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Private 1x1 roleplay with @Alex Kennedy





Snowdream walked through the streets of Canterlot as the early morning sun was raised by Princess Celestia. The city of Canterlot was starting to awaken, beginning their daily routines. After a quick breakfast at one of the cheaper cafes in the over priced city, Snowdream was ready to begin her day. 


Not being a morning pony, her ever present smile was somewhat lacking, as she traversed through the streets with a tired frown, she almost looked like she fitted in to the Canterlot society. Almost. Snowdream had never really fitted into Canterlot society, although it had been her home now for many years. No, her mane was always a little to wild, and she always looked a little to bright and cheery...


As the sun moved it's way across the sky, Snowdream's tiredness lifted, and the real her began to show.


"Morning!" The cyan mare said to the librarian as she returned a book (that was probably a bit more than overdue, seeings as she had borrowed it about a year ago) and borrowed a new one. Without even a grunt of acknowledgment the librarian processed the book and gave her a disapproving scowl.


Snowdream left the library still in higher spirits than most ponies around her, and after carelessly dumping the newly borrowed book into her saddlebag, continued on her way.

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Rambler had long had a love/hate relationship with the city of Canterlot. It had plenty of breathtaking sites, and if you knew where to find it, the nightlife was pretty good, but on the other hoof, much of the city was surprisingly dull and rather unpleasant. He would never understand how all the high-class ponies could stand it. Still, for whatever reason, he kept coming back there on his never-ending travels across Equestria, and today he had returned there again for the umpteenth time.


He was wandering the streets aimlessly, looking for something to do, when he noticed a mare walking on the other side of the street with an attitude that was unusually pleasant for Canterlot, and who, perhaps more importantly, didn't seem to have the same air of superiority that most of the upper crust in the city had. Never being one to pass up the opportunity to meet an attractive mare, Rambler walked across the street and approached her.


"Excuse me, but I can't help but notice that you seem to be just about the only pony in the whole city who isn't either incredibly gloomy or insufferably arrogant. I think you deserve to be congratulated for that."

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Snowdream heard somepony talking to her and stopped to listen.


"Congratulated? No, I just don't see the point in living life with a constant frown, nothing to be congratulated on though." She said with a slight giggle.


"My names Snowdream" she said, extending a hoof.


((OOC: sorry for crappy post, don't have much time, guests arriving in three minutes! XD))

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((No problem, it was fine. And anyway, I am myself a guest at someone else's house now, so I guess it balances out.))


"Rambler." He shook her hoof and smiled, happy to have met at least one likable person in this city. "Hey, uh... this is kind of sudden, but would you like to go grab a quick brunch with me or something? I haven't eaten yet today, and having some pleasant company might make all the frowning faces almost tolerable."

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"Sure, why not!" Snowdream smiled at Rambler.


'Even though I know absolutely nothing about him, I still like him more than any other ponies in Canterlot' she thought to herself as she surveyed he many frowns and grimaces on the faces of the Canterlot locals.

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Rambler smiled back. "Oh, and I just want to clarify straight away that I'm paying for it and I'll hear no argument to the contrary. It goes against everything I believe in to go out to eat with a mare and have them pay for themselves, even if it's just a friendly meal with somepony I just met."

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((In retrospect, this should have been in my last post. So... yeah, I'm going to break standard etiquette and double post real quick.))


Rambler led her down the street to a somewhat upscale restaurant, talking and trying to get to know her along the way. "So I take it you're not native to this city, are you? You're far too cheery and agreeable for that."

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Seeing no way to convince Rambler that she should pay for her own meal, she went along with him.


"Well, originally I am from Phillydelphia, but I moved here to study at Celestias school for gifted unicorns, and I never ended up moving after that. I mean, I hate Canterlot, but it's home." She replied with a shrug

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Rambler chuckled for a bit at that. "It's funny, I'm pretty much the opposite. I was born in a small town called Stallionshire originally- I doubt you'd have heard of it, it's far off and not really very significant- but I've been traveling around pretty much constantly ever since I could walk. I can't really imagine getting so attached to a place that I wouldn't be able to leave. Of course, being attached to a pony, that's something else. Maybe if I found the right mare I could be convinced to stay in one place. Maybe."


He held the door open for her as they entered a restaurant. "So, you're gifted, are you? I never really had the patience for school. Too distracted by wanderlust. And also regular lust, I suppose, but that's hardly appropriate conversation, is it? Anyway, I got a basic education, of course, but I mostly learned by picking things up as I travel. I guess you could say I'm more street-smart than book-smart."

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"Let's say I'm the opposite, more book-smart than street. I'd hardly say I'm 'gifted' I just enjoy learning about magic, but that's about the only thing I studied, well the only thing I enjoyed. But gifted? No I don't really think that I fit into that category."she said feeling embarrassed


'why couldn't I have just studied at a normal school, I must sound so obnoxious!' Snowdream thought to herself

Edited by Snowdream
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Rambler shook his head. "Hey, it's not like you need to get embarrassed about it or anything. If you're smart, you're smart. I know not every pony who tries gets into that school. You should be proud that you did. Anyway, sorry to change the subject, but it's been ages since I had a proper sit-down meal. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should order?" As he said this he was looking at the menu like it was some sort of strange foreign object.

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"I have absolutely no idea. I can't even decide what i should get for myself! I don't eat out often, don't really have anyone to do so with, and dining alone is never fun." She said staring at the menu and its many delicious sounding meals.


"Wow. Who knew that ordering food was so hard?" She giggled, "hm.... Since I have no idea, I'll have what you're having! There, now I don't have to choose" she said cheekily

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Rambler chuckled. "Fine, but if I pick something bad, you're going down in flames with me. And just a warning, you might find yourself regretting this decision, especially if you're concerned with your waistline. I don't eat light." He studied the menu and eventually flagged down a waiter to order. "I'll have a large stack of haycakes with extra syrup, a side order of fried daffodils, and a bloody mary, please." It was too early to drink for most people, but not Rambler.

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"I'll have the same please, except I'll have water instead of a Bloody Mary." Snowdream said to the waiter as they took down the order.


"Honestly, how could you drink at this hour?" Snowdream asked Rambler, not sure is she should be amazed or worried about the stallions strange choice.

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Again, Rambler chuckled. "I can drink at any hour. I come from a family of very heavy drinkers. Hell, a whole town of heavy drinkers, really. We know how to have a good time back in Stallionshire, and we don't mind starting early. But for the record, this much alcohol is nothing to me anyway. I'd have to drink three or four to get even the slightest buzz. I'm not an alcoholic, mind you- I can go weeks without drinking, and often do when I'm traveling a lot- but I like a good drink." 

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