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"Sorry." Thunder said into Kaymen's mind. Thunder then faced Daring and zapped her with a render spell. The foe countered back but Thunder overwhelmed him. Daring was temporaily freed from the spell as he the foe vanished. "Wh...what happened?" She asked. "You were possessed by this evil mist while we were trying to recover a crystal that you were supposed to recover." Thunder explained. "Come on! We don't have much time." Thunder stated.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash

Kaymen realized something and stopped before he reached the castle "wait....there's no reason I have to do this alone...." He reached to his right and pulled a white strip from nowhere that was back at the castle with thunder and do. His head seems to come from nowhere "oh, hey guys, good you freed her again...anyway, come on, let's do this together! Let's hurry before that thing comes back" (ooc:sorry, I like channeling pinkies fourth wall shenanigans)

Edited by Kaymenblooblood

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"Ok!" Daring said as she and Thunder started to run. "That guy's been messing with my head all day! Glad I've got some time to get away from him." Daring stated. "Who is that guy anyway?" Thunder asked. "He wants the stone so he could melt the world and rebuild it as his own kingdom." Daring answered.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash

"Alright, I already made it half way there, it's just over there" kaymen points over to the other castle "let's hurry before that thing figures out what just happened....I'm not entirely sure myself, it is a-- nevermind, let's go" kaymen started flying towards the castle as fast as he could

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Daring ran as fast as she could. Thunder flew above the two running ponies. Little did they know that the mist was planning to meet them at the castle. They soon arrived and just as Thunder was about to open the door...the mist erupted from behind them. It let out an evil laugh. "Thought you had it didn't you?" It asked as it tried to get Daring back on his side. Daring fought really hard.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash

((Ooc:I thought I was flying...)) "grr....this thing is fast" he tried to think of something to keep it at bay but to no avail "damn this comic is hard...." All he could think is try to blow the thing away, so he flapped his wings as hard as he could to try and blow it away from them

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The mist didn't budge anywhere. "That's not gonna work. What will work, is you know what." Thunder stated as he grabbed the stone and flew into the castle quickly. The mist went after Thunder. "Quick! After them!" Daring shouted to Kaymen as she took pursuit.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash

Kaymen fell forward as the crystal was yanked from his hoof "oof! Hey! Where are you going!?" He noticed do had gone on ahead, so he decide to fly after them "I thought we were supposed to do this together!" Kaymen was so far behind he had lost track of the others, and stopped "um...hello? "

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