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private the adventures of the shy dragonriding pony moonshy


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@@C. Thunder Dash


but they don't have elf books like the domia abr wyrda.  and this is only a small section look at this she pulled a lever and a stair in the ground apeared. that room was twice as big as the canterlot castle. she saidhere are the most rare dangerous and strangest books ever made. this collection contains every book that is made

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I've seen this collection before. When I visited the Castle of the two sisters, I actually saw books that even contained tutorials on how to perform dark elf magic." Twilight stated.


(OOC: You're kinda doing that Mary Sue thing again, making Moonshy look all perfect with revealing stuff.) 

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@@C. Thunder Dash


(no oromis had a big collection and moonshy owns the house of him now)


well uhm i am going to bed. saphira could you please blow the furnace on so we can sleep comfortable. saphira did and she took her sleeping place. moonshy felt in sleep.


at midnight she got a nightmare that she lost saphira in the battle against brom 

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder went to comfort Moonshy and slept with her. Rainbow had a dream about her becoming a very powerful sword fighter. Luna was up and in Moonshy's dream. She cast Brom away and revived Sapphira in the dream to return it to a pleasant dream.


(OOC: I know, but it seems like you're making Moonshy rich, a dragonrider and...you know.)

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@@C. Thunder Dash


ooc she is not rich she only has a good house from oromis. 


moonshy thanked luna. 


she woke up just before sunrise and was going to her writing room. she wrote a spell to make it better because that one only was temporarely. she said in the elflanguage when the betrayals are under us this magic will make them glow and bound them till we found tem. the energyflow was felt around the whole house. she thought no this is not it.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Twilight sensed the magic and woke up. She found Moonshy trying to write the spell. "I'm afraid you cannot make a spell that bounds someone until we find them. That's not possible. However, you can temporarily weaken them with a simple spell." Twilight said lighting her horn and casting a spell on the enemy, that weakened them for one and a half years.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


no that is not it i want to find the betrayers and weaken them and make them glow so we find them. she was writing and suddenly she got an idea what if. when betrayers are about to betray they will be weak and glowing. the spell made something in moonshy tingle like a bell. she said twilight i have formuled a new spell you helped me. well thank you.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Oh...you're welcome." Twilight said unsure of how she helped Moonshy. Thunder heard the talking and woke up. He found Moonshy and Twilight. "Oh, good morning you two...and oh...Moonshy, I see you're trying to make some spells." Thunder stated as he went to see what Moonshy was writing.  

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"Oh...you're welcome." Twilight said unsure of how she helped Moonshy. Thunder heard the talking and woke up. He found Moonshy and Twilight. "Oh, good morning you two...and oh...Moonshy, I see you're trying to make some spells." Thunder stated as he went to see what Moonshy was writing.

moonshy said uhm I want to meditate but you can do what you want. The elfs were back in their city and one came to the house and waited for moonshy to come while she was talking to the princesses. Moonshy came back and said arya and hugged her arya how did you came here. She said look at this I am a rider now.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"Wait...how did Arya become a rider? If she found a dragon, where did she find it?" Thunder asked as she continued to hang with Twilight and the others. Twilight had a confused look on her face. "Wait a second! I thought you had to be spiritually chosen to be a dragon rider." She said.  

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"Wait...how did Arya become a rider? If she found a dragon, where did she find it?" Thunder asked as she continued to hang with Twilight and the others. Twilight had a confused look on her face. "Wait a second! I thought you had to be spiritually chosen to be a dragon rider." She said.


yes I am chosen by firnen the green dragon came to them. He was a male and had a voice like a earthquake he said well rider we are you're pupil. What do we need to learn. Moonshy learned the elf everything she knew

continued to train her ability to fly and it was going even beter then saphira she was more a master of the sky and flew as fast as rainbow dash


sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Thunder continued to train and so did Blitz. He had already flown beyond the sound barrier. In fact, he nearly hit hyper-sonic speeds. With those speeds, he could easily fly through rock and steal and not be seriously injured. Blitz had also developed his telekinetic abilities.  

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Thunder continued to train and so did Blitz. He had already flown beyond the sound barrier. In fact, he nearly hit hyper-sonic speeds. With those speeds, he could easily fly through rock and steal and not be seriously injured. Blitz had also developed his telekinetic abilities.


moonshy became stronger but she lost control of her magic sometime because she is very powerful she said to twilight can I give some of my magic to you it is too,much to handle please can you help me dealing with it it is difficult. Firnen and saphira were playing in midair like children

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"You can't give me some of your magic. It won't do anything. Because your magic is a different type, it was cause an interference " Twilight stated. "You have to learn how to control your magic Moonshy. I can help you but it will only go so far." Twilight stated. 

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"Wait...how did Arya become a rider? If she found a dragon, where did she find it?" Thunder asked as she continued to hang with Twilight and the others. Twilight had a confused look on her face. "Wait a second! I thought you had to be spiritually chosen to be a dragon rider." She said.


moonshy said but twilight do you remember when you got all the alicorn magic and you were discharging all the time. That is now happening with me. Sudden a demon attacked them and threw moonshy to a nearby mountain. She turned into anger she said how dare you to throw me away big thing I know you are upset because somepony brought you here but don't destroy anything here I will send you back the demon said with his nasty voice thank you rider it is far too cold for me here

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"I wasn't discharging all of the time. That was only when the three other princesses drained all of their magic to me so that it wouldn't go to Tirek. It was hard to control at first, but eventually I was able to manage it and almost beat Tirek." Twilight explained as she sat down.  

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"I wasn't discharging all of the time. That was only when the three other princesses drained all of their magic to me so that it wouldn't go to Tirek. It was hard to control at first, but eventually I was able to manage it and almost beat Tirek." Twilight explained as she sat down.

moonshy said but twilight if four eldunari as powerful as a elf and elfs are more powerful then unicorns fuse with my own I have a overload of magic and that happened. But uhm shall we fo to cd to it is a week further. Twilight uhm how uhm what. Is it like when you become an alicorn uh how does that feel. They heard a loud bang coming from arya her room we need to go there. Arya ssaid nothing to be worried only a little experiment what is a little bad going I want to make a fuse that burns with 16m/s.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"But then, they must've sacraficed all of their magic and put it into you. So you did go overload. You may still be having aftereffects, but the overload period should be done by now. Something's up." Twilight stated as she took a good look at Moonshy all around.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


they did twilight they fused all their magic and knowledge together with me. but i am still discharging sometimes but far more less then first remember. she thought by herself and said it hmm mayby if i can make a spell to help controlling my magic. at that moment arya came and shouted murtagh has raised. we must go to surda now. well saphira moonshy said it is time let's go and say it to the others.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"The discharges still have effect, but as time goes by, they will wear down. Your body still has not gotten used to all of the power that has been fused with you Moonshy." Twilight stated. Thunder continued to watch and listen. Soon, Blitz woke up and found the three.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


moonshy shouted to all the ponies it is time we need to go to surda murtagh has rised and is spotted in the city aroughs. as she climbed on saphira she said to the sword come here and it floated toward her. i will wait in the sky above us. she flew up with saphira and prepared for the flight.



well well my little unicorn shall i let you ga and take youre wings as trophy or kill you. the unicorn said no don't do it. murtagh said cruel to late i decided. he killed the pony and took her and raised her to see his new trophy. hahaha. well this one is out of my way. i only want to have a alicorn as my slayerpartner hmhmhmhahahahah.

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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Everypony woke. Thunder sensed something. "I think...he just...killed a unicorn..." Thunder said as his anger began to rise again, Blitz grabbed his staff and Rainbow grabbed her sword. "A mass teleportation would work best." Celestia stated as she lit her horn when everypony came. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash


noo moonshy shouted don't do that will cost too much magic. i think if i do this *she used a magical spell in her mind to make all the ponies as fast as sound* we will be there in a few hours. but gasp her cutia mark did it again while she tried to stop channeling magic

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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"It won't do anything." Celestia stated as she ignored the spell and teleported them to their destination. She was not affected by the loss of the energy. "Well...that went well." Thunder stated as he looked around. He was still angry at the fact that the foe killed a pony.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash


murtagh was gone and was going towards the next bigger city were the razac lived but are now gone forever. he took the hellgrind as his castle and was making his sword sharper and sharper moonshy stated. well we can not teleport to the hellgrind that is too dangerous there is magic and it wil teleport us to the sharp edges of the hellgrind

sneaky sneaky i am cow



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