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Silver gave Re a look and then she turned to Sunset, and then once more to Re, then she spoke. 


"No, it would not excuse you crisping my "comrades". But, it will have me not kill you here and now... Don't expect forgiveness.


Sunset just gave both of them a look, he didn't like Re for what he did, but he was part of the organization. He did have mixed feelings, but that was just once in a while when he thought of the rescue. He turned back to Whisper. 


"Well, the Lord Commander announced him part of the Syndicate, as much as I don't like him either, he is still a brother in arms. " 


Out of nowhere, as if called the Lord Commander teleported in, and the duo bowed. First the Commander looked at the mare. 


"Ah, Silver Whisper. I got the news you returned. I must say I thought you were dead. But it is good we have another decent fighter on our side.


Then, he turned to Sunset. 


"Sunset Sands, nice to see you here too. I hope you are ready for what is to come. " Sunset nodded. "Good.


Then, he turned to Re.


"Re, as much as I am glad to see one of my captains alive. You did act without orders, and could have ruined the original saving operation we had. Good thing both of them joined in and worked out without sounding a alarm. But for the future if you wish to prove yourself then don't take up solo dangerous missions.

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Grell had been following silver and teleported in to the room with nothing but his cloak on he had a defensive stance "I'm not here to fight you I simply wish to join you " grell said "I saved silver during that little mess and then followed her here so what do I have to do to join kill a high ranking target spar your best fighter?" grell asked

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"On my resume, it says 'doesn't play well with others' but I can manage to do away with that, Lord commander." Mister Re did a curtsy rather than a bow, seeing his leader still as an equal. "My, my, my. There are quite a lot of things busting in here. First a commander and now this pony that healed some of my wounds."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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The commander raised an eyebrow at Grell. 


"Oh great, another one. We are at a turning tide, so, any recruit will do fine. But, you shall not be given access to the armory yet, I don't trust you enough. " 


A letter materialized in front of him and grabbing it with his hoof he quickly opened it with magic and read it in secrecy. 


"Well, looks like you won't get much rest.  One of our garrisons in the Celestial district is under attack. Silver Whisper, I am granting you the rank of captain. You may stay under Sunset as 2iC of his squad or make your own. "


"I will - hmm " she took a moment to think about it, she looked at Sunset who as much as tried and stay positive and act proud of the comrade it was clear that he was not that happy with the situation. "I will stay with Sunset. " 


"Alright, in that case... Sunset, your team is up to help the garrison. You will get two additional members... Re and some other soldiers... and no, not Grell, he gets trials and maybe training. " He teleported away in a cloud of magic. 


Sunset felt a bit better, but still not that good. Now that Silver was Captain she is more of a target. Now that just after their meeting he will be risking her life again was not a good thought. 


Remembering Grells presence and introduction he quickly turned to the pony and gave him a small bow. 

"I am very grateful for what you did. You have my debt. " 


Getting on a box he turned to his squad that was in one spot close to where everyone was. 


In it was himself, Silver Whisper, Re, two unicorn stallions and one mare. And two pegasi. 


"Right, lets make it 10 minutes. Gather all supplies and regroup here. Check your equipment or go to the armory." 


He didn't even have to say "move it" and most were already on their way. 

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Grell nodded "that's alright I prefer magic anyways" grell said "anyways send me where you like so long as I will be near the higher ups or the ones that kill the most, I smell the death on their souls and it's a smell I've longed for" grell said summoning his scythe and placing it on his back grell smirked "I'll remember that you owe me I may have something I need done soon" grell said

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Creepy..." Re said to Grell. "Still saved my life though."




He smiled as he put on a cloak and dagger, the last thing he would put on would be his mask. Before that, he looked to Silver with familiarity. She reminded him of his wife.


"Silver, you remind me of some pony I know. My wife..." Mister Re spoke no more as he wore a mask, his kind demeanor vanished and were replaced with empty films. He met up with Sunset as shadow of a colt: a soldier.

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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[silver is a SHE xD Not sure if those were just mistakes in the post, but I am pointing that out.]


Silver turned to Re while getting ready. 


"Well, that is... a compliment? " She got interested, she didn't know much of Re other then the wanted posters told her. 


Before she got a chance to continue the rest of the team was ready to move. And reported in. 


____________[Minutes Later]______________


Sunset was dashing on the rooftops. Below battles raged on the streets, but on the rooftops even tho there were many representatives of both sides, none engaged. The pegasi flying above or scouts on rooftops payed little care to the others on top, this was an unofficial neutral zone, none of the sides really knew why. 


Jumping over a gap between houses Sunset heard fighting. Getting on this roof meant he entered the Celestial district, a middle class district that the Syndicate claimed easily. Most of this parts garrison joined up with the rebels not wanting to fight for the corrupt government. The others were simply shipped off to the district border disarmed and dis-armored. 


Going to the edge of the rooftop he noticed the rest of the team behind him. Below was a battle for a simply fortified small garrison. The Guards were pushing on the barricaded inside a building defenders. Most of the defense was made of militia, strengthened and led by Syndicate assassins. But the attacking side had an alike proportion, new recruit militia and a couple of veterans and normal guards.  

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Mister Re, like the silence of the stalemate, was still. His eyes focused on the support beams on the other side. All these houses had suffered from riot damage and quarantine attempts. Garrison would be no use if basis of their supports fell. He was formulating a plan to break these garrisons, with something... something pressurized. We could use boilers to break these petty walls. Many of these abandoned houses had boilers due to their rich nature. Re knew that for sure.


"Sunset, We should set up a way to break down these garrisons. I suggest exploiting the boiler rooms here, here and here." Re pointed onto the map three adjacent houses. "I can rig these to explode and provide an opening. I just need two others to rig the rest."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Dear Re, these garrisons belong to us. Out job is to defend them. " 


He waved his hoof in a signal and teleported down into a pile of guards. As much as it was a surprise he missed his first target. More assassins came all around him. From the barricades charged friendly miltia, suddenly turning the tide as the guards were being slaughtered. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"I must've been reading the map upside down..." Re adjusted his plain view of the map to the right posisiton. "Oh well."


Mister Re was sick now, for a moment. Something inside told him that he did this before, a mongrel of experience: an immortal. It was high time to end this, it told him. Re prepared his weapons and sprinted from roof to roof.


"War, it is now and will end now." He dived into a group of guards.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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  • 3 weeks later...



Dodge, swing, blocked, parry, attack, dodge, swing, pass through enemy defensive stance and cut them, repeat. This was all he was thinking of right now, he didn't bother with details, he just let his blade carry him in battle. Between the last 4 seconds he managed to kill 3 guards and was not showing any promise of stopping. 


At the moment the small combatant team was blocking off the enemy from assaulting any further, the previous defenders were thrilled that they could get a little breather, but soon enough they joined back into the battle. 


Tides turned quickly, and soon the enemy was in retreat, if they continued further they would have won, but at the expense of way too many of their own soldiers lives that they could bare loose. 


It all seemed too easy, and looking up at the distant rooftops he found why. The Grand Marshal stood there, investigating the situation. The next thing he saw was explosions everywhere. The ground suddenly started crumbling and the road tore in half claiming many along with it. 


"They blew up the sewers below us! We need to regroup and get the wounded away before the enemy gets to them first! Captain, can you hold them off?" One of the defender high ranks called.


"I can do my best" Sunset spoke back. Preparing his blade.


Most of his squad was still intact, they only lost one pegasus, one that he didn't really get to know much before now, but he still felt attached to his team mates death, since he was entrusted to him and he bore the responsibility for the lives of his team mates. 


" Silver, Re, on me. Others, spread out, go to the rooftops and await my signal. You know the procedure. " 


He stood by the collapsed part of the street and looked at the regrouping enemy. Soon, they charged blindly following the given order. 


About 30 guards were charging on one side of the street. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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