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This will be in script mode and anypony can join that makes things fun but remember this is kind of an opposite world and instead of seeing Pinkie you'd see Berry and most of the background ponies would be stallions here's kind of an example and oh yeah you have to use your OC. Here's something to get started.

PokeBolter: Aw man I can't believe Solaris made a me a colt and now I can't even return to be my human self agan.

Silver Belle: But then again he doesn't want you dooming anymore ponies and you have to stay here to learn the power of friendship.

Bubble Berry: Hey guys are you going to still do my prank?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?!

PokeBolter: Oh yeah we still have to do that for a "friend" right Silver.

Silver Belle: Are you sure you're not going to treat him horribly because Solaris is trying to teach you a leason?

PokeBolter: When we were in the other dimension still we owed Pinkie a prank so now we owe Berry let's just do it. Here's the plan we stick dynamight in all of his balloons during his next party and also the cake/cupcakes will be a trap also.

Silver Belle: Ok but let's go dude I mean Berry's party begins in one hour!

(So then they head on over to the Sugarcube corner party store)

PokeBolter: Ok we need all the balloons we can get and fast too Berry's party begijns in one hour!

(Then the clerk turns around revealing Bubble Berry)

Bubble Berry: Silly colt this is just my first prank but you want balloons here's a giant amount of them over there I think there's around 2,014.

PokeBolter: Thanks Berry, wait how much will these cost?

Bubble Berry: Nothing as long as the prank is good.

(Then PokeBolter and Silver Belle left the party store)

Silver Belle: So what's next?

PokeBolter: I guess the 2,014 sticks of dynamite and of course a lighter.

(So then they went to the Boom Boom Fireworks tent)

Silver Belle: I got this just wait outside with the balloons dude.

PokeBolter: Ugh, fine!

(Then Siver Belle went into the shop)

Silver Belle: Hey sir can I have a bunch of dynamite?

Bubble Berry: Of course how much do you need and when's the prank gonna be ready for your friend Bubble Berry?

Silver Belle: I need 2,014 sticks and I don't know what Bubble..wait?! Are you Bubble Berry?

Bubble Berry: I sure am Silver Belle the dynamite's over there in the crate and see ya at my party at Sugarcube Corner.

Silver Belle: See ya?

(Then he left the store)

Hey PokeBolter where are we gonna get a cake?

PokeBolter: There's already one at the party all we've gotta do is put the dynamite into it as candles now lets go.

(At Bubble Berry's party)

Bubble Berry; Aw man I can't wait for PokeBolter and Sivler Belle to come with the balloons, dynamite, and the prank.

RainboBlitz: Wait Berry you want to be pranked?

Bubble Berry: Absolutly positivitly it shoudl happen in 3..2..


PokeBolter: Aw sweet, all the balloons are blown up.

Silver Belle: Same thing for all of the dynamite lit!

PokeBolter:Wait, WHAT?! We have to put this inside fast?

Bubble Berry: 1!!!!!!!

(Then the dynamite exploded causing the party to be a total mess and bust)

Bubble Berry: Goodjob guys now that party was a total explosion of FUN!

That's what I mean so just have fun and if you need names just comment.

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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Cassidia: *sees wreckage* What happened here?


Rilea: Whatever happened, it looks fun!


Clement: *shys away whimpering*


Aidan: Hey, Rilea, wanna go crazy?


Rilea: You betcha, handsome.


Aidan: What?


Rilea: N-nothing! *blushes*


Rilea and Aidan set to work, flipping over tables and throwing snacks.

OCs: RileyAnala

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