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private A New Future (1x1 RP)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Ariel seemed to relax somewhat at the assurance, though she was still nervous about traveling so far out of Ponyville. Yet at the same time, she knew that Thunder was right in that she couldn't just stay in the same place all of the time. Getting out a little would be good for her, she tried to reason with herself, trying to reassure herself further.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder came to sit at the table and so did the others. "So Storm,did you hear? Stocks for the weather factory have skyrocketed." Thunder stated. "Whoa! I didn't even know that." Storm stated. "Stocks are loads of money that the factory puts out every day. It is a good thing when they are high." Rainbow explained. "Indeed it is. Storm is doing a great job at the factory." Celestia stated.  

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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Ariel fluttered her wings, hovering up so she could climb onto her seat at the table. She perked her ears curiously at the mention of stocks, tilting her head when she heard the explanation. Since it was meant to be a good thing, she gave a smile at the news.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder and Blitz quickly finished eating and sat down. He then gathered some electricity and made his laptop appear. He then started to look through his picture folder. The first picture pulled up was a picture of Blitz in a clean diaper, with a deep redline across his muzzle. Thunder burst out laughing.  

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Again, little Ariel didn't touch her food. She found herself feeling sick to her stomach rather than hungry, despite having not eaten anything in a considerable amount of time. She then looked towards Thunder and Blitz, curious as to what Thunder was laughing about. She fluttered her wings and lifted herself from her seat... only for a sudden dizziness to strike, which caused the hovering filly to crash to the floor.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder stopped laughing once he heard a little thud. "Wait...Ariel...are you...okay?" Thunder asked as he saw the little filly stumbling a bit. Rainbow had a bit of a worried look on her face and so did Storm and Blitz. "She may be a little sick..." Celestia said as she got up.  

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Ariel slowly climbed back onto her shaking hooves, only to sway unsteadily and fall over once more. She clenched her eyes shut as she laid there, not bothering trying to get up again as she still felt dizzy. "D-Daddy..." she whimpered, starting to shiver a little. "I... I don't feel very good..."

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Maybe your stomach is sick. Hmmm, the doctor does have medicine, but it doesn't work that well...perhaps we could take her to Zecora. She has herbs for almost every sickness." Thunder stated. "That's a great idea. First we'll go to Zecora's and then come back here and stay to make sure Ariel is well. We could then travel to the Crystal Empire." Celestia stated. "Hey! Great minds think alike!" Thunder said. "There's only one problem...Ariel may be scared of the Everfree Forest." Rainbow said with a slight frown. "You may be right, but we'll be here to protect her." Storm stated.  

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Ariel's shivering grew more pronounced at the mere mention of a doctor as she let out a whimper. Her flattened ears then perked slightly at the mention of someone named Zecora as she wondered who that could be. Was she a doctor, as well? A different kind of doctor, perhaps. But her eyes opened wide for a moment when the Everfree Forest was brought up; if there was one thing she did know, it was that the Everfree Forest was a dark place filled with the frightening unknown.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's okay Ariel. We will all go and we will all protect you, especially your father Thunder Dash." Celestia stated as she got up off the table and waited. Rainbow and Blitz were ready. Thunder was washing the last of the dishes. "Alright, looks like everypony is ready." Blitz said.  

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Ariel slowly tried to stand up one more time, fighting her dizziness and spreading her wings to try and keep her unsteady balance. Her ears were still flattened, and she didn't seem to be looking forward to this trip, but she wasn't going to protest it. She wobbled towards Thunder, wanting to be by his side.

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@@Miss Reaper,


(OOC: Going to eat dinner, brb)


Thunder gently picked up Ariel and put her on his back carefully, making sure she wouldn't throw up. "Alright, let's go. We're flying slow for the sake of Ariel." Thunder stated. "So caring..." Celestia said to herself as she followed Thunder out. Blitz, Rainbow and Storm came behind.  

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(OOC: Okay.)


Ariel gave Thunder a little nuzzle before she curled up on his back, resting her head and closing her eyes to try and stave off the dizziness she felt. The dizziness was starting to taper off a little now that she had the chance to rest a bit, and since Thunder was going slow to keep her from getting motion sickness.

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@@Miss Reaper


Thunder slowly took to the skies and headed down to the Everfree Forest. Celestia, Rainbow, Storm and Blitz closely followed behind. "I sure hope Zecora could heal Ariel." Thunder thought to himself as he continued to descend slowly. He soon landed at the entrance of the Everfree. 

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Ariel lifted her head when she felt Thunder landing. Her eyes fixed themselves on the entrance to the Everfree Forest, and she started shivering nervously once more, trying to hide herself behind her tiny wings. She didn't know what to expect from the Everfree, what they would see or encounter within the forest, having heard only bad things about it.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Shhh, it's okay. We're all here for you. Daddy and the others would never let anything happen to you." Thunder stated as he started to walk slowly into the Everfree Forest. As they walked, Thunder heard hissing. He knew it was a snake. "Most snakes are friendly here." Thunder stated. In fact, one slithered right up to him and crawled up his leg. It lightly curled itself around Thunder's neck and just sat there doing nothing, more than enjoying the slow ride. Celestia giggled at this. "They sure are!" She said with a giggle.  

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Ariel's ears flicked up when she heard the hissing, and she froze in place. Her eyes then widened when she saw the snake slithering up Thunder's leg, and she started trembling. While the snake wasn't doing anything to harm anypony, she still stared at the reptile in fear. "Eh... Ah... Waah..." she whimpered, folding her ears as tears formed in her eyes.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Shh, shh. It's okay Ariel. He's not bothering you. Please don't cry." Thunder stated as he continued to walk. The snake turned and looked at Ariel, with no meaning to harm her. He slowly slithered toward her and rested his head on Ariel's hoof. Celestia was right there next to Ariel. "It's okay Ariel. Look, he's friendly." Celestia said.  

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Ariel froze again, letting out a high squeak when she felt the snake resting its head on her hoof. "It's touch- It's touching m-me..." she said, still shivering, though at the same time she was trying to keep herself as still as possible for fear that the reptile might suddenly strike; which was what she was largely expecting, hence her fear.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's okay. It's only resting on you. It won't bite you. Thunder stated. The snake used its tongue to "smell" Ariel. It detected that she wasn't going to harm him, so it slithered on to Ariel and coiled around her back. "See, it likes you." Thunder said. "Indeed it does." Celestia stated.  

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Ariel squealed when she felt the snake's tongue flicking ever so gently against her, unaware that the reptile's tongue was used as part of its sense of smell. "It's tasting me!" she cried, curling herself up tightly into a ball as she trembled, especially as the snake coiled around her. She started whimpering, tears forming in her eyes once more.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"No its not you silly filly! Snakes use their tongues to smell. This is because their nostrils are very weak and cannot smell. Don't worry, he won't eat you." Thunder assured. "That's right Thunder. Snakes are amazing creatures." Celestia stated. Thunder nodded yes.  

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Ariel flicked her ears when she heard that... So it wasn't trying to taste her, after all. At least that was one less thing she had to worry about, but she still wasn't so sure on her opinion of the snake. She turned her head to look at it, finding that it was staring back at her, which again started to unnerve her a little. Its head was close to hers, and its tongue flicked gently against her nose as it whiffed her scent again. She flattened her ears and scrunched her muzzle in response. "Ehh..." she whined as the tears in her eyes started trickling down her cheeks.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Shhhh, it's okay Ariel." Thunder stated. The snake slowly wrapped around Ariel gently, assuring that he wouldn't hurt her. They were close to Zecora's hut. Celestia had lit her horn to keep it a little lit. The snake was still wrapped around Ariel, keeping her warm. Thunder continued to look around. "We're close." He said. 

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Ariel sniffled, hesitantly looking at the snake once more. She trembled as it wrapped around her, but then she finally seemed to notice how... gentle the snake was being. With that realization, she finally started to relax around the snake, no longer so terribly frightened of it.

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