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Empire Of The Sun: Phase One


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Empire Of The Sun

by @Royce




OOC / Sign-up thread: LINK






It is by it is great honor for me to tell you that you've been chosen to lead this expedition, on behalf of the Viceroality of the New Equestrian Empire. We seek a treasure of great importance, an artifact. We want you and your chosen group members to bring it back, at all costs.


However, we're not the only one's trying to seek this artifact. Rumor is that numerous warlords, of whom you personally know after the fiasco at Olympus, have chosen to go behind our backs, to betray us, and are now trying to claim the artifact for themselves, in order to sell it on the black market, and to humiliate the Empire. They must not succeed! The Viceroality will not allow it!


You're going to set up camp at the Einhorn Fortress once you arrive near the coast of the Amaranthine Jungle, where you will be given further instructions.


Don't disappoint us, or we'll have you in the gutter. This is your last chance.


- Pyre







It was a bright day, and the clocks were striking 13. Royce had just left his house located near the market, where merchants and local ponies were doing business, just as usual. The streets were packed, which made it almost impossible for him to make his way through to the coast. "Bloody hell, why did I have to get up this early!" He roared, whilst pushing his way through the almost never-ending crowd of individuals.


After a couple of minutes, he had reached the docks. What stood before him was a giant ship, presumably a war galleon since it had cannons on each side of it. It was a marvellous ship, newly painted by the looks of it. He then proceeded with getting onboard and entering the captain's cabin.


"What a beauty." He said for himself, right after glazing around the cabin. It was an bright lit room, packed with old maps, candles and various weapons hanging from the walls.


He then quickly made his way out, closing the door behind him with his right back leg, anxiously waiting for the others, whom all had by now received the red letter.

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    Incognito walked along the rooftops above the crowded streets. He thought to himself as he walked, This better not be another trap. The one thing that troubles me is that... How did who ever sent me this letter know how to contact me. Who ever sent me this will have to answer some questions. Incognito flew to the top of a large tower and looked around. Now where are the docks He thought as he looked around. Incognito saw a large boat in the distance and flew to the lower building. 

Edited by Times Core

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Whilst patrolling the outer perimeter around the ship, Royce quickly noticed a shadow quickly jumping from roof to roof in the distance. His first thought was that of a bird, perhaps. But then he realised that he had contacted someone special, someone quick.


"Well, he ain't late." He quickly said to himself before adjusting his black cape.


Royce had encountered numerous assassins before, some of whom he had worked with or worked against. He knew most of their tricks, most of their techniques. But you never knew what they might have up in their sleeves.

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Ugh...i hate crowded places...

Lightwing was walking through a crowded street,when she moved to an empty alley

Whatever it was the one who sent me this card,he knows me,and well...

While she was thinking,a pony appeared from nothing

"What's doing a little mare so alone through this alley?You don't know that this is my territory?You have to pay...with your life!"

At the moment that he attacked,she quickly moved,and threw one of her daggers to one of his hoofs,and then she tied him to a nearly post

"With that will be enought..."

She picked up the dagger,and followed up the road to the docks through the roofs

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Whilst keepin' an eye at the roof, Royce noticed another individual coming towards the docks. "This must be another one." He said, whilst leaning against a brown crate besides him.


Royce had in the past week sent numerous "red letters" to different ponies, whom each had different skills which he desired. Stealth, medical and brute force. All valuable traits that would be needed inside the Amaranthine Jungle, a place you didn't want to underestimate, ever.


He had been planning this trip for over a month, down to the smallest detail. Once all the group members had been assembled, it was time to make their move.

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Incognito jumped from roof to roof until he reached a large building that was blocking his path. He flew up to the top of the building and looked around. He saw a mare running across the roofs. hmm I wonder if running on the roofs is normal here Incognito thought before continuing too the dock. He saw the giant boat coming closer into his view, He saw a large post and pulled out his grapple. He used his grapple to swing across a large gap that he could not jump across. He land and flew up to another tall tower and tried to catch his breath. He took of his sunglasses and wiped the sweat from his brow. Now I see why she didn't want me to wear my mask... It is boiling here He thought as he put his sunglasses back on.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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By now, the individual, that had before jumped from roof to roof like a maniac, was close enough so that Royce could recognise him. "Jolly good, it IS him." He quickly said to himself, before shouting towards the building a couple of meters away from the docked war galleon:


"Hey, you up there! Quit playing Zorro and get down here!" 


He then proceeded to get off the ship and walk towards the big building, constantly looking up towards the individual, whom he now could see, clearly.


"Did you hear me, Incognito?!"

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As Eddie dosent recieve mail that often, when he got a red letter he thought it was from the goverment.

When he read it, he was intrigued by the letter, the thought of an ancient artifact and lost treasure really made him say yes right away and start packing.


After packing the neccesary gear he locked the door behind him, took a deep breath, unfolded his wings and flew torwards the instructed location of the docks. After some time Eddie saw a big boat in the distance, he landed on the ground and walked torwards it asuming its the one he has to get on "looks like they really want that artifact"

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Incognito looked down. How does he know my name? Maybe he is a friend of the royal family He thought  before jumping down to the individual. Incognito just stared at him saying nothing. He took off his sunglasses and had a stern look on his face. Who is this? What does he want?Hopefully questions that will be answered soon. He thought before putting back on his sunglasses and saying " I'm guessing your the one who sent letter." Incognito pulled out the red letter

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Royce quickly noticed the two ponies and walked up to them, greeting them with a simple salute:


"I assume you both are my newly appointed group members. You both seem.. sharpened." He said whilst cracking a quick smile, revealing his sharp front teeth.


"Well, the both of you better get onboard the ship and pick a cabin, because we're taking off sooner than later. I don't want to be waiting here for an eternity!" He quickly snapped.

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She jumpred from the roof,and then she removed her cloak,to reveal a sapphire mane with a red ribbon wrapped at one side

"You sent me this letter for something.Can i know why?"



She looke at the new pony who arrived,and what the green pony called Incognito

"So...you're Incognito,huh?Did you received the same letter then,huh?"

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@@Royce, @, @@Eddie, @@Lightwing,


Agririon stalked along the road lit by daylight, his wraithcloak swirling around him, revealing only a skeletal mask. Being overlooked by most ponies on his way over, he grumbled once again about his luck. Of course he would get the letter. Not White, not Shadow, nooo. They had asked for him by name. By his name. Which means that this was serious, or this was the result of some sort of cult that had actually done its research. Which, if it was the latter, would result in Death receiving new souls by the end of the day.


A few minutes later, he found himself stalking into a boatyard, several smaller ships dwarfed by one of the biggest ships that he had ever seen- not counting airships, he had seen quite enough of those, thank you. He walked onto the boarding plank before he thought better and hammered his scythe against the side of the boat before storing it beneath his cloak, quickly. "Anyone here?" he shouted in a grinding voice. "And, if anyone is here, anyone with the authority for me to come aboard in a courteous manner?"

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Royce then noticed a third pony landing on the surface besides him, instantly wanting to know more about the letter she had received. He quickly cleared his throat:


"You'll all be given further instructions once we're onboard the boat, now get a move on and find a cabin. You'll all be told what the letter was for soon." He said in a raspy voice.


Royce then turned around and proceeded to walk towards the ship, quickly noticing someone on it's top deck.

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Another land, another adventure

Atlas walked the market his griffon-made sword at his side and fez on his head. He had a ship to catch. He pushed merchants trying to sell him random junk aside.

"No thank you"

"I'm not interested"

"Some other time"

He entered the dock area which was large to say the least. Now where was the ship he needed? It wasn't hard to find. It was large with cannons on each side. That's never a good sign... He walked up the gangplank to the top deck.

"Appears I'm not the only one here" He mumbled

"Permission to come aboard!" He shouted to no one in particular.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Incognito looked at the mare and said "yes.... but your not suppose to know that" Incognito walked to the large boat and walked aboard. He found a cabin that was empty and entered. He looked at a table and took his hatchet. He swung it and stuck it into the table. He then set his crossbow on the table and yawned. He was sweaty, tired, and melting. He already hated this 'mission'.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Eddie stared at him as he was talking, he noticed his sharp teeth then he awnsered with a playful salute and with no facial expressions "Eddie...6th batalion regiment of the royal navy...im kidding, i never wanted to fight for anything...anyway, captain! where are we goin to sail? the letter said someting about an artifact" (im sorry this post was too short)

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Of course. No one here. He sighed and turned around, fully intending to leave, yet he paused at the sight of a griffon touching down and bellowing for permission. He turned away, and was about to step off of the Gangplank when he paused just before walking into another pony, his essence and cloak bursting away from him to avoid phasing through. That would prove... interesting. Perhaps he should try it sometimes.


"Are you someone of importance on this ship?" he asked, trying to remain polite. And patient.

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With everyone in his line of sight, Royce quickly climped on top of a brown crate and folded his hoofs over one another. 


"I assume you're all wondering why I've called upon you.. Well, there's a very simple explanation. I've dug through your history, your skills and your desires. And therefor I've chosen you as my group members, on this long journey. We're looking for an artifact of great importance to the Viceroality!" He said in an almost patriotic voice, proudly saluting everyone.


"Now, those of you that don't want to participate in such a mission, say so and say it.. now. I am going to be your Captain, your leader - and I won't be carrying nopony home that didn't want to go in the first place."


Royce was known for "weeding out the weak", so this was an excellent opportunity to do just that.

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"You can trust on my fidelity,Royce(?).I'll not leave anypony here,and i'll not leave until we find that artifact"






As she entered the boat,she started to read again the letter...

"Amarantine Jungle...one of the most mysterious places on the world...that artifact is not important.The important are those lost culture who inhabit that place..."

She entered a random empty cabin,and then she removed everything,but her red ribbon

"You always gave me luck.I hope this time too,Dreamspace..."

She sat at the bed and stared at the roof,thinking on what could she discover

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Incognito looked at him and said "May I ask a question? How were you able to get a hold of my history?" Incognito said with a stern look. He tilted his head and then looked at the others. He thought to himself something is really fishy about this guy. And not just because he is captain. Incognito took off his sunglasses and looked over to Royce. His purple eyes gleamed in the light.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Royce noticed the question from someone in the crowd and looked towards the both of them, from on top of the crate. He cracked a quick smile whilst his yellow bat-like eyes began to glow.


"I have my sources and I have my methods. Not something for you to worry about, for rest sure that you'll all be paid in valuable items, far beyond of what anyone of you have ever seen before."


.. "If you do the job right, of course. Why? Is there something you dislike about me, my dear fellows."

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@@Royce, @


Agririon blinked once. An adventure? Huh. How interesting. Yet, he could not say yes to his adventure just yet. There were several questions that needed answering. Such as...


"I agree with this pony standing next to me. How did you learn enough about me to uncover my true name? It certainly is not in any history books, I can assure you of that. And treasure holds no bar over me."

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((Atlas is a pegasus. Not a griffon. He just has a griffon sword))

"No I am not important. I"m just here as crew" Atlas listened to his captain's speech.

"Um...Yes how did you get a hold of our histories? I'm fairly certain at least some of us including me have a fairly quiet stories"

Atlas was uneasy. This pony couldn't know about him too much. He never spouted out his tales of adventure . though sure he had gotten some stuff For the Royal Museum but still.

"And what of these sources you speak of?"

  • Brohoof 1

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Incognito looked at the pony who ask basically the same question. Incognito thought about how he could have gotten his Classified information. "My history no matter how little I know of it is suppose to be classified, unless you have connections with the royal family you could have never gotten it" Incognito put back on his sunglasses.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Royce  Times Core


Eddie was looking and listening to the captain's speech as he finished Eddie mumbled to himself silently 'he looks like he belongs somewhere in the cabbage patch' Eddie then looked over to the black pony that to him seemed like he really has skeletons in his closet if he's paranoid of his history, as Eddie was about to ask about the reward the captain already awnsered it "oh....alright then, the reward is something to die for, but im starting to think the empire will not give me that reward, instaed it will stab me in the back and throw me into the dungeons" Eddie said to himself not realizing he said it

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