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The beginning.

Twilight Circuits




There seems to be some ponies that have a fascination and curiosity with not only my way of thinking, but the nature of my way of being. It's almost as if there's a silent, but somehow notable essence that asks the question; Who are you TwilightCircuits? My fellow bronies, ponies, pegasisters, whomever you may be... I study the Law of Attraction. What is that? How did I learn it? What do I believe in? Will you teach me what you've learned? What does this have to do with the Power of Love? Speaking of those, what are all these powers and laws and stuff anyway? Where did you get the scripture idea from anyway? For crying out loud will you tell me!?


Ponies, relax. All things happen at the right moment in time for a reason. As such, so too will be the questions that get answered. I think it should it start with, the day I hit rock bottom...


A long time ago, or at least it seems that way for me, I was heading to work. That day though was not born of good tidings. There comes a point in every pony's life that begs the question; Is this really the best I can do? And not only that, is this really all there is to life? I was driving a half dead old pickup truck. I was working a job I hated in a field of work i hated, I was living with my mother at the age of thirty. I was making little money. That was when it all hit me. This was it. This was the best I could do after all of the things I had learned in life. That day, I cried. I'm not afraid to admit this. I've cried many times on my journey to discover the power of love and the law of attraction. It's actually a very healthy form of emotional release no matter who you are. However.... Let's not mistake healing crying for crying from despair. There is a big difference of which I will teach you much later. For now, let's continue my story.


But something also went click. I told myself "No." Yep. No. No... No way. Uh uh... I can't.. I just can't.... No.... This can't be it... where did I go wrong?... this just can't be all there is... Well... That's it... In 2007 everything changes! New car, new job, I'm going to dress better... I'm just going to BE better. Then I blew my nose, and continued on to work.


Now, what happened? What clicked? Why did it click? What lead to the clicking inside my head? You know, I have never thought about it until a couple months before this writing. I know the answer today but to tell you now would totally ruin everything. And I don't like ruining surprises. After all, patience is one of the most rewarding virtues in the power of love. Huh? What? Patience and the power of love? I know I know, you're thinking "Twilight... what in Celestia's name are you talking about?" Well, some of you are probably reading this right now because of an event in the future. When that event happens, people of all kinds are going to want to know the story of TwilightCircuits. What event? Why, the ones the come after me writing this of course. By being aware that you are reading this right now while you're in the future and I am in the past while i write these words is an astounding way to write things and communicate. I don't know what date it is your reading this. It 'll be a completely different time for every pony. Yes, I said pony. No matter how many ponies read this, no two ponies will ever possibly read this at the exact same time. The tiniest sliver of time and the pace of perception are completely different for every pony. The funny part about what i just said is, because you live in the present and are reading this in the present instead of pretending you're reading this in the past, some of what I say won't make any sense at all. But I said I knew the law of attraction. There fore, it would imply I know whom is reading these words right now. That also means i already knew how you would get here to read these words. But depending on whom you are, the meaning of those words are going to be completely different. That's right. I knew you would be reading this right now. Why because of this thing called inevitability. Meaning, something happens that is always inevitable. What can happen, will happen. What will happen depends on choice. Choice is based on polarity. If you're here for the first time, don't worry, it'll all be explained in due time. If you're here for the second or more time. Welcome back! Didn't see that coming did ya! Are you ready to pay attention yet? It's like i've already said what feels like a million times; I tried. I tried my best and gave it all I got, but you bronies reading this for the first time are only seeing it just getting started. That probably sounds kinda crazy but I can assure a truer statement could not be made.

So yeah, like I was saying welcome back. Now, the problem I obviously have is whom do I talk to first? You in the coming months ahead? You in the coming year ahead? Or heck, how about you from like, I don't know, 2 years in the future. Yeah i know, i could pick any number i wanted. I picked those. When it clicks inside your head that I said i was knew the law of attraction, I'd like to say "Hi, I'm TwilightCircuits! You don't know me yet, but you will. Just wait! This is going to be awesome!"

Now, any of you might be thinking; Twilight... I say again; "What in Celestia's name are you writing here...?" Hahahahaha! That's an excellent question. But it depends on whos asking the question now doesn't it? You a few months from now after this was posted, or you from two years from now? Now if your saying that isn't that long Twilight I would agree! That's what makes this so awesome! You see, some of you are reading this because of some video's that I made, some of you are reading this because I mention the power of love sometime in the future, and some of you just learned that I have a video series that's coming out. Hahaaaa! If that doesn't bake your brain I hope you brought popcorn, or the popcorn you had is or was excellent! See what I did there? I'm still laughing cause this is so easy. It's almost like, who should i say something to first? It could be anybody I want! I could literally pick any person on the face of the earth and say something to them right now and that would probably make their head implode. Curiosity getting the better or got the better of you did it? Hmmmm... It's a good thing I chose not to mention any names. Why? Oh simple. The true nature of the Power of Choice is to completely understand who will actually be reading this. Did you really think this was some random mumbling and bumbling tom foolery? If that was the case, why would I imply you are all from different time periods in the first place? Easy, because I know that is true. And now you do to. See? That wasn't so hard was it?

But i haven't forgotten. No. You must be wondering... Why would people come back and re-read the same thing? Or what's the time significance? Actually it's quite simple really. You see I know how the mind works, and because i know how it works, I can anticipate certain things. The first one being your awareness level. You see, some of you here for the first time all have different levels of awareness. Those of you here for the second time, a much bigger level of awareness. But man, those of you two years from now (or is it three? I don't know it's kindna fuzzy) HAHAAAAAA! What does that mean? All it means is that where ever your life is right now, you can come back at another point in your life, and read this very blog to find and discover answer. Well, to understand that, we need to understand harmony. Which is why i wrote the scripture. Now, technically, i didn't write the scripture. I just thought of it and wrote it down. See, it came to me in the form of an idea and all i did was write it down and share it with the world. So here it is: Once upon a time, love came to the earth. Thus, came the love of creation, and there was harmony. Together, thy understoodeth light, and dark. Thus, harmony layeth over the land. But thou hadst toucheth darkness, and grew to be resentful. Thus Discord belayeth a pony. For Discord take awayeth the love of thy craft. Thus, a pony loseth all love for their craft. Thus, a pony refuseth love. Thus, a pony learneth hate. Thus, a pony seeketh revenge. Thus, a pony darketh the earth. So Twilight teacheth the elements of harmony. For Twilight balanced the discord within. Thus, peace, love, and harmony be restored. So Twilight sayeth to thy little pony: I used to wonder... What could friendship mean? Until you, all shared it's magic with me. It's having adventure. It's having fun. It's having a beautiful heart. It's being faithful and strong. It's sharing kindness, as it is free to give. And like magic, you'll feel loved.My Little Pony, Didn't you know? That makes us best friends. For Twilight sayeth: Judgeth not, a pony that loveth their craft. For that pony understandeth love. As there is always time to socialize. For a pony must remember: The elements of harmony still dwelleth within. If thy pony learneth to reach high, Haste in thy persistence will grant thee a gift. For the pony learneth the truth, And the pony shall receive love, As all, are never lost.

Yep. We're back to that. You see, i know that some of you will be reading that for the first time. I hope you loved reading it as much as I loved writing it. But those of you from the future read that all differently didn't you? Some of you probably already find this rather creepy and kinda wish i'd get out of your head! Well, you know I think that might be a good idea. Goodbye my little pony. See you next entry! *(\




00:00-03:00 Message for the Beast (HornHeads): I Don't Give a F*** Tonight

06:36-09:03 Message for Bronies only

13:33 -14:13 Message for everyone on the planet

17:46-18:36 Message to Bronies from Celestia and Luna

21:33-23:46 Message for All Religions

26:36-28:11 Message for All Religions

33:03-33:33 Message for the Beast (Hornheads)

34:50-37:02 Message for the Illuminati

38:36-39:33 My message to bronies

42:22-43:36 Message to bronies from Celestia and Luna

45:03-46:11 Message to bronies from Celestia and Luna

55:32-56:11 Somepony translate the german please

  • Brohoof 5


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I hate walls of text. If you have a message you want to tell, don't beat around the bush telling it.


Not saying in the least that the message you want to tell isn't worth telling, just saying....


Justify the message you want to convey with good writing.


You'll grab a bigger following that way.


*off to judge other entries*

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