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private the adventures of the shy dragonriding pony moonshy


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"You'll never take Moonshy!" Thunder yelled as he fired a beam at Brom. "I thought you cared about Moonshy, I thought you loved her. But you know what you are, you're a sad, worthless, hypocrite!" Thunder stated firing a lethal beam at Brom almost killing him in one shot. "There, that should teach you!" Thunder stated. Celestia still had Shade in her disabling grip, slowly suffocating him.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


he said well i did but when i realized shade was stronger i played death. moonshy was strong but now she is weak. enough moonshy shouted with a voice that was more like the rcv. her eyes were white hot and she said just one word. deyá the beam that shot out of her hoof was ten times as big as herself. she knocked herself to the wall but she was still screaming all her anger she had in her lethal beam. brom said shade revenge me send a message to the varden.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Moonshy isn't weak!" Thunder stated holding a lethal thunder ball in his hooves. "You're the one who's weak. You're Moonshy's father! You betrayed her for power!" Thunder said stomping on Brom's chest hard knocking the breath out of him. "You get out of Shade's possession or I'll kill you!" Thunder threatened. Rainbow looked on a little concerned.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


moonshy shouted to thunder watch out i am going to get a magical discharge so powerfull all my magic is going away so i have to recover for a week. when thunder was out of the way moonshy made a blast so powerfull the whol e island was blasting away in the blast. moonshy said. be gone in the older language. sudden she understood what she was ment to do. she stopped her beam and took over his mind. she was searching the magical core and took it from brom. she said destruct and brom was never able to use magic again

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"No Moonshy! Don't! If you give up your magic...you'll die!" Thunder said as a tear fell from his face. He still held Brom at killing-point. "Listen to what your daughter has to say. She will sacrafice herself to save all of us. It's all your fault!" Thunder said zapping Brom hard nearly killing him.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


no i don't give it up well i want to see brom use magic. brom tried but he only was standing with his hoof rised further nothing. he said what have you done. i have token youre magic to rebalance the evil and good. she said. cellest here take this it is brom his magic . just make sure he does not get it again.thunder i don't give up my magic but i need to recover from this. so drag me i am going to be in my halfsleep state. she felt in thunder his hoofs

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Celestia took it and broke it into many pieces. "That will ensure it all." Celestia stated. Thunder still held Brom in his magic, which caused him to be unable to use his magic. "No matter how hard you try, you cannot win Brom. Wake up, see how much suffering you caused, all because you wanted to gain power." Thunder stated. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash


he said you all are wrong he said matter blast and sacrificed his body to make one final blast but twilight saw this coming  and teleported them to the canterlot castle. moonshy was still not awoken. but saphira stated the big angry pony was a weak itch he did not had control. he was mad. i have no food that wants to kill moonshy. do you have some wants to kill moonshy so i have food saphira asked friendly wand looking to cellestia with her hard saphirebleu eye

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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(OOC: I have control of Twilight, so unfortunately, I'm gonna have to call you out on goddmodding. Also, I really didn't get your last post. I was unclear and confusing.)


"That means Shade gets away again! We have to go back!" Celestia stated as she teleported them back to where they last were. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash


no saphira stated he is free he was bounded by brom that is why he did so strange. mayby we should ... teleport..... wait what the island is gone how could this happend. saphira asked. one of the eldunari who fused with moonshy said. brom turned his body into a pure magical blast. and just one tiny tiny partical can blow the canterlot castle in once luckily this island is at the other side of the world but we need to get out of here because otherwise you risk to get terrible deseases

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Alright, to the castle." Thunder stated as he teleported them all to the castle. "But does this mean that Shade's dead? Or is he still living, trying to find us?" Thunder asked as he regained some of his power. The princesses were recovering from the spells they used.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


saphira said go to bed i will guard the castle. and shade died in the blast no way he could have escaped. and brom he was a nasty betrayer i am still cooking of anger. the sword of moonshy began to glow his normal yellow glow and moonshy woke up she asked wh what happend

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Well...that's too bad for Shade. He should've listened. Teach that stallion a lesson about when happens when you submit yourself to the dark side." Thunder stated as he held a ball of energy in his hooves and fiddled around with it for a little while. Blitz was wiping his staff. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash


moonshy heard it and said just i knew he was going to die but when i just knew it but now i have no family who cares about me, i am still just filly size and i need to grow. only that would break the influence of the ridergift. so i want to let it be. saphira shall we hunt for some of galbatorix his tamed wizards. 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Hey, I think you already found yourself a family...us." Thunder stated. "All around you. We're not just friends anymore. We're family. We have grown together, trained together and even fought together." Thunder stated as everypony else rounded around Moonshy.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


youre right you are my famliy not the betrayers named brom and sunshade they were just imbalancing the universe. wait i think i get the point what  i have to do. i need to pick evil  magic and replace it with good because it is very unbalanced there is more evil then there is good and i need to start with somepony who lives near severus or is tirek already calmed down

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Moonshy, if there's one thing you'll ever learn, it's this...no matter how much time you take on ridding evil, it will always be there. Ponies aren't perfect and they'll never be. Once you get that concept, you'll truly understand what a perfect balance really is." Celestia stated.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


no i mean the big evils that really imbalance the universe but i do only big evils like brom. get it. but can i live in the castle so i can learn and practice with my magic because you saw a magicla discharg of me making a hole of 20 meters wide. so mayby twilight can help me.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"And so could we." Thunder and Blitz said at the same time. "Remember Moonshy, magic does not come until you fully grasp the concept of control. Without control, you cannot perform magic, because if you lose control with your magic, you could possibly wipe out all of Equestria." Twilight stated.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


no i feel when i get a discharge but i think i know a spell to hold the discharges in only sparks. she said in the older language be tamed. the magic was getting a discharge seconds later but it were only little sparks. moonshy said the power in me is one of te most powerfull ones in equestria because elfmagic combined with the almost unlimited big source of the eldunari is resulting in this but i will give the princesse one third of my magic because i want to give. so they feel how big eldunari magic is. moonshy defused one third of her magic and made it into 4 sepparate gems she said fuse to the gems and they fused in the horns of the princesses

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"You can't use a spell to simply tame your magic." Twilight stated as she lit her horn and undid the spell Moonshy performed on herself. "Even if that spell is used to tame your magic for you, that's not how it works." Twilight stated. "Twilight's right Moonshy. You have to work at taming and controlling your magic. In fact, on that day when I got my ability to wield electricity, I started practicing on how to keep it under control." Thunder stated.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


but when i get a big discharge i can blow up the whole castle and i don't want it. twilight how did you get youre magic under control? i need to know because otherwise i might hurt myself or others. the biggest eldunari stated we will help you control it but you need to accept.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I just continued to practice at it. Nopony can make you tame your magic. Only you can." Twilight stated. "When I first used my magic, it was hard to control. Celestia taught me that control is the key. Just because you're still little doesn't mean that you can't control your magic." Twilight stated. Thunder gathered some electricity and his body started to glow. He then shrunk down a few sizes. He was revealed in his younger form.


(OOC: Here's what Thunder looks like in his younger form: filly_thunder_dash_by_pikachu25sci95vt-d

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@@C. Thunder Dash


moonshy said how did you do that. well uhm luna cellestia twilight anc=d cadance. make sure you touch the gems when you want to fuse their magic with you. it is some of mine but not too much because i still almost can't control it. she tried to teleport and stand next luna the teleport to her began good till she used a little too much and she stood in ponyville and between the trees and she said. how wonderfull the rest i can stay here for ages and still have no idea about the outside world.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder teleported to where Moonshy was and teleported her back to where the others were. "You gathered a little too much there. The more magic you gather when you want to teleport, the farther you'll go from your current location. And I used an age spell on myself." Thunder stated.  

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