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private A New Future (1x1 RP)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Ariel giggled, still with a few lingering joyful tears in her eyes as she nuzzled Thunder affectionately. "I knew you could win it, Daddy. You're the best!" she said earnestly, holding on tightly to him as he hugged her. "And I love you too, Daddy..." she added as she thought of the picture in the sky, fresh tears of joy welling in her eyes.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"I love you too...my little angel." Thunder stated as he hugged his daughter. Some ponies cheered at this. Celestia stepped forward. "You never cease to amaze me Thunder Dash." She said with a smile. "Princess!" Thunder said bowing to her. "No need to bow every time you see me...it's not a formal event." Celestia stated.  

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Ariel's ears twitched up when she heard the warm, motherly voice of the solar princess, immediately turning her eyes towards its source. "P-Princess Celestia..." She stared up at Celestia, having never seen her up close before. The filly was astounded by the alicorn's beauty for several moments, before she remembered the proper way to respect royalty and broke the stare, bowing her head respectfully.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"I guess your little filly has never seen me before." Celestia stated. "Yeah...this is Ariel." Thunder stated. "Ariel...why that's a beautiful name. You must be very happy to have Thunder as your father." Celestia said with a smile. Rainbow and Blitz had already bowed to the princess.

Edited by C. Thunder Dash
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Ariel slowly looked up at Celestia once more, her ears folding down; her timid streak always showed through whenever she was around ponies she didn't know - and especially Princess Celestia, of all ponies! She did blush slightly at the compliment, but when she opened her mouth to speak, all that came out was a tiny squeak before she merely settled for nodding her head in response to the princess's statement.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's okay little one. I won't hurt you." Celestia said kneeling down and nuzzling Ariel gently. "See Ariel. The Princess of all of Equestria likes you." Thunder said happily. Rainbow and Blitz smiled at this display of affection from the princess. Thunder watched the entire scene.  

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Ariel closed her eyes and tensed up at first, trembling a little when the Princess knelt down to her level as she didn't know what the alicorn - whose size seemed especially intimidating to the small filly - was going to do. Then when she felt herself being nuzzled, she opened her eyes and looked at Celestia. She relaxed a little then, knowing that the Princess wasn't going to hurt her; instead, the Princess seemed to even like her! At that, she gave a small smile, relaxing a bit further.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Celestia laid down by Ariel's side. By now, the Colosseum had cleared. Cleaner ponies were going row by row, cleaning up the popcorn and any other thing that was spilled on the ground. Thunder laid beside Ariel. "I am pround of both of you. I'm pround of you Thunder...for overcoming your self-doubt, winning this competition and taking Ariel as your own daughter, for I know that she had a very rough past. And I'm proud of you Ariel...for you have taken the steps to overcome all of the barriers in your life." Celestia said snuggling with Ariel. Celestia really had nothing to do...unless a royal guard came and reported something.  

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"Th-Thank you, Princess..." Ariel said softly, giving Celestia another little smile. She gingerly nuzzled the princess in return, in turn finding that Celestia's ethereal-looking mane was in actuality very soft to the touch, almost like silk. Her pristine white coat was also soft, so clean and perfectly groomed... and so snugglable. The filly snuggled with Celestia, feeling somewhat more comfortable.

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"See...although Celestia is the ruler of Equestria, she's got the time to love and cuddle a little foal like you." Thunder stated. "You got that right Thunder." Celestia said with a giggle. "But we can't stay here...why don't we go over to your house." Celestia said, getting up and cradling Ariel. 

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Ariel twitched her ears cutely as she smiled up at Celestia, her small, scruffy tail flicking back and forth happily. It hadn't taken long for the filly to realize just how loving and caring the Princess of the Sun truly was, which made it considerably easier for her to warm up to Celestia. She nodded when the princess mentioned heading to their home.

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@@Miss Reaper


Thunder and Celestia got up. "Lead the way Thunder." Celestia stated still holding Ariel. She then put her on her back. Thunder took off, Rainbow and Blitz followed the two. Thunder veered left. "Here's a little shortcut." Thunder stated as he flew though some clouds, He weaved though them and so did Celestia, Rainbow and Blitz. 

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Ariel held onto Celestia, taking the opportunity to gently grab and hold a couple locks of the princess's soft, ever-flowing mane. As per usual, the filly spread her relatively tiny wings as the rest of them flew, wanting to feel the breeze in her soft downy feathers; it was a good feeling, for certain.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder made a right and they were at the house. Celestia landed. Thunder opened the door. Storm Rush was still on his shift. "I guess Storm is gonna be in late tonight." Thunder stated. "Your house is very organized Thunder." Celestia complimented. "Boy...Ariel is really attached to me...perhaps I can sleep here with her and Thunder for tonight..." Celestia thought to herself.  

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Meanwhile, Ariel still found Celestia's mane to be an object of fascination as she wondered how it could still be flowing the way it did even where there was absolutely no breeze. She took hold of one lock of the ethereal pastel-rainbow mane gently, carefully pulling it taut before releasing it, watching as it drifted back into its previous position. She let out a little giggle, apparently both amused and fascinated by this.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Celestia giggled as Ariel played with her mane. "You must be fascinated with my flowing mane! It's been like that all my life." Celestia said still giggling. "I'm gonna fix dinner." Thunder stated as he went to the kitchen. The competition nearly took all day. Thunder and Blitz had gotten some concessions items, which was enough to keep them stable until dinnertime.  

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"Really?" Ariel said curiously, looking at Celestia before looking at her flowing mane once more. "How does it do that, though?" She grabbed hold of another lock of the princess's mane, examining it. The hairs seemed like normal hairs, she noticed, and yet they were light and silky at the same time, capable of drifting about even without the presence of a breeze or wind.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's magical. Because I was born from the creators of the galaxies, my mane retains the magic of the stars. It used to be pink when I was a foal, but now...it's tri-colored." Celestia explained as she continued to cuddle with Ariel. "I'm so glad you could come over Celestia. You seem like a family member to Ariel." Thunder complimented. "Thank you Thunder. You know...since Equestria has been going through a great time of peace...I could make this my staying place." Celestia stated.


(OOC: Making a lot of accommodations for Ariel! :D Celestia would then be Ariel's step-mother.) 

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(OOC: Awesome! :D )


"Oooh," the filly cooed when she heard that explanation from Celestia, even more fascinated than she had been before. She then perked her ears when Celestia mentioned possibly staying at their house, her expression brightening a little. "R-Really?"

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Yes. Now that Discord is redeemed and my student Twilight Sparkle is a princess, there's nothing else really for me to do." Celestia stated as she cooed Ariel lovingly. Thunder soon called for dinner as the whistling from the tea pot could be heard as well. "Oh! Dinner! " Celestia said happily as she got up. "Come on Ariel! You father called for dinner." Celestia stated to Ariel.  

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Ariel got up as well, trotting alongside Celestia. Although, a certain name struck her as odd, and it got her curious. She looked up at the princess, tilting her head as she asked, "Princess, who is... Discord?" It seemed that there were many things she was unaware of, not having had the chance to learn of these things.

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"Oh...well...Discord was actually the ruler of Equestria before all of this was made. It was way before you, Thunder and the rest of the family were born. He was a bad guy who only wanted to make chaos, but life can't go with chaos. So...my sister, Luna, and I defeated him with The Elements of Harmony." Celestia stated. "...Which now me and five other ponies, including Princess Twilight wield." Rainbow stated. "That's right Rainbow Dash." Celestia said with a smile. "He came back and Rainbow and her friends defeated him again. It was then I noted how Discord's magic could be very useful. I gave Fluttershy, one of Rainbow's friends the task of reforming him, which she succeeded." Celestia explained. 

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Ariel listened to the tale of Discord, again finding herself absolutely fascinated. She could hardly even begin to imagine anything taking place so long ago, so far before their time, but the images she formed in her mind were spectacular all the same. Her interest peaked yet again at the mention of the Elements of Harmony, especially the fact that Rainbow was the bearer of one of them. "Elements of Harmony...? You have one, Mommy?"

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@@Miss Reaper,


Celestia used her magic and made Rainbow's Harmony Necklace appear around her neck. "Loyalty." Rainbow stated as her necklace gleamed. Celestia then used her magic and made the necklace disappear. "The rest of them are Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Magic." Thunder stated. "You're such a show-off Thunder." Princess Celestia said with a teasing giggle. "Sorry." Thunder stated. "No need to be." Celestia said with another giggle. 

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Ariel's eyes widened when she saw the Element appear around Rainbow's neck. Amazed by the appearance of the necklace, she reached out to touch it, almost as if to see if it were real. No sooner did her hoof touch it was it spirited away again by Celestia's magic. "...?" She made a questioning sound as she looked to where the necklace had been.

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