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open House of Horrors


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You wake in a musty room. Only a single door stands before you in the wooden room. You are alone with no indication of how you arrived. A lone light hangs above you emitting a dull glow. The door in front of you is unlocked. You've got to get out of here. You've got a bad feeling about this...



Atlas opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" He slowly dragged himself to his feet. He began to retrace his steps. He was in the Griffon Kingdom then... then what? He couldn't remember anything after that... 

"This is going to be one of those day's isn't it?" He approached the door and pushed it open.



Hunter shot up. "What's going on?" He was last on the road to Canterlot. "Where's my pack?!" All his supplies were gone. "Did they find me? Have I been found out?" He thought aloud. No... They would have gutted me on the spot...

He looked at the door. "Only one way out"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Galatea awoke with a jolt, immediately sensing that something was amiss as her eyes snapped open. Then she sat up, slowly looking around and surveying her surroundings. There clearly wasn't much to this room - but the strange part was, how did she end up here? Where even was 'here'? The mare knew that there was only one way to find out, and it was waiting outside that door.


She didn't like the feeling she had as she approached the door. Something seemed terribly uncanny about this place... But she couldn't let that stop her. Never before had she let a bad feeling stop her before. Of course, sometimes that led her into trouble; but other times, it led to something great. And she had to satisfy her ever-burning curiosity. So she pushed through the door, thinking that she was prepared to face whatever awaited her on the other side.

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"What is this place?" Plum Frosting blinked the fuzziness away from her eyes and stood up.


She trotted over to the door and nudged it, only to have it swing open slowly. Tentatively, she stepped out and looked around at the place she was in. She didn't like the looks of it. 

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Seth clamped his eyes shut as he began to feel the real would surround him. Slowly standing from his blissful sleep, he opened his eyes to see his room. Except, it wasn't his room. It was a wooden room, but not his. Slowly looking around, the wolf's mind began to recall the recent events that played out. 


He was at home, sitting by the fire. He had grabbed a book from the shelf for his nightly read, ad most likely fell asleep while reading.


That didn't answer the question on why the devil he was here. If anything, it raised more. His eyes rested on the door. Slowly stepping towards it, he began to growl in displeasure. "Whoever tossed me into this place is going to find it a hard time staying alive when I come across them..." He growled to himself.

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