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private A New Future (1x1 RP)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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@@Miss Reaper,


Soon...the time came. The announcer pegasus stepped forward. "Fillies and gentlecolts...the time has come...for today's flight competition!" The announcer stated. The audience cheered loudly. "Todays competition will be simple. The pegasus who performs the best routine according to the judges will be crowned victor!" The announcer said.  

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Ariel's attention was immediately on the announcer pony the moment he started to speak, and tried but failed to contain a little squeal of excitement when she heard that the competition was beginning. This was what she had been looking forward to, and now it was finally happening. She couldn't wait to see the pegasi perform, Thunder especially.

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@@Miss Reaper,


The annoucer called out the first pegasus, a rather young one, who's name was Cloud Split. He slowly rose in the air and started to do basic loops. The judges were impressed, for he was only a foal. However, it was all that he could do. The judges downed his score. He received a 5/10. "Well...gotta teach'em more before you send'em out here..." Storm said to Ariel.  

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Ariel watched the young pegasus, particularly noticing how he didn't seem that much older than herself. She was impressed that he had the courage to come out and participate in the competition, but at the same time she nodded in agreement with what Storm had said - the judges were clearly looking for talent as well as skill; and skill usually came with more experience and some teaching.

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Ariel seemed to quite enjoy the mare's elegant performance, but apparently not everypony was of the same opinion. She folded her ears as she looked around, hearing some of the pegasi booing. "I liked her performance... Why are they booing?" the filly asked, somewhat confused as to why those particular ponies seemed to not like it.

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Ariel looked up at Rainbow for a few moments before she flicked her ears in the direction of the boasting pegasi's voice, turning her head to see its source. She tilted her head slightly when she saw the red pegasus, going on about how he was the greatest. The filly wasn't familiar with the debacle with the "Great and Powerful" Trixie, but she could still tell that this pegasus seemed a little too confident in his own abilities.

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@@Miss Reaper,


The pegasus took to the skies and started with a loop but lost it, nearly crashing into Celestia herself. Rainbow held back a laugh for a sake of Celestia. He then said "That was only the first move! Things will get better!" He said as he flew up. He attempted to corkscrew over a cloud, but wobbled and flew straight into a column. "Ouch...that's gotta hurt." Blitz said. Some laughter from the audience was heard.  

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Ariel watched, seeing how quickly this pegasi's performance had deteriorated into a disaster. So much for being the greatest... she thought to herself. But instead of laughing, she cringed when that pegasus crashed into a column. "Is he gonna be okay?" she asked, mildly concerned. She didn't want to think that this competition could turn out to be dangerous if a pegasus got careless like that; that would make her start worrying for Thunder's safety.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"He'll be fine...but now that he wiped out twice...his pridefulness and confidence levels are going down." Rainbow stated as she continued to watch. The pegasus announced his "last resort", which was a complex move, but a failure yet again. The judges gave him zeroes. He was mad beyond mad and tried to attack one of the judges. But guards were on him and kicked him out. "Serves him right." Storm said. "Pridefulness is not the way to go here." Blitz said.  

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Ariel continued to watch the formerly arrogant pegasus as he tried and failed to salvage his performance. Her eyes widened when she witnessed the pegasus getting angry, starting to quiver when he attempted an attack on one of the judges. Even if it wasn't directed at her, and even though the attack had been thwarted by guards, seeing any pony so angry was frightening to the little filly.

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Ariel jumped up, hovering in the air by fluttering her little wings when she saw Thunder stepping out and cheering as loudly as she could for him. After a few moments, she settled herself down, folding her wings as she would then watch intently. She wanted to see him perform his best; she, too, was hoping that he would earn a perfect score from the judges. She knew he could do it - she believed in him.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder crouched down and gathered some electricity. He then let it out as he sprang into the air, which caused a small explosion of energy. Thunder started with a double loop and a barrel roll. He then pulled a weave technique causing him to pinball off several clouds. He flipped over, sending a large cloud and a few more to the center of the area. "Thunder's gonna pull it off!" Blitz cheered.  

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As soon as she had settled herself down, Ariel sprang up again in excitement the moment Thunder launched himself into the air. "Go, Daddy! You can do it!" she exclaimed, raising her voice to the maximum of its limited volume as she cheered him on with all she had.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder zoomed toward the clouds and folded his wings. He then landed on the clouds on his back. He gathered electricity, and positioned himself as if he were being shot out of a canon. Since he was gathering electricity, the clouds became storm clouds. He then launched out of the clouds with a bang as a halo surrounded Thunder Dash. "He's gonna break it!" Rainbow said happily. 

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Ariel continued watching his performance closely, amazed and in awe of his abilities and skills in flight. And she would have been lying if she had said then that she wasn't at least a little bit jealous of the prowess he showed in the air. Her eyes widened when she saw him gaining speed, her wings stretching out as the anticipation built for whatever it was that he was about to pull off.

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@@Miss Reaper,


...It happened. Thunder broke through the sound barrier as a bright circle of all the colors of the rainbow spread out. A rainbow and electric trail was now behind Thunder Dash. Thunder started drawing a picture of Ariel with it in the air. He then wrote below the picture "Daddy Loves You!" and made a heart shape around the entire thing. He then landed back on the starting place with his wings spread and that confident smile he's known for. 

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Ariel gasped when he broke the sound barrier, staring in awe at the spectacle it produced. Then she tilted her head, continuing to watch as he started to make a picture in the sky, at first wondering what it could be. Then, when she realized what it was, a big smile appeared on her face. The sight made her so happy that it overwhelmed her, tears of joy welling in her eyes and spilling down her cheeks.

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Ariel hugged and nuzzled Rainbow, happy tears continuing to stream down her face. "I knew Daddy could do it... He can do anything!" she proclaimed with a little sniffle. Never had she felt so happy for someone else before; but here, she was as happy as she could possibly be.

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Ariel flicked her ears curiously for a moment when she heard that Thunder struggled with self-doubt. Him? Self-doubt? In her mind, those two things just simply didn't seem to fit together. Either way, the moment they approached Thunder, the little filly sprang off of Rainbow's back, fluttering her wings as she hovered towards him. "Daddy!" she cried happily, opening her arms in anticipation for a hug.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Ariel!" Thunder said standing on his hind legs opening his arms out when Ariel came to him. Rainbow, Storm and Blitz looked. Storm looked at his watch. "Ugh...looks like it's time for me to report to the factory....Thunder! I gotta go!" Storm stated. "Okay Storm! See you this evening!" Thunder called out as he hugged Ariel. 

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