bon Bon
Vinyl Scratch x Octavia

OC's? Why Not!:

I have two OC's. The first is completely serious, the second is my main OC.

Shift's Hit List:

Become Top Poster []
Become a Crystal Pony []
Become a Pegasus []
Become a Unicorn []
Become Famous [x]
Start a Flame War Thread [x]
Become Friends with a Mod Before they Actually Became a Mod [x]
BONUS POINTS TO ABOVE QUESTION: Props if it was an Admin [x]
Get Interviewed on Poniverse Newsletter []
Get a Banner on the Site [x]
Make Best OC [x]
Ship CD and Feld0 together [x]
Play Cookie Clicker and Kick Ass [x]
Force CD to make an OC [x]
BONUS POINTS TO ABOVE QUESTION: Props if his OC turns out to be a girl []
Force Spoony to make an OC []


"This is all before you get to Christopher Robin, who is unbeatable."
"I wouldn't mind loosing to that damn necromancer rabbit so much if he didn't have that damn smug look on his face as he was pitching those cursed fast>fasterballs at me."
"Instructions? What is this magic you speak of?"
"30/28 on my second try on Tigger, biggest achievement of my life!"
"Pffftt Eeyore?, i will have you know i made it all the way to Lumpy." "Respect."
"Kids need to learn that the universe is an uncaring evil place and that even the nicest seeming inhabitants will cheat and crush your dreams."
"Tomorrow Piglet, I'll finish you off tomorrow. Then I'll show you who hit seven out of eight."
"Every time i hit that ball i can feel my hand crushing my mouse."
"Kanga and Roo can burn in Hell where they belong"
"Thanks, I now hate Tigger with every fiber of my being."
"Taken out of context these comments are f#$%ing hilarious."



Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 4

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hello and welcome to my page.
So you want to know about me? Okay, but I'm not promising anything special
I am a 15 year old male who lives in the UK (an industrial town) and I usually stay in my own home searching through the internet, the sites I usually go on arememecenter, MLP Forums (duh) and YouTube.
My hobbies usually consist of gaming (usually Team Fortress 2, PayDay 2: The Heist and Xcom: Enemy Unknown) but apart from that, I sometimes go out with family members whether it shopping, trips or just visiting another member of the family.

I guess if you want to know abit of a history then feel free to read on:
I first accessed the internet when I was around 10/12 (not sure when exactly) to which the first site I became part of was FaceBook I don't know what I exactly did during that time but I didn't go onto the internet for a while after that to which when I went online again I began finding other sites ranging from Meme Center to other youtube channels, that is when I discovered the Brony fandom to which I joined after watching all two seasons (late 2012) I acted like a complete moron on the internet (I was very ignorant on many subjects) and after a few months (around 6) my internet self became intelligent in the way I give opinions and other things.
around a year in I was enjoying my new found self and decided to make a new account on Meme Center as I was tired of getting replies of my old comments and thus I restarted my internet life.
we are now here late 2013 to early 2014, I am enjoying myself and avoiding many arguments to which I used to get my self into
Fav ponies:

1. Pinkie Pie:

2. Twilight:

3. Fluttershy:

4. Applejack:

5. Rarity:

6.Rainbow Dash:

So you've hopefully read my "about me" page so far, hope you learned a bit about me



Edited by SunDowner
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Fight the power, brother!



Hewwo. :3

Known as Artemis by all, Arty by some, and Eric by fewer still. Call me whichever you please. ^^

So here's the first thing everyone seems to want to know: Twilight is best pony. While Twilight is easily my favorite, Applejack is a close second. This has always been so. Beyond that there is no order. Funny thing is that Rainbow Dash's element is the most important to me and the one I have the most of. You need me and I'll do my best to be there. Seems a little out of character for a wallflower such as myself, I know. Anyone can tell you that I'm a little socially awkward, at least with people I don't talk to very often, but that doesn't mean I don't love ya.  ;)

So that about does it for me and ponies other than I got into the show in May of 2011 after some guy on another forum I frequented told us about it. Marathoned through the first season in an evening and have been in love with the series and fandom ever since. I'm also a big fan of Star Trek, I like to read (Twilight Sparkle guy here), and drink tons of coffee. Can't think of anything else anyone might want to know at the moment.

Drop me a line if you ever want to talk. I'm on Skype too if you want to hit me up there. Just going to warn you now that I own two talkative budgies and they like to chime in during calls sometimes.  :lol:

I'm also on Steam. Have a look at my library and maybe we can play something together.  :D

  • Brohoof 4


Kyoshi made this ^^



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Equestria.tv on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights!
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Just in case:





I am a 19 year old introverted brony with a passion for creative works. I love books and music, and have made mediocre attempts at creating both. I am currently attending college and am in my first year. If you have any questions about anything or if you just want to chat feel free to drop me a message, I don't bite*!

*Results may vary. Batteries not included. Ask your doctor.
My opinions on various ponies (WIP):



Gotta have the best design out of anypony in Equestria. Move aside, RD! What I love most about Rarity (besides that winning complexion) is her overall character. Tabitha St. Germain is one amazing voice actor, and she really characterizes Rarity to the fullest. Also my second favorite color scheme of the mane six. 10/10


Rainbow Dash

Oh, Rainbow Dash. Besides the massive crush I have on you, I just have to say that you're the best flyer ever. I could go on about your color scheme (my favorite), or your super-awesome-tastic voice, but I think you speak for yourself when you say, "I'm awesome!". Let the haters hate, we all know you're right. 10/10


Twilight Sparkle

Princess Twilight Sparkle. Such an adorkable mare! She has really captured my attention with her own silly little charm. Props to Tara Strong on the voice - excellent job characterizing this awesome pone. Twilight is one of the funnest ponies to watch in the show; Her reactions are priceless, and the way she overthinks things... Ahhh carry on being awesome! (Also Alicorn Twilight is best Twilight) 10/10



Fluttershy is generally known as the cutest and most adorable pony in the show. I have to agree, even though her lack of confidence can get a little frustrating at times, she definitely stays close to the heart. One reason I connect with Fluttershy is I used to be very people-shy in my younger years - I can relate a bit in that regard. She has the sweetest voice ever, although her singing voice isn't quite up to par with some of the other Mane 6. 9.5/10



Rock on, Cowgirl! Applejack brings the spirit of the west to Ponyville along with the rest of her Apple family. She has a very unique design (and I just love that hat), and her voice (while sometimes a bit off-putting) is positively endearing. Applejack also adds a bit of mystery & intrigue to the show with the absence of any known living parents. I have to admit, I don't care much for the Apple family or the episodes that feature them very much, and I'm afraid AJ seems to get the worst episodes herself. 9/10


Pinkie Pie

Oh, Pinkie. Pinkie cannot be described accurately in any way other than "Pinkie". She's that sugar-crazed fun loving party cannon bearing fourth-wall breaking buncha lovin'. Her endless jokes, quips, and randimosity while at times can be too over-the-top, are usually a healthy edition to any episode. There's no denying it: Equestria would not be the same if it were not for the presents of the unpredictable Pinkie Pie. And, in the words of the queen of parties herself, "And that's how Equestria was made!9/10




Joined - 10 May, 2013

500 Posts - 17 June, 2013
750 Posts - 24 July, 2013
1000 Posts - 24 August 2013
1500 Posts - 17 February 2014
2000 Posts -

500 Brohoofs - 17 June, 2013
750 Brohoofs - 29 June, 2013
1000 Brohoofs - 19 July, 2013
1500 Brohoofs - 19 August, 2013
2000 Brohoofs - 20 October, 2013
3000 Brohoofs -

2/16 Featured song (Brony-made or otherwise):








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  • GroupMembers
  • Active Posts170
  • Profile Views908
  • Time Online2d 9h 6m 12s
  • Member TitleParasprite
  • AgeAge Unknown
  • BirthdayOctober 15
  • Gender
    female.png Female
  • Location
    Equestria or Meepville* most of the time
  • Personal Motto
    Randomness is awesome!
  • Interests
    *Meepville is a name I gave to the world of my thoughts; I have a very active imagination :D

    Interests: reading, drawing, writing, randomness XD

    • How did you find us?
      Did a search about Rainbow Dash's dwelling-place XD And just decided to join this site.
    • Best Pony: Pinkie Pie
    • Best Race: Alicorn
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Seeing as I'm such a goody two horse shoes I doubt I will need this but just in case.



Welcome to My Profile(In Blue Comic Sans)

Before we get started I would like to tell you a little about myself. My name is John or aceassasin I'm 15 years old I live in Colorado Springs, where I was born and raised I am extremely biased when it comes to my home state because Colorado is the best state and I love everything about it (except the Broncos). I am extremely introverted and I have only a few friends (like 1, I know its sad). I love science and mathematics, and I guess you could call me smart, but I hate to call myself smart(always makes me feel like an ass). Now onto the pony stuff,

now I present to you my Pulitzer Prize winning story: How Ace Became a Brony
It all started last August I had been in Columbus, OH to visit my sister and uncle for a week. The vacation was coming to a close and I had a whole week of dealing with little kids and guess what! Our flight into Denver is cancelled so now we have to wait another day to leave staying in the Best Western by the airport. So that night my frustration and anger had already begun to wear off, and I was browsing Youtube before I went to bed when all of a sudden a thought came to mind, "maybe I should see what this whole My Little Pony thing was all about?" 20 secconds and youtube search later I was begining my first episode "Call of the Cutie" within the first 12 minutes I was all like  :wub: I was hooked. So then when I got home I begged my parents to get Netflix so I could watch all the episodes, thats auround the time when my Mom found out and she was totally cool with it. So in about 3 days I finished all three seasons. fast forward a few months and here I am writing this at 10:52 PM.

Now bring on the lists
and pictures and stuff




Favorites and stuff, Yay!!!

Top 3 Overall Ponies

2. Colgate/Minuette
3. Twilight

Other Favorite Ponies

Mane 6:
1. Rarity
2. Twilight
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Fluttershy5
6. Applejack
1. Sweetie Belle
2. Applebloom
3. Scottaloo

Top 3 Background Ponies
2. Octavia
3. Lyra

Top Villains
1. Auizotl
2. Discord
3. Nightmare Moon
-?. Suri Polomare

Other useful favorites

Favorite episode- "Rarity Takes Manehattan"
Favorite season - 1
Favorite Song - Winter Wrap Up or Apples to the Core

even more other favorites

Favorite non-mlp tv show: South Park, Breaking Bad, Tosh.0, Brickleberry, How the Universe Works.
Favorite band : AC/DC
Favorite Type of Music: 70's
Favorite Song: "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen 
Favorite Movie: Children of the Corn( Not the sh*tty remake!)





If I do get permabanned and you are seeing this in the future...


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