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open Hearts and Hooves Day (Romance/Adventure)


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Hearts and Hooves Day; The day of love and excitement. Also the day of broken hearts and tears. The Sweet Treat Family were amazed at how much Ponyville celebrated said holiday. Of course, the parents of the Sweet Treat family are planning for their day alone, but that leaves all four of the kids. The youngest aren't too interested in love, and the oldest stallion is too busy working with the Thunderbolts to care much, but Plum Frosting is excited. For the first time in forever, she would get a chance to be noticed by somepony. 


Early in the morning, she trotted into Ponyville and got the ice cream parlor ready. She was actually kind of glad to be working at such a place that day. It gave her an advantage and she would get to see all the lovey-dovey things ponies did with and for each other. She happily slipped on an apron and checked to make sure none of the ice cream had freezer burn. 


"This is it!" She squealed softly, looking at herself in the mirror. "I finally have a chance to be noticed."

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Flame Stryke was a pegasus who was on a cloud wanting to ignore the lovey dovey decided to drop on down and head to the ice cream parlor. "Isn't like I'll meet anypony here...I'll just spend time alone...like I a-" Flame stopped as he almost ran into the door.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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