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A Necessary Decision

There comes a point in your life where changes need to be made and for me, that time is now. To say that I'm dissatisfied with how my life is right now would be putting it lightly and this has to change. One of the changes that needs to be made is getting rid of distractions and not replace them with something else. That said, I'm going to be leaving the MLP fanbase behind. Since I'm friends with a few bronies, I'll keep up with the show for their sake since cutting ties with them would be



A Framework For Developing Spike's Character

So this came on the heels of the latest episode Princess Spike as well as seeing some comments -- be it here from people posting about it or from reviewers.   First off, I have to say that I feel for the fans of Spike who wish to see him develop and become a decent character instead of constantly being the butt of tired old jokes. These are the people who see potential in him and I've seen some pretty expansive interpretations that go into some fine detail, essentially cementing him as the sev



Trust and Confidence

There are many things that can define a friendship and even a relationship but for this particular subject, I'd like to focus on these two things.   In the context of friendship, when you trust someone, you would feel OK with talking about sensitive subjects and even share secrets. This is about being able to talk about difficult things and counting on them to always hold your best interest at heart. Not only that, you also count on those you trust not to throw you under the bus. The former yo



Finding Your Place in a Community

This really has to be a messy topic...   Some people end up becoming popular, others don't. Some people are well-received, others not so much. I've come across people who wish they were popular on forums or just feel sidelined and I've also seen a pattern in some of the more popular users. Just to make this clear, I'm drawing upon all my years of having been on diverse forums including but not limited to pony-related ones.   Finding your place in a community can be is very difficult because




Tsk. I remember back when I came into the fandom with enthusiasm and inspiration. I'm not going to go into what happened but lately I've been going back to where I was. See, it took more than just the show to really touch me. Had it appeared at a different point in my life, it'd be more likely that I'd have just brushed it to the side without giving it a chance just like I did when my then-gf brought up to me that the thing went viral on 4chan.   So what else was there when I had heard about t



The Newly Chosen Path

I have to say that my run in the brony fandom has proven quite interesting and to be quite frank, I can't help but wonder how I'll look back on this part of my life years, even decades from now. Of course, there's more going on now than just being part of this fandom. It was the beginning of the second year of college when I got into the show and subsequently the brony fandom. I feel like I'm repeating myself when I say that it's been a peculiar ride but it's just as true now as it was when I sp



Problems of the Brony Utopia: Resignation

So, there is this ideal that we've all seen at least at some point. Friendship, Love & Tolerance, whatever you wish to call it. Some cling to this ideal while others have grown weary of it or have become jaded.   So what's going on right now? Well, the fandom is very much divided and bronies tend to be more passionate than for their own good. Bronies also tend to be needy and may have an insatiable appetite for attention. There's also this stereotype flying around that emotional instabilit



Friendship is Myopic

Having been a brony for 3 years now and having been to a few brony communities including MLP Forums, I got the chance to see things. I've met different kinds of people in this fandom and the focal point for this conversation being the ideals that certain bronies work towards. I'm sure you can recall at least someone who has been transformed because of the show by its message of friendship and harmony.   That message is the vision which the more passionate bronies tend work to carry out but whe



Taming Erythema - Evolution of a Personification

Alright, this is a continuation of something I wrote about a different time but this time it's about how things have changed or developed from there. For what this conversation concerns, Erythema is an OC of mine who was originally intended to be just a rule 63 of SunBurn for RPs where being a female would be better. She was expected to have an identical personality to SunBurn but the opposite happened. I've been seeing her as an alter ego of myself where I've been trying to understand her bette



Taming Erythema

(Man, I haven't made an entry in this blog in a while)   This is something that was mentioned in a status update. This also comes from a thread I made in the Life Advice section. In the blog entry, I'm going to elaborate on these things. For those unfamiliar with what I'm talking about so far, I'll put up the background for you -- at least so far as this particular conversation requires.   Who is Erythema? An OC of mine/ Originally intended as a rule 63 (gender-flipped) SunBurn who himself i



World of Media and Boredom

Something that's been on my mind more and more. Something that certainly applies to myself and probably applies to many others. It seems like everything's about keeping the mind occupied; always on the hunt for something interesting or amusing. With technology at the caliber it is now, media are pretty much everywhere; almost inescapable. The access to entertainment be it in the form of music, movies, tv shows, visual, sports, gossip, video games, etc. is simply unparalleled in human history. So



A Temporary Feeling Of... Childhood

This morning was weird... It felt like I was back in the 90s when all seemed beautiful and simple with the world. The air felt unusually brisk, the sunlight itself almost felt alive... When in nostalgia, I remember mornings at my grandmother's house. I felt that same brisk air and living light as if the world was smiling down on me.   I found myself thinking about how I'm going to live the rest of my life. What the inside kept telling me is that the fast-paced corporate life isn't for me but w



Clearing Your Mind And The Importance Of Context

So... Took a small break from things to collect myself. Recent events on another pony forums has still been plaguing me but now I can at least say that I'm STARTING to put it behind me despite the emotional investment I had made there. To summarize what I'm going to be talking about, I'll say that I really locked myself and my thoughts in this bubble that had been shrinking more and more. While I won't go into detail as to what kind of "threat" I was getting so worked up about, I will say what s



Parenting the needy

This is likely something to be totally out of the left field for most of you so a little disclaimer is in order. I'm not here to tell you what to think and I'm not pointing any fingers. Or hooves, whichever makes it clearer, I suppose. Alright then...   Alright, so what does the title mean? By "the needy" I'm talking about those in need who you could say are pretty desperate for supportiveness that they haven't been getting in the real world for some reason or another. OK now about what I mean




I've literally been under the rays when the re-alignment or re-orientation started happening. Not only was I under the tropical heat and sun of my homeland but I was also surrounded by the ambience of cacti, red soil and other dried plants. There's something about letting my skin slowly burn under ultraviolet radiation as well as being in a desolate environment removed from civilization that gets me to re-orient my thoughts like the fixing of a compass.   So... What thoughts went through my m



An experiment I used to do

This happened back at a different pony forums, the one I've come to feel alienated with and have fled to here. What I attempted to do was to open up vulnerably, letting out my thoughts and feelings and see what would happen.   Well, things seem to have been going well early on as some seem to have admired that openness and self-honesty. What I learned about myself is that I'm much more sensitive than I ever thought I was though I guess that was to be expected. For a time, it did calm my nerves



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